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#507 - Give Clergy the Message from Heaven

"I charge thee, before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, by his coming, and his kingdom: Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables." - 2 Timothy 4: 1-4

"The Messages from Heaven, My child and My children, are given for all mankind. Much emphasis has been placed through time on the message to the clergy in My Son's House for reason. They are being deluded and misled by satan.
"This has come about only because arrogance and pride has entered upon them. They no longer pray but have succumbed to the errors of humanism and modernism. Holiness must be returned to the vocation. And this can only be acquired by restoring prayer in My Son's House and especially the prayer life that is so lacking now in the clergy.
"In your well-meaning actions of opening My Son's Church to all without conversion, you have allowed yourself to associate with heretics and unbelievers. In this manner you are compromising your Faith. My children, recognize what is happening now in My Son's Church.
"The sin of mankind has not stopped at the doors of My Son's Church, but has entered. Many of the high clergy, the hierarchy, have succumbed for the riches of the world, for many are selling their souls to get to the head. Unless they repent of their actions and seek to restore My Son's Church to its former glory, many mitres shall fall into hell! All who cry 'Lord, Lord!' shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." - Our Lady, July 25, 1978

"We do not come to you and send prophets of doom to you without reason. I use this expression, My children, as We have heard it repeated many times by those who do not understand, or reject My Mother's messages. We come to you to give you this last chance to restore your nation and the nations upon earth; for if you do not restore them, I assure you, My children, I shall place the final judgment upon you.
"Clergy in My House, I have looked upon most of you and found you wanting, for you have given yourselves over to all pleasures of the flesh. You have become arrogant and self-seeking, neither watching nor caring as your sheep scatter. Woe unto the man, whether he be clergy or layman, who defiles the young!
"My children, you must pray more for your clergy. They, too, receive heavy attacks from satan. They have not been given a special passport to Heaven. They need your help and your prayers." - Jesus, November 1, 1977

"The representatives of My House will not change to please mankind. Discipline must be returned to My House. You who have set yourselves in disobedience to Our Vicar will answer for your discretion to the Father. You have been given the time to make amends and atonement for your many sins against your rule. You will not bargain My House for worldly gain! The cost is too great, for you are counting this gain in the loss of My sheep. Restore My House, or you shall fall completely! And from the ashes shall rise the Kingdom.
"You are receiving one of My final warnings! You are asking for the Chastisement! My Mother has passed among you, and has begged for the time--an extension of time, so that you will make this atonement. However, your time is growing short. Prayer, penance, and sacrifice, or you will wash your robes in your blood!
"All who have closed their hearts to My Mother's message will be brought down to their knees in shock! No man shall be tolerated by the Father when he gains prestige at the cost of the loss of one soul." - Jesus, February 1, 1975

"My child, you are looking into Rome on that horrendous day when the Holy Father shall leave you. I say 'shall' because the message is being rejected in Rome. The previous messages about this carnage to the Holy See and the Holy Father has been taken with a manner of laughter. Too late will they laugh and refer to My visitation in New York as being absurd. My child and My children, that is satan. And as a holy Pope once told you before he died, he knew that the smoke of satan had entered into Rome and the Vatican. Well did he understand My visit to him, My child. The world has never known how close I was to your Vicar at that time, Pope Paul VI. Yes, My child, he was removed from the earth, also, with his impostor." - Our Lady, September 14, 1985

"My child and My children, the hour is upon mankind, the beginning of the end of time. My child and My children, you must now pray more and be ever alert to the signs that will be given to you in the days ahead.
"My Mother has been upon earth for many years trying to avert mankind from the major Chastisement, a chastisement that has been given in many writings and prophecies through countless earth-years. We have chosen upon earth many seers to go forth with this Message from Heaven.
"My children, I cannot impress you more with the urgency of going faster forward in the time that is left, forward to save your brothers and sisters. I ask you to approach My priesthood. Bishops and cardinals must now accept all of the Message from Heaven, even though it will bring about controversy among them. For it will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. For all that is rotten will fall and must not be retained.
"I will not repeat over again the direction from Heaven, but I will say unto you: prepare now, for you will receive the Warning before many will die in the flame of the Ball of Redemption." - Jesus, November 20, 1978

"We have set among you many messengers to prepare you with the words from Heaven. Many have been forced to discontinue their mission, much to Our sorrow. Those souls will be unaccountable for, unless those in the light recover them for Us.
"The message must now reach all cardinals in the holy House of God. The darkness is deepening, and the man of dark secrets is being prepared for the Seat of Peter. You must all go down now on your knees and pray. Do penance for your offenses now, while you have the time.
"The aberrations and abominations being committed in the holy House of God have had no precedence from the time of Noe, and before the time of Noe. The offenses to your God call down justification for the end of your civilization. Man in your country and in the world has made sin a way of life." - Our Lady, September 14, 1972

