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#589 - Satan has Poisoned Many Minds, Part 2
"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of unbelievers, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not shine unto them." - 2 Corinthians 4: 4
"My children, your homes are not prepared well for your
children, for you fill them with mind destroyers. Your children are being
enticed and seduced through their mediums of entertainment. I have warned you
over and over to clean your house out; cleanse your home before you weep! Many
children shall turn against their parents, for their minds shall be poisoned by
satan. Murders shall abound; there will be accidents that are not accidents. Sin
is truly insanity." - Our Lady, October 6, 1979
"O My children, please, in your charity, contact Our bishops,
contact your pastors, and give them My message. I cry many tears of great sorrow
for those who have refused the words from Heaven, for those who, in their
blindness, do not look or seek the way.
"Satan has poisoned many minds. Man of science has rejected
the supernatural. Man of science has rejected the true Presence of My Son among
"Know, My children, and remember always that My Son is with
you in the Eucharist, given to you from the legally-ordained and cleansed hands
of your priests. And I repeat, My children, the cleansed hands of Our priests
who are legally ordained." - Our Lady, February 1, 1977
"Many are called, but few are chosen. The numbers counted
will be in the few after the final cleansing. Many minds have been poisoned by
satan; many have sold their souls for worldly gain. How sad that they have
forgotten that all time comes to an end, all life must reach its end, and all
human life passes on to the veil.
"Beyond the veil are the Kingdoms of Heaven and the kingdom
of the prince of darkness. Do not sorrow, My child, for you have knowledge that
not all will enter the Kingdom without cleansing. How much better it would be if
man would learn the value of suffering, and serve his purgatory upon earth, for
very few have entered into the Kingdom without a purification." - Our Lady,
December 24, 1973
"When you speak of Faith, My child, make it known to the
world that Faith is also Tradition. The deposit of Faith lies with holy Church.
However, We see many who are using their rank to destroy the Faith. Know that
the Father is watching them, permitting them to go their way as they sow the
seeds for their own destruction. It is sad, My child, that I should wander and
see such a dimness of faith in the hearts of Our dedicated.
"Satan has poisoned the minds of many and tainted the souls.
Many are misleading. Pray for all men of sin.
"In the deposit of Faith there is also the supernatural.
This, too, is being cast aside as superstition. What a sad awakening they will
find when the Father sets down a heavy hand upon them!" - Our Lady, October
6, 1974
"And why, My children, will this great War come about, the
war to end all wars? Because of man's sin! In your country, My children, in your
seminaries in the United States and Canada, My children, and the world, you have
professors now so steeped in sin . . . they who call themselves My Son's chosen
priests, they are vile sons of satan who are now rationalizing sin! There shall
be no rationalization placed upon sin. The commandments shall not be looked at
objectively and given to excuses, or reasoning to condone sin! No, My children,
it is the minds poisoned by satan that spread this filth and error, this
distortion of doctrine, this distortion of Tradition, and this distortion of
your Faith!
"Awaken, pastors, from your slumber! Can you, O bishops, not
spare but the little time to look into your seminaries? I say but one expression
to you: they have become hell-holes of error and heresy! Clean out your
seminaries, My bishops! My Son will lay upon you a heavy hand in penance! Is
this what you want? Do you not have the courage of your convictions to stand by
the truth of your Faith? Have you given yourselves to such foul sin, O bishops,
in your personal lives that you do no longer recognize sin as being a way of
life? Are you also condoning sin to become a way of life? And what will you
gain, for as you live so shall you die in sin!
"O pastors of My Son's House, I beg you, as your Mother--for
it truly rains teardrops from Heaven--restore My Son's House to its former
glory. Do not give yourselves to filling your coffers. The Eternal Father wants
none of your gold or your silver or your power over mankind, if this power
destroys the souls He has entrusted to you. Yes, Heaven looks upon those who
have entered My Son's House to destroy it! You cannot hide your hearts from the
Eternal Father. He allows you to go about your way, hoping that in your error
you will come out of the darkness and restore yourselves to the light." - Our
Lady, October 2, 1976
"There will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the
earth by the agents of 666, Lucifer. Because many minds have been poisoned by
satan, scientists and men of power are deluded.
"Their minds have been clouded because they search not for
the truth, but in greed and avarice they search for power and money, esteem,
enslavement of their brothers. And for what? Each and every one of you must end
your life upon earth at some time sooner or later. Tomorrow will be the end for
many." - Jesus, August 14, 1979
"Satan has poisoned their minds, and your great scientists
now seek only one thing--to please the Bear. For money. And what is money? You
cannot take it beyond the veil. You will go out as you came in, but you will be
judged when you go out.
"My child and My children, I stress anew for My Mother that
you keep a vigil of prayer going throughout your countries and the world. It
will be through My Mother's brown Scapular and the beads of prayer that many
souls can be saved, and there will be a lessening of the Judgment against
mankind, where he will lose his body as he becomes an ember, so great will be
the flames." - Jesus, July 1, 1985
"Many prayers are needed for the recovery of the
representatives in My Son's House. Many examples are poor.
