Sister Lucy writes letter to Pope saying his life is in danger and Third Secret of Fatima is not fully revealed...

Inside the Vatican News Service
October 26, 2001

ROME -- News has just emerged that Sister Lucia dos Santos, the last surviving Fatima visionary, several weeks ago sent Pope John Paul II a letter reportedly warning him that his life is in danger. According to Vatican sources, the letter, claiming that events spoken of in the "Third Secret" of Fatima had not yet occurred, was delivered sometime after September 11 to John Paul by the bishop emeritus of Fatima, Alberto Cosme do Amaral. The Vatican has not confirmed publicly receipt of the letter. One source for the story, which was reported on in the Italian press yesterday and today, is Italian priest Father Luigi Bianchi. Bianchi claims to have met Sr. Lucia dos Santos last week at her cloistered Carmelite convent in Coimbra, Portugal. (She is not allowed to speak with anyone who has not received prior permission from the Vatican, so it is not immediately clear whether Bianchi received that approval, circumvented the need for it, or did not actually meet Sister Lucia as he maintains.) "She told me she is very worried about the international situation," Don Bianchi told Italian journalist David Murgia. "She said we have entered a crucial time for the Church and for the world -- and that the only salvation is prayer." The letter is said to contain this warning: "Soon there will be great upheaval and punishment." And it reportedly asks the Holy Father to pray because "your life is in danger." The current bishop of Fatima, Serafim Ferreira de Sousa, when questioned by journalists, did not deny that Sr. Lucia had sent a letter to the Pope, but said "there are no letters from the seer that express fear for the life of the Pope." Sources have also suggested that Sr. Lucia's letter encourages the Pope to fully reveal the Third Secret. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who presented the interpretation of the Third Secret on June 26, 2000, said yesterday that the recent rumours of a letter are only the continuation of, "an old polemic fed by certain people of dubious credibility," with the objective of "destabilizing the internal equilibrium of the Roman Curia and of troubling the people of God." Regarding the life of the Pope, Don Bianchi is worried. "Lucia said that he is the target of the enemy, that his life is in danger and we need to pray for him," Bianchi said. Sr. Lucia is reported to have also said to the Italian priest that the third secret has not yet been revealed in full. In an interview with Murgia, Fr. Bianchi speculated on the possibility that the Vatican did not reveal the full secret "to avoid creating panic and anxiety in the population; to not scare them." The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and indeed John Paul II himself, have interpreted the assassination attempt on the Pope in 1981 as the realization of the warnings of the third secret. But Don Bianchi says otherwise. "The message doesn't speak only about an attempt on the pontiff, but speaks of 'a white bishop who walks amongst the ruins and bodies of murdered men and women,'" Bianchi said. "This means that the Pope will have to suffer greatly, that some nations will disappear, that many people will die, that we must defend the West from becoming Islamicized. That is what is happening in these days." Sr. Lucia, when asked by Fr. Bianchi what could be done to stop the terror that is increasing in the world, is said to have taken the Rosary in her hand and said: "This is the only 'weapon' we have."

Plead with the Holy Father now to have Sister Lucy come forward and tell the Third Secret word for word:

Our Lady - "I wish at this time, My children, to repeat again the need to write, to speak, to meet with the Holy Father in Rome, and plead with him to have Lucy come forward and tell the Third Secret word for word, as I give to you each evening on My appearances upon the grounds of Bayside, and Flushing Meadows." -  June 18, 1986

Please pray for the safety of Pope John Paul II.
Offer Masses, Rosaries and prayers for the Pope.

The amazing Bayside Prophecies say:

"Pray for your Vicar. There will be another attempt upon his life. Pray for your Vicar. Do not judge him by the medias, for he is a good man, with a heart that is soft, and often he can be misled. However, he is a good man, and he is one who I keep now under My mantle for his protection. But We need your prayers, My children, your Masses and your sacrifices, if you want him to remain among you." - Our Lady, June,30, 1984

"Your successor to Peter has been chosen well. We sat him upon the throne of Peter for the principal reason to return My Son's Church to its original state. 
    "Understand well, My children, that he is also a human being subject to error. But this does not mean that he is to be subjected to derision and hate, until you build up a fire within the hearts of those who are seeking to destroy him. Better that you pray for the Holy Father than to deride him.
    "Do not question him at this time, because I assure you, My children--as he will tell you in due time--I, too, have appeared to the Holy Father." - Our Lady, September 27, 1986

"Up to this time, My child and My children, you know full well that the wishes and the directives from Rome, from the Eternal Father in Heaven, through Pope John Paul II, they have been cast aside, each and every individual going his own way and making My Son's House a shambles." - Our Lady, March 18, 1983

"An attempt upon the life of your Vicar is planned: not in this year, but the next. Satan will seek to bury this knowledge. Pray for his well-being [the Pope]." - Locution from Our Lady, November 26, 1991

"There are many enemies of God and those who have infiltrated into the papacy with one purpose: to set forth a plan to eliminate Our dear Vicar, Pope John Paul II." - Our Lady, May 21, 1983

"You will send this message to John Paul II. He is in grave danger. I have asked him in the past to not make many trips away from his homeland-which is now the Seat of Peter in Rome." - Our Lady, June 2, 1979

Please pray for the safety of Pope John Paul II.


You must see the link - FatimaGate

How can we protect our homes, families and loved ones from an terrorism and war?
We will be spared from invasion, terrorism and war if we keep crucifixes on all our outside doors.
    Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84)

Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, and a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $5.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $8.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15  (Order Form)

Crucifix to guard entrances to home…
Jesus - "I must reveal, My children, to the world again, that you are to keep a crucifix on your front door and your back door. All entrances to your home must be guarded by the crucifix. There has not been one home on Long Island that had a crucifix on its door that did fall to any evil. I do not speak of the trees, My child; I speak of mankind. You did not know a major disaster as has happened, My children, in Mexico. You see, My child, I set you down in that area to bring the word to mankind, and it was through these words that many listened and the passed through the horrible experience of a hurricane." (10-5-85)

Keep the sacramentals that have been given to you through the ages of your world's time...
- "I bless you, My children, and I diffuse among you the graces for conversion and cure. Keep the sacramentals that have been given to you through the ages of your world's time. They have been given for reason. Do not cast them aside, for when you do thus you will cast aside your protection against satan and his agents who are loose now in full battle upon earth." (2-10-73)

Keep your sacramentals about your necks...
Our Lady
- "Keep your sacramentals about your necks. I say about your necks, not for decoration, but because many shall flee with only what they have on their bodies!  It is now a supernatural protection, My children, that you have: your medals, your scapulars, and even your Rosary, your beads of prayer about your neck, your children's necks and all those who wish to be saved.
    "The monuments, the statues, must be kept in your homes.  As it was in the days of old, the angel of death shall pass by those who retain the monuments in their homes." (5-18-77)

Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from terrorism, war, plagues and all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $5.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $8.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5  (Order Form)

The Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies book . . . 
It's a pocket size paperback book and has 544 pages plus 16 pages of pictures. It has all of Our Lady’s Bayside messages from 1980 through 1994. Some of these have never been published before.  This is a type of a survival book.  It tells what is coming and how to prepare for it spiritually and materially. It is a must book for the days ahead.  This is a great way to spread Our Lady’s messages to our family, friends and relatives. Item #006 Cost $6.00  (Order Form)

Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book . . .
We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book.   Veronica said it was very good.  It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it.  Every North American must read this book!  Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)

Save America the Rosary way . . .
Our Lady - "I am the Queen of the Universe, the Mediatrix of all graces, but first and above all I am your Mother! I have come to warn you, to protect you for many will be lost to us. You all, in the final decision, will have made your own choice. I bless you all, My children, with a shower of graces from Heaven. Come to Me at this hallowed place. Be with Me in spirit. Save America the Rosary way—a constant vigil of prayer!" 
- September 7, 1971

Rosaries and a 15 Decade Rosary Audio CD available on the Order Form.

Listen to and pray the Rosary (click here)

Directives from Heaven:

D7  -  Pope John Paul II
D122 - Antichrist
D123 - Catholic Church, Part 1
D124 - Catholic Church, Part 2
D125 -
D127 - Vatican II  
D129 -
D130 - THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 2 - Satan entered the Church in 1972  
D131 - THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 3 - Satan entered the highest realms of the hierarchy  
D132 - THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 4 - There shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, as satan has set himself in their midst.  
D133 - THIRD SECRET EXPLAINED: PART 5 - The Apocalypse / Revelations

D155 - Antipope of History New
D156 - Terrorism New
D157 - Revolution in Rome New
D158 - America the Beautiful New

Outside links:

Here is an excellent article on Sister Lucy by a Protestant who knows the message of Our Lady of the Roses.  Why don't our priests believe?
The Muzzled Sister By J.R. Nyquist

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Revised: August 15, 2018