"The Message that comes from Heaven, My child, is for all mankind, for when the Warning and Chastisement comes upon you, it is all mankind that shall feel its effects. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Pray much that those who laugh and cast aside My warning will be brought out of the darkness in time to save their souls.
"You must hasten, My child, as the time grows short, to warn Our clergy that they must not follow the plan of satan. There is a great delusion sent upon them. In the ranks of Our clergy and in the ruling bodies of My Son's houses, there are many who have fallen to satan. Can I deny this truth and allow you to go as sheep into the slaughtering pit? No, My children! My voice cries out from your sacred grounds. I have been sent throughout the world as a Mediatrix between God and mankind. I have been shut out of many places. My voice has not carried far. However, My children, the awakening will be soon, and it will be a sad day and night for many." - Our Lady, September 7, 1974

"My children, as it was written in the Book of life and love, man now and the world of mankind is in great chaos. Not only has the leadership become poor in your lay world, but the leadership among the clergy is also poor.
"The lack of prayer, even within the hearts of the men of God, has caused Our children to go astray. Because of the lack of penance and prayer of Our clergy, many souls are falling daily into hell. I have cried tears of sorrow, wandering throughout your world, crying for penance and atonement. Instead, who has listened to My pleas and made an endeavor to act upon them? The Eternal Father in My Son has sent among you voices and voice-boxes to bring to you a message of warning. Your time is growing very, very short.

"Because of pride, which is a worse barrier to holiness, a more formidable barrier against holiness and piety, O clergy, because of your pride--because you did not lock your doors against the heretics as I have warned you; because you did not prepare for satan, whom I warned you years of earth's time before would enter into My Son's Church to do battle with His clergy--you did not prepare and guard yourselves for this onslaught. And now, what are the fruits of your labors: a loss of vocations, My children losing the knowledge of their Faith, all manner of sin, perversion, and abominations being committed upon earth, until all the saints in Heaven cry out to the merciful Father to put an end to these abominations. Less and less honor is being given to My Son." - Our Lady, August 4, 1979

"The Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix to bring this warning to the world. You must turn from your present ways that offend the Father much, for you are bringing upon mankind a great Chastisement. Many warnings have been given in the past, but they have gone by unrecognized as coming from the Father.
"The Father will not tolerate the abominations being committed in the houses of God. Many of His dedicated are being permissive in their approach to the salvation of souls. You will not gain nor redeem souls by lowering the standards. Many of Our dedicated, clergy and foolish maidens in the nunneries, have given themselves to the world, the flesh, and the devil. How sad that such great graces could go by and be cast aside for the temporary pleasures of the world." - Our Lady, July 25, 1974

"Yes, My child, know that there is a conspiracy to remove My message from among mankind. It grieves Me much to know that so many have hardened their hearts and are blind to the truth.
"Go forward, My children, with great hope in the knowledge that the eventual victory will be with My Son. We are in the war of the spirits. It is a far greater war than any human war upon your world, for your soul is eternal.
"My child, it is time that the great message of deceit and error be revealed. The conspiracy of error and deceit will be in the plan of satan and the rulers of darkness to destroy My Son's House and set up a union of one world, one church of God that will be godless!
"Know now that when the world and your Church on earth become as one, the end is at hand. The gates of hell open wide. They will claim all, even mitres that have given themselves to worldly gain and the destruction of their sheep. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's House!" - Our Lady, July 25, 1974

"You will write anew a letter to the leaders of My Son's House and tell them that it is the will of the Father that they build upon these grounds an edifice of purity and piety, a basilica of dignity, a basilica for the repatriation of souls. Graces shall be given in abundance to all who come here, graces for the asking.
"It will be a shrine of world renown, to be called Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers.
"We request that all of the dedicated join now with the faithful in prayer on these sacred grounds. The beads of prayer you will tell for three hours on the eve of all feast days. It will be a source of great penance for mankind. This, My child, is the balance We have spoken of through you for many years.
"A center of atonement--Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers. Send this message, My child, to your clergy.
"They must pray more and seek the light. The knowledge of the reality of My mission here will then be given to them. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and all will be given the light." - Our Lady, October 6, 1974

"Because of pride and arrogance, even the clergy in My Church upon earth refuse to listen to Me! Shall you stand before Me, O clergy, and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? Many of you shall be cast into eternal damnation! You may fool the world in your human nature, but your spirits and your human nature are known to the Eternal Father! A full accounting for all mankind will soon be placed upon your earth.
"My child and My children, you must hasten to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. What was to happen in the future shall be now!
"Satan has poisoned many minds. Pray for all men of sin. Satan now has his kingdom upon earth. If you join him, the road back is difficult. There are two forces only upon earth, good and evil. The forces of darkness now are fighting the forces of light. Which side are you on, My children? You cannot remain neutral, or you will fall into darkness!" - Jesus, September 14, 1979