"Without the number of prayers needed to balance the scale
and acts of reparation from the children of earth, there will be placed upon the
Seat of Peter one who will put and place souls and the House of God into deep
"Satan has poisoned many minds, My child. Those who have the
power to save are now using this power to destroy. We place the greatest
responsibility for salvation of the young souls upon the parents. Do not expect
those without your household to bring the knowledge of the Kingdom to your
children, for their knowledge is not of Heaven; but their knowledge is of the
prince of darkness, satan, Lucifer, most despicable of creatures!" - Our
Lady, March 18, 1974
"The state of your world and your country can be summed up in
a few simple words: Man loves the creature more than the Creator.
"When the world seeks to enter upon My Son's House and
destroy it, know that he has reached his time of judgment. A great Chastisement
shall be set upon the world after the Warning I spoke previously of, My child.
Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Pray for all men of
sin. Satan has poisoned many minds." - Our Lady, September 28, 1974
"I repeat, My children. I dispense among you the greatest of
graces, for you are My disciples. And with these graces you will have the power
to return errant souls to the fold. Gather My sheep, each one seeking his
brother. Go out to the pastures that are rich but filled with poison. Save My
sheep from these pastures. Lead them away from the darkness, My children, I ask
you, for many tears will be shed upon your earth before long. Approach these
days with great hope and live your life in the spirit of light--a life of
penance, atonement, and great sacrifice, not only for yourselves, but for your
loved ones and others who do not have the grace to save their own souls." -
Jesus, December 31, 1972
"My children, you must separate what is important and what is
not. The spirit is your eternal flame. You will guide by it, My children.
Nourish your spirit and not your human bodies. Too much time is spent in
amusement of the human body, seeking entertainment that is being created by
satan to poison your minds. As I have counseled you in the past, your medias of
entertainment are polluted. Your children must be protected against this
pollution in pornography and exploitation of sex.
"O parents, you have the greatest battle now to keep the
souls of your children from contamination. The eyes are the mirror of the soul,
so protect your children's eyes: watch what they read and what they look upon.
Discipline your children and you shall not cry later as parents." - Our Lady,
June 16, 1977
"My children, because of sin, insanity is now encompassing
the minds of men; satan has poisoned many minds. Scientists are ever seeking but
never coming to the truth! Scientists are trying to create a life that is not in
any way the nature of mankind. Man is seeking and shall destroy his nature." -
Our Lady, June 4, 1977
"My children, I must give you all fair warning now that if
you conform with all of the new mods, and all of the modes of the world, in the
name of humanism and modernism leading to satanism, I say unto you that you will
conform and die on the vine! My Son is the vinedresser, the Eternal Father is
the vine, and you were all placed as branches on this vine to grow and flower,
and bring forth good fruit, but you have chosen to poison the waters, and you
are bringing forth bad fruit! Because of this the Eternal Father will seek to
shake the vine, and all that is rotten will fall!
"A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.
"My children, parents, you have a great measure of
responsibility now to teach your children in your homes. They must be given a
firm foundation of Faith, but the true Faith, My children, not faith that has
been distorted until man has brought in now doctrines of demons." - Our Lady,
July 25, 1977
"Now you are bargaining with the final count, My children.
For as night will turn into day, and day will fall into darkness, that day will
come when you will cry out for mercy, and it will be too late. The Ball of
Redemption shall take from your earth three-quarters of mankind. Your country,
America the beautiful, has not witnessed a massive scale of destruction and
death. Is this what you call down upon yourselves? You, My children, hold the
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and in
the countries throughout your world. Pray that satan does not poison the minds
of those in power in such a manner as to bring a faster destruction upon
"The forces of evil are gathering. 666 now controls all the
world; and sad to say, My children, 666 has entered upon Rome, and the fight for
power has begun. Pray for your Vicar. Pray for all men of sin. And above all, My
children, pray for your children, for many parents shall shed tears of great
remorse--too late!" - Jesus, September 28, 1976
"In your search for love and brotherhood, you have opened My
Church in the name of love and brotherhood to all manners of evil and demons! I
assure you, My children, compromise will get you nowhere; the promises and the
words of atheists will get you nowhere. You will not win souls by lowering your
standards or making changes to suit the basic carnal fallen nature of mankind.
"You have reduced My Church, O pastors, to shambles and a
mockery. And what shall I do to you, you who will come before Me and say that
your teaching has been pure? I shall cast you out and send you into oblivion in
the fires! And many will come before Me and say, 'Lord, Lord! Did I now prophecy
in Your name?' O ye workers of iniquity, you cannot hide your hearts from Me. In
My name you will destroy souls? You offer in a starving world half a loaf,
giving the whole loaf poison.
