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January 28,
2011, the 25th Anniversary of the Destruction of the Challenger Space
Veronica - Oh, and I see that - Our
Lady is showing me now - there are some kind of implements they're using that...
it doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight, but I know it's not a
flashlight; it's some object of some kind of a ray they've got. And then - now
he's lifting - I see a man in a very odd looking uniform; I don't recognize the
uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray gun. That's what it is, it's
a ray gun. And he's now pushing the trigger, and I see... it looks like long
streams of light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts. (Veronica
Lady - "Russia, My children, has this implement of destruction."
When the space shuttle Challenger was destroyed by Russia in early 1986, the U.S. mi1itary satellite program entered a period of crisis. By 1985 the Defense Department had committed itself to launching all of its major communalizations, navigation, and recon satellites via the shuttle. The manufacture of large rockets for satellite launching was stopped. Challenger’s destruction halted the shuttle program for thirty-two months. Only four small military satellites were launched in 1986. In 1987 there were six launchings, and in 1988 there were seven. Over twenty satellites waited on the ground for larger rockets to be built or for the shuttle to return to action. With the shuttle back in full use in 1989, and large rockets available again, the United States planned seventeen military satellite launches in 1989 and nearly as many in 1990. Between 1986 and 1990, the United States had only one of the normally two KH-11 recon satellites available. And this single KH-11 was short on fuel and thus unable to move around a lot to observe what needed watching most. If a major war had broken out during this period, the United States would have been at a significant disadvantage because of its reduced satellite-recon capabilities.
This is how Russia destroyed the Challenger Space Shuttle...
On Jan. 1, 1986, a startled Frank Golden detected —and physically verified with a special technique— that a metal softening scalar EM signal had been added onto the Soviet Woodpecker signals. Thus, at that time the Soviet Union was preparing to exercise a metal softening test at some future time, in some location over the U.S.**
** Note this signal could also have been present for the Dec. 12 destruction of the Arrow DC-8 at Gander AFB, Newfoundland.
On Jan. 28, 1986 the Challenger disaster occurred. The Challenger was positively killed by the Soviet Union, using the scalar EM weapons through the Woodpecker grid. A host of indicators occurred.
The anomalous cold weather in Florida was definitely
engineered by the USSR,
Specialized cloud patterns associated with Soviet grid
engineering and weather engineering were observed and photographed in Los
Angeles, California and Huntsville, Alabama, beginning several days before
the incident, and particularly on the evening before the launch,
The normal "pivot point" for turning the jet stream northeastward was moved south from Huntsville, Alabama to Birmingham, Alabama by the Soviets; this was to force the jet stream much further south, and consequently move
About 4 hours before launch; all Soviet
ships off shore suddenly left the area at speed; this was the first shuttle
launch not "shadowed" by Soviet ships,
On the morning of the launch, higher
frequencies were added to the interference grid to enable much-enhanced
localization. The brains of small birds are very sensitive to these higher
frequencies, due to their small diameter (wavelength) as a scalar EM
receiver. If they remained in the area of localization, the birds would be
in intense pain or killed. On the morning of the launch, national TV network
news, announcers, noted that no birds at all were flying in the area,
something which had never happened before.
At the time of the shuttle's destruction,
a giant radial cloud pattern was actually in the general vicinity;
Three previous shuttle launches—the last
on Nov. 26,1985—had been used as direct test targets for tests of the Soviet
launch phase ABM/antibomber defense system so the weapon was "zeroed in" on
the launch site,
destruction of the Arrow DC-8 on Dec. 12, 1985 had already indicated a
Soviet decision to elevate the testing to the actual destruction of targeted
At the time of the launch, anomalous
electromagnetic phenomena occurred in nearby restaurants,
A metal-softening signal was on the grid,
as previously detected by Golden. This signal would be detected by the
launch flame, and after ignition would result in a steady weakening of the
metal in and around the booster flame. Note that the metal was already
cold-stressed beyond what it had been tested to withstand,
Almost immediately after ignition, the
booster seals vented, giving evidence that the cold stress and the
metal-softening signal were weakening the system,
An anomalous 10 second or so burn through
of the weakened booster occurred,
An anomalous "1ight"—possibly a Soviet EM
missile —was observed to play on the rocket before it blew up,
An anomalous "flat plate" earthquake over
about 11 states occurred within days after destruction of the shuttle. This
type of quake is strongly suspicious, and it was probably the test of the
grid/howitzers in a ground wave interferometry mode,
Substantial winds and air turbulence over
the launch site increased the stress on the Challenger as it rose through
this region. With a giant cloud radial in the area, one strongly suspects
that the turbulence may have been deliberately created or augmented by the
Soviet scalar EM grid,
A few days later, from 1-4 February 1986,
many birds inadvertently flew into the new, localized "pivot point" at
Birmingham, Alabama, encountered the high frequency components, and dead
birds fell from the sky in substantial numbers. Many different kinds of
birds were involved.
