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Struggle Against
the Capital Sin of Anger...
"You will not develop anger, but pity for a fallen soul. There, but for the grace of the Eternal Father would you go, and would you all go--down into the darkest abyss. No one on earth is free from temptation. No one is free from the attacks of satan. Your life, My children, will be one constant battle against the enemies of God." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 10, 1972
The following is an excerpt from the classic book, The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology by the Very Reverend Adolphe Tanquerey, S.S., D.D.
III. Anger3
The vice of anger is a
perversion of that instinctive feeling that prompts us, upon attack, to resist
force with force. We shall speak of: (1) its nature, (2) its malice, (3) its
n1. ST. GREGORY, "Moral.," 1. V, c. 45, P. L., LXXV, 727-730; ST. THOM., IIa
IIae, q. 158; "De Malo," q. 12; DESCURET, op. cit., t. II, 1-57; THOMAS, op.
cit., ch. IX, p. 94-103; LAUMONIER, op. cit., ch VI.
I. The nature of Anger
#853. There is a passion of anger and a sentiment of anger.
(1) Anger considered as a passion is a violent need of reaction caused by physical or moral suffering or annoyance. This vexation excites a violent emotion which arouses our energies to overcome the difficulty. We are then prone to vent our anger upon persons, animals and things.
There are two principal forms of anger: the redruge of the strong, and the white rage of the weak. In the first kind of anger the heart throbs violently and pushes the blood to the surface; breathing becomes rapid, the face reddens, the neck swells, the veins expand under the skin, the hair stands on end, the eyes sparkle and bulge out of their sockets, the nostrils widen and speech becomes raucous and halting, the muscles gather strength, the whole bodily frame is set for the onslaught and an irresistible motion strikes, breaks, or violently brushes aside the obstacle. White rage causes the heart to contract; breathing becomes difficult, the face assumes a death-like pallor, a cold sweat oozes from the brow, the jaws clench, and the person keeps an ominous silence. However, such pent up agitation ends by bursting forth into a rage and finds an outlet in the discharge of violent blows.
#854. (2) Anger as a sentiment consists in a vehement desire to repel and punish an aggressor.
A) There is a lawful sentiment of anger, a righteous indignation, which is the ardent, but rational desire to visit upon the guilty a just retribution. Thus it was that Our Lord was roused to anger against the money-changers whose traffic defiled His Father's house,1 whilst on the other hand Heli, the high-priest, was severely reproved for not having curbed the shameful conduct of his sons.
That anger be legitimate, it must be: a) just as to its object, seeking to punish only those that deserve punishment, and only in the measure in which they have merited it; b) tempered by moderation in its execution, going no further than the offense demands and adhering to the requirements of justice, C) animated by motives of charity, not degenerating into sentiments of hatred, but aiming solely at the restoration of order and the amendment of the guilty. If any of these conditions are lacking, there is moral guilt. Lawful anger belongs chiefly to those in authority, like parents and superiors, yet it is at times the right and the duty of those in the ranks to resort to it in order to defend their common interests and prevent the ascendancy of the wicked, for there are men whom kindness fails to move and whom the fear of punishment alone can touch. n1. John, II, 13-17.
#855. B) Anger as a capital vice is a violent and inordinate desire of punishing others, regardless of the three conditions we have noted. Often anger is accompanied by hatred, which seeks not merely to repel aggression but to take revenge. Such a sentiment is more deliberate, more lasting, and has, therefore, more serious consequences.
#856. (3) There are degrees of intensity in anger: a) at first, it consists in a mere impulse of impatience; the least annoyance, the least failure elicits a show of temper. b) This is followed by agitation which produces undue irritation and which manifests dissatisfaction by uncontrolled gestures. c) At times anger reaches the stage of violence, culminating not only in words but even in blows. d) It can develop into fury, which is temporary insanity: in this stage one is no longer master of self, one breaks forth into incoherent speech and into such wild gesticulation that it would seem real insanity. e) Lastly, anger at times degenerates into implacable hatred, breathing vengeance, and going so far as to desire death to the adversary. It is important to discern these degrees of anger in order to estimate its malice.
II. The Malice of Anger
It may be considered in itself and in its effects.
