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#556 - Loneliness

"Behold, the hour cometh, and it is now come, that you shall be scattered every man to his own, and shall leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me." - St. John 16: 32

"You cannot wait, you cannot expect your brothers or sisters to guide you completely. Unless you accept the sacramentals given to you, unless you eat of My Body and drink of My Blood, you cannot and will not have the light within you, for I am truly the Bread of life.
     "My children, you have not been abandoned in your trials. There will always be times of loneliness in the human heart when great trial is placed upon it, but when you meet that time of loneliness, you will say, My Jesus, my confidence!
    "Call upon your angels, your guardians. They have been rejected. They wait without mission upon many of you. You have been given a guardian from the time of your entry upon earth. They will help you, protect you, and guide you if you ask for their counsel." - Jesus, December 7, 1977

Veronica - Oh, the blood! Jesus' blood! And the blood is pouring now from this heart He has in His hand. Oh! Now I see in His hand the heart is surrounded by thorns. He's holding it forward, and the heart is growing larger and larger and larger. Now I can't see Jesus behind it, but I can hear His voice. And He's saying:
    Jesus - "Look upon this heart, My child, so torn by the sins and offenses of mankind. My heart is aching. My hands are bloody. I long to look upon My creation and be filled with joy. Who will comfort Me in My loneliness?" - May 22, 1974

"The greatest test of heart is how much you shall give, not how much you will receive. It is only in giving that you shall truly receive the light. Each man must armor himself with every means of obtaining graces to strengthen his immortal soul.
    "My Son is lonely. He has been abandoned in His tabernacles and His home. The doors have been locked. He remains there, a prisoner of His own. My Son is very lonely in His House. Won't you come with compassion and ease His loneliness? You do not abandon those you love. Have you no love for your Creator? Have you no love for He Who gave His life upon earth for you? Have you no love for He Who still sheds His blood for you?" - Our Lady, March 18, 1973

"My child, I wish you also to make note in your heart and the hearts of all mankind that I am much despaired, as Theresa, Our Little Flower, is much despaired at the lack of numbers in the nunneries. Vocations are needed for the priesthood, and also for the nunneries.
    "Are there not any who care to come forward and dedicate their lives to save Our young children? Please, My children, surely among you, those who hear My voice or will read this written word, can you not give your life to win your reward forever in Heaven? And perhaps also, those you love you can bring with you. So many little souls are crying. They thirst for the knowledge of Jesus and all of Heaven. Will you not solace them and comfort them in their loneliness? They are like sheep out in the wilderness, astray with no leaders. They are wandering. And what do they feast upon but weeds. No good nourishment is being given them. Will you not, My children, you who are children of the light, come forward and become nuns, nuns with good hearts, with a good foundation of the Faith and the truth, and nourish Our sheep?" - Our Lady, June 18, 1982

"My voice cries a Mother's constant plea to make sacrifices and atonement now, for the time will come when this will be denied you.
    "Visit My Son often, for He is lonely." - Our Lady, August 14, 1970

"Your country has become weak, demoralized, corrupt in government, corrupt in My Son's House; and the darkness well covers your land!
    "In the final count after retribution, the numbers will be few who are saved. The decision for salvation now lies with each individual. Parents will carry the greatest burden of guilt for the falling of their children. Do not judge without pity, without charity, those about you, for you are still brothers and sisters.
    "Pray, pray long hours of prayer for those who are falling or who have fallen into the web of deceit and darkness that now covers the earth. You must remain with My Son, through His gift of His heart to you, in the tabernacles of the world. You will not become infiltrated when you develop the daily habit of visiting My Son. He grows lonely. He has been locked out from many hearts.
    "If I, My children, could open to you for just a few short moments the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven, how glorious would be your suffering! How glorious would be all the trials of your life when you will be able to see beyond the gates of this glorious Kingdom of eternal life!" - Our Lady, May 10, 1972

"I will not abandon you. I will always be here. Come to Me often. Visit My Son often in the tabernacles of your world. He grows very lonely, My children; there are so few visitors now to His House. Won't you come often and solace Him?" - Our Lady, June 16, 1973

"You must all stand firm in your Faith. Do not abandon My Son's House, Church. Know that you must not judge My Son's House by the actions of man. Man has been created by the Father, and man in his human nature can fall, My child. Do not judge My Son's Church by the actions of man. Know that regardless of the actions of man, My Son will always be there in the Eucharist. A duly ordained and consecrated hand of a legal representative, your priest, will always be able to bring to you My Son's Body and Blood in the Eucharist. The enemies of My Son wish to take this truth from you. They say that the Mass is not valid. That is not true, My child. Through the power of the Father in the Spirit, My Son comes to you. He comes to you physically and spiritually in presence. Do not accept the error of your day that this is a story or myth, My children. I assure you, My Son is there with you.
    "I repeat, My children, you must eat of the Bread of life to be nourished. That Bread is My Son! He nourishes your eternal soul. Without this Bread of life you will not have the light within you. Remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world, for He is very lonely, My child." - Our Lady, November 23, 1974

