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#560 - Luxury
“Lay not up to yourselves treasures on earth: where the rust, and moth consume, and where thieves break through, and steal. But lay up to yourselves treasures in heaven: where neither the rust nor moth doth consume, and where thieves do not break through, nor steal.” – St. Matthew 6:19-20
"Our hearts are greatly saddened by the evils and
abominations being committed in the houses of God throughout the world. Man has
given himself to all pleasures of the flesh. Luxury in your country, My
children, has been your downfall, for you have forgotten your God and you have
starved your soul.
"The Eternal Father is most merciful, My children, and He
will chastise those He loves. There is great value in suffering. Many will carry
heavy crosses, My children, in the days ahead.
"In the city of Rome, the light is dim. The battle
continues, the battle of the spirits. The sheep are being separated from the
goats by the Eternal Father. In the end all that is rotten will have fallen." -
Our Lady, December 6, 1975
"You will not be free from the disasters visited elsewhere.
You will not learn a lesson until the destruction falls upon you. Your country
will no longer remain intact in the face of destruction.
"Your excessive luxury has weakened your souls. The Eternal
Father needed less provocation when He finished arrogant man in his world of
sin. Your evil has become far greater than the past sins of man." - Our Lady,
July 15, 1971
"My children, you are now on the verge of a great disaster.
Pray as you have never prayed before! I need not stress again what I have been
crying throughout the world, coming to you with the plan for your salvation. How
many have listened to My pleas? How many have turned away from My cries?
"We do not bring upon you willful disaster. No! We allow you
to bring your own destruction. We have held back what you so rightly deserve for
many earth-years. But now you have grown fat on your luxury and starved your
"You will not escape the trials given in the past to your
fellow men. You will not be free from the Chastisement.
"Woe, woe, I say to you, for you have turned your back on the
cross of My Son to worship the mores of evil man." - Our Lady, November 1,
"My child and My children, how many words have been given to
mankind by warnings from the Queen of Heaven--warnings that have gone unheeded!
The hearts of mankind have been hardened. Luxury upon luxury have entered their
lives and have starved their spirits.
"The warnings from Heaven have been given throughout your
world. The time of times and the day approaches when mankind shall be forced and
separated. The sheep and the goats shall stand apart.
"I have given a warning in general to mankind. I have sent My
voice throughout your world summoning before Me those in command of My sheep:
shepherds that have gone astray, shepherds that have set themselves in the place
above the Eternal Father, shepherds that have scattered Our flock. You have been
given in time eternal the truth of your Faith. You shall not change this,
making a religion upon earth that is based on the fallen nature of mankind!
"I watch your earth. I tremor for what you are asking as a
just punishment for your actions! The Father chastises those He loves. Your
world will be bathed with blood. Shall you accept the Blood of the Lamb, or
shall you receive the sword? The choice is yours." - Jesus, November 20, 1975
"In the ultimate Chastisement, houses will blow in the wind;
skin will dry up and blow off the bones as if it had never been. Many eyes will
see and still not believe, so hardened are the hearts now in sin.
"Your country, as a leader for the world, is setting itself
in for greater chastisement. And why? Because of your example! Your luxury has
been your downfall; your pride has been your downfall; and the Eternal Father
has allowed you, in your sin, to continue fast upon your way so that you will
reach satan, the prince of darkness, whom you have chosen to give yourself to!
"This darkness has entered not only upon My Church but into
the hearts and the very homes, the life pattern of My children. Awaken from your
slumber; look about you and recognize the signs of your times.
"Do not, O pastors, in your pride, think that you shall not
fall under judgment. Oh, no! Your judgment will be far greater. For those who
receive much, much is expected of them." - Jesus, May 29, 1976
"My Mother's words and the words of the Eternal Father will
have gone throughout the world, and then you will be planet struck. All this
depends now on your atonement, sacrifices, and your turning back from your evil
ways. We are merciful. We do not wish to visit evil upon you. We say 'evil'
because anything that hurts Our hearts cuts deeply. We love all Our children,
and We do not wish to see one lost to Us. But many times, My children, We will
be forced to bring you back through suffering.
"We have given you in your country many graces. You are
bountiful with luxury. You have grown fat on your luxuries, but this has not fed
your souls. They are starved for the light. You wander in deep darkness. You
search, but what are you searching for, My children? You reach out and what do
you find? Satan!
"Already religions of evil are spreading throughout your
land, creations of satan. What of your children? Are they visiting these temples
of satan? As a parent have you warned them of the trap that is being set for
them? No! You are too busy living your luxurious lives, pleasure seeking,
filling your stomachs, pampering your bodies. To what avail do you do this? Your
time upon earth is so short! What do you gain?
"Unless you become disciplined and seek the things of your
God, you will be destroyed, physically and spiritually. In the final outcome We
will separate the sheep and the goats. You will all have been given your
choice." - Jesus, April 10, 1972
"Many upon earth, My children, have given themselves over to
lives of luxury and sinful pursuits. Unless they turn back while there is time
they will lose all of the opportunity to recover the graces needed for their
redemption. Redemption, grace, and peace.