#857. (1) In order to determine the exact malice of anger considered in itself we must make important distinctions:--
A) When anger simply consists in a transient impulse of passion, it is of itself a venial sin, because it exceeds proper measure, but it is only a venial sin because, as we presuppose, there is no violation of the great virtues of justice or charity. However, there are instances when anger is so intense that self-control is lost and grave insult is offered to the neighbor. If these impulses, even though born of passion, are deliberate and willful they constitute a grievous fault; but often this is not the case.
#858. B) Anger that goes as far as hatred and rancor, when deliberate and willful, is of itself a mortal sin, for it grievously violates charity and often justice. It is in this sense that Our Lord says: "But I say to you that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."1 Still, if this impulse of hatred is not fully deliberate, the fault will only be venial. n1. Matth., V, 22.
#859. (2) The effects of anger when not repressed are at times terrible.
A) Seneca has described them in expressive words. He attributes to anger treasons, murders, poisonings, divisions in families, dissensions and civil wars with all their horrible aftermath.1 Even when anger does not reach such extremes, it is the source of a great number of faults, because it disturbs the peace of families and gives rise to fearful enmities. n1. "De ira," 1. I, n. 2.
860. B) From the point of view of perfection, it is, St. Gregory1 tells us, a great obstacle to spiritual progress, for if it is not curbed it makes us lose: 1) good Judgment, mental poise; 2) gentleness which is the charm of social relations; 3) the sense of Justice, for passion blinds us to the rights of others; 4) the spirit of recollection, so indispensable to an intimate union with God, to peace of soul, to a ready compliance with the inspirations of grace. n1. "Moral.," 1. c., P. L, LXXV, 724.
III. Remedies against Anger
These must attack the passion of anger and the sentiment of hatred which it at times engenders.
#861. (1) We must make use of every means at our disposal in order to overcome the passion of anger.
A) Physical hygiene offers some means that combine to prevent or to soothe anger, such as correct diet, lukewarm baths, abstention from stimulants and particularly from intoxicants. Such hygienic measures have importance in this matter because of the close union that exists between body and soul. However, account must be taken of temperament and health, and therefore prudence demands the advice of a physician.1 n1. Cf. DESCURET, "La Medecine des Passions;" J. LAUMONIER, "La therapeutique... p. 167-174.
#862. B) Withal, moral hygiene
is even better. a) A good preventive of anger is to acquire the habit of
reflecting before acting so as not to allow ourselves to be swept away by the
first assaults of passion. This is uphill work, but most effective. b) When
despite all, this passion has taken our heart by surprise, "it is better to
drive it away speedily than enter into a parley; for, if we give it ever so
little leisure, it will become mistress of the place, like the serpent, who
easily draws in his whole body where he can once get in his bead.... You must at
the first alarm, speedily muster your forces; not violently, not tumultuously,
but mildly, and yet seriously."1 Otherwise, whilst trying to repress
anger with impetuosity we should but add to our perturbation. c) The better to
check anger, it is useful to divert the mind, that is to say, to turn our
thoughts to anything except the one thing liable to excite it. Therefore, we
must banish all thought of past injuries, all suspicion, etc. d) "We must invoke
the assistance of God when we find ourselves excited to wrath, in imitation of
the Apostles when they were tossed by the wind and the storm upon the waters;
for He will command our passions to cease, and a great calm shall ensue."2
n1. ST.
FRANCIS DE SALES, "Introd. to a Devout Life," P. III, C. VIII.
n2. ST. FR. DE SALES, loc. cit.
#863. (2) When anger gives rise to sentiments of hatred, of rancor, or of vengeance, we can uproot these only by charity based on the love of God. At such times we must remind ourselves that we are all children of the same heavenly Father, all incorporated into the same Christ, all called to the same eternal happiness, and that these great truths exclude every sentiment of hatred. Therefore: a) we should recall the words of the Lord's Prayer: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," and since we crave divine pardon, we should more willingly pardon our enemies. b) We should not lose sight of the example of Our Lord, still calling Judas His friend in the very moment of his treason, praying on the Cross for His executioners, and we should ask Him to give us the strength we need to forgive and forget. c) We should avoid all thoughts of injuries received and of what relates to them. Perfect souls pray for the conversion of those who have hurt them, and in this prayer they find a wonderful balm for the wounds of their souls.
