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From the TLDM Archives:
These Last Days News - December
24, 2014
URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and
- Now Michael has placed his sword down as though he was digging into the
ground, but he's not. I don't know what he placed it into. Oh, I see
he's placed it into satan....
St. Michael - "You have nothing to fear but fear. Face
it, and it will disappear. Face it with prayer."
- June
16, 1973
First we will have the Letter from Michael...
There's a story about a young Marine named Michael who wrote a letter home to his mother while he was in the hospital after having been wounded in Korea in 1950. A Navy Chaplain named Father Walter Muldy apparently was given the letter, checked the facts and concluded what was in the letter was true. A year later he read the letter in public for the first time, to a gathering of some 5,000 Marines at the Naval Base in San Diego. Here is the letter:An audio recording of this Letter: https://www.tldm.org/rafiles/SoldierNamedMichael.mp3
Dear Mom,
I wouldn't dare write this letter to anyone but you because no one else would believe it. Maybe even you will find it hard but I have got to tell somebody. First off, I am in a hospital. Now don't worry, ya hear me, don't worry. I was wounded but I'm okay you understand. Okay. The doctor says that I will be up and around in a month.
But that's not what I want to tell you.
Remember when I joined the Marines last year; remember when I left, how you told me to say a prayer to St. Michael every day. You really didn't have to tell me that. Ever since I can remember you always told me to pray to St. Michael the Archangel. You even named me after him. Well I always have.
When I got to Korea, I prayed even harder. Remember the prayer that you taught me? "Michael, Michael of the morning, fresh chord of Heaven adorning," you know the rest of it. Well I said it everyday. Sometimes when I was marching or sometimes resting. But always before I went to sleep. I even got some of the other fellas to say it.
Well, one day I was with an advance detail way up over the front lines. We were scouting for the Commies. I was plodding along in the bitter cold, my breath was like cigar smoke.
I thought I knew every guy in the patrol, when along side of me comes another Marine I never met before. He was bigger than any other Marine I'd ever seen. He must have been 6'4" and built in proportion. It gave me a feeling of security to have such a body near.
Anyway, there we were trudging along. The rest of the patrol spread out. Just to start conversation I said, "Cold ain't it." And then I laughed. Here I was with a good chance of getting killed any minute and I am talking about the weather.
My companion seemed to understand. I heard him laugh softly. I looked at him, "I have never seen you before, I thought I knew every man in the outfit."
"I just joined at the last minute", he replied. "The name is Michael."
"Is that so," I said surprised. "That is my name too."
"I know," he said and then went on, "Michael, Michael of the morning ..."
I was too amazed to say anything for a minute. How did he know my name, and a prayer that you had taught me? Then I smiled to myself, every guy in the outfit knew about me. Hadn't I taught the prayer to anybody who would listen. Why now and then, they even referred to me as St. Michael. Neither of us spoke for a time and then he broke the silence.
"We are going to have some trouble up ahead."
He must have been in fine physical shape or he was breathing so lightly I couldn't see his breath. Mine poured out in great clouds. There was no smile on his face now. Trouble ahead, I thought to myself, well with the Commies all around us, that is no great revelation. Snow began to fall in great thick globs. In a brief moment the whole countryside was blotted out. And I was marching in a white fog of sticky particles. My companion disappeared.
"Michael," I shouted in sudden alarm.
I felt his hand on my arm, his voice was rich and strong, "This will stop shortly."
His prophecy proved to be correct. In a few minutes the snow stopped as abruptly as it had begun. The sun was a hard shining disc. I looked back for the rest of the patrol, there was no one in sight. We lost them in that heavy fall of snow. I looked ahead as we came over a little rise.
Mom, my heart stopped. There were seven of them. Seven Commies in their padded pants and jackets and their funny hats. Only there wasn't anything funny about them now. Seven rifles were aimed at us.
"Down Michael," I screamed and hit the frozen earth.
I heard those rifles fire almost as one. I heard the bullets. There was Michael still standing. Mom, those guys couldn't have missed, not at that range. I expected to see him literally blown to bits. But there he stood, making no effort to fire himself. He was paralyzed with fear. It happens sometimes, Mom, even to the bravest. He was like a bird fascinated by a snake. At least, that was what I thought then. I jumped up to pull him down and that was when I got mine I felt a sudden flame in my chest. I often wondered what it felt like to be hit, now I know..
