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#500 - Second Coming
"And when the Son of man shall come in his majesty, and all the angels with him, then shall he sit upon the seat of his majesty. And all nations shall be gathered together before him, and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left." - St. Matthew 25: 31-33
"I ask all to become apostles of these last days because it will be
necessary now for man to understand and acknowledge the supremacy of His God in
Heaven. I ask that all who have been born into and baptized into the true Faith
to go forward as apostles of light, disciples for Heaven in these latter days.
The knowledge must be given to those who cannot comprehend, who have hardened
their hearts and closed their ears--the knowledge must be given to them that My
Son is the Messiah; My Son has been upon earth, and He shall return again as He
ascended." - Our Lady, August 4, 1979
"You must read your Bible every day, even a short verse, My children. Read
your Bible and learn by it. The Revelations, the Apocalypse of
Saint John, the scrolls are unfurling. My children, you
will all go forward as bearers of the light with My Son. You will all carry the
banner Faithful and True. Do not be dismayed if you cannot understand the
Apocalypse at the first reading. You will pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten
you, and your eyes and your hearts will be opened to the knowledge." - Our
Lady, May 27, 1978
"Your city We place as Babylon--our
city, the city of murder and evil, corruption and godlessness--your city will
"Those who have remained in the light and accepted
the graces given to strengthen them in these dark days will be saved. This I
promise you as your Mother. My Son, and in the Father, does not wish that any be
lost. Every opportunity will be given to man to prepare himself and be made
ready for the trial.
"The Day of days is at hand. The Day of the Lord,
and the Coming of My Son, is not far off. Do you not recognize the signs of your
times? Have you not read the words of the prophets of old? No! You have
destroyed the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the spirit within it, by casting
your eyes and absorbing yourselves in the creations of satan. Take up the Book
of life, your Bible, and bring yourselves back to the truth!" - Our Lady,
July 25, 1973
"My child, My children, I do not come to you to bring words of doom--no, but
words of hope and courage. Man has brought upon himself the time for great
punishment and chastisement.
"In the mercy of the Father, a Warning will be sent
to man very soon. Should man not heed this Warning, he will be cleansed until
there remains upon your earth only those who will set up the Kingdom with My
"All who have heard My words and heeded the warning
from Heaven will not be unaware of the trials that lie before man now. Already
the forces of evil have darkened the world and now have entered upon the
governing powers of the world. Soon the world will be embroiled in great chaos.
Man will fight a struggle for his survival.
"In My many visits to My children upon earth, I have
given you the means for your salvation. The sacramentals must be used, and the
example of all parents must be one of goodness and godliness.
"Man must not flee from the houses of My Son. Much
evil and corruption has entered into the hearts of many, even in the houses of
My Son. However, it was doomed and deemed for this time to come about, for man
to pass through a crucible of suffering, one which is a test. All that is rotten
will fall. The sheep will be separated from the goats." - Our Lady, October
6, 1973
"My child, many ask you for dates, for times. It is not important. It is not
necessary that you know dates, but to be prepared. I know that I have not gone
throughout the world without using every means and effort to awaken you to the
danger that lies ahead.
"A great Warning will be sent upon your earth. Learn
from this, and mend your ways; for if you do not, you will then receive a great
Chastisement. I repeat this, for many have to learn through repetition. I
promise that I will be with you unto the Second Coming of My Son.
"Many false prophets have gone throughout the world,
many that were not of the Father, their father being the father of all liars.
Recognize, My children, the faces of evil about you. Many come disguised as
angels of light. You must all pray for the light." - Our Lady, December 24,
"The Father is now in the process, My child, of separating the sheep from the
goats. Each man and woman and child shall receive a mark upon him. It will be
the mark of the cross or the mark of the beast.
"Yes, My child, there is much evil in your
government and in the governments of the world. Do you not recognize the signs
of your times? Know that--I repeat now: you are now living in the latter days.
Prepare yourselves now, while you have the time. Blessed is the soul that has
taken My words and acted upon them.
