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Chaput urges Catholics to fight against any "shrewdly hidden" plan to expand abortion

Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop Chaput Intensify Warnings Against Health Care Abortion Expansion...

"For that one reason among many, the United States will suffer unless there is placed into your government a group that fears the Lord if they cannot love the Lord. They will fear Him and find measures to stop the slaughter of the unborn." - Our Lady of the Roses, April 14, 1984

LifeSiteNews.com reported on August 14, 2009:

Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, chairman of the U.S. Bishops' (USCCB) Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, has again spoken out aganst the abortion expansion in President Odama's health care legislation, calling the bill "seriously deficient" on the issue of mandated coverage and funding of abortion.  Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver also issued a call to action urging Catholics to tell legislators that only a bill that excludes abortion is acceptable health care reform. 

In an August 11 letter to the U.S. House of Representatives, Cardinal Rigali criticized the bill for delegating to the Secretary of Health and Human Services "the power to make unlimited abortion a mandated benefit in the 'public health insurance plan' the government will manage nationwide."  He called this a "radical change" since federal law excludes most abortions from federal employees' health benefits, and no federal health program mandates coverage of elective abortions.

Cardinal Rigali also criticized the bill for bypassing the Hyde Amendment and other longstanding provisions preventing federal funding of abortion, and called the provisions to separate funding for abortion created by the House Energy and Commerce Committee a "legal fiction." 

Because funds paid into these plans are fungible, noted Rigali, the bill would still end up forcing low-income Americans, who may only be able to afford the public plan, to subsidize abortions for others and abortion coverage for themselves "even if they find abortion morally abhorrent."

"Much-needed reform must not become a vehicle for promoting an 'abortion rights' agenda or reversing longstanding policies against federal funding and mandated coverage of abortion," Rigali said. He added that "no federal program mandates coverage for elective abortions, or subsidizes health plans that include such abortions. Most Americans do not want abortion in their health coverage, and most consider themselves 'pro-life,' with a stronger majority among low-income Americans."

"By what right, then, and by what precedent, would Congress make abortion coverage into a nationwide norm, or force Americans to subsidize it as a condition for participating in a public health program?" he asked.

In an interview with LifeSiteNews.com (LSN) this week, Rigali said that, while the American Catholic Church has sought true health care reform for years, the current legislation was "not acceptable."

"There's not a provision, the necessary provision for the exclusion of abortion.  That has to be very, very clear," the cardinal emphasized.  "And besides that, there has to be the very clear provision ... that medical caregivers will not be forced to do things against their conscience. So there has to be freedom of conscience, and also we have to make sure there's no inclusion of abortion as part of a national health care benefit.

"The Church is very clear in supporting health care, but these are absolute requirements," he continued.  "So our message is very clear: support genuine health care reform that respects the life and dignity of all. That has to be made clear ... for it to be acceptable to us."

In the archdiocese of Denver, Archbishop Charles Chaput wrote a column for the Denver Catholic Register urging readers to ensure Catholic teaching on the sanctity of life is secured in the health legislation, and to fight against any "shrewdly hidden" plan to expand abortion. 

"The whole meaning of 'health care' would be subverted by any plan that involves mandated abortion access or abortion funding," wrote Chaput.  "The reason is obvious.  Killing or funding the killing of unborn children has nothing to do with promoting human health, and including these things in any 'health care' proposal, no matter how shrewdly hidden, would simply be a form of lying."

Chaput pointed out the deceptive nature of the abortion amendment offered by pro-abortion Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA).  While it "would seemingly ban abortion coverage as part of a federally mandated minimum benefits package," he noted, "it would require at least one insurance plan in each "premium rating area" to cover abortion. 

"In its effect, the Capps approach would lead to elective abortion being covered under a government-operated public plan by allowing federal subsidies to flow to private insurance plans that cover elective abortion," wrote the archbishop.

"This isn't a compromise.  It's a shell game."