"Yes, My child, many shall be tested in the days ahead. You must all, My children, fortify your souls with grace. Graces are given freely for the asking. Come, seek, and you shall find the way. My Son is the way and the light. Will you not console His sorrowing heart at your tabernacles throughout your earth? He grows lonely; He is forgotten by many.
    "The few who attend the Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrifice, My child, the few are the true of heart. The many come with all manners of abominations in their hearts. My Son's House has be­come not a temple of prayer but a house of diversion, abomina­tions, and a gathering place for all demons." - Our Lady, December 24, 1975

"My child, you will make a special effort with all those who have the true love of My Son in their hearts to open His houses that many souls may visit Him in the tabernacles throughout the world. My Son is a prisoner in His own House. Yes, My child, He is very lonely. It is a sad fact, My child, that the peoples of your country and your hemisphere have nourished their bodies well but have starved their souls." - Our Lady, December 31, 1973

"My Son asks that you all comfort Him in His tabernacles throughout the world. He grows lonely. So many graces are never accepted.
    "Satan sows throughout the world fear and confusion. You will save yourselves and those you love in the Sacred Heart of My Son." - Our Lady, July 15, 1973

"Hasten, harken, and listen, for you have been warned and you must now take fast action. Save yourselves and the souls of those you love. Come to Me, as My heart is extended to you all. I gave My Body. I am with you in Body and Spirit. Do not cast Me aside, for I am the living Bread of your life. Without Me you cannot enter into the Kingdom of the Father.
    "Were you to know the glories of the Kingdom, you would run fast and turn away quickly from the evils of the world that has given itself to satan. For beyond your universe there lies the greatest joys, joys far beyond all expectation or conceivable in your human mind. This We give you for the asking.
    "Come to Me, My children, for I am very lonely. I am visited only by the few. You must drink of My Blood and eat of My Body, or you will not have the light within you." - Jesus, March 24, 1974

"Less and less honor is being given to My Son in the Eucharist. Will you not love Him? Express and act upon your love by comforting My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Visit Him more often, for He grows lonely in His House. Graces in abundance shall be given to all who seek My Son in the Eucharist.
    "Hasten, repair to the tabernacles of the world, My children, while the doors of My Son's houses, His Church upon earth, are still open to you. Many countries shall be deprived of this source of great grace, and there shall be anguish of heart. Accept this elixir of love, My children--the Bread of life, the Eucharist." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979

"My child, shout, shout from the rooftops. Your brothers and sisters must not turn from My Son's House. They are judging, My child, on the actions of man. Man, men of your earth, are but the walls of My Son's Church. He is the foundation. Do not run away from Him, but console Him. He is lonely, My child. The doors are locked." - Our Lady, May 22, 1974

"I implore you, My children, do not leave My Son to be a prisoner in His House! He is lonely! Won't you come and solace Him?
    "Do not judge My Son's House by the ways of man! The founda­tion is there, even when the walls are crumbling. Patiently pray and wait, and wait for the hand of My Son to restore your world.
    "I cannot in truth promise you peace at this time, for there will be no peace. It is a point now of almost, My child, no return. The miracle you seek now must be a complete reversal in the ways of mankind. It is the only factor that will hold back the Ball of Redemption upon you." - Our Lady, February 1, 1975

"My children, My Son, your God, He is the Truth; He is the Word; He is the Way. Do not abandon Him in this crisis within His Church. Stay, My children, and fight; fight with prayers and acts of penance and good works. Remain with Him at His tabernacles, My children. They have not been closed yet. Comfort Him by your presence daily. He is sorrowful, for He is lonely, My children. So few visit Him, and those who visit Him on Sunday, the day of the Lord, they come with blank minds, minds clouded by pleasure, bodies stripped to impurity and immodesty. They come not to honor, but they come by habit, with no purpose." - Our Lady, September 7, 1976

Our Lady - "Save yourselves and your children in the merciful and Sacred Heart of My Son. He is very lonely, My child. Won't you comfort Him?"
    Veronica - Our Lady wishes that more comfort Jesus in the Eucharist.
    Our Lady - "It is truly, My child, the Bread of life. Unless you partake of this Bread, you shall not have the light within you." - December 28, 1974

"Visit My Son as often as possible. He is very lonely in His houses throughout the world. He looks upon closed doors and waits." - Our Lady, October 6, 1973

"Remember the power of prayer. Enter and be with My Son at the tabernacles throughout your world. He is lonely. The doors are shut. Many receive Him with dishonor in their hearts. Many make Us turn Our faces in embarrassment and shame, My child, for the desecration being committed within the houses of My Son are many." - Our Lady, September 7, 1974

"O My children, would I, as your Mother, could I, as your Mother, but bring you words of cheer and consolement! But do you, as children of the light, not understand how My heart is torn, torn by the many insults, the abominations being committed in My Son's House?
    "The armies of Heaven upon earth now are gathering, My children. You are not alone in the battle ahead. You will never be alone, for My Son and I, the Eternal Father and the light are always with you. And you, My children of light, will all see Us again. You will see Us with your human eyes, many with their human eyes, and many shall rise to join My Son when He returns, which, My children, will be soon, much sooner than any who hear My voice can expect.
    "I give you this great encouragement and hope in the days ahead, My children: that all who believe, that all who will hold their candles of light and search through the darkness to bring the knowledge from the Eternal Father in Heaven to the straying sheep, they will be saved." - Our Lady, October 2, 1976