Most significant of all, General Daniel Graham has reported that, on the evening after the death of the Challenger, the Soviet KGB gave a party and celebrated the success of their perfect active measures against the Challenger! Note that all development, deployment, employment, and command and control of the Soviet scalar EM weapons are under the KGB. Finally, a U.S. classified investigation of the Challenger disaster was ordered by Congress, but its results have not been made public. Beyond any doubt the Soviets destroyed the Challenger, and killed the seven brave astronauts aboard the spaceship.
On Apr. 18, 1985 a Titan 34-D missile, launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, blew up 5 seconds after launch. Video cameras inadvertently caught the Soviet marker beacon, used with the scalar EM howitzer that destroyed the Titan, up and above the explosion, moving independently. Engineer Ron Cole personally examined the video frame by frame and asserted that the hovering ball of light was completely separate. This positive signature leaves no doubt that the Soviets destroyed that missile also. The previous Titan 34-D missile launch there in August, 1985 also blew up just after lift-off.
On May 3, 1986 a NASA Delta rocket carrying a critically-needed weather satellite failed. The rocket suffered an anomalous "command-type" shutdown of its main engine during launch and began to veer off course, causing the range safety officer to destroy it. On a network video tape replay (several replays in succession), immediately after the loss of the rocket, this author observed that an anomalous light moved up from beneath the rocket and struck it, seconds before the destruction. Subsequent attempts to locate that particular videotape have met with failure. Several other persons were watching the replay with me at the time, and saw the anomalous light strike the rocket. The light plus the "internal command surges" are strongly indicative of time-reversed EM pulses and interferometry from a pumped phase conjugate mirror adjunct operating with an over-the-horizon tracking mode.
Also in May, 1986 a European Ariane missile was lost shortly after launch. There is at least one published news analyst report that the French Government concluded that the Soviets had interfered with the missile and caused its loss. No further evidence is available to this author regarding this incident, except one unevaluatable report from a wealthy financier that when he visited the Soviet Union, the French President discussed that issue with Gorbachev.
In October, 1986, the Iceland Summit conference was held between Reagan and Gorbachev. The Soviets offered a breathtaking "zero-option" proposal, intended to lead to dismantling of most major strategic nuclear weapons, which would greatly ease the way to much more drastic employment of Soviet EM weapons. In short, if nuclear disarmament could be engineered, the U.S.'s "dead-man fuzing" against extensive employment of Soviet weapons would be almost eliminated. In that case, with its deployed, massive scalar EM weapons unleashed, the Soviet Union immediately holds the winning hand, and could rapidly proceed to dominate and control most of the earth. The Soviet offer was conditioned on the severe limitation of SDI to the laboratory, however, and Reagan balked at this. The reason for adamant Soviet insistence that the SDI genie must not be tested in space is that, should the U.S. develop scalar EM weapons—such as high energy scalar lasers—and deploy them as SDI modifications, the power would be enormously increased. With one or two shots, such a laser could devastate a whole republic of the USSR.* If tested in space, prototype SDI launch and deployment vehicles would be available, even though the SDI system was not yet completed and deployed. In that case, the U.S. could possibly quickly launch several scalar EM weapons in retaliation for Soviet strikes against the U.S.—and from space even one weapon could destroy the Soviet Union. Thus, unless the SDI genie is chained up in the lab, a Soviet scalar EM initiative to dominate the world would involve unacceptable risk to the Soviet Union. At this writing, Gorbachev has mounted a great propaganda campaign to try to stimulate U.S. citizens, scientists, and political activists to demand nuclear disarmament, clearing out the U.S. dead-man fuzing.
*Their EGPs, however would detonate nuclear warheads and nuclear facilities. The resulting fallout would devastate the earth. Such a use would be suicidal. But it would be a first-strike weapon, if a madman pulled the trigger.