Chaput urged Catholics in Colorado "to contact their federal lawmakers immediately and demand that abortion and abortion funding be completely excluded from any national health care plan." 

Today the USCCB announced its new web page promoting its advocacy for "truly universal health policy with respect for human life and dignity." The page includes letters from bishops to Congress, videos, facts and statistics, frequently asked questions, and links for contacting members of Congress.


Part II: Creating "crises" and "shock attacks" in the "war" on population

New book cites US and UN-manufactured scares over population growth...


(See Part I: New Book Exposes Eugenics Mandate in Reproductive Rights Agenda

LifeSiteNews.com reported on July 17, 2008:

In the new book " Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population," Columbia University historian Matthew Connelly shows how the population control movement created "future projections as evidence" of overpopulation, then justified "casualties" in the war on population caused by coercive methods. These included such "shock attacks" as quotas for millions of shoddy vasectomies and IUD insertions without follow-up care, public humiliation of poor families with three or more children, bulldozing entire neighborhoods that displaced countless thousands of the poor, and knowingly unloading defective IUDs that crippled poor women.
According to Connelly, when Malthusian theories used to justify eugenics fell out of favor, population controllers invented new theories. Founding members of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) returning from the Vietnam War, transferred the counterinsurgency tactic of "population control" to USAID's strategy. Chinese missile scientist Jian Song used computer generated modeling to create the appearance of "precise forecast" of disaster for China if the government did not limit women to bearing one child.
Africa, along with India, was the target of many such contrived scenarios, even though according to Connelly "the continent was a net food exporter and featured some of the lowest rates of growth in the world." What's more, he says family planning advocates ignored the fact that fertility was already falling in China and in other target countries, and ignored the "accumulating body of evidence showing that high fertility was not, after all, correlated with poverty." He demonstrates that fertility rates fell in developing countries between 1950 and 2000, whether or not they were subjected to population assistance programs.
Despite the facts, the movement's tactics became increasingly coercive in the late 1960s, due to the zeal and connections of people like U.S. Army general William Draper. Working with John D. Rockefeller, Draper helped convince President Johnson to include population control in the 1965 "war on poverty." Johnson tied humanitarian aid to developing nations' achieving fertility benchmarks set by the UN and USAID, even vetoing food aid shipments to India in the midst of its dire famines.

Draper founded the Population Crisis Committee, today's Population Action International, with the goal of creating an American public sense of urgency by tapping into the fears of the day, such as drawing a causative link between the lack of family planning in the slums with the chaos caused by youth in the late 1960s and calling for a "crash program for population stabilization."
Along with former Secretary of Defense and World Bank President Robert McNamara, Draper convinced Congress to earmark unprecedented levels of funding for USAID population programs between 1967 and 1971. So much money flooded into the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) that officials did not know how to spend it. This, along with growing skepticism in the third world of U.S. backing - then 90 percent of the total - led Draper to call for the creation of a fund centered at the UN which would "sanitize" U.S. funding, give the appearance of international consensus, and circumvent national governments. The initiative became the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).


Dying for Green? ABC game tells you when you deserve to die...

LifeSiteNews.com reported on June 6, 2008:

Dying to save the planet? The Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC) has spent countless carbons building a website to let all human beings guilty of contributing carbon dioxide to global warming know how long they deserve to live and what they can do to "live forever."

Australia's ABC has unveiled the "PlanetSlayer" site, which the Aussie network calls the "first irreverent environmental website" featuring the cartoon eco-heroine "Greena the Worrier Princess" - a red-haired peacenik tree-hugger accompanied by her trusty canine sidekick - and lets people know how much of a blight they are on the planet. http://www.abc.net.au/science/planetslayer 

"Get the dirt on greenhouse without the guilt trips," the site proudly proclaims. "Just fun and games and the answers to all your enviro-dilemas [sic] ... Use our greenhouse calculator to find out when you should die!"