"I bless you all, My children, as children of the
light. I will be with you to the Second Coming of My Son. All who are burdened
with their cross, come to Me and I will comfort you. Come to My Son in the
tabernacles of the world. Hurry, My children. The agents of hell are loosed and
have set in motion a plan now to close these tabernacles to you. Hasten now;
gather your graces, My children, while there is still time! Spend much time with
My Son in the Eucharist. It is truly the Bread of life. It will be a most dark
day, My child, when these tabernacles will be closed to you." - Our Lady,
February 10, 1975
"You must make it known, My child, that man will not on his own merits bring
about the one shepherd and the one religion. No, My children, you must not be
misguided. This unity of mankind will only come when My Son returns to your
"I must caution you not to be led astray by the
false messiahs upon your world. Do not be blinded by their miracles. You will
understand now and keep it in your hearts that My Son shall return the manner in
which He ascended. He will descend to you from the sky. So, if one says to you:
'Come, he is here. I will take you to him.' Do not go! If they say to you: 'He
is out in the field. Come, I will take you to him.' You will not go. For you
will know when My Son arrives. He will come down with the angels with a loud
shout of triumph to set your world in order. Prior to this time, My child, your
world will be in great chaos. War upon war, destruction from the Ball of
"If My Son did not return, My child, there would be
no flesh saved, so great will be the trial upon earth and mankind." - Our
Lady, March 18, 1975
"I bless you all, My children. I place My mantle of protection about you.
"In the future, which is now, My children, those who
are of well spirit will have nothing to fear. I have given many words to you in
the past to prepare you for this moment. Now, My children, you will continue to
pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and you will understand why I have spent so
much time with you.
"As I have promised in the past, I will be with you
forever, and on your earth unto the Second Coming of My Son, when all will be
put to right.
"You must accept the will of the Eternal Father and
carry your cross without complaint." - Our Lady, September 6, 1975
"My children, you must well understand the plan of the enemy. If he can take
from your minds the knowledge and the realization of the existence of hell and
purgatory, he will condone sin in your society. And sin has become a way of life
for many of you. Awaken from your blindness and search for the light. I have set
many candles about in your world. You will not remain in darkness if you will
seek the light. My Son is the way. Ask; send your voices in supplication to the
Eternal Father and you will be guided out of your darkness.
"My children, I repeat My promise to mankind that I
shall be with you here upon your earth unto the arrival, the Second Coming of My
Son. What was to happen in your future shall be now. Because of man's
stubbornness and sinful lives, what was to happen in the future shall be now.
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Retain,
nourish, and preserve your Faith, My children. Do not succumb to the wiles of
satan, satan who will act within the bodies of any man, woman, or child that has
given himself to sin.
"There will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set
upon your earth by the evil man of perdition. My children, you must understand
your times. Recognize the signs of your times about you, and you will know how
to overcome the evils." - Our Lady, December 28, 1976
"My child and My children, man can be wise but stupid. He goes forward
scientifically searching for truth. And what is truth? Truth is My Son in God
the Father and the Spirit of light.
"My children, your earth has evolved now into a
state of immorality and sin far worse than it was in the time of Noe. What can I
say further to you, My children, but to counsel you and warn you that the
Eternal Father is making ready a great trial for mankind. The heavens shall
explode and roll back as a sheet. Hearts shall stop in fear of what is to come
upon mankind. This coming Warning, My children, is minor in comparison to the
Chastisement, the great Chastisement that shall then follow.
"Scoffers go about your world, your earth, saying,
'And where is this promise of His coming?' I say unto you, My children, as night
turns into day, so shall My Son return to stop the evil that now corrupts the
souls of man.
"Scoffers go about your world neither caring nor
searching for truth, casting aside the knowledge given him of the supernatural.
He will have no defense to fight the supernatural." - Our Lady, December 31,
"I have asked you in countless visitations to earth to pray and pray again
"There are scoffers, there are many who go about
saying, 'And when is He coming, My Son, upon earth? He Who says He is King, when
shall He return?'