I remember feeling strong arms around me, arms that laid me ever so gently on a pillow of snow. I opened my eyes, for one last look. I was dying. Maybe I was even dead, I remember thinking well, this is not so bad. Maybe I was looking into the sun. Maybe I was in shock. But it seemed I saw Michael standing erect again only this time his face was shining with a terrible splendor. As I say, maybe it was the sun in my eyes, but he seemed to change as I watched him. He grew bigger, his arms stretched out wide, maybe it was the snow falling again, but there was a brightness around him like the wings of an angel. In his hands was a sword. A sword that flashed with a million lights. Well, that is the last thing I remember until the rest of the fellas came up and found me. I do not know how much time had passed. Now and then I had but a moment's rest from the pain and fever. I remember telling them of the enemy just ahead.
"Where is Michael," I asked.
I saw them look at one another. "Where's who?" asked one.
"Michael, Michael the big Marine I was walking with just before the snow squall hit us."
"Kid," said the sergeant, "You weren't walking with anyone. I had my eyes on you the whole time. You were getting too far out. I was just going to call you in when you disappeared in the snow."
He looked at me, curiously. "How did you do it kid?"
"How'd I do what?" I asked half angry despite my wound. "This marine named Michael and I were just ..."
"Son," said the sergeant kindly, " I picked out this outfit myself and there just ain't another Michael in it. You are the only Mike in it.
He paused for a minute, "Just how did you do it kid? We heard shots. There hasn't been a shot fired from your rifle. And there isn't a bit of lead in them seven bodies over the hill there."
I didn't say anything, what could I say. I could only look open-mouthed with amazement.
It was then the sergeant spoke again, "Kid," he said gently, "every one of those seven Commies was killed by a sword stroke."
That is all I can tell you Mom. As I say, it may have been the sun in my eyes, it may have been the cold or the pain. But that is what happened.
Love, Michael
Order a St. Michael Medal to give to your policeman. Click here... All Sacramentals...
We have search the internet trying to find the Marine soldier named Michael's prayer which he said every morning. Finally, we found a saintly elderly priest, Fr. Joseph Reitz, who knew the prayer. Here it is:
Michael, Michael, of the morning,
Fresh chord of Heaven adorning,
Keep me safe today
And in time of temptation,
Drive the devil away.
This prayer must be prayed upon rising every morning.
Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside Prophecies... https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/ These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
"When I am returned to remain guard at the tabernacles, and my name is returned, you will find the people flocking back into the houses of their God." - St. Michael, August 21, 1974GUARDIAN OF CHILDREN
"My child, I am not but a guardian of the Father, the eternal Kingdom, and the Queen of Heaven, but I am also a guardian of the children upon earth. I am the guardian of the houses throughout the world, of God--the churches, My child--but many have forgotten this." - St. Michael, May 17, 1975GREATEST WARRIOR
"Michael is the greatest warrior of Heaven. Call upon him often, My children." - Jesus, June 9, 1979WHO IS LIKE UNTO GOD!
Veronica - And he's pointing his spear down. He's holding the balance in his right hand, and now with the balance held high up in the air, he's saying: "Who is like unto God! Who is like unto God!" - St. Michael, August 14, 1976DISCERNMENT
"You will all keep in your hearts this prayer for consolation and direction. If you come upon a questionable soul, you will say inwardly the Exorcism, Saint Michael, and your eyes will be opened to the truth. Many shall receive the gift of discernment of spirits." - Jesus, October 1, 1977AWESOME
Veronica - Now coming down from the sky behind Our Lady, directly behind Her, I see Michael. His--oh, his span is across the whole sky. There is no way to explain Michael, Saint Michael. He is very, very large and awesome, but he gives you a wonderful feeling of contentment, peace and support. - June 4, 1977SWORD INTO SATAN
Veronica - Now Michael has placed his sword down as though he was digging into the ground, but he's not. I don't know what he placed it into. Oh, I see he's placed it into satan....
