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Last Days News - January
5, 2011
Thousands of Dead Birds Fall From the Sky. Thousands of Dead Fish Wash Up on Shore. - Is This Evidence of Russian Scalar Weapons Attack on America?
“Birds in the air die; fish in the sea . . . . Man cannot understand, but I give
you the grace to see." Our Lady, 11-1-70
Veronica - That's what it is, it's a ray gun.
And he's now pushing the trigger, and I see, it looks like long streams of
light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts.
Our Lady - "Russia, My children, has this implement of
destruction. While the United States and Canada and most of the world go
about crying for peace, tranquility, love, they are not aware of the fact that
Russia has every mind to take them over, be it good or bad. And if they have to
annihilate the whole land of its people, they want that land, and they will use
any means to get it." - Our Lady, July 25,
"Great elemental tragedies, disasters, man-made and God-sent upon mankind, shall increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers. Remember, My children, you do not understand the supernatural, for there will be accidents that are not accidents." – Jesus, May 26, 1979
Russia can cause volcanic eruptions, lightning strikes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, control the weather, etc. using their knowledge of Nikola Tesla's technologies. The lightning bolts are the telltale signs that Tesla Technologies are being used to causeearthquakes. Be sure to read the stories under the titles "Articles" and "Outside Links" below.
Mail Online reported on January 4, 2011:
The mystery over thousands of birds raining from the sky in America deepened today after hundreds more plunged to their deaths in different parts of the country.
Scientists said that New Year’s Eve fireworks might have been to blame for the 3,000 blackbirds that died in a small town in Arkansas.
But they were forced to order more tests last night after 500 birds plummeted to the ground 360 miles away in Louisiana on Monday and dozens more died in Kentucky.
And just a 100 miles away from the Arkansas mass bird kill, at least 83,000 dead and dying fish washed ashore - possibly as many as 100,000.
The Internet has been abuzz with conspiracy theories about secret government testing and a looming Armageddon.
Experts insist a link between the bizarre incidents is unlikely.
The thousands of blackbirds that plummeted to their deaths in front of horrified New Year revellers in Arkansas may have been sent into their deadly spirals by fireworks, raining onto rooftops and into fields as Beebe residents enjoyed the midnight celebrations.
But that doesn't explain why more than 500 birds dropped dead from the sky in Louisiana on Monday or why a Kentucky woman found dozens of dead birds in her yard.
Louisiana state biologists are trying to determine what led to the deaths of the hundreds of red-winged blackbirds and starlings on highway La. 1 on Monday.
The bird carcasses were lying with many clumped in groups, some face down, some with wings outstretched.
Necropsies are being performed and samples are being sent to multiple institutions for disease testing.
And in Kentucky a woman told a local television station she found dozens of dead birds in her yard on Monday.
It is unclear what if anything is happening with the Kentucky carcasses.
Up to 100,000 dead and dying drum fish washed up along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River, about 100 miles west of Beebe.
Wildlife officials say the fish deaths are not related to the dead birds, and that because mainly one species of fish was affected, it is likely they were stricken by an illness.
Had it been an environmental cause, other kinds of fish would be dead, too.
Full test results on the fish could take up to a month.
A little further north the Maryland Department of the Environment said that tens of thousands of small fish have died in the Chesapeake Bay.
They blame the fish kill on the stress of the cold water. The dead included menhayden, spots and croakers.
In Arkansas one dead bird struck a woman walking her dog and another hit a police vehicle.
Birds were 'littering the streets, the yards, the driveways, everywhere', said Robby King, a county wildlife officer in Beebe, a community of 5,000 north east of Little Rock.
'It was hard to drive down the street in some places without running over them.'
For some people, the scene evoked images of the apocalypse and cut short New Year celebrations. Many families phoned police instead of popping champagne.
'I think the switchboard lit up pretty good,' said Beebe police captain Eddie Cullum. 'For all the doomsdayers, that was definitely the end of the world.'