During the spring of 1986, abnormally strong Soviet weather engineering occurred over the U. S., causing a drastic drought in the southeastern U.S. This drought was broken by a colleague who used an extremely powerful scalar EM device to redirect jetstreams. A most unusual and unique signature of the "blocking" against the Soviet scalar EM actions resulted: Two huge circulations developed in the atmosphere, clearly showed as two adjacent giant "holes" in the swirling cloud cover over the middle and eastern U.S. Between these two giant holes, the cloud circulations formed a stream of clouds, moving to the south, looking very: much like a giant vertical "bar" of a huge "Y-shaped" cloud flow.* Several national weathermen commented on this unusual pattern, which had not been observed before. The pattern continued, day after day, as the blocking continued.
* On the weather maps.
My colleague suffered a drastic illness and a serious operation, which interrupted the blocking operation. Immediately the jet streams changed back and serious drought returned to the southeast U.S., devastating a substantial portion of farm crops in the region. After some time, my colleague recovered sufficiently to resume blocking operations, breaking the drought and restoring the rains once again.
In latter October and early November, 1986, significant giant radial cloud patterns, associated with Soviet weather engineering using the scalar EM interference grid, were seen and photographed over California in the greater Los Angeles area. On Monday, Nov. 10, 1986 an anomalous, giant "fireball" was seen by hundreds of persons to move from west to east. It was seen over 4 states, and accompanied very sharp changes in the EM grid. An anomalous winter storm was in progress, with cold air spilling down from Canada. The storm penetrated very deeply southward, breaking cold records in a wide area of the mid-United States. At the same time, heat records were being broken in Florida, and generally throughout the southeast. Frank Golden verified by direct measurement that the electrogravitational field of the earth was agitated and most dynamic—in short, significant activity was being introduced by the Soviet scalar EM grid. (The activity was about half what it is when the Soviets are inducing an earthquake.).
On Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1986, the author photographed three giant radial cloud patterns—one a "twin"—in Huntsville, Alabama, associated with the anomalous storm, now labeled the "Siberian express" m many news reports.
On Thursday, Nov. 3, 1986 at Huntsville, the author observed another twin giant radial, gently moving along from west to east. At dusk, another single giant radial was observed at Huntsville. Also, air control radars along the corridor from Los Angeles to Arizona suffered a mysterious failure or "power outage" not long after the "meteor" incident. Reports were received from Montreal, Canada that anomalous TV interference was experienced in that area about the same time the air control radars experienced anomalous failure. This may show that the agent causing the radar failures and TV interference extended across a wide area of North America. Note that the normal intersection of the Woodpecker beams covers such a broad area of North America in the interference zone of the beams. The so-called "meteor" (actually, a large,
rapidly moving light was seen and noise was heard) of Nov. 10 may well have been a large scalar EM ball from the Woodpecker grid weapon transmitters, performing a simulated test of the multiple-vehicle kill mode, using a large "electromagnetic missile" created and moved by the associated scalar howitzers. Complete explanation of the operation of these systems is contained in Fer-de-Lance and other books and papers.As this background summary is cutoff in mid November 1986, it does not include evidence of indications that exist for Soviet scalar EM enhancement or biological warfare against the West. The reader should be aware of the potential scalar BW threat, and the general lack of any effort to collate evidence in that area. [That area has been covered in the author's book, AIDS: Biological Warfare, Tesla book Co., 1988. For complete coverage, see the author's Gravitobiology: A New Physics, 1989.]
For the present Soviet tactic, see the author's "Glasnost: 29th Move of a 30-Move Chess Game," Raum & Zeit. in publication, and "Political Manipulation of Unified Field Theory," Raum & Zeit. in publication.
By the peculiar title of this slide, we wish to call attention to the fact that, in the exothermic mode of scalar interferometry riding on the woodpecker radar signals, each of the woodpecker grid interference cells can act as a little "virtual transmitter." It's exactly as if the Soviets had been permitted to enter the U.S. and build thousands of EM transmitters at regular intervals all over the country!
And of course it's even worse. In the endothermic mode, it's as if the Soviets had been permitted to enter the U.S. and build thousands of "cold generators" all over the U.S. That is, in that mode, each of the "transmitters" can actually extract electromagnetic energy.
These two modes have enabled the Soviet Union to drastically manipulate the weather at will over the U.S. during the last decade (and similarly, for other places as well.)
(For a full disclosure of the Soviet weather control operations over the U.S., see T. E. Bearden, Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America, 1-hr. videotape, 1955, available from POB 1472, Huntsville, Alabama 35807, $40.00 U.S. postpaid, VHS or BETA format. We will only summarize here.).
Briefly, inside various reference level zeros on the ordinary EM woodpecker carriers, scalar "channels" are established. Scalar beams, signals, and interferometer pulses and transmissions can be transmitted through these reference channels as if directly through a wire. Phasing, pulse shaping, and Fourier expansion formation of geometric forms are then the key to be used in scalar interferometry through the internal scalar channels of the Soviet woodpecker signals.