"My child--We must test you at all times to help you should you fall out of grace in anger. Anything that is being said with anger shall never be accepted in Heaven." - Jesus, June 18, 1988
The amazing
Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to
Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:
"I must now caution you in the days ahead, you must not be lead or mislead
by the events that the evil one will bring upon you in his attempt to destroy My
Son's House. You must help your priests. It is not constructive to
speak out in anger against My Son's House. If you have anything to say that you
feel is being done wrong, go to the ones concerned, your priests, your bishops.
Do not spread words among the disbelievers, those waiting to take anything that
can be thrown back to destroy My Son's House. You must realize now that the
trouble within My Son's House has been caused by defiled man of perdition - the
antichrist, who has been loosed among you in this final battle! If you would put
aside your worldly pleasures, your pampering of your body, your eyes would no
longer be blinded. You could see the existence of the evil one in your country -
but no! You have chosen to cast Us aside for temporary pleasures. Those who have
loved Us enough to care - there is nothing to fear, for We will extend Our Mercy
far and wide." - Our Lady, April 3, 1971
"I am well aware, My child, of your sorrow in not being upon My sacred
grounds, the Shrine. However, remember I have told you that you will return.
Persevere, the time is growing near. [the above alludes to a change in the
apparition site due to strenuous and sometimes violent objections by local
"Yes, there is a spring upon the grounds; of waters for
cure. When the time is right, the Eternal Father shall bring the waters up.
"The enemy stands guard; the deceived children of God,
My child...you must pray for them. If they receive the light, because of your
prayers and the prayers of others, they, too, shall understand. They have not
received this light because too few have prayed for them. They give themselves
over to the human frailty of anger and judgment. Pray for them, and you will see
a miracle." - Our Lady, February 10, 1976
"My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer, I beg you, for you do not
know what is soon to come upon you. Pray for your bishops, My child. There is no
place for anger in your heart, but there must be always charity and prayer." -
Our Lady, December 7, 1978
"And, My children, warn others throughout the world that they must not use
My Son's name in profanity and anger. My Son's name is being abused to the point
now where the Eternal Father has His heavy hand near the Ball that sets at the
foot of His throne." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985
"Be guided by the Holy Spirit that comes to you through the Eternal Father.
In the darkness He will guide those who keep Him in their Hearts. Our Father is
the Lord, High God in Heaven. Defiled man knows his father as the black prince
of hell, and this father of the dark abyss spreads destruction, fear, violence,
hatred, murder of innocent babies. Hear Me now, and remember what I say, you
have brought the sword upon you by your own actions! For as the Father gave you
a free will to choose your road - if you sought not the grace necessary to stay
on the right road, it is because there were too few prayers, too little who
cared to save themselves or you!" - Our Lady, April 3, 1971
"Russia has the upper hand now at this time in world peace or world
destruction. You must understand, the heart of the atheist is closed to mercy
and goodness; a darkened soul has shut out the light. And they seek nothing but
the destruction of any man, woman, or child who stands in their way, to assume
and gain through hatred and deception among families, and also, the ruination of
the lives of the children of all families." - Our Lady, April 5, 1985
"My Mother counsels you well when She warns you of compromise with the
enemies of your God, the dangers that you bring into your country. My children,
the words of atheists hold no weight; there is no trust in the ungodly man, and
you cannot consort with them, for you will love one and hate the other. Is there
not a spirit of hate now against all of the personages of Heaven?
"My children, awaken from your slumber. Shall those to
be counted, saved, shall they be only in the few? My children, that will be your
decision. I repeat: while the world cries peace, peace, love and brotherhood,
they sow hate and destruction! The words that come out of the mouth do not come
from the heart! Words of destruction! The Eternal Father, He looks into your
heart. No man can set himself to judge another, but you cannot hide your heart
from the Eternal Father." - Jesus, February 10, 1977
"My Heart bleeds for what I look upon! These poor children, their souls and
bodies destroyed by the enemy that you have allowed to enter into your country.