In all, more than 3,000 birds tumbled to the ground with estimates as high as 5,000.
Scientists now say that the fireworks appeared to have frightened the birds into such a frenzy that they crashed into homes, cars and each other. Some may have flown straight into the ground.
'The blackbirds were flying at rooftop level instead of treetop level' to avoid explosions above, said Karen Rowe, an ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.
'Blackbirds have poor eyesight and they started colliding with things.'
But Ms Rowe stopped short of declaring the mystery solved, saying labs planned to test bird carcasses for toxins or disease.
Another theory was that violent thunderstorms might have disoriented the flock or even just one bird that could have led the group in a fatal plunge to the ground.
A few stunned birds survived their fall and stumbled around like drunken revellers.
There was little light across the countryside at the time, save for the glimmer of fireworks and some lightning on the horizon. In the tumult, many birds probably lost their bearings.
'I turn and look across my yard, and there's all these lumps,' said Shane Roberts, who thought hail was falling until he saw a dazed blackbird beneath his truck.
Paul Duke filled three five-gallon buckets with dead birds on New Year's Day. 'They were on the roof of the house, in the yard, on the sidewalks, in the street,' said the school supervisor.
Red-winged blackbirds are among North America's most abundant birds, with somewhere between 100 million and 200 million nationwide, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York.
Ms Rowe put the number of dead in Beebe at 'easily 3,000'. Thousands can roost in one tree.
The Game and Fish Commission shipped carcasses to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission and the National Wildlife Health Centre in Madison, Wisconsin.
Researchers at the University of Georgia's wildlife disease study group also asked for a set of birds. Test results could be back in a week.
A few grackles and a couple of starlings were also among the dead. Those species roost with blackbirds, particularly in winter.
'They died from massive trauma,' said Game and Fish Commission spokesman Keith Stephens.
Residents heard loud fireworks just before the birds started hitting the ground.
'They started going crazy, flying into one another,' Mr Stephens said. The birds apparently also hit homes, trees and other objects, and some could have been killed by flying hard into the ground.
The area where the birds fell is too large to determine if any specific blast rousted the birds, Police chief Wayne Ballew said.
'It was New Year's Eve night. Everybody and their brother was shooting fireworks,' he said.
2 The Advocate reported on January 4, 2011:
Hundreds of dead and dying birds littered a quarter-mile stretch of highway in Pointe Coupee Parish on Monday as motorists drove over and around them.
State biologists are trying to determine what led to the deaths of the estimated 500 red-winged blackbirds and starlings on La. 1 just down the road from Pointe Coupee Central High School.
The discovery of the dead birds — some of which were lying face down, clumped in groups, while others were face up with their wings outstretched and rigid legs pointing upward — comes just three days after more than 3,000 blackbirds rained down from the sky in Beebe, Ark.
Necropsies performed Monday on the birds in Arkansas showed the birds suffered internal injuries that formed blood clots leading to their deaths, The Associated Press reported.
In Louisiana, biologists with the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries spent part of the day Monday scooping up some of the birds in Pointe Coupee Parish to be sent for testing at labs in Georgia and Wisconsin.
The remaining carcasses were still on the roadway, on the shoulder and in drainage ditches Monday afternoon as some motorists sped past, flattening birds lying in the roadway, while other drivers slowed down to gawk.
State Wildlife Veterinarian Jim LaCour said he planned to drive to Pointe Coupee to pick up some of the bird carcasses to study.
Lab tests could take several weeks to come up with an explanation for the deaths, and LaCour declined to speculate on possible causes; however, he did say massive bird deaths have been known to occur in the state in the past, albeit in smaller numbers.
“Underlying disease, starvation and cold fronts where birds can’t get their body heat up” have caused similar occurrences “in various species over the years,” he said.
LaCour said some of the bird samples will be sent to the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Center in Wisconsin for analysis.