"Professor Schpinkee's greenhouse calculator" allows people figure out "how your CO2 production compares to the Average Aussie greenhouse pig, and to an environmentally-sustainable greenhouse 'pig.'" Once a person answers all 10 questions, he can click on the skull-and-crossbones to know when he should die "so you don't use more than your fair share of the earth's resources."

Situated between an "Aussie pig" generating 24.6 tonnes of CO2 and the "green pig" generating 3.0 tonnes of CO2, a player can figure out who should live and who should die at what age depending on their use of the planet's resources or more accurately their total carbon usage.

Playing the game will let you know that ABC believes the average working class Aussie should die at 9 years of age for consuming too much of earth's resources. The eco-pig, however, "should die at age 77."

A rough estimate of CO2 usage of an ordinary family provider, who is unable to make "eco-friendly" investments because he needs to support his family, shows that he will have used up his share of the earth's resources by 2.7 years. Third-world inhabitants would average between 25-30 years before their time was up.

However, the calculator offers the secret to living forever without having to give up anything that emits CO2, like private jets, gas-guzzling SUVs, and the hot air of endless environmental conventions. The "green calculator" shows that all one has to do is consume material resources with abandon, but have enough wealth to invest in environmentally friendly businesses to go negative with carbon usage.

Unfortunately those unable to invest, including the working class and poor of rich nations obsessed with global warming must radically alter their standard of living, despite having no real chance of deserving to live more than 30 years, even in destitution.

Those interested in perusing the site can watch episodes of "Greena" and play the Planet Slayer game as "X-ON" in order to slay the planet or as the red-haired olive-drab Greena to save the planet. Winning a level as Greena shows a clip of Greena and her dog chained to a tree shouting "never surrender!" Winning at "slay the planet" lets gamers watch X-ON spray Greena in the face with chemicals. Gamers should be warned that excessive game-play uses up precious carbons and reduces the time they deserve to live on Earth according to the site's global warming "greenhouse" standards.

To visit ABC's PlanetSlayer website: http://www.abc.net.au/science/planetslayer/

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Costs twice as much to make gallon of ethanol from corn as it does for gallon of gasoline

Starvation scapegoat: Blaming population for a green problem...

“Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you who cry to you of no space left for man. There is space, for My Father has a plan for every life He sends.
     “There is, My children, a fear campaign to cause confusion among you. None of these fears are based on the fear of their God. No, these fears are only built on the socializing of man, and his humanism being exploited to cover every sin, that even the mind of satan could not conceive such diabolical folly." - Our Lady of the Roses, August 5, 1971


LifeSiteNews.com reported on June 2, 2008:

Although the search for clean, alternative sources of energy is to be commended in and of itself, the environmentalist movement has a history of overreaching. The ethanol story is a case in point. Of course the farmers are happy that another major, government-subsidized market for their products has arisen - and we at the Population Research Institute (PRI) like farmers. But the ethanol story begins with a radical environmental push for renewable energy. And what better source of renewable energy, they argued, than one of the principal crops of America's farmers: corn.
It turns out that this is a lousy idea from several points of view. First, as studies have demonstrated, it costs twice as much to make a gallon of ethanol from corn as it does for a gallon of gasoline, even though gasoline is nearly twice as efficient.

In addition, according to a Cornell University study, although ethanol might burn cleaner than gasoline, the amount of oil and coal that must be consumed to produce it is so disproportionately huge that ethanol production is actually contributing to the energy crisis, not helping to resolve it. The huge machines that plant, fertilize, and harvest the corn used to make ethanol run on diesel, after all, and the fermentation plants run on electricity.

Not only is ethanol not worth the cost of producing it, the drive to make ever more ethanol is cutting severely into the food supply.

According to an article published last year by Business Week, the dent in American food production alone has been dramatic. "In the U.S., last year's [corn] harvest was 10.5 billion bushels, the third-largest crop ever," it reads. "But instead of going into the maws of pigs or cattle or people, an increasing slice of that supply is being transformed into fuel for cars.