St. Michael - "You have nothing to fear but fear. Face it, and it will disappear. Face it with prayer." - St. Michael, June 16, 1973NO VARIATIONS
"My child and My children, I ask that no variations be made in the process of speaking and telling the beads. Saint Michael's, the Archangel, and the prayer given to the children will be sufficient. ** Neither add to nor detract from the beads." - Our Lady, October 6, 1978BRING ST. MICHAEL BACK IN THE CHURCH IN STATUE AND PRAYER
"You will bring back into My Church, and your country and all of the nations of the world the Exorcism to rid a country of the evil one, satan, the prince of darkness, who has now in his possession a pair of boots of destruction. You will say: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine power of God, cast into hell satan, and all evil spirits who wander now throughout your world seeking the ruin of souls.” - Jesus, October 1, 1977DAILY
"My children, you must use the exorcism of Saint Michael constantly, daily in your lives, for those who knock upon your door now may be evil." - Our Lady, October 6, 1977EXORCISM PRAYER
"Lucifer is upon earth; you understand that his powers are great. That is why you must always test the spirits and say the Saint Michael Exorcism when it is possible. When it is not possible, you will say: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, 0 prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who roam now throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls." - Jesus, June 18, 1984SATAN CHAINED INTO HELL...
"You will know now that My Mother will crush the prince of darkness, and he will lie before Her, chained by Michael and cast into the pit. He rages now upon your world, knowing that his time grows short." - Jesus, March 24, 1973On April 24th 1994, Pope John Paul II recommended the Catholic faithful to continue praying the St. Michael Exorcism prayer:
"May prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the Letter to the Ephesians: 'Draw strength from the Lord and from His mighty power' (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church. Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world.”
(The following is a brief history of how the St. Michael Prayer came to be recited after Low Mass, as described in the St. Gregory Society Newsletter):
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the Divine power of God thrust down into hell Satan and all wicked spirits who wander throughout the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
This prayer to Saint Michael is excerpted from the Prayers after Low Mass, the so-called Leonine Prayers. In 1859, Pope Pius IX ordered that special public prayers--three Hail Marys, the Salve Regina, a versicle and a collect--be recited after Mass in all churches within the Papal States in supplication fro the defeat of the enemies of his temporal sovereignty. On 6 January 1884 Pope Leo XIII decreed that the prayers Pius IX had prescribed for churches in the Papal States be recited after Low Mass in churches throughout the world. In 1886 the Prayer to St. Michael was added. The opening words of the invocation is similar to the Alleluia verse for St. Michael's feasts on May 8 and September 29. In 1930 Pope Pius XI decreed a new intention for the Prayers after Low Mass--that Christ "permit tranquility and freedom to profess the faith to be restored to the afflicted people of Russia." The "freedom of the Church in Russia" therefore--and not the conversion of Russia to the Catholic faith in fulfillment of the Fatima promises--was the official intention for which these prayers continued to be prescribed." (taken from the Saint Gregory Society Newsletter, Number 30, Winter 2003)
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D10 - Consecrate Russia
D41 - St. Michael
Pope John Paul II recommends praying the St. Michael Exorcism...
There are 4 Things You Must Have to Survive the End Times:
1.) The Douay-Rheims Holy Bible...
"I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed not after 1965, My children." - Jesus, October 5, 1985
"You must all obtain a copy of the Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not accept the new mods. Try to find in your bookstores the old Bibles, My children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man. I repeat, sin has become a way of life." - Our Lady, October 6, 1992
"I must ask you all to read but a few short chapters a day now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the disciples of My Son, for you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be concerned what you will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given to you by the Spirit." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976
The Douay-Rheims Bible was published in 1899. It is the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. Almost all other Bibles have been rewritten by Satan. See: https://www.tldm.org/directives/d33.htm , https://www.tldm.org/directives/d415.htm and https://www.tldm.org/directives/d182.htm If you don't have a Douay-Rheims Bible order it now! (Order Form) Yours and your loved ones salvation could depend on it.
Read the Bible cover to cover. If you read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days. I have read the Bible 2 times and working on the third time. A 75 year old Baptism gentleman told me that he and his wife have read the Bible nine times. Wow!
2.) The Complete Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies in 6 Paperback Books...
The Virgin Mary brings directions from God, the Father in Heaven on how to survive the end times. God, the Father, through the Virgin Mary, tells what is coming, how to prepare for it, how to survive it, and how to even stop it. These six volumes along with the Bible are most important to save yourself and your loved ones. Order it now. Tomorrow may be to late. These 6 pocket size paperback books costs $33.00. (Order Form)
3.) Heaven's Home Protection Packet...
Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $10.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Send $14.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15 (Order Form)Crucifix on front and back door... The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.) https://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm (Order Form)
4.) Heaven's Personal Protection Packet...
Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a Rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5 (Order Form)Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448. Item # P5 (Order Form)
Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book . . .
We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book. Veronica said it was very good. It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it. Every North American must read this book! Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)
Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
The sin of omission... "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
My gift to help spread Our Lady of the Roses' messages to the world.
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
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April 07, 2020