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Last Days News - February
8, 2013
British Intelligence Documents Show that Pope Pius XII Helped Win WW II...
"Do not abandon My Son any longer by rejecting His Church. Do not judge My Son's Church by man. The foundation is My Son, Jesus. And though the walls may develop cracks, the foundation is solid. Will you not remain and patch these cracks, My children? We do not wish that you break apart into small groups of discord. No schisms must take place in My Son's Church. For all who are baptized a Roman Catholic must die Roman Catholics to enter Heaven. A rejection of the papacy, a rejection of the Faith because of human reasoning shall not be accepted by the Eternal Father in Heaven. Remain faithful and true forever unto the end.” – Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1979
NewsMax reported on February 1, 2013:
Newly discovered wartime British intelligence documents appear to show that the Vatican under Pope Pius XII was instrumental in helping fund the Allied war effort that ended the Holocaust and won victory over the Nazis.
The findings, based on systematic British secret service interceptions of financial transactions of the main financial agencies of Vatican City from 1941 to 1943, reveal that at the onset of the Second World War, the Vatican rapidly moved its securities and gold reserves from areas under threat of Nazi occupation to the United States and thereafter used them to help the Allies combat Nazism and provide aid to the worldwide Church suffering from war.
It was a strategy that was fundamentally important to victory over the Nazis, claims Patricia M. McGoldrick of London's Middlesex University, who published her findings in a December 2012 article entitled “New Perspectives on Pius XII and Vatican Financial Transactions during the Second World War.”
The article appeared in the December edition of “The Historical Journal”, a quarterly of the University of Cambridge.
The protagonist of the story is Bernardino Nogara, an astute financial advisor and networker extraordinaire, who established close ties with large U.S. and British banks. A member of the board of directors of the Banca Commerciale Italiana and a friend of the Ratti family to which Pope Pius XI (Achille Ratti) belonged, Pius XI appointed Nogara as financial advisor to the Holy See in 1929.
The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano reported Jan. 30th that Nogara’s financial planning was “fundamentally important to the Allies' victory over the Nazis and Fascists in World War II.” His strategy, it added, “concerns millions of dollars invested in the largest banks of the U.S. and Great Britain, by which persecuted churches and exhausted peoples were given aid.” Those banks included JP Morgan, National City Bank of New York, Morgan Grenfell and Barclays.
The documents, preserved in the British National Archives, concern intercepts of the activities of the Vatican's main financial institutions: the Special Administration of the Holy See (A.S.S.S.) and the Institute for Works of Religion (I.O.R.), or Vatican Bank.
McGoldrick explains that what is learned from these accounts is that at the onset of the Second World War the Vatican “rapidly moved its securities and gold reserves from areas under threat of Nazi occupation to the United States, made the United States the financial hub from which it funded and administered its global church, and had, at any one time, over $10,000,000 invested in the US economy.”
She poses the question that if, as Pius XII’s detractors argue, the Pope and the Vatican were sympathetic to Nazi Germany as a bulwark against Bolshevism, then why did they allow the Vatican’s assets to be transferred to the banks of the democracies, and why did they do so in the early years of the war when it seemed certain, as they themselves believed, that Germany would win? “Would it not have made more sense, and been more commensurate with their alleged political leanings, to have invested these resources instead in the then growing and profitable German economy?,” McGoldrick asks.
She further reveals documented evidence that shows British unwillingness to provide humanitarian aid to suffering Jews. When Pius XII tried to organize large shipments of flour to Rome, where the Pope was already providing over 100,000 hot meals a day, many to Rome’s Jewish community, and even attempting to import food from Argentina and Spain through Italy and Greece, the British blocked the initiatives on cost grounds.
It led the Vatican Secretary of State to send a comment to the British ambassador to the Holy See saying: “The Holy See always replies in the affirmative; it is the British Government who reply in the negative.” In the end, a way was found to funnel assistance to Rome’s Jewish community through the Vatican, McGoldrick adds.
