These Last Days News - May 5, 2014
Russia's Fantastic Secret Nikola Tesla Super Scalar Weapons-{VIDEO}...
Veronica - Oh, and I
see that - Our Lady is showing me now - there are some kind of implements
they're using that... it doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight,
but I know it's not a flashlight; it's some object of some kind of a ray they've
got. And then - now he's lifting - I see a man in a very odd looking uniform; I
don't recognize the uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray
gun. That's what it is, it's a ray gun. And he's now pushing the trigger, and I
see... it looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits just
disintegrates and melts. (Veronica groans.)
Lady - "Russia, My children, has this implement of destruction."
Russia has secret weapons which the United States has no defense. You must watch the video below. Also read the information below the video window.
"When I came to Fatima many years ago, I knew that communism would go throughout the world destroying many nations and attacking My Son's Church. Therefore, I made a promise that if the Pope, the Pope of those days and the Pope today, would unite with all the bishops of the world, all together on one day-not the world-but the bishops and the Pope will unite and pray for the consecration of Russia. I do not mean the world, My children; I mean Russia-Russia, the scourge of mankind. You will pray for Russia. One day must be allotted in which Pope John Paul II and also, all the bishops of the world must unite on one day, I repeat, and pray for Russia; or Russia will continue to be the scourge from God. Russia will continue to go throughout the world annihilating people and places and countries." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987
The Shocking History of Soviet Electromagnetic (EM) War Attacks on the United States...
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Tom Bearden is the foremost Nikola Tesla researcher...
A nuclear engineer, war games analyst, and military tactician, Lieutenant Colonel Bearden has over 26 years experience in air defense systems, tactics and operations; technical intelligence, anti-radiation missile countermeasures; nuclear weapons employment, computerized war games; and military systems requirements.
He is currently with the Alabama division of a large aerospace company where he is involved in determining the future requirements for laser weapons.
Lieutenant Colonel Bearden obtained a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Northeast Louisiana University. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and several U.S. Army artillery and missile schools.
He has had direct experience with tube artillery and with the Ajax, Hercules, Hawk, and Patriot missile systems and the production of technical intelligence on Soviet surface-to-air missile systems for the U.S. Army/Department of Defense.
Tom holds a Sandan (third degree black belt) in Yoseikan aikido; is a singer, guitarist and songwriter; member of Mensa, Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, Vestigia, the American Association of Meta-Science: and is on the board of governors of the U.S. Psychotronics Association. In addition, he is Alabama Director of a small nonprofit foundation, the Association of Distinguished American Scientists and is a MUFON adviser on nuclear engineering.
He also edits Specula, Journal of the American Association of Meta-Science.
Tom is primarily active as a theorist on UFOs, parapsychological and paranormal phenomena, and psychotronics. He is the author of a book, The Excalibur Briefing, Strawberry Hill Press, 2594 15th Avenue, San Francisco, California 94127 and has numerous technical papers dealing with new paradigm physics, paranormal phenomena, and Soviet psychotronic weapons.
Finally, Bearden's Solutions to Tesla's Secrets and the Soviet Tesla Weapons promises to be recognized in the future as a major contribution to our present technology.
Lieutenant Colonel Bearden is the author of the following article;The Shocking History of Soviet Electromagnetic (EM) War Attacks on the United States...
In January 1960, Khrushchev announced the development of a new, fantastic weapon—one so powerful it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used. The New York Times printed part of the story. Khrushchev, of course, was referring to the newly emerging scalar EM weapons. So in early 1960 the Soviets were in at least what we call the engineering development stage for large scalar EM beam weapons, which would be deployed when finished.
On May 1, 1960 Soviet defensive radars—rigged as prototype scalar EM beam weapons—probably downed Francis Gary Powers's high-flying U-2 reconnaissance plane over the Soviet Union, precipitating a major diplomatic incident. At the time, no Soviet surface to-air missile could reach the high-flying U-2, but of course it was extensively tracked on Soviet defense radars. Powers reported that a flash occurred behind his plane and persisted—almost certainly the signature of time reversed wave real-time holography. Eisenhower first denied, then was forced to admit, the photo-reconnaissance nature of Powers' mission when Khrushchev revealed that the Soviets had captured Powers alive. Khrushchev then cancelled a major summit meeting with President Eisenhower. Powers was imprisoned, and released in February 1962 in exchange for Rudolf Abel, a convicted Soviet spy.