USGS spokesman Paul Slota said Monday afternoon he was unaware of the mass deaths in Louisiana, but he expects bird samples taken from the Arkansas occurrence on New Year’s Eve to arrive Tuesday in Wisconsin.
Slota also declined to speculate on a cause for the deaths, but he said a search of USGS records shows there have been 16 events in the past 30 years involving blackbirds where at least 1,000 of the birds have died seemingly all at once.
“These large events do take place,” he said. “It’s not terribly unusual.”
Los Angeles Times reported on January 2, 2011:
Wildlife officials are trying to determine what caused more than 1,000 blackbirds to die and fall from the sky over an Arkansas town.
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said it began receiving reports on the dead birds about 11:30 p.m. Friday night. The birds fell over a 1-mile area in Beebe, northeast of Little Rock in central Arkansas. An aerial survey indicated that no other dead birds were found outside the area.
State ornithologist Karen Rowe said the birds showed physical trauma, and she speculated that "the flock could have been hit by lightning or high-altitude hail."
The commission said that New Year's Eve revelers shooting off fireworks in the area could have startled the birds from their roost and caused them to die from stress.
Robby King, a wildlife officer for the agency, collected about 65 dead birds, which will be sent for testing at the state Livestock and Poultry Commission lab and the National Wildlife Health Center lab in Wisconsin.
Rowe said similar events had occurred elsewhere and that test results "usually were inconclusive." She said she doubted the birds were poisoned.
deaths locations follow New Madrid fault line. Are scalar weapons being
used to weaken the New Madrid fault line and cause an earthquake, and killing
certain wildlife in the process?
Editor's Comment: The electromagnetic scalar wave causes
instant death to the nervous systems of fish and mammals. Russia maybe
trying to cause an earthquake on the New Madrid fault line. When birds
and fish get into this scalar beam it causes instant death.
Russia has the technology and the
capability to use their Nikola Telsa Scalar Weapons can create lightning and cause
earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt in the world at will.
During a previous Soviet Russian scalar attacks on the United States, the
Challenger disaster, birds were absent and were dead days later. This
was due to the high radio frequency component of the Russian equipment. The
brains of small birds are sensitive to higher frequencies because of their
small diameter or wavelength as a scalar Electro-Magnetic receiver.
Russia can cause volcanic eruptions, lightning strikes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, control the weather, etc. using their knowledge of Nikola Tesla's technologies. The lightning bolts are the telltale signs that Tesla Technologies are being used to cause earthquakes. Be sure to read the stories under the titles "Articles" and "Outside Links" below.
"Mothers, and fathers too, have gone astray in these dark days. Materialism has replaced spiritualism, and that is why the many catastrophes are being allowed upon your earth. There will be more floods with death, more volcano eruptions with death, more accidents that are not accidents, until you will surely come to your senses and realize that there is a higher power working at this time to bring you to your knees." - Our Lady, June 18, 1986
Nikola Tesla Technologies
* In the early twentieth century, a Serbo-American scientist named Nikola Tesla determined, among other things, how to control the weather. He could generate artificial lightning bolts of a couple to three hundred thousand watts that were more than a hundred and thirty-five feet long; you could hear the thunder fifteen miles away in town. He was waaay ahead of his time, so he certainly had the smarts and gear to knock down a few trees. Russia has researched on Nikola Tesla's theories for many decades, while his work has largely been ignored by Western scientists. Be sure to read all of the Articles and Outside links below.
Gigantic Explosion at
Tunguska River in 1908...
About 7:30 a.m. on June 30, 1908, a colossal flash lit
up the sky, followed by an explosion with the power of a thousand atom bombs at
the Tunguska River in Central Siberia, Russia. The blast flattened 500,000
acres of pine forest and was heard for 620 miles. People living in the villages
of Siberia thought there had been an earthquake. Humans and animals were thrown
to the ground by the shockwave, windows were blown in. Everyone thought a
100,000 pound comet caused the explosion but no one ever saw the comet coming
in. Wells were drilled at the epicenter and no comet or asteroid fragments were
never found. At that time Nikola Tesla indirectly admitted that he caused the
explosion from his laboratory in U.S. It was either a test—or a
malfunction of one of Nikola Tesla’s giant transmitters. Today
knowledgeable scientists agree that Tesla had the technology to bounce
electrical energy off the ionosphere and cause the explosion in Siberia. This
happened in 1908!