By choosing one or more grid cells and using scalar interference there in the exothermic continuous mode, local heating and expansion of the air, and formation of a high pressure area, occurs.
By choosing one or more grid cells and using scalar interference there in the endothermic continuous mode, local cooling and shrinking of the air, and formation of a low pressure area, occurs.
By electromagnetic ''rotation" of the interfering scalar beams, the hotspots and coldspots can be moved along a desired path and at a desired speed.
By these methods the entire jetstream across the U.S. can be deviated and controlled to a large degree. Moisture can be drawn from the Pacific beyond Southern California and Mexico, and collided over the southern U.S. with extremely cold air brought down from Canada, producing ice storms such as those in and around February 1, 1985.
Violent thunderstorm activity can be induced and directed. By adding "spin", these same storms can be induced to form extensive tornados.
By sustained weather engineering operations, drought or excessive rain and flooding can be induced in areas of the U.S. as desired. Crops can be destroyed or heavily damaged by severe and unseasonal weather.
If the grid is placed in the ground on scalar EM carriers instead of normal EM carriers (and the woodpecker "radars," can switch to, or add, scalar carrier mode whenever they wish), it can be used as an anti-submarine weapon, as we shall see later. It can also be used to cause substantial ocean effects that have drastic consequences on the world's weather -- such as the anomalous El Nino of 1982-83.
By localizing one spot of heating at the top of a thunderstorm anvil, and another spot of cooling at its side, a localized downburst can be created. Our weather satellites have detected just such an anomalous combination heating and cooling of thunderstorm anvils over the U.S. While there may exist natural mechanisms to cause this anomalous dual pattern, it may also be caused by Soviet weather engineering, which can cause either broad-area or highly localized effects.
All these types of weather engineering incidents have been deliberately created over the U.S. by the Soviet Union.
Perhaps the greatest weather effects can be induced by altering some of the large scale normal mechanisms that influence and control our weather. Thus the artificially induced El Nino of 1982-83 was a case in point, causing drastic weather upsets worldwide for a year or more.
The last decade has seen weather so anomalous that it could only occur once in 1200 years by chance. It has not been due to normal chance, but by Soviet weather engineering, particularly since the advent of the Woodpecker transmitter complexes.
The Woodpecker transmitters can carry scalar components which, in addition to biological strikes, can be used for many other purposes such as to
All in all, the woodpecker transmitter complexes and other associated scalar EM weaponry are most useful in the major missions required in war.
On this slide we show the use of the
Woodpecker grid in the Launch Phase ABM system role.
The scalar components establish an interference grid over the U.S., at
some altitude above the earth. One or more separate scalar interferometers
transmit through scalar channels established in the Woodpecker's normal EM
carriers, scanning through the grid square cells one by one in the "just barely
extract energy" endothermic mode. Back in the Soviet Union, the energy extracted
passes through a scanned receiver biased just so that the
normal energy extracted from the distant atmosphere does not show on a scanning
screen. Any substantial amount of additional energy appearing in the cell --such
as from the jet engines of a large aircraft or the rocket exhaust of a large
missile -- will be detected.
The operation of this weapon is four-fold: (1) the scanning
interferometer or "big eye" scans the grid squares, detects penetration, and
tracks the rising missile. (2) A separate scalar EM interferometer (a howitzer)
is controlled by a computer and fired through a separate scalar EM channel
opened in the ordinary EM woodpecker carriers. (3) Two timed scalar pulses are
fired so that they converge and meet in the grid cell containing the rising
missile. This results in the sudden emergence of a violent EMP pulse throughout
the missile and the surrounding vicinity. (4) All missile and warhead electrical
and electronic systems are instantly dudded and destroyed. In addition, fuels,
propellants, and explosives of
the missile are immediately ignited, explosively destroying the penetrating
That takes care of the missile target. (The same weapon, of course, can
be used against airborne strategic bombers -- including Stealth-type bombers. In
fact, Gary Powers' high flying aircraft was probably shot down in 1960 by a
"jury-rigged" scalar EM howitzer using modified radars and timed scalar pulses
to provide an aerial explosion and EMP. )
The Woodpecker grid/howitzer weapon system can be placed over the ocean
and used against cruise missiles, naval surface-to-air and surface-to-surface
missiles, submarine-launched ballistic and cruise missiles, etc. Placed over a
carrier task force, it can also take care of the aircraft launched by the
carrier as fast as they are launched. It can also handily take care of the
missiles launched by guided-missile cruisers of the accompanying task force.
Now let's take a look at the command and fire control end of this weapon
system, way back in the Soviet Union.
The awesome
Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:
Russia will use ray guns...
Veronica - Oh, and I see that - Our Lady is
showing me now - there are some kind of implements they're using that... it
doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight, but I know it's not a
flashlight; it's some object of some kind of a ray they've got. And then - now
he's lifting - I see a man in a very odd looking uniform; I don't recognize the
uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray gun. That's what it is, it's
a ray gun. And he's now pushing the trigger, and I see... it looks like long
streams of light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts. (Veronica
Our Lady - "Russia, My children, has this
implement of destruction. While the United States and Canada, and most of the
world, go about crying for peace, tranquility, love, they are not aware of the
fact that Russia has every mind to take them over, be it good or bad. And if
they have to annihilate the whole land of it people, they want that land, and
they will use any means to get it.
"You understand, My child and My children, when a man
is not with his God, his god then becomes Lucifer. He is then taken over to be
an agent of hell. And he has many helpers, for all hell now is opened wide in
these last days. All the demons of hell are loosed.
"And do not become smug, My children, and think that
you will be saved. Do not take this lightly. They are very powerful and
cajoling. Yes, My child, you have every reason to be affrighted.
"I do not say, My children and My child, that the
situation is a hundred percent hopeless. I say that each and every child upon
earth is wanted back, as the man whose sheep has scattered, and he will await
that one lost sheep to return. And much joy should be had over that one lost
sheep than if the whole fold had returned." (7-25-85)
Russia shall be your scourge...
Our Lady - "There are evil powers, My child, being set up to enslave your
world! I have begged you, I have asked you through countless years to pray much
for the conversion of Our adversaries. One nation, Russia, My children, shall
be your scourge. As they shall go across the world, ravenous in appetite,
destruction as their means for enslaving the world!" (9-13-75)
Shortly after Veronica finished reading the articles in the daily
newspaper pertaining to the demise of communism in the Soviet Union, and the
subsequent birth of the new Commonwealth of Independent States, Our Lady
appeared in what Veronica perceived as a message expressed in desperation: "Do
not be deceived. Their father is the father of all liars: satan. Their master
plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are clouded. I repeat: it is a
ruse. Wake up America or you will suffer much." - Our Lady, December 18, 1991
"My child and My children, I
wish that you all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout the
world, your country, the United States, and Canada. I warn you again that Russia
plans an attack upon the United States.
"You must remember, My children, when you accept the talkings and the words
of an atheist: there is no honor in the atheist. There is no truth in the
atheist. They will cajole you, and buy you, until you no longer are what is
called a 'free nation,' but you will be enslaved-if they do not kill the
multitudes before, My child. I say 'if,' because it is their plan to destroy
your nation and rebuild it by themselves. The cost of life means nothing to
them, as you can recognize in all of the countries around your world that have
been invaded by Russia, or Russia is the secret agent giving over the firearms
and the destructive missiles to destroy the United States and Canada." -
Our Lady, September 14, 1985
"The red horse is war! And war is in the balance next, My child. And what can
you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven—and We hope, My children,
that you will get this out to the world—unless the bishops and the Holy Father
in unity with all the bishops of the world—unless they consecrate Russia to My
Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be doomed! Because Russia will
continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and carnage
and pestilence and famine." - Jesus, June 17, 1989
"My priests of the world, I say to you now: you must listen to My voice from
Heaven. You must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart or you will die." -
Our Lady, April 14, 1984
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
D10 - Consecrate Russia
D57 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 1)
D58 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 2)
D59 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 3)
D101 - Russia and China, Part 1
D102 - Russia and China, Part 2
D103 - Communism
D104 - Invasion
D158 - America the Beautiful
Outside Links...
Historical Background of Soviet Scalar EM Weapons https://www.tldm.org/news8/sovietelectromagneticattacksonunitedstates.htm
A Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons by Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1986 http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/index.html
Destruction of the Challenger on January 28, 1986 (Scalar Components)
The Death of the Columbia Space Shuttle https://www.tldm.org/news6/columbia.htm
Tesla's weapon to end wars http://www.pbs.org/tesla/ll/ll_wendwar.html
Tesla's Free Energy Tower http://www.iuser.iwarp.com/main/tesla.htm
Nikola Tesla's US Patent Collection http://www.mall-usa.com/BPCS/alpha_tesla.html
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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