In the fall of 1962, with his new super weapons nearing deployment, the ebullient Khrushchev could no longer contain his eagerness. He "jumped the gun" and attempted to change the international balance of power at a single stroke. The Soviets started inserting MRBMs—weapons which would blanket the U.S. like a glove—into Cuba at a feverish pace. From information clandestinely fed by Soviet Col. Oleg Penkovsky, John F. Kennedy was aware that Khrushchev's bombers and ICBMs were in woeful shape.***
***Penkovsky knew nothing of the Soviet Weapons program in energetics, using time-reversed EM radar wave weapons.
Not suspecting the Soviet super weapons, he knew that Khrushchev was bluffing—and proceeded to call the Soviet bluff, precipitating the Cuban Missile Crisis. Khrushchev was caught with his pants down. His super weapons were not yet ready, and the U.S. could have easily destroyed the Soviet Union. Reluctantly he backed down and removed the missiles, after first blustering enough to get an agreement from Kennedy not to attack Cuba.
In the Communist world, this was a serious loss of face by Khrushchev. He knew his days were numbered unless he did something dramatic to recoup stature.
Accordingly, as soon as his new super weapons were deployed and ready, Khrushchev did that "something dramatic." On April 10, 1963 he destroyed the U.S.S. Thresher with one of his new weapons. Scalar EM (electrogravitational) beams, focused through the ocean to interfere on the Thresher under the surface, recreated spurious EM energy in the sub's electrical control circuits, jamming them so that the sub lost control, sank to crush depth, and imploded. Spurious electromagnetic "splatter" surrounding the immediate vicinity of the targeted area left a signature of intense EM interference with multiple systems and multiple frequencies of the U.S.S. Skylark, surface companion of the Thresher. This anomalous EM interference was so virulent that it required over 1-1/ 2 hours for the Skylark to transmit an emergency message back to headquarters that the sub had been lost.**** The death of the Thresher was Khrushchev's first blow.
**** Some electronic systems mysteriously malfunctioned, then later completely recovered spontaneously. This again is clearly a scalar EM weapon signature.
The next day, April 11, 1963, Khrushchev struck his second blow. Two deployed Soviet scalar EM weapons fired massive scalar EM pulses through the ocean. The two massive pulses met and interfered deep under the surface, 100 miles north of Puerto Rico. The resulting giant underwater EM explosion hurled a mushroom of water half a mile up into the air, and the anomalous explosion was observed (and later reported to the FBI and the Coast Guard) by the pilot and crew of a US. Jetliner passing nearby, enroute from Puerto Rico to Florida.
Thus we know the year—and indeed probably the very month—that Khrushchev's new "fantastic weapon" was deployed: April 1963.
In the 1960s, Curtis detected a previously unknown, anomalous, weak electromagnetic radiation pattern over the ocean. This is the type of pattern consistent with the introduction of scalar signals with a small' impure normal EM component or residue. Such cruder implementation would have been expected early-on in the Soviet program.
On June 17, 1966 from the air near Teheran, Iran, several airline pilots sighted a brilliant sphere of light, "sitting on the horizon," so to speak, deep within the Soviet Union. The intensely glowing sphere expanded to enormous size, dimming as it expanded, always remaining "sitting on the horizon." The pilots observed the phenomenon for 4 to 5 minutes. A CIA report on the incident was released under the Freedom of Information Act.
In 1967-68, anomalous holes appeared in clouds over the U.S., possibly associated with the beginning of early Soviet weather engineering over the U.S. That winter was particularly severe.
In the late 1960's, Lisitsyn reported that the Soviets had broken the "genetic code" of the human brain. He stated the code had 44 digits or less, and the brain employed 22 frequency bands across nearly the whole EM spectrum. However, only 11 of the frequency bands were independent. This work implies that, if 11 or more correct frequency channels* can be "phase-locked" into the human brain, then it should be possible to drastically influence the thoughts, vision, physical functioning, emotions, and conscious state of the individual, even from a great distance.
*To translate this to VHF or radar/radio frequencies, see Bearden, Gravitobiology, 1989.
It may be highly significant that
(1) up to 16 of the giant Soviet woodpecker carriers have been observed by Beck and others to carry a common, phase-locked 10-Hz modulation, and
(2) such a 10-Hz signal has been demonstrated by Beck, Rauscher, Bise, and others to be able to physically entrain or "phase-lock" the human brain, if stronger than the Schumann resonance of the Earth's magnetic field.
A human brain entrained by a common, phase-locked 10-Hz modulation on 16 carrier frequencies would effectively have 16 frequency channels phase-locked into it. The potential for using the Woodpecker transmitters to phase-lock an appreciable percentage of human brains in a targeted area, and then induce effects in the populace similar to— and even more drastic than—the effects induced in U.S. Embassy personnel in Moscow, should be strongly pointed out. Coupled with the Kaznacheyev work on EM transmission of cellular death and disease, using the Woodpecker signals to induce death and disease in the targeted populace may also be a distinct possibility. Modification of DNA/RNA—and viruses themselves—is also a possibility.