"A cleansing, a gradual cleansing of the earth shall soon
start. My children, are you ready now? Have you prepared your household? Do you
safeguard your children with the sacramentals given to you? Or has the enemy
come to you with derision, and calling you a fanatic, have you taken them from
about you? Your protection then is gone and you can be lost!
"Do not be deluded by those agents of hell, or those who have
been unwittingly and unsuspectingly become enmeshed with the agents of hell.
They will come to you with all seeming good intentions. But remember, My
children, that the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. I say unto
you now as your Mother, as a Mediatrix between God and man, the Commandments of
the Eternal Father must be followed. If you break one you break them all!" -
Our Lady, June 9, 1979
"My children of light, My Mother will continue to be with you
in the days ahead. Yes, Her voice has cried out in supplication to the Eternal
Father for a continued reprieve for mankind from the Warning and the great
Chastisement. However, many warnings have been given in the past to awaken
mankind from its slumber, as man is plunging fast to his own destruction.
"Sin in your country and in many countries throughout the
world has become a way of life. In the history of a fallen nation you will
always find it is preceded by a fall into immorality and sin. For a nation that
has been given plenty, it has been used now, this excess in luxury, to destroy
"The Faith is being attacked in My House upon earth, My
Church, and many of My clergy are falling into the plan with the octopus, the
great world powers that seek to gather all nations into a rule of a one-world
government and a one-world religion based on humanism and modernism. However,
this shall not be set in motion to a conclusion with the loss of souls. This
shall not be set in motion because the Eternal Father will send a Warning to
mankind, a great Warning of such magnitude that very few will doubt that it
comes from the Eternal Father and is not man-made." - Jesus, July 25, 1978
"Do you, My children, truly know the meaning of love and
practice it in your daily life? Or have your lives been given over to luxury and
seeking pleasures of the flesh? Selfishness abounding in the hearts of many, and
even in the hearts of the clergy. The corporal acts of mercy must be practiced
by the clergy in My Son's House.
"My Son has sent Me to you, through the Father and the Spirit
of life, as a Mediatrix between God and man, to direct you and counsel you, that
you may understand the knowledge given in the Book of love and life, your Bible.
For many who read, they are just words, not to be practiced in the daily lives
of many.
"My children, without charity you have nothing! Does holiness
reign, and charity, in the hearts of the clergy in My Son's House? Or shall I
give to you the measure of offenses by count as My Son suffers for these
offenses by count? For when you do not clothe your brother in his nakedness,
when you do not feed your brother in his hunger, when you do not comfort him in
his affliction, you offend the Father in Heaven and the Trinity; for even the
most humble and smallest among you, as human beings upon earth, are the children
of your God, and each and every man, woman, and child has been created in the
image of God. But now you have given yourselves over to seeking worldly
pleasures; you have given yourselves over to the worship of Lucifer and false
gods. And then you cry to Heaven: 'Where are my children? Why have my children
turned against us?' Parents, leaders in the houses of religion upon earth, have
you followed your vocation? What measure of responsibility shall you be counted
for in the fall of your nation?" - Our Lady, September 7, 1979
"My child and My children, how long can I go about your earth
going from place to place, hinder and yon, as your Mother, praying with you,
solacing the nations that suffer from their own laxity. We ask for prayer,
atonement, and sacrifice. And what do We get? We have theologians who now
consider themselves as gods upon earth. They are setting up a new world
religion, a one-world religion based on humanism and modernism. This will not
continue much longer, My children. It has taken many earth-years to develop
these theories. And those who have their heads in the clouds, though they wear
the purple hats and the red hats, those who have become blinded from the
excessive love of luxury and materialism, shall be lost in the chaos.
"Each and every soul shall be held accountable for his soul
and the souls of those about him. Families are disintegrating. I must tell you
now, My children, the family must be returned to the holy state it was
constructed for. We shall never approve nor accept marriage and cohabitation
without marriage. We shall not accept the annulments that are being given now to
so many without due cause." - Our Lady, September 27, 1986
"Women of the world, you have chosen to become murderers,
killing your young. You defy the Eternal Father in your quest for luxury and
pleasure. You have cast aside your role as women and have aligned yourselves
with homosexuality and lesbianism, and as such you corrupt the young. Woe to a
generation that has made sin a way of life." - Our Lady, June 1, 1978
"All clergy, cardinals, bishops, parish priests, and laymen
shall be accountable for the fall of all souls within their self-imposed
dedication of protection, which has been cast aside, as many have been blinded
by a life of too much luxury and ease.
"As I told you in the past, through prophets and the word,
that it will be easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich
man to enter Heaven. For his richness has been directed from satan for the
destruction of his soul.