The roughly 5 billion gallons of ethanol made in 2006 by 112 U.S. plants consumed nearly one-fifth of the corn crop. If all the scores of factories under construction or planned go into operation, fuel will gobble up no less than half of the entire corn harvest by 2008."

The very liberal New York Times columnist Paul Krugman pointed the finger at politicians: "You might put it this way: people are starving in Africa so that American politicians can court votes in farm states." But this is only part of the story. Politicians in non-farm states vote for ethanol because it is extremely popular with the environmental lobby.

And what does the radical environmental movement do? Assisted by its minions in the media, it is once again blaming "overpopulation" for rising hunger around the world.
"Debate Grows with Philippines' Population," writes Bruce Wallace of the Los Angeles Times, "As the food crisis looms, who's to blame?" The answer from this bastion of liberal sentiment is not, as it should be, environmentalism run amok, but the old stand-by: overpopulation.

Although the article concedes that the population growth of the Philippines is slowing dramatically -- families are now averaging only 2.5 children -- he still sides with the population fear-mongers in blaming the food shortages on too many people. The environmentalists cited in the article deny that their beloved biofuel movement is sending much of the world into starvation. Instead they attempt to shift the blame onto their favorite culprit -- the world's people, in particular, the world's poor.

This is not surprising. It is well-known that those with a pronounced Green outlook on life believe human beings to be nothing more than a cankerous sore on the face of the earth. Their "environmentally friendly" solutions to perceived problems often ignore the costs that such programs impose, especially upon those least able to bear them, the poor.

The cost of turning massive amounts of food into fuel is, by now, obvious. The Green Revolution, which doubled and tripled grain production around the world, is being undone. Nevertheless, these costs mean little to the Big Green, which seems perfectly happy to manufacture a crisis, as it has in this instance by causing a shortage of food, and then once again lay the blame at the feet of human fertility.

And why not? Thomas Malthus held that overpopulation would naturally be checked by the food shortages and starvation it brought about. He thus advocated a hands-off attitude toward world food crises, insisting that we allow "overpopulated" areas to starve themselves back into balance. The modern environmentalist movement's approach is similarly deadly -- a breathless advocacy of abortion, contraception, and sterilization-with an eye towards reducing the number of people in the world.

Steven Mosher is the President of Population Research Institute.
Colin Mason is Director of Media Production at Population Research Institute.  


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"Our hearts are torn because of the wanton murder of the young by evil man. Abortion, My children, is murder, the most foulest of deeds, that is punishable by death! And what is worse than death of the soul?
     "I say unto you, as your Mother, that any man or woman who performs or takes part of this abomination of the murder of the unborn shall be given a heavy penance upon earth, or if this penance is not given upon earth, that person found guilty in the eyes of his God shall suffer eternal damnation in the fires of hell."
- Our Lady of the Roses, December 28, 1976 

The awesome Bayside Prophecies...  https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/default.htm  
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

"The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy.  I repeat:  not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell.  Among them there will be also mitres." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980

"One of the reasons the Eternal Father chose your city and your state for My appearance was because of abortion, the murder of the holy innocents. Your nation, without repentance, shall be the first struck." - Our Lady, March 15, 1978

"How can a great country like the United States fall, you say, My child?  You ask Me in your heart.  I read your heart.  I will tell you why.  Because they have given themselves over to satan.  When a country has lost its morality and seeks the pleasures of the flesh, giving over, themselves over, to all manner of abominations, like homosexuality, and condoning this up the highest courts of the land, then that country shall fall." -
Our Lady of the Roses, November 1, 1985

"Doctors now are profaning their profession, those who have given themselves over to destroying human life in abortions." 
- Jesus,
June 6, 1987