"I say unto you, scoffers and unbelievers: He shall
come when He is ready to come; for if He does not come there will be no flesh
left upon your earth!" - Our Lady, March 15, 1978
"The plan for the children of God in the days ahead will be given to you step
by step, My children. As I told you in the past, and I repeat anew, I shall be
with you to the arrival of My Son. Everything I have counseled you in, My
children, has come to pass, and much is ready now to come upon you.
"If man continues upon his present path many nations
shall disappear from the face of the earth." - Our Lady, March 18, 1978
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes, and keep these prayers
going throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. Hold back
the darkness that is enclosing upon mankind.
"I will be with you unto the Second Coming of My
Son. I promise you, My children, that you will never be alone upon earth. There
are angel guardians with you at all times. Seek them out; do not cast them
aside, My children. They are as living as you are.
"The agents of hell will make it their pursuit to
take this knowledge of the supernatural from you. You must safeguard your Faith
and keep the Faith in the hearts of your children and your family members. Pray,
My children. It does not have to be words of a special nature. Just pray from
your heart. Speak to Me as your Mother. Speak to My Son, for He will aid you.
The power of prayer is great, My children. Nothing is impossible to God the
Father in Heaven in the Trinity!" - Our Lady, May 30, 1978
"My children, maintain the Faith in your hearts; keep the firm foundation of
faith in the hearts of your children and your families. When I return to earth,
shall I find among you even a flicker of faith left, My children?
"Satan has set himself now in Rome. He plans to do great
battle in the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against
cardinal. All that is rotten must fall. Do not be concerned in the outcome, My
children, for the eventual victory is with Heaven. This is all allowed,
permitted by the Eternal Father, by reason of separating the sheep from the
goats. It will be a test for all mankind.
"All who accept the errors of modernism and humanism
will find it most difficult to maintain the truth and stay on the narrow road. I
gave you, in My visit upon earth, the rule and the way. You must follow it or
you will fall. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country
and all of the countries upon earth." - June 1, 1978
"There are many theologians, even in My Son's House now, that are bringing to
mankind doctrines of demons. They are teachings of man and not of God. Many have
set themselves in their arrogance to change the wordings in the Book of love and
life, the Bible. These changes were to seduce mankind into bondage of sin.
"My children, do you not recognize that the masses
of the world are converging upon your nation, the United States?
With money, they are entering and bringing with them all manner of sin and
perversion--immorality and homosexuality. And who will come forward to fight
these evils?
"In the knowledge from the Eternal Father, I
understand full well that the time will come when My Son shall return among you!
But there will be doubt as to the faith left upon earth, for when He comes shall
He look upon you and find even a flicker of faith still left in your hearts?" -
Our Lady, June 2, 1979
"Do not follow the scoffers who continue to say, 'His promise has not and
will not come true, to return in the Second Coming.' I assure you I shall come
to you all as a thief in the night. Little will you be prepared unless you
listen to My Mother's counsel and keep your heart open for the truth. The more
you seek riches in this life, the less you will have in Heaven, for they do not
coincide, My child and My children. You cannot have a god, symbolized by money,
before you, for you will love one and hate the other. And whom will you hate, My
children, but Me?" - Jesus, September 7, 1985
"My child, you understand the Eternal Father is most merciful, and My Son
does not want the world to be destroyed. However, great tribulations shall be
set upon mankind. Sodom and Gomorrha were
destroyed, destroyed by fire and brimstone.
"What can you expect upon your country which allows
homosexuality to flourish and become the way of life which now your leaders
under a banner of truthfulness and faithfulness to his God, have now torn down
that banner and is going in the direction of satan.
"Laws are being made now to protect the offenders of
God, the homosexuals. Mankind will have a banner ahead. There will be
tribulations set upon the world before My Son returns to gather His own. Yes, in
time many will be removed from the earth. However, there will be a tribulation
before that moment." - Our Lady, October 6, 1992
"We command, in the name of the Eternal Father, for all bishops of the world
to set My Son's House in order! Obedience is obedience to God the Father and not
to the agents of hell! Shall you obey mankind and hurt the merciful heart of the
Eternal Father?