"Children of the world starving for the light and the truth,
I am the Way. I am the Light, and My Church is the light for mankind now, even
though My own pastors have darkened it by their actions and their avarice and
their greed and their vanity and pride! Know that when they have given over My
Church to the world, and as satan deludes them to unite all into a one-world
religion and a one-world government, you are enslaved and it is the end!" -
Jesus, April 2, 1977
"Minds have become clouded, as some will give themselves over
to pursuits of the world, and their minds become clouded and do not understand
the Message from Heaven. The danger, My child, to this, and My children, is that
you can fall away and be forever lost.
"For I repeat again: What is there tomorrow for you? Will you
see another day for you? Will you know another sigh for you? How do you count
your time upon earth? Through science? Through your physicians of the world?
"O My children, how foolish you have become. Running hither
and yon, gaining great knowledge, but you cannot stop the deaths that abound
throughout your world. You cannot stop the increased murderings of your
children: father against son, mother against daughter. And now all restraints
gone for the protection of your children and your home life--the disintegration
within the home because GOD IS does not have any place in your home today." -
Our Lady, June 13, 1981
"My children, you must not cast aside your scriptures; you
must not go forward with change and novelty, for satan then has taken over and
will control your minds, poisoning them until you no longer can separate the
white from the black, the truth from the lies, and the fallacy from the
hallucination, till all shall travel in circles of bewilderment, no longer
knowing where to turn, or where to go to find the truth.
"My children, My Son, your God, He is the Truth; He is the
Word; He is the Way. Do not abandon Him in this crisis within His Church. Stay,
My children, and fight; fight with prayers and acts of penance and good works.
Remain with Him at His tabernacles, My children. They have not been closed yet.
Comfort Him by your presence daily. He is sorrowful, for He is lonely, My
children. So few visit Him, and those who visit Him on Sunday, the day of the
Lord, they come with blank minds, minds clouded by pleasure, bodies stripped to
impurity and immodesty. They come not to honor, but they come by habit, with no
purpose." - Our Lady, September 7, 1976
"My little ones--and I say in fact, My little ones, who are
of humble heart and spirit, who seek not the pleasures and gain of
worldliness--My little ones, I comfort you with the knowledge that you will
receive the keys to the Kingdom. Be not discouraged in this world of darkness,
My children; go forward with My Mother. Her direction is true to you. You may
not understand all that is being given, but accept this with confidence, for
when the time is right, all will be made known to you.
"Many miracles and cures, cures of the body and cures of the
spirit shall be given. Much shall be rejected, for so deep is the evil. This
evil has penetrated far into the very heart of My House. You must now turn back
and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for the salvation of
your own soul.
"The Eternal City of Rome shall pass through a great
conflagration. Discipline must be restored. Obedience, yes, but true obedience
to their God and not to the mores of man. Much evil is being condoned, disguised
under the guise of obedience. Let us, My children, call this a false obedience,
clouded by errors and satanism." - Jesus, August 21, 1976
"I must admonish all bishops and cardinals that again, without prayer and
determined efforts for penance, their minds will remain clouded. Their
involvement in the world of satan will make them fair game for his plan, the
plan of Lucifer to capture the Seat of Peter." - Jesus, October 6, 1978
"The destiny of every man lies in the hands of the Eternal
Father, My child. We are much distressed to find many of Our children becoming
engrossed in this game, My child, of astrology. Do they not understand that it
is promoted by satan to deceive them? The Eternal Father has the destiny of each
man, for He has created him, My child. There is not a stone or a star, or a dark
light--and I say dark, because we must not confuse this with the light from
Heaven, My child--there is no manner of metal, or light, or heat, or radiation
that has an effect on man's future.
"I shall not enlarge upon this statement at this time, My
child, for it is very complicated to most human beings. However, I will repeat
Myself: astrology is a false science, created by satan. Also you will make it
known, My child, that there is only one spirit for one body. There is no
reincarnation. That is also a fallacy and deception given to the world's people
by satan.
"You may enlarge upon this by stating, My child, that at the
end of time, the general judgment, each soul will be reunited with its body at
the general resurrection of mankind. Now if you were, My child, to have more
than one body, what body shall We place that one spirit into? You see, My child,
for those minds that have not been clouded by satan, it is easy to understand
that it is a falseness that has been sent upon the minds of Our children by
satan. It is truly a battle of the spirits." - Our Lady, August 5, 1975
"I need not repeat My words of the past, My child, that the
evil forces of satan, using the bodies of mankind--those who have fallen to
satan, they will be used to lead astray Our children. Unless you wear your
sacramentals and remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world, you
will not escape falling into the darkness--the darkness of spirit that is
reaching out and covering the world now, almost completely. I say almost, My
child, for there are still lights of heavenly beams shining forward to guide
those who are looking for the way. The way is My Son.
"Man of pride and arrogance has set himself above the Father!
Your country and many countries of your world are following the same course as
in the past. Why have you not learned from the past? Sodom! Gomorrha! Nineveh!
Babylon! All fell because of sin. Sin is insanity! Minds have been clouded by
satan. Awaken My priests from their sleep. Open your eyes!" - Our Lady,
August 21, 1974
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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