In 1904,
in Colorado Springs, he built a big power generator for his wireless power
transmission experiments. Using what he called ‘terrestrial stationary waves,’
he lit two hundred light bulbs twenty-five miles away by pumping juice into the
ground, no wires. He could generate
lightning bolts of a
couple to three hundred thousand watts that were more than a hundred and
thirty-five feet long; you could hear the thunder fifteen miles away in town.
He was waaay ahead of his time, so he certainly had the smarts and gear
to knock down a few trees. Russia has researched on Nikola Tesla's theories for
many decades. You must read the complete and startling detailed
information on the Tunguska River explosion. See these links:
Protect your home from these man made and
God sent natural disasters. Order
Heaven's Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our
outside doors. In the "Heaven's Home Protection Packet" there are instructions,
four crucifixes, and a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes Put
a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the
outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448
for assistance. This Heaven's Home Protection Packet is available for a donation
of $7.00 plus $3.85 shipping and handling. See the order form or write TLD
Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331.
Order Home
Protection Packet Now - Click here...
Click here to email this page to a friend.
The awesome
Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:
volcano eruptions
"Mothers, and fathers too, have gone astray in these dark days. Materialism has
replaced spiritualism, and that is why the many catastrophes are being allowed
upon your earth. There will be more floods with death, more volcano eruptions
with death, more accidents that are not accidents, until you will surely come to
your senses and realize that there is a higher power working at this time to
bring you to your knees." - Our
Lady, June 18, 1986
The Mechanical Aptitude to set upon the world the Great Fires...
Jesus - "My children, it is because of man's sin that this trial has come
upon you. Through countless earth - years My Mother wandered to and fro pleading
with you to accept and not reject Her counsel, for as errant children you would
receive your just reward. Man has now, in his search for knowledge, the
facilities, the mechanical aptitude to set upon your world the great fires. Man,
who has ever been searching and never coming to the truth!" (11-14-77)
Ray Guns
Veronica - That's what it is, it's a ray gun. And he's now pushing the
trigger, and I see, it looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits
just disintegrates and melts.
Our Lady - "Russia, My children, has this implement of
destruction. While the United States and Canada and most of the world go about
crying for peace, tranquility, love, they are not aware of the fact that Russia
has every mind to take them over, be it good or bad. And if they have to
annihilate the whole land of its people, they want that land, and they will use
any means to get it." - Our Lady, July 25, 1985
How many warnings must the Eternal Father send upon mankind...
Our Lady - "O My children, you are truly blind! These warnings have been
given for time, and an extension of time to mankind before the major catastrophe
shall be sent upon you, the baptism of fire. You have received these warnings
that have gone by unnoticed: floods, hurricanes, fires, disasters, accidents
that are not accidents, earthquakes in places that have never experienced such
terror before. How many warnings must the Eternal Father send upon mankind
before they will awaken and do penance?" (9-28-76)
"Russia will continue to be the scourge
from God"
"When I came to Fatima many years ago, I
knew that communism would go throughout the world destroying many nations and
attacking My Son's Church. Therefore, I made a promise that if the Pope, the
Pope of those days and the Pope today, would unite with all the bishops of the
world, all together on one day-not the world-but the bishops and the Pope will
unite and pray for the consecration of Russia. I do not mean the world, My
children; I mean Russia-Russia, the scourge of mankind. You will pray for
Russia. One day must be allotted in which Pope John Paul II and also, all the
bishops of the world must unite on one day, I repeat, and pray for Russia; or
Russia will continue to be the scourge from God. Russia will continue to go
throughout the world annihilating people and places and countries." - Our Lady,
October 2, 1987
I see fires springing up...