"We see all manner of confusion, experimentation. There is no unity now in spirit. For man in the clergy has taken upon himself to set up My Son's Church to his own pursuits, his own man-given knowledge of intellect, without the spirit. For much of this intellect is being directed by satan and not by God.
"Awaken from your slumber, clergy in My Son's Church, for you will also be counted among the least. In pride and arrogance you have refused My counsel from Heaven. You have turned away from Me. You have persecuted those I have sent to you. Your pride and arrogance shall make you fall. Many mitres shall fall into hell. Is this what you want? "For ears that hear, for those who hear My counsel, learn by it, for the time is growing short. There will be many victim souls in these latter days, My child and My children. Persecution shall be great among the children of God, for the world will claim its own. And if you are not of this world, the earth, you will not be recognized." - Our Lady, June 18, 1981

"My child, you are draining your energies. As I have warned you in the past, you must not be concerned with the opinion of man. Understand, My child, were you speaking and giving to them, Our sons the clergy, a message that would feed their pride and build their arrogance, you would be accepted. But I do not come to earth to go about in praise. I come to warn of an urgency upon earth, and an action of the Eternal Father to restore the earth to its former glory.
"My Son's Church has been under, and is under heavy attack by the agents of hell. But hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church." - Our Lady, August 14, 1981

"Listen carefully, My child, and repeat after Me. This message is for the clergy.
"You must not change My House to cater to the basic sinful nature of mankind. Man must change for the good. Man must make his change to please his God.
"The representatives of My House will not change to please mankind. Discipline must be returned to My House. You who have set yourselves in disobedience to Our Vicar will answer for your discretion to the Father. You have been given the time to make amends and atonement for your many sins against your rule. You will not bargain My House for worldly gain! The cost is too great, for you are counting this gain in the loss of My sheep. Restore My House, or you shall fall completely! And from the ashes shall rise the Kingdom.
"You are receiving one of My final warnings! You are asking for the Chastisement! My Mother has passed among you, and has begged for the time--an extension of time, so that you will make this atonement. However, your time is growing short. Prayer, penance, and sacrifice, or you will wash your robes in your blood!
"All who have closed their hearts to My Mother's message will be brought down to their knees in shock! No man shall be tolerated by the Father when he gains prestige at the cost of the loss of one soul." - Jesus, February 1, 1975

"Write this for all the clergy:
"Hasten not the Chastisement by becoming involved in fruitless pursuits that are not constructive to your mission--for I am the Light of the World. PREACH My word!
"There is much hunger in your country, and the world. Feed My sheep.
"I speak not of human hunger--only the starvation of the soul. Shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight!?
"The human body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Do not spoil the flesh (by sins of the flesh), for the vapors of rot shall pollute the spirit within, and the world shall be filled with dead souls in human bodies. You shall see eyes without light, and the blind shall lead the blind." - Jesus, November 21, 1981

"I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must rebuild what you seek to destroy--NOW!
"Many who call themselves My chosen ones have set them­selves to destroy from within. Your actions have not gone by un­noticed by the Eternal Father. Error, deception, deceit, in the guise of sanctity and piousness! You are unmasked before the Eternal Father. You shall start little by little and repair the foundation, or you shall be within and destroy.
"I look upon all manner of abominations being committed in My House. Do you think you will go much longer without chastise­ment? Awaken from your slumber, My clergy! You deceive no one!
"For your errors and your greed and your giving yourselves to the flesh, succumbering to all of the creations of satan, you gain noth­ing but an eternity in hell!
"The Eternal Father will chastise those He loves. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
"I repeat, you will hasten to make amends to the Eternal Father--NOW! You will all go back and read the words of My Mother given to you. All will come to pass. None shall escape judg­ment. All will be held accountable for their actions. All will be held accountable for their laxity in the formation of the souls of the young." - Jesus, November 22, 1975

"When those who represent My Son in His House understand your mission upon earth as a voice-box for Heaven, the full recovery of souls before the cleansing will be accomplished. It is with sorrow of heart that I must make it known to you that many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Those counted to be saved are in the few.
"Man has set himself into the web of satan by straying from the path given by the Father. Discipline, self-discipline, and obedience to the rules of God are the only path." - Our Lady, November 24, 1973

"You will send all the messages to the bishops, for they now hold the balance. The Red Hat has fallen; the Purple Hat is being misled. Pray that they may receive the light before too many souls are led down the road to damnation. Even they will be rescued by your prayers. Without your prayers, they will enter hell as numerous as the snowflakes from Heaven." - Our Lady, November 20, 1971

"In the ranks of My Son's House are many who have chosen to sell their souls. Their fall will have repercussions, My child, for they will take many others with them.
"You will continue to send My message to the cardinals and bishops of your country and the world. They are now going down the same road that they chose many years ago when they chose to cast aside My warnings. Intellectual pride has hardened their hearts and closed their ears to the truth." - Our Lady, September 28, 1972

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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