Much of the Vatican’s money was intended to support the Churches in difficulty — missions, nunciatures, seminaries and dioceses on all continents. There was also a privileged channel for Europe — to bring relief to the persecuted churches during the Nazi occupation, where Catholic schools, monasteries and churches were closed or confiscated, youth organizations and Catholic publications suppressed, and many priests and religious arrested and interned in concentration camps. For them, the IOR maintained a separate account at the Chase National Bank of New York, the findings show.
The documents also reveal that after 1939, through Nogara and his contacts in Washington and elsewhere, the Vatican invested heavily in U.S. Treasury Bills, in large manufacturing companies and technology, companies such as Rolls Royce, United Steel Corporation, Dow Chemical, Westinghouse Electric, Union Carbide and General Electric.
McGoldrick says Pius XII was well aware of these investments and goes so far as to speak of "a torrent of Vatican money" flowing directly into “Sherman tanks, B52 bombers, and well equipped GIs who defeated the Nazi regime and ended the bestial murders of the Holocaust forever.”
If the “weight of investment counts,” the author says, “Vatican money was clearly behind the Allies.”
L’Osservatore Romano cautioned that it is “too early” to make precise budgetary analyses of the documents. “The financial history of the Second World War is a ‘terra incognita’,” it said, that “few have begun to explore [and] much of the material has yet to be discovered and studied.”
But it added that it’s already possible to see enough “to make us abandon hasty judgments and ideologized visions in the reconstruction of the facts.”
"Peter was My first Pope and your first Pope, and as all others who followed
him, they must be accepted. Be they weak or noble, be they with sanctity or
unholiness, they must be accepted and followed....
"I ask you not to judge another. You may counsel, you may give your
viewpoints, but no violence must be used. And I do not want schism. I do not
want any interference from separated brethren in My Church. They must be brought
back. Convert the unbeliever! You must remain united with Rome.
"The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church, for a cleansing
will come about and all that is rotten will fall! And My Church shall be
restored to its former glory!" - Jesus, June 9, 1979
We strongly encourage you to print and/or email copies of this web page to all the bishops and clergy. Also, email or mail a copy of this web page to the news media and as many other people as possible. Email a copy of this page to everyone you know.
We urgently need your prayers and financial support to be able to continue to create these web pages. Click here... Thank you in advance.
When you
pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady's hand in your hand. When you pray
the Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands. Start now! Let's All Pray the Rosary Together Around the World for
the canonization of Pope Pius XII... Click
Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
"You must not compromise your Faith, My children, by bringing in those who have separated themselves from your true Church. This Church was founded by My Son, and He set a leader, a Pope, among you.
"Peter and his descendants shall rule. There shall not be set up a governing body of hierarchy!" - Our Lady, November 20, 1975MUST BE ACCEPTED, FOLLOWED
"Peter was My first Pope and your first Pope, and as all others who followed him, they must be accepted. Be they weak or noble, be they with sanctity or unholiness, they must be accepted and followed....
"I ask you not to judge another. You may counsel, you may give your viewpoints, but no violence must be used. And I do not want schism. I do not want any interference from separated brethren in My Church. They must be brought back. Convert the unbeliever! You must remain united with Rome.
"The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church, for a cleansing will come about and all that is rotten will fall! And My Church shall be restored to its former glory!" - Jesus, June 9, 1979MANKIND ON PATH OF SCHISM
"The Eternal Father in Heaven is watching as mankind is setting himself fast upon a path of schism. There will be much strife within the Eternal City, My child. You must keep a constant vigilance of prayer." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976PROTECT THE PAPACY
"My children, there is a war now going on far worse than any physical war that man can experience, for it is a war of the spirits. Many saints of the latter days shall come forward from this era. My children, do not compromise your Faith but defend it against the forces of evil. Protect with love, with prayer, with sacrifice, the Eternal City of Rome and the papacy.” – Our Lady, December 31, 1976MAINTAIN THE PAPACY
"I ask you again not to abandon your parish churches. You will maintain the papacy in Rome. I tell you anew that 666 now is in Rome. Do not judge My Son's Church by His pastors. In their human nature they can err; however, as legitimate legally-ordained Roman Catholic priests they will bring My Son to you if you come seeking Him at the tabernacles of the world. The Mass is valid, I say unto you!