"Charity is known to few. Charitable people are few, My child
and My children. Blessed are the poor and the peacemakers, for they shall be
truly called children of God." - Jesus, June 13, 1981
"As a nation, as a country--to all nations of the world, I
say to you, as your Mother, that as you have sown so shall you reap. How many
years have I traveled across your earth, crying with tears of pity and
frustration, that the great Chastisement be withheld from mankind, because of
the many souls that will be lost to Heaven. How many have listened to My counsel
and prepared? Have you become so blinded by your lives of luxury and worldly
pursuits that you can no longer recognize what is happening about you? Murders
abound. Blood flows in the street. Hunger shall be set upon your country. Many
shall die. And why? Because you have turned your back upon My Son, the only One
now who can save you from what is fast coming upon you." - Our Lady, May 30,
"Your country, My child, now has been given the balance. It
has in its own hands the power for good or evil. For all the luxuries and graces
bestowed upon this land, man has used them now to destroy his soul. You have
allowed the dragon to enter upon your country. You have opened the door to the
brood of vipers.
"I have now laid out the plan for salvation for your country.
You will follow this plan or you, too, shall fall. I have placed My mantle over
your country, but I cannot force you to come to Me.
"You will all read the pages set down by John. You will not
be ignorant of the days ahead, for man is always learning but never reaching the
truth. Pray for the light and you will receive the understanding. Look for My
Son and you will be given the way." - Our Lady, November 20, 1971
"You will not receive a kind ear from the clergy, for man can
be wise but stupid. Man had grown soft in the luxuries of his worldly life. Man
no longer seeks the revelation in the Bible.
"I want you, My child, to repeat the words of My Son, given
to your young son in his innocence of heart. I repeat the words of Jesus: 'My
heart is sobbing, My hands are bleeding. I long to see My creation and be filled
with joy.'" - Our Lady, February 1, 1971
"Your country is calling upon itself a greater danger, for
when they seat themselves against My Son and seek to lock Him out of their
houses and to lock Him out of their country, We have no recourse but to chastise
you as We would disobedient children.
"All about you, you see the disobedience of children. In your
schools, your government, your churches--where is the respect, the honor to your
"O you blind, foolish parents who do not recognize the
products of your laxity! The blow, it will be visited upon you; for as you sow,
so shall you reap. Yes, you parents are filling the bodies and minds with
luxuries, but you have chosen to starve the souls of your children. Your
children are being led farther into the darkness. We do not see the light ahead
for them.
"O mournful sight, to see the destruction that is imminent
upon you! O mournful heart, for you who do not listen. When this comes upon you,
you will still not believe what you see with your eyes. O My children, will you
be counted among the few, or will you be lost forever to Us?" - Our Lady,
July 25, 1971
“You have allowed the evil to grow strong in your country. You will remove
from your country this seat of evil that grows strong in your city. The mark of
the beast has labeled your city Babylon! Open your heart and eyes now to the
truth, before it is too late. You are being blindly led to your own destruction.
The brood of vipers within your city must be removed at once!
“The world is fast turning to the darkness.
“Man must learn to humble his spirit. His excessive luxuries are destroying
his spirit. The arrogance of man in his intellectual life has made him build his
nest in the sky, but I will fling the eagle from his nest!" - Our Lady,
February 1, 1972
"Discipline must be returned to the House of God and the
homes. Permissiveness must be stopped. You will not save souls by giving him the
luxuries of life and pampering his worldly body.
"Man no longer recognizes the value of depriving himself of
these luxuries and suffering. He lives for the moments on earth. He blinds
himself to the truth of his temporary pilgrimage upon earth." - Our Lady,
March 25, 1973
"Remember, My children, in this battle of the supernatural, you must utilize
every manner of grace, every sacramental. You must proceed with purpose and
determination on the road to the Kingdom of your God. Every obstacle will be
placed in your way. It is not an easy road. All who enter Heaven will enter by
"I repeat, do not spend your short time upon earth gathering the world's
riches and power, for they are as nothing when you leave your body. Better that
you store your graces in Heaven, gathering them to redeem you when you come over
the veil.
"Many live in dire poverty of material goods, and this We allow, for We
foresee that riches often condemn a man to hell. Values must be changed among
mankind. Spiritual re-awakening, or else a complete spiritual darkness will
bring about the Ball of Redemption.” – Jesus, December 7, 1977
"My children, many of your brothers and sisters are selling their souls to
get to the head. What does it matter if you gain all of the world's graces--and
they call them graces, but how they foul the supernatural! It is no grace, My
children, to achieve worldly acclaim and fortune. True grace only comes from
Heaven, the eternal Kingdom of your God.
"My children, many of these so-called gifts that man seeks upon earth--these
gifts are from satan and the seed for his downfall, man's downfall. Satan has
placed upon earth all manner of enticements to destroy and soil souls.
Recognize, My children, the way of evil set by satan and the true way of the
cross as given by the example of My Son." - Our Lady, April 1, 1978
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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