These children suffer at the hands of their elders. Poison has been placed into
their bodies to destroy them! The destruction of the bodies is as nothing for
when this destruction comes into the soul, then, My children, the tears may fall
for the anguish of knowing the loss for all eternity. There is no love left in
the hearts of your children. They are being conditioned to hate! To destroy! All
parents must look now, into the days that lie before you. You will see how your
children will turn upon you. Yes, you will receive and reap the products of your
laxity. Your city is as a cesspool! All the evils come as a nucleus here and fan
out. When the hand comes upon you, you will be leveled for your licentiousness,
your greed, your immorality! The children must be saved for they are the
innocent victims of their elders! Parents who have grown lax as they seek the
pleasures of the world before the spiritual welfare of their children! their
children's souls!" - Our Lady, September 7, 1971
"Do not follow the scoffers who continue to say, 'His promise has not and
will not come true, to return in the Second Coming.' I assure you I shall come
to you all as a thief in the night. Little will you be prepared unless you
listen to My Mother's counsel and keep your heart open for the truth. The more
you seek riches in this life, the less you will have in Heaven, for they do not
coincide, My child and My children. You cannot have a god, symbolized by money,
before you, for you will love one and hate the other. And whom will you hate, My
children, but Me?" - Jesus, September 7, 1985
"My children, remove from your households all secular writings. Read only
your Bible, the Book of love and life. Your children are being exposed to mind
control. Your children are being taught to sin, to hate, to murder the elderly
and the aged. Father against son, mother against daughter--strife within the
household, as satan seeks to claim the souls of the young.
"The Commandments of the Eternal Father were written in full; the
construction of My Son's Church was directed in full. All will be found written
by the founding Fathers of the Church in the Bible, your Book of life and love.
Pastors in My Son's Church, whatever are you seeking to reform! You had the
truth, you had the light, but with itching ears you are listening to demons." -
Our Lady, May 23, 1979
"My children, there is nothing to gain by allowing demons to rule your lives,
for demons are filled with hate and malice, destruction and death. No good lies
within the supernatural of demons. It is the world of satan. And you have
allowed your world to be taken over by satan, the father of all liars, the
master of deceit, and a murderer from the beginning." - Jesus, November 21,
"Without My Son you are lost. A godless nation shall fall. A nation that has
been eaten away and rotted by sin shall fall. A nation that has turned itself
back and regressed to a state of animal living bordering on all sins of the
flesh and impurity; given over to all manner of seeking things of the world;
power, lust, envy, hate, murders, abortions, worship of false idols; loving
money, power, and lacking the instinct of survival when survival can only be
reached by pleading from them to the merciful heart of the Eternal Father." -
Our Lady, June 13, 1981
"My children, understand Us: We do not come with messages to upset you or to
make you afeared of Us; that is not necessary. All you have to do is think, and
use your hearts, not just your head; I say, not just your head, for the
scientist and those who are in charge of the souls of your children are
implanting in these souls dark seeds of hate, and envy, and the need for
materialism. O My children, I could repeat over and over again the sins that
make it a world of destruction for those who are trying to stay on the narrow
road to Heaven, while all obstacles are placed in his way." - Our Lady,
October 5, 1985
"There are many now, agents of satan. They were, My child, in the synagogues of
My time and they are now in the synagogues of your time. However, they are not
true men of God; therefore, I shall call them the synagogue of Satan! They do
not honor their God! They have set themselves to honor man! God has no place in
their lives! Man shall be a creature for worship!
"Detach yourselves from these secret societies! Do not
be fooled by their honeyed words of humanism and modernism, brotherhood and
love; love, love. So many words of love do We hear and what do you breed but
hate and murder! By your fruits will you be known!" - Our Lady, September 7,
"The Spirit of truth, My children, has been sent to you countless numbers of
times in the present and the past. Many have rejected them, choosing to set
themselves onto the road of error and damnation. Pride, intellectual pride in
the House of God is more a formidable barrier than outright licentiousness! This
barrier destroys! Rid yourselves of this pride and arrogance! Return to your
state of poverty of the body and meekness of the soul! Unless you make
yourselves like unto the little children, you will not enter into the Kingdom."
- Our Lady, July 1, 1974
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D78 - Charity
D89 - Sin
D107 - Pride
D108 - Humility
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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