"I will be with you unto the Second Coming of My Son. I promise you, My children, that you will never be alone upon earth. There are angel guardians with you at all times. Seek them out; do not cast them aside, My children. They are as living as you are." - Our Lady, May 30, 1978

"My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and all of the countries throughout the world. You will be called fanatics! You will be called insane! You will be laughed at with derision! Accept it, My children, for as My Son was rejected, you, too, will be rejected. But My own will know me; My own will know My Son, and you will band together and wait for the return of My Son.
    "My children, you are not alone. All of the personages of Heaven have joined in this battle. The saints have waited for this day, and I assure you, My children, before this battle is over many latter day saints shall wash their robes in the Blood of the Lamb." - Our Lady, September 7, 1977

"My children, continue with your prayers of atonement. Many are needed. You are not alone in your struggle. The world will receive the message. My word will go throughout your world and then the hand of chastisement will fall upon mankind." - Jesus, December 28, 1974

"Every moment of your life is not wasted if you will learn a lesson, a very simple lesson, on the road to sanctity. You will use every moment of your life and give up your hardships as a sacrifice, as a penance for your soul or the salvation of other souls. Think, My child, throughout the hours of your day, how many graces you may accumulate for the waiting souls in purgatory, especially those who have been abandoned by their loved ones, forgotten. For when you are out of sight, you are slowly out of mind.
    "Remember these poor souls, My children, those who have been abandoned and those who no longer have anyone upon earth to pray for them. Unless you offer your sacrifices and prayers, many will have to serve long terms of waiting before entering the Kingdom. There are many, My child, without your prayers, who will be here in this place of suffering until the end of earth time.
    "Man upon earth has abandoned his God. He has set up a creature, man, to worship. When man takes this course, the Father has no other recourse than to abandon him to his lust and his sins until they so multiply that he destroys himself. However, My child, it is sad that he also has the power to take others with him into the abyss. Therefore, pray; pray much--a constant vigilance of prayer, My children, for all men of sin." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974

"There is a light, a great light upon earth. All shall bask in this light as they fight the great battle. Those who are in the light will find themselves scourged; those who are in the light will walk the road of My Son. They will be crucified by their own.
    "Unless man can deny his mother, his father, his sister, his brother, his children, and walk on the path of righteousness as a disciple of Christ, he shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
    "The greatest test of heart is how much you shall give, not how much you will receive. It is only in giving that you shall truly receive the light. Each man must armor himself with every means of obtaining graces to strengthen his immortal soul.
    "My Son is lonely. He has been abandoned in His tabernacles and His home. The doors have been locked. He remains there, a prisoner of His own. My Son is very lonely in His House. Won't you come with compassion and ease His loneliness? You do not abandon those you love. Have you no love for your Creator? Have you no love for He Who gave His life upon earth for you? Have you no love for He Who still sheds His blood for you?" - Our Lady, March 18, 1973

"The direction to the Kingdom has been given to you all the duration of life on your earth. It is a simple plan of love. You do not offend and hurt those you love; so why have you chosen to offend and hurt Jesus and our Mother, Mary?
    "I have watched with my sisters the abominations in the convents. Why have they chosen to follow as foolish maidens the modes of an evil world? They do not pray; therefore, they have become blinded. How many have abandoned Jesus for the love of the world! What shall the Father do, when they enter beyond the veil, with them?
    "Satan has set upon the world a mode of fashion. It is a destructive way of life. The convents shall not follow the fashions of the world. The men of God shall not follow the fashions of the world." - St. Theresa, March 25, 1973

"Your children are being debased and defiled through sorcery, drugs, and indoctrinated through your schools. The powers of witchcraft must not be tested, for forces are now loosed upon your earth. The supernatural must be recognized, for it is evident that too few are preparing themselves for these days you are living in.
    "My children, do not laugh as I caution you that walking among you are those who are no longer human in nature nor pursuits. They have given themselves to satan and no longer can be recognized as human. My children, they are sacrificing other humans in their rituals of black mass. Many young enter upon this scene seeking friendship among their fellow men, and why? Because they have a void in their lives that you as parents have not filled. And the leaders in My Son's House, they have been abandoned by them. They do not have a foundation of faith nor learning to protect them and to give them the armor to withstand these onslaughts.
     "My children, as parents you must recognize now that your children have rejected the knowledge of their God, the Father in Heaven, and have replaced this with false gods." - Our Lady, November 1, 1977

"The foundation is solid, My children. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church. Though those who follow the light must go through a crucible of suffering for the restoration of My Son's Church, know, My children, that the eventual victory is with My Son.
    "My children, you are not alone in your struggle. There are many armies of light now rising, with Michael to guide them, throughout your world. Persevere in the days ahead, My children, for you are truly children of the light. And, My children, you must remain within yourself, and not give yourself to the world, for what do you have in common with children of darkness?" - Our Lady, September 28, 1976

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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