"My child, when My Son returns, will He find even a
small measure of faith left upon earth? The recrucifixion of the Mystical
Body!" - Our Lady, January 31, 1976
"No man can well understand the thinking, the manners of the Eternal Father.
He is the final judge over each and every soul. However, man in his free will
has chosen to defy his God, has chosen to cast Him out of his life, has chosen
satan above his Creator, God the Father in Heaven. In your lives upon earth now
We see all manner of filth and degradation. We see worship of false idols,
giving honor and glory to graven images, graven images of stone, and
electricity, and fire, and images of the prince of darkness, satan.
"O My children, shall My Son find even a small
measure of faith left in the hearts of man when He returns? And He shall return!
He shall return with an army from Heaven and put down the antichrist forces
gathered now in your world.
"Man, in all of his arrogance and all of his
knowledge, is plunging fast into a great holocaust, into a war such as mankind
has never seen before, and will never experience again when it happens, My
children. I have cried out to you, as your Mother, in many places, through many
voices throughout the world: Make ready, for the time has come upon you to
prepare." - Our Lady, November 22, 1976
"The Father has a plan for the work ahead, My child. It will appear before
your very eyes, so continue on your mission, knowing that the eventual victory
is with My Son. His return will not be long in coming.
"Remember, My children, My Son shall return only in
the manner in which He ascended. He will descend to earth and all will see Him.
Do not accept the false christs who will be sent among you. They are agents of
hell! Turn from them! Flee from them! You will know them by their fruits, My
children. I tell you this: you shall not be kept in darkness. By their fruits
will they be known." - Our Lady, March 29, 1975
"My child, make it known to the world that man--children of God, led astray,
you must not compromise your Faith! There shall not be one world and one
religion at this time, for no man shall now gather the flock. Not one man shall
gather the flock together. This will be done by My Son when He returns in the
final stages of Armageddon.
"You must remember--do not be deceived, My children,
by those who claim to be the Christ, for they will say, 'Come out to the field,
for he is there. Come out to the barn! Come into the centers!' But no, My
children, My Son shall come as He ascended. He will come down from the sky,
shouting with a call of triumph to all. He will come down with the legions from
Heaven of angels and all of the souls who have bathed themselves in His Blood
and now wear the garments of light and life.
"Wait and watch, My children; pray much, for the
Book of life is unfolding; the pages are turning. You are truly in the days of
the Apocalypse. Read the Revelations, My children, and know what lies ahead. As
you were told in the past, much will be opened to you, for the days of the
Armageddon are here. Read the Revelations, your Apocalypse, My children. Saint John was given the knowledge to reveal
to you the days in which you are living. Recognize the signs of your time." -
Our Lady, August 21, 1975
"Know and learn by this, My children, that you who have been given the grace
to hear My words of warning, brought to you from the Kingdom of your God,
Heaven, you have received every opportunity now to save your souls and the souls
of your children. Do not slacken as apostles of your God. Go forward and await
the coming of My Son, which will not be much longer, My children. I assure you,
the time is growing short. Read your Apocalypse, the Revelations of John, and
you will understand the days ahead." - Our Lady, September 7, 1976
"My children, remove the blindness from your heart and understand the counsel
from Heaven. It is through grace that you hear this counsel, and it is through
grace that We ask you to carry this counsel forward to your brothers and
sisters. You are not your brother's keeper, but you must fight for their lives,
their spiritual lives, because the shepherds have fallen asleep, or fallen into
spiritual darkness. You who have the light, you who have been chosen from among
the multitudes to be light bearers must now go forward and search through the
darkness and recover your brothers and sisters who otherwise will be lost.
"There are many good shepherds still among you, My
children. Do not despair. I will always be with you in the tabernacles of the
world, and I will always be with you in spirit. And one day, My children, I will
return to you in body and spirit." - Jesus, June 4, 1977
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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