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A mysterious skin disease is spreading across the country...
"And I saw another sign in heaven, great and wonderful: seven angels having the seven last plagues. For in them is filled up the wrath of God." - Apocalypse 15:1
A mysterious skin disease is spreading across the country, and it has already extended into parts of Texas, California, and Florida. It's called Morgellons, a parasite-like infection that will literally make your skin crawl. Patients say it feels like bugs are crawling all over you. To make matters even worse, many doctors say the victims are delusional.
Five years ago, the Dills bought their dream home. Then, two years later, Anne, her husband and their four children all got very sick at the very same time. They think they have Morgellons, even though they have no idea how they would have contracted it. Morgellons is an unusual parasite-like skin disease, which produces irritating sores all over the body.
Anne’s 20-year-old son, Tony, also has trouble, "I itch all the time still. I scratch my back constantly. I use the wall when I can't reach my upper back.” The sores ooze blue fibers, white threads and little black specks of sand-like material. "The sores are very funny looking says Anne, “It's something we've never seen before.” The Dills say they're also plagued with a constant, creepy crawling feeling of bugs under their skin.
Ginger Savely is a nurse practitioner who specializes in treating the
tick-borne Lyme Disease. She also has firsthand experience with the mystery
disease. "Right now I think I have about 28 Morgellons patients,” says
Savely. Savely says the antibiotics she gives to patients with Lyme are
also working on some Morgellons patients. "It's just uncanny,” she says.
But this treatment is also unproven, and since doctors don't know if it’s contagious, the dills say their home is now their prison. “I used to have the whole softball team come and sleep over, but no one wants to come over anymore.” “Everybody is scared there's something because everybody is sick that we're carrying something somebody else is going to get.”
Doctors don't know what causes the disease, who is at risk and exactly how many people may be suffering. The Morgellons Foundation says they have about 1,200 people registered on their site. Those are only people who have a computer and happened to find them online. The foundation fears the real number of people infected with this mystery disease is much higher.
Our Lady of the Roses awesome Bayside Prophecies... https://www.tldm.org/../Bayside/ These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.
Our Lady of the Roses - "My Son has asked that I report to you that there shall be another plague upon mankind. Yes, My child and My children, another plague.” (10-5-85)
Lady of the Roses - "In the Holy City of Rome and in the country on the sea
there will be a plague. In the country on the waters of England there will be a
plague.” (4-5-75)
Jesus - "You have your chance now, as My Mother pleads for your cause, to stop what you are doing now, that displeases the Eternal Father; or you shall be sent, within the next year, a far worse plague upon mankind, if the great Chastisement hasn't already overcome you.” (6-6-87)
- "I know, My children, you are all heartbroken, but there are - many families
are heartbroken because of the entrance of AIDS upon the world. Can I not say
that you were not warned of this, My children? I tell you this now, there will
come within a short time a greater plague.” (10-2-87
Our Lady of the Roses - "The existence of the Trinity, too, is being attacked. We are fully aware of what is going on. And I can tell you, My children, if there are not immediate changes, another plague shall be sent upon your country and other countries of the world. Eventually the suffering will be so great, if man does not repent, that there will be few souls left on earth.” (6-18-90)
"I repeat once more for your edification: your country will meet with great
disaster. Floods, great heat, and the plague. The mercy of the Father has been
extended to its limit. Only a complete reversal in your evil ways will avert the
Chastisement planned by the Father for your country and the world."
- Our Lady of the Roses,
September 7, 1973
Veronica - Our Lady is standing over by the right side of the tree, directly
above it. And Michael now is remaining above Our Lady's statue, high in the sky.
He's looking down, and he's pointing now over to the spear, with his spear onto
the left side of our sky here, and there are letters forming in the sky, in
black letters: "PESTILENCE AND WAR."
Now Michael is pointing with the spear, and there is a black horse running
across the sky. It's a large black, ominous-looking horse, and it has a rider on
it. The rider is dressed all in black; he looks almost like an executioner. He
has a hood upon his head, and he's carrying something in his hand. I don't know
what it is. It looks like a basket of some kind. Now behind him there's a green
horse, and the green horse is, has also an ominous look. And now there's a voice
crying: "Pestilence and sickness. Illness of the body. Pestilence, illness of
the body." - August 14, 1976
"The red horse is war! And war is in the balance next, My child. And what can
you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven—and
We hope, My children, that you will get this out to the world: Unless the
bishops and the Holy Father in unity with all the bishops of the world, unless
they consecrate Russia to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be
doomed! Because Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world,
rising up wars and carnage and pestilence and famine. Is this what you want, My
children?" - Jesus, June 17,
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D154 - Plague and Pestilence
A Medical Mystery: Delusional parasitosis http://www.rgj.com/news/stories/html/2004/05/08/70309.php
Morgellons Research Foundation http://www.morgellons.org/
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