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#39 - Priests, Part 2
"O extraordinary marvel, O unspeakable power, O awe-inspiring mystery of the priesthood! O spiritual, sacred, august, and blameless office that Christ after His coming left to us unworthy ones!" - St. Ephraem, The Priesthood
"Priests in the houses of My Son, why
do you waste your time trying to disprove My warnings to the world? You are rationalizing
My supernatural manifestations. Pride and arrogance have set many onto the road to
destruction, soul destruction." - Our Lady, December 24, 1974
"Pastors, you must now do great
penance. Get down on your knees. Humility! Humility, My pastors! Holiness and piety!
Tradition! What are you building among yourselves but a church of man, eliminating My Son
in the light!" - Our Lady, December 24, 1975
"I will not stand for My priests who condone homosexuality and allow it in My
priesthood! I will not stand for My priests who allow the murder of the unborn with their
permissiveness! I will not stand by and allow My priesthood to be destroyed!" -
June 18, 1982
"My child, make it known to Our
priests in My Son's houses upon earth, churches, that We want Our priests to shine forth
as pure examples of chastity and holiness. They have been misguided in direction by many
superiors, who also follow like sheep to the slaughter, the misdirection of their
superiors. It is like a wheel turning, My child, with the fire slowly destroying
it." - Our Lady, June 18, 1974
"Do not, My dedicated, take away the
pictures and statues, for then the children will cast their eyes on things of the world.
We will be just a memory, a legend, to them." - Our Lady, November 21, 1970
"Pray, My children, a constant
vigilance of prayer for your priests, cardinals, bishops, your clergy, for a great test, a
delusion has been set amongst them to test their valor, to test their holiness, to test
their fidelity to My Son's Church! Oh sorrow of sorrows from your Mother's heart, that as
We now go throughout your world, can We say that there are one hundred true priests left
in My Son's House?" - Our Lady, May 23, 1979
"If you know in your hearts,
pastors, that souls are in danger of being corrupted, misled, and even destroyed, and you
do nothing about it because you do not wish to offend your superiors, because you value
your life in this world too much and your good living; I assure you, O pastors, you shall
stand before My Son and He shall not know you. You will be disowned, banished from eternal
life in Heaven, and you shall join your father who is the father of all liars, satan, and
the prince of darkness." - Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Holiness must be returned to the
vocation. And this can only be acquired by restoring prayer in My Son's House and
especially the prayer life that is so lacking now in the clergy." - Our Lady, July 25,
Now I see, I see bodies of humans falling, oh. As they fall they're starting to glow.
They're glowing like an orange color, like coals. And they're screaming, "Help!
Mercy! Mercy! Too late! Too late!..." They seem to be raining, like almost from the
sky, into this pit. And I see - oh, my God! I see some are priests. - Veronica, September 7,
"Pray! Pray, My children, for your
priests and all those of high positions in My Son's holy Church, for the greatest attacks
from satan will come to them. Turn not away from them, but pray and show the example of a
living Christ." - Our Lady, November 1, 1970
"Your protector and the guardian of your Faith has not been entered into the houses
of My Son. Know that you will defeat yourselves with this action. Michael must be entered
into the prayers and hearts of mankind. All clergy, all shepherds of the flock, must
praise the Father through His guardian, Michael. You must return Michael in your prayers
after the Holy Sacrifice!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1974
"My Son, His heart is tom asunder by
His representatives in the priesthood who now are Judases in His own House. They consort
with the enemies of your God. In the manner of humanism and modernism and an ecumenism
that has been designed from hell, man now is plunging fast into making ready the full
capitulation of My Son's Church and the world under a dictatorship of evil." -
Lady, November 22, 1976
"Remember, My child and My children,
no matter how rough the road gets, you will stay within your parish church. And by good
example and many prayers you will bring the priesthood back into the light. Many have lost
their way because there are so few who pray for them. Remember, My children, to pray for
your clergy, for they are human also and subject to error, mistakes, influence, and
sometimes, pure evil. Pray for your priests daily, My children." - Our Lady, June 17,
"My child, you will make it known to
Our high priests that they are not to become involved in the politics of the world. They
are being led into the web that will take them into deep darkness." - Our Lady, April
10, 1972
"I see that the high priests of the
House of God have become soft in their ways. They cater to their bodies and do not wish to
sacrifice and make penance. There will be no easy road to the Kingdom. They will get down
on their knees, and they will starve their worldly bodies until they rid themselves of the
demons within them." - St. Thomas Aquinas, August 21, 1972
"You will seek to make instant
priests, against the will of the Eternal Father. You will delude others to think that your
deacons can take the Sacraments and give them as in the priesthood! A priest, My children,
is a chosen man of God. A true legally-ordained priest is far superior than any man, as he
represents Me in the Godhead." - Jesus, May 23, 1979
"Your clergy, the ministers of your
God, are forgotten in these dark chambers. See, My child, the countless souls who are
waiting to be released. You are surprised, My child, to see they are ministers of My Son's
House. A human has no rank when he is working for the salvation of his soul. He must go
down the path of every human. I ask, My children, for more prayers for your departed
clergy." - Our Lady, November 1, 1972
"Yes, My child, I spoke to you of the
evil ones who have infiltrated into the clergy. They are not entering with dedication and
spirits of light, but they are bringing in the spirit of darkness. By their fruits will
you know them, My child." - Jesus, June 5, 1975
"Pastors, no hands other than those
consecrated by a legally-ordained priest shall give the Host to others.... The
extraordinary ministers have become a farce! Women? Children? Whatever shall become of
you? The rules of discipline in the houses of My Son have already been given to
you." - Our Lady, August 21, 1975
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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