Veronica - I see a huge globe now coming through the sky. It looks like a
globe of the earth. Like pinpoints I see fires springing up. I don't understand
it. It looks like the globe is on fire. (6-18-93)
Our Lady - "You will observe, My child, the fires that will rage across earth." (1-31-76)
"Great elemental tragedies, disasters, man-made and God-sent upon mankind, shall
increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers. Remember, My
children, you do not understand the supernatural, for there will be accidents
that are not accidents.
"Retain all of the knowledge of your Faith in the hearts of your children.
Do not be lax, parents, for you will cry bitter tears of anguish if you are. The
angel of death will approach the homes of many. Are you prepared now? Have you
set your house in order? Do not be caught unawares, My children. My Mother has
been among you for many years preparing you for these times. Recognize the signs
about you. Act upon them and you will not be lost." – Jesus,
May 26, 1979
"You see, My child, there is no honor among those who are not with My Son.
Exterminatus will rage throughout the world. The angel of death shall claim
many. There will be accidents that are not accidents. Satan shall be given power
over the elements.” – Our Lady,
January 31, 1976
on front and back door... The only real protection against
natural disasters...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My
children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and
back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage
within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your
doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies
of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.) https://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D10 - Consecrate Russia
D101 - Russia and China, Part 1
D102 - Russia and China, Part 2
D103 - Communism
D104 - Invasion
D156 - Terrorism
D158 - America the Beautiful
D275 - The eagle has been plucked![]()
D278 - Famine![]()
D283 - The Deceit of Russia
(You must read all these links for the full story.)
Russia Causing 8,000 Mysterious Lightening Strikes That Start 800 Fires in California...
https://www.tldm.org/News12/8,000MysteriousLighteningStrikesStart800FiresinCalifornia.htmHistorical Background of Scalar Electromagnetic Scalar Weapons Attacks on the United States...
https://www.tldm.org/News7/SkyQuakesMysteriousExplosions.htmRussia's Fantastic Secret Tesla Super Weapons puts the United States Military in the Stone Age...
https://www.tldm.org/news8/sovietelectromagneticattacksonunitedstates.htmThe Death of the Columbia Space Shuttle
https://www.tldm.org/news6/columbia.htmA glowing purple rope of light corkscrews toward the Columbia Space Shuttle before it exploded. Russia has this technology...
https://www.tldm.org/news7/columbiaspaceshuttle.htmThe destruction of the Challenger Space Shuttle
http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/intro.htmDestruction of the Challenger on January 28, 1986 (Scalar Components)
http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/s65.htmRussia has a Nikola Tesla's Death Ray Weapon
https://www.tldm.org/news4/deathraygun.htmTesla's 1908 Tunguska River explosion leveling 500,000 acres of pine trees
Outside Links…
(You must read all these links for the full story.)
The death of the Arrow DC-8 on December 12, 1985.
http://www.cheniere.org/books/gravitobiology/dc8.htmSOVIET DEFENSE AGAINST MISSILES
http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/s106.htmNikola Tesla's weapon to end wars
http://www.pbs.org/tesla/ll/ll_wendwar.htmlA Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons by Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1986
http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/index.htmlNikola Tesla's US Patent Collection
http://www.mall-usa.com/BPCS/alpha_tesla.htmlHuman Engineered Earthquakes
http://www.rense.com/political/weapons/earthqk.htmWitness to a Super Weapon?
http://www.cheniere.org/books/part1/teslaweapons.htmHistorical Background of Scalar EM Weapons
http://www.cheniere.org/books/analysis/history.htm#ChallengerNikola Tesla's Free Energy Tower
http://www.tfcbooks.com/patents/tower.htmFer De Lance Briefing by Thomas Bearden
http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/index.htmlNikola Tesla Museum
http://www.yurope.com/org/tesla/muzeje.htmNikola Tesla books
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Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
The sin of omission... "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
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