"My Son is waiting for you at the tabernacles of His Church. My children, do not abandon Him in these days of deep spiritual darkness. You must all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country, the United States, and Canada, and all of the countries throughout your world.” – Our Lady, June 10, 1978A MESSAGE FOR YOUR VICAR
"My child and My children, do not cast aside this message, for it is most urgent. The War, the great War, will soon come upon you, taking many from the earth.
"I have given to you, My child, a message for your Vicar, and he must act upon it. Should he proceed by following the ways of man, using humanism and modernism to the destruction of souls and My Son's Church, I cannot then any longer hold back the heavy hand of punishment from mankind." - Our Lady, December 7, 1978CHASTISEMENT SORELY DUE FOR DISOBEDIENCE TO VICAR
"Your world, My child and My children, has not progressed back to the Eternal Father. Should you receive now one chastisement so sorely due to you for your disobedience to Our Vicar? Do you as a nation, do you, all nations of the world, deserve the continuance of the struggle of Our Vicar for your salvation, or shall you, through your own actions, force the hand of the Eternal Father upon you by abandoning you to your sin? Your nation, the United States, and all nations of the earth--none shall escape the fires.” – Our Lady, May 30, 1981UNITED
"We do not want division within the Church. That will solve nothing. You cannot separate yourself from the Holy Father in Rome!" - Our Lady, September 27, 1986YOU ACT IN DISOBEDIENCE
"Mankind will go about with their heads in clouds, with itching ears, accepting false doctrines from false teachers. Novelty, experimentation, modernism, humanism! Because you sin and lose the light, you now fall prey to these creations of satan. Have you not been warned before from the Seat of Peter? Oh, no! You cast aside the direction of your Holy Father in the Eternal City of Rome! Evil men of the cross, you act in disobedience to your Vicar.” – Our Lady, February 10, 1977
Directives from Heaven... http://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D73 - Extermination of Pope?PDF Order copies...
D123 - Catholic Church, Part 1PDF Order copies...
D124 - Catholic Church, Part 2PDF Order copies...
D125 - EcumenismPDF Order copies...
D265 - The PapacyPDF Order copies...
D266 - PersecutionPDF Order copies...
D267 - Rome, the Eternal CityPDF Order copies...
D300 - Satan's War Against the Papacy, Part 1PDF Order copies...
D301 - Satan's war against the Papacy, Part 2PDF Order copies...
EDITOR'S COMMENT: Evil is accelerating and the Anti-Christ forces are gaining power in the world. When the persecution starts, all Christian web sites on the internet will be forced to close. Be sure to have in your possession all the following items: the Bayside Prophecy books, Bayside Medals, Douay-Rheims Bibles, the Protection Packets, Candles, Sacramentals, and Religious Books. Purchase these items now while they are still available! You will urgently need them in the days ahead. Also, you can print out all PDF files for the Directives from Heaven and all of the Bayside Prophecies. Copy Our Lady's messages and the Directives from Heaven now while they are still available! Pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance on how to prepare now and for the days ahead when the Antichrist is revealed. Viva Cristo Rey!
There are 4 things you must have to survive the end times:
1.) The Douay-Rheims Holy Bible...
"You must all obtain a copy of the Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not accept the new mods. Try to find in your bookstores the old Bibles, My children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man. I repeat, sin has become a way of life." - Our Lady, October 6, 1992
"I must ask you all to read but a few short chapters a day now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the disciples of My Son, for you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be concerned what you will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given to you by the Spirit." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976 (Order Form)
2.) The total Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies in 6 paperback books...
The Virgin Mary brings directions from God, the Father in Heaven on how to survive the end times. God, the Father, through the Virgin Mary, tells what is coming, how to prepare for it, how to survive it, and how to even stop it. These six volumes along with the Bible are most important to save yourself and your loved ones. Order it now. Tomorrow may be to late. These 6 pocket size paperback books costs $33.00. (Order Form)
3.) Heaven's Home Protection Packet...
Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15 (Order Form)Crucifix on front and back door... The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.) http://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm (Order Form)
4.) Heaven's Personal Protection Packet...
Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a Rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $6.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $9.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5 (Order Form)Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $6.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $9.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448. Item # P5 (Order Form)
Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
The sin of omission... "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
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