"Our hearts are torn because of the wanton murder of the young by evil man. Abortion, My children, is murder, the most foulest of deeds, that is punishable by death! And what is worse than death of the soul?
     "I say unto you, as your Mother, that any man or woman who performs or takes part of this abomination of the murder of the unborn shall be given a heavy penance upon earth, or if this penance is not given upon earth, that person found guilty in the eyes of his God shall suffer eternal damnation in the fires of hell."
- Our Lady,
December 28, 1976 

"All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed!"
- Jesus, June 2, 1979

"The Eternal Father command that you stop these murders at once! You will not destroy the lives of the unborn. Human life is sacred in the eyes of your God. No man has the right to destroy a life. The Father, He sends this life to you, and only He will decide when it will return back to the Kingdom.
     "Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you who cry to you of no space left for man. There is space, for My Father has a plan for every life He sends." - Our Lady, August 5, 1971

"You will remember, My children and My child, to guard the young. Your clergy have fallen into darkness. Abortion will never be condoned. But We must have others who fervently will go forward and bring out to the minds of those who have actually seduced the country and the children--bring them the knowledge of Heaven, hell and purgatory. Then they will not have free license to sin."
- Our Lady,
May 28, 1983

"For that one reason among many, the United States will suffer unless there is placed into your government a group that fears the Lord if they cannot love the Lord. They will fear Him and find measures to stop the slaughter of the unborn." -
Our Lady,
April 14, 1984

"That is what makes My heart ache, My child. That is one of the reasons Theresa is crying constantly when she looks into the convents and sees what is going on. Many now believe in abortion, the murders of the children; and many have committed this act upon themselves." - Jesus, October 1, 1988

"I say this for this reason: the Eternal Father is much disturbed at the numbers of abortions being committed throughout your country and the world. These numbers go upwards to fifty to sixty million in one year throughout the world."
- Our Lady,
June 18, 1986

"O My child, My tears fall upon you all when I see all of the innocent little babies being slaughtered . . . cast into garbage pails like nothing but dirt and scum. They are living human beings! And all murderers shall get their just recompense."
- Our Lady,
March 18, 1983

"These interlopers upon the serenity of the United States have dark skins.... With their plans there will be bombs placed in strategic places and many shall die at the hands of these ruffians....
     "One big reason for permitting this disaster in New York would be the abortion mills throughout the city and the country." - Jesus, October 1, 1988

"At the time of conception, the Holy Spirit makes the child, and the breath of the Almighty gives it life." -
Our Lady,
June 18, 1991

"And what, My children, are We going to do with all the aborted babies? O My child, I know you feel as I do, for I can see the great distress on your face. What are We going to do, My child? Do you understand when they come to Us, they must go to Limbo? They are in Heaven, a happy place, but they cannot see God." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987

"Sorrowfully, the penance that is to come upon the world for the murders of the unborn shall be a chastisement far greater in severity than man has ever witnessed in the past nor ever shall pass through again. Your world is plunging into a deep chasm of suffering and destruction." -
Our Lady,
May 20, 1978

"Your once loyal to the oath of a doctor, your once loyal doctors are now butchers! For money they kill the young!" -
Our Lady,
February 10, 1978

"Know, My child, this simple lesson, that in these days of the latter times, women will seek to cast off their role as mother and a woman. Women will cast it off under the direction of satan, and murder her children. Woe to the woman who does not repent of this vile abomination! She has walked the road to eternal damnation and hell. Repent, O woman, or forever be lost!" -
Our Lady, March 18, 1975  

Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

D12 - One World Government / Religion PDF Logo PDF
D23 - Abortion
D142 - Sin of Omission  PDF Logo PDF
D196 - Life Begins at Conception   PDF Logo PDF
D309 - Masons and Illuminati  PDF LogoPDF



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Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation.  For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters.  Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976

The sin of omission...  "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy.  I repeat:  not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell."  Our Lady of the Roses,  October 6, 1980

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