Many other Soviet scalar EM testing incidents are documented in Bearden, Fer-de-Lance. 1986, and in AIDS: Biological Warfare. 1988. Repeated presentations on the Soviet scalar EM weapons and their testing have been given at national symposia since 1978. The exact mechanisms utilized by these superweapons have also been given. A complete and consistent series of many anomalous events exists over the years, showing the continuing development, testing, and deployment of massive scalar EM weapons by the Soviet Union.
Actual use of the weapons to create a giant interference grid over the U.S. and severely affect world weather is documented in a videotape, Bearden, Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America, 1985. This videotape also includes several other major accidents, and also U.S. weather satellite photographs of anomalous exhausts from the Soviet Union's Bennett Island.** The exhausts are often in jets 150 miles long and nearly horizontal (about a degree and a half in elevation). They have been photographed coming from Bennett Island and the sea nearby, since 1974.
** Which actually belongs to the U.S.
Note that Bennett Island need not be the site of the actual scalar EM weapon itself. Energy extracted by a scalar EM howitzer (endothermic mode) from a distant region could be caught temporarily, then "relay fired" to Bennett Island by the same howitzer, switched into its exothermic mode. Thus the howitzer could act as an energy transmission relay between a distant endothermic target site and a separate distant exothermic exhaust site such as Bennett Island. Such exhausts have also been photographed corning from Novaya Zemlya.
On January 23, 1974 a mysterious explosion over North Wales rocked a 60-miles radius area. Associated anomalous light phenomena were also seen. Hundreds of anomalous booms, aerial rumbles, and aerial explosions, many accompanied by flashes or anomalous shaking of ground structures, buildings, windows, etc., have occurred over the U.S. and other Western nations in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Many were simply Soviet tests.
In June 1975, Brezhnev called for a ban on weapons of mass destruction more terrifying than nuclear arms. He stated the need for an "insurmountable barrier" to the development of such weapons. In July he repeated his strange proposal to a group of visiting U.S. Senators. Ponomarev, a Soviet national party secretary, again raised the same issue to a delegation of visiting U.S. congressmen in August. At the United Nations' thirtieth Session of the General Assembly on Sept. 23,1975, Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko strongly raised the same issue, warning that science can produce "ominous" new weapons of mass destruction. He urged that all countries, led first by the major powers, should sign an agreement to ban the development of these unspecified new weapons. He even offered a draft, entitled "Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Annihilation and of New Systems of Such Weapons." The first article provided that the types of these new weapons would be "specified through negotiations on the subject." By its fixation on nuclear weapons and its ignorance of scalar EM, the West may have lost its only opportunity to prevent the spread of scalar EM weapons "more frightful than the mind of man has ever imagined," to use Brezhnev's characterization.
With obvious lack of knowledge of scalar EM weaponry by the West and failure to achieve a total ban, the Soviet hawks again were able to prevail over Brezhnev and the more conservative Party leaders. The Soviets decided upon a massive buildup of arms, with the intention of being prepared to dominate the world in a decade.
In July 1976, communications around the Earth were interrupted by the sudden emergence of powerful Soviet transmissions in the communications band, from 3-30MHz. The chirped signal produces a characteristic sound in a receiver similar to a woodpecker's beak hitting a wooden block. The transmitters were immediately dubbed "woodpeckers", and the signals "woodpecker signals." The Western intelligence community dubbed these giant transmitting systems "over-the-horizon radars." These powerful systems were brought on full deployment and activated after the Soviets decided to go ahead with a decade-long buildup to prepare to dominate the earth. That decision was reached after Brezhnev's 1975 failure to obtain world agreement banning development of scalar EM weapons. Activation of the giant Soviet Woodpecker weapon systems meant that the Soviet Union now would deploy massive scalar weapons on an unparalleled scale.
On July 28, 1976, a great earthquake destroyed Tangshan, China, killing some 600,000 persons. Just before the first tremor in the early morning, the sky lit up like daylight, with multi-hued lights seen up to 200 miles away. Electrical signals were also associated with the quake. Note that, in 1912, Nikola Tesla stated in an interview that it would be possible to split the planet, by combining vibrations with the correct resonance of the earth itself. Tesla stated, "Within a few weeks, I could set the earth's crust into such a state of vibrations that it would rise and fall hundreds of feet, throwing rivers out of their beds, wrecking buildings, and practically destroying civilization. The principle cannot fail..." Tesla once set off a growing local vibration and shaking of the entire neighborhood around his laboratory, using a 10-lb. device. Tesla later improved on his concepts, calling this area "telegeodynamics". In 1935 he said: "The rhythmical vibrations pass through the earth with almost no loss of energy... It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects... The invention could be used with destructive effect in war..."
Later in 1976 Soviet scientists increased the power of the giant transmitters to perhaps 40 megawatts each. The scalar EM power contained in the normal EM carriers is unknown. Transmitting pulses at about 7 Hz, it appears that enormous standing waves were inadvertently set up in-phase in the atmospheric duct around the earth. That is, the powerful carriers were circling the earth about 7 times per second, coming back around in phase with the previous loop. The scalar content also was in phase. The in-phase scalar component apparently produced the phenomenon of "kindling"; i.e., of "charging up" the loop with Whittaker (1903) gravity potential. This potential was perfectly in phase with the cavity resonance of the earth-ionosphere, and so the liquid-filled crustal features of the earth and the ionosphere coupled to it. In short, the potential became self sustaining, and increasing as long as the transmitters kept pouring in carrier power. The result was giant standing waves of totally unsuspected magnitude. The frightened Russians hurriedly turned off the transmitters, but were then faced with an undamped, sustained oscillation of the giant potential. Thoroughly frightened, the Soviets radiated intense bursts of power at the waves, trying to break up their coherence. According to one source, these waves lasted several months under that bombardment before gradually dissipating. Note that experiments by Dr. Robert Helliwell at the U.S. Antarctic research camp known as Siple Station has shown fairly conclusively that radio waves can be magnified up to 1,000 times or more in the ionosphere, according to reports in the open literature.
On September 10, 1976, the crew and passengers of British European Airway Flight 831, over Lithuania enroute from Moscow to London, observed an intensely glowing, stationary ball of light above the clouds underneath the plane. When alerted by the airline pilot, Soviet authorities on the ground curtly informed him to pay no attention and, effectively, to exit the area. This Soviet reaction indicates that the incident may have been a Soviet test of an unknown type of device—in short, a scalar EM interferometer. If so, the interferometer intersection zone was deliberately placed near the aircraft to stimulate the crew and passengers. By the later reaction of the British government to the incident, the Soviets could ascertain whether or not Britain was cognizant of scalar electromagnetics.
On May 18, 1977, the Soviets signed an agreement with the U.S. and 29 other countries, promising not to attack each other by causing man-made storms, earthquakes, or tidal waves. The Soviets had already tested weather control against the U.S. in 1967 and had been steadily using it against America for almost a year.
On April 2, 1978, an anomalous straight, not jagged, beam of "1ightning" came down from the sky at a 45 degree angle to the ground and struck Bell Island, Newfoundland, causing a loud explosion and damage to some houses, etc. Two cup-shaped holes about two feet deep and three feet wide marked the major impact. Wires leading to a shed and coop nearby were vaporized. Both structures suffered considerable damage, but no burning occurred except for a slightly scorched spruce tree. The anomalous bolt did not discharge into prominent metal contact points, such as a metal chimney running down to an iron stove. Instead, all the wiring on the property was blown out. A number of TV sets in Lance Cove, the surrounding community, also exploded at the time of the blast. Weather men confirmed that atmospheric conditions at the time were not conductive to lightning. The blast was heard 45 kilometers away in Cape Broyle. Apparently U.S. Vela satellites picked up the event. The incident was investigated promptly by two representatives from a U.S. weapons laboratory at Los Alamos, according to the news media.
On Nov. 21, 1977, cloud indications of a huge standing wave was observed off the Pacific coast of America, reaching from Alaska to Chile. Satellite photos show cloud banks over this stretch of the ocean, lying offshore, and reaching for the whole of the distance. These clouds grazed the land slightly at California. There a straight black line, as through drawn by a ruler, appeared in the cloud mass. It was an opening in the clouds, one mile wide and 200 miles long. There was no known explanation. This was a phenomenon without parallel in past records.
A series of anomalous high altitude booms occurred off the East coast of the U.S. around the end of the year in 1977-78, though some activity had started as early as July 1977. Flashes associated with some of the booms were observed. On Dec. 27, President Carter called for a full report. No reason could be found. These explosions represented adjustment of the interference grid that had been established over the U.S. by the crossed Woodpecker beams, and artillery-type high burst registration of scalar EM howitzers. Numerous other adjustments of the grid and registration of howitzers have occurred over the U.S.
The peculiar "nuclear flashes" seen by the Vela satellites in September 1979 and December 1980 could have been due to a testing of a scalar EM howitzer in the pulsed exothermic mode. In the mode, scalar EM pulses meet at a distance, where their interference produces a sharp electromagnetic explosion (hence the "flash", very similar to the initial EMP flash of a nuclear explosion. Even in the vacuum of space, such an explosive eruption of energy from within the local spacetime vacuum itself may be expected to lift matter from the Dirac sea, producing a plasma. Prompt absorption and re-radiation of energy from this sudden plasma may be expected to present nearly the same "double peak" profile as does a nuclear explosion. This was the profile presented by the flashes. Note that the second flash detected was apparently of an "explosion" primarily in the infrared, almost certainly ruling out a conventional nuclear event. It does not rule out, however, