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New York City to be "Nuked" on February 2nd... Terrorists have a Nuclear Warhead in an abandoned New York subway...

And Jesus is now telling me to look down.  I'm looking down, and it appears to be a subway station, but there's no one.  I know, I recognize tracks going into a tunnel. There's no one about in this tunnel.  I seem to feel that is has been discarded as a major network for the trains.  Now, Our Lady and Jesus now are standing at my side. I'm standing with Them on the platform.
    And there on the tracks - it's made of wheels - there's a carting, some type of a carting - train - like board.  And on this - I know, - I know it's a bomb, a very large bomb, and it has a point, like a V - shape upside down, pointed type of nozzle, or whatever you'd call it. I don't know the mechanics of bombs or anything, but I know it's a bomb.
    And the Jesus touched His lips. He said: "Warhead! A Warhead!"
    "It's an underground tunnel that's not being used for transporting the passengers at this time.  It's been abandoned.  But it has made, said Jesus, an ideal parking place for a major destructive force that man has created - a missile."

Al Qaeda Threatens to Nuke New York City on February 2...

George Noory, host of the national radio program Coast to Coast, spoke last night of a terrorist nuclear bomb attack on New York City to take place next month on Tuesday February 2. Radio talk host Noory obtained his information from the respected Italian newspaper Il Giornale based in Milan.

The Il Giornale devoted a large part of the front page to the report and prefaced it with the headline, "Al Qaeda Threatens to Nuke New York on February 2". According to Il Giornale, the threat was stated through a video shown on a web site associated with al Qaeda.

This threat may explain the unprecedented security measures that have been undertaken by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg during the past two weeks. Callers from New York City to the radio program Coast to Coast said that Manhattan and surrounding neighborhoods are being monitored by a large number of helicopters designed to detect "radiation emissions" on the ground. A nuclear device hidden in a truck or building can be detected by sensitive radiological equipment aboard helicopters that fly relatively close to the ground. Also, the US Department of Homeland Security has sent large fixed radiation detectors and hundreds of pager-size radiation monitors for use by the New York City Police Department.

Under the present political environment, it is very difficult to ascertain whether the threat is credible, however, this is not the first time that reliable journalists have reported on the imminent nuking of New York City. On November 14, 2002, the Brazilian journalist Pepe Escobar who writes for the Hong Kong based Asian Times reported in an article titled "Apocalypse Now, or Alottanukes Soon" that "Seven nuclear heads have already been positioned in seven of America's major cities and they are ready to be detonated." On August 30, 2001 Escobar predicted the World Trade Center terrorist attack in an article titled, "Get Osama! Now! Or else " in which he reported for the Asian Times on a meeting between the Taliban and al Qaeda.

Also, it is now very difficult to determine who may actually be behind the terrorist attacks and threats. If a nuclear bomb is detonated in New York City on February 2, most likely it will be blamed on Osama Bin Laden, however, many Americans are now wondering if Osama Bin Laden was actually behind the strike on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. One of these is political scientist Joel Skousen who was Coast to Coast's guest last night. Skousen said, "No verifiable evidence has been produced that shows that Arabs were in charge of the strike." He also suggested that the last few presidents have been "script readers" who take their orders from a controlling set of individuals above them.

George Noory, Coast to Coast radio host, seconded Mr. Skousen's beliefs when he expressed that there is something about the current terrorist attacks and threats that he "just can't put his finger on." He said that the situation is like a "jigsaw puzzle", that we have just a few pieces of the entire puzzle in place.

Coast to Coast has millions of listeners in the USA, Mexico and Canada through a large number of radio station affiliates on the AM channel.

Our Lady of the Roses awesome Bayside Prophecies... http://www.tldm.org/../Bayside/  These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.

Nuclear Warhead in an abandoned New York subway . . .
Lueken - And Jesus is now telling me to look down. I'm looking down, and it appears to be a subway station, but there's no one. I know, I recognize tracks going into a tunnel. There's no one about in this tunnel. I seem to feel that is has been discarded as a major network for the trains. Now, Our Lady and Jesus now are standing at my side. I'm standing with Them on the platform. And Jesus says:
    Jesus - "Look, My child, what is coming in..."
    Veronica - And there on the tracks - it's made of wheels - there's a carting, some type of a carting - train - like board. And on this - I know, - I know it's a bomb, a very large bomb, and it has a point, like a V - shape upside down, pointed type of nozzle, or whatever you'd call it. I don't know the mechanics of bombs or anything, but I know it's a bomb.
And the Jesus touched His lips. He said: "Warhead! A Warhead!"
    "It's an underground tunnel that's not being used for transporting the passengers at this time. It's been abandoned. But it has made, said Jesus, an ideal parking place for a major destructive force that man has created - a missile." (3-26-83)

Bombs in strategic places in New York City . . .
Veronica - I see a road. It looks like a normal country road, but it leads to a city, A great city. I would say from the buildings the city looks like New York. But I see there are very sinister looking characters walking down the road nonchalantly but carrying bags. Within those bags there are submachine guns.
    Jesus - "Yes, My child!"
   Veronica - Jesus is pointing in anger at what he sees.
    Jesus - "I see murder ahead now, My child, in your city of New York. Many shall be mowed down. It is an attack by a communist nation.
    "No, My child, you do not need to know at this time the name of this nation, for it will soon be known when the captors are picked up. The Federal Bureau of Investigation will hear of this, My child, and they will try to stop them."
    "These interlopers upon the serenity of the United States have dark skins. They are not from this nation, but they come from a presently warring nation. It is their object to destroy all and cause chaos in the city of New York. With their plans there will be bombs placed in strategic places and many shall die at the hands of these ruffians.
    "My child and My children, and My child Veronica, I brought you here this evening and relieved you of your major suffering the last few days in order for you to be upon your feet. There is much that has to be said." (10-1-88)

Major invasion of U.S. and Canada…
Our Lady of the Roses
- "My child and My children, there is one fact that must be brought forward to all mankind. I know that many have tried to make up for the void that the bishops of your country and the world have created when they will not go about and consecrate the major offender in this world now, Russia - will not consecrate Russia to the - both the Immaculate Heart. My Son and I, We wish to save you from this destruction. And there is only one way that you can; that's through penance and prayer. You future which is coming to a point of what you call the end of an era, your future is upon you.
    "The United States of America shall not escape this time the punishments and the desolation of the nation that has gone now throughout the world with Russia as the main force for this evil.
    "Man was created to live peacefully. Man was created to know his God, and in this manner to have a world that is not a paradise, but one in which man could live in peace and security. But now all of the leaders of the world run about and they say it is peace, it is security. Their words are like two prongs from the mouth; they say those words, but then they turn their backs and they are busy getting ready for a major invasion of the United States and Canada.
    "Yes, My child, all who read and listen to the Message must know that there is a plan now for Russia, a plan against the United States and Canada. Your nation and Canada are surrounded!"

Cuba - One Offender...
- Oh, oh. Now Jesus is pointing over towards Cuba. I see a whole map of the United States, and Jesus is pointing to Cuba.
    Jesus - "One offender!" - He says - "one offender among many, stockpiling all manner of destruction for another, their brothers and their sisters.
    "This is permitted, My child and My children, for one reason: Wars are a punishment for man's sins.
    "Many warnings have been given to mankind, minor chastisements, and they go about, like their ears are deafened, their eyes are blind, and they cannot see what is fast coming upon them.
Pacifying the Enemy…
"You must pray for all of the heads of states. You must pray for the teachers who have been fast defiling the innocence of young children.
    "This aura of modernism, pacifism - pacifying the enemy - for what? The enemy has come into your country, the United States, while you were asleep. They do not seek to take over by human methods of men. They have taken over by coming through the back door while your leaders were asleep, or their spirits had flown and they were ripe for the infiltration of satan.
    "My child, the last time We spoke to you, We told you that there was a far greater message to be given to mankind. This is the message: THAT RUSSIA PLANS TO INVADE THE UNITED STATES WITH MISSILES!
    "There is much that you don't know, My poor children, or perhaps some think it best that you don't know what is happening within your governments. Many of the newspapers and other means of relaying this to you have been silenced.
    "But I, as your Mother, beg intercession through Jesus to the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost to spare you these terrible punishments. If there is a need for more victim souls, let them be satisfied to know that they have been warned." (3-26-83)

Notify the appropriate authorities about these Bayside Prophecies:

Contact the FBI:  Please help us spread Our Lady’s message regarding the nuclear weapon in the abandoned subway tunnel to our government leaders. To send a statement to the FBI via the internet, go to "REPORT TERRORIST ACTIVITY" at the following site - click here...   http://www1.ifccfbi.gov/index.asp 

Contact President George W. Bush: president@whitehouse.gov 

Contact Vice President Dick Cheney: vice.president@whitehouse.gov 

Directives from Heaven...  http://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

D10 - Consecrate Russia  PDF Logo PDF
D101 - Russia and China, Part 1  PDF Logo PDF
D102 - Russia and China, Part 2  PDF Logo PDF
D103 - Communism  PDF Logo PDF
D104 - Invasion  PDF Logo PDF
D156 - Terrorism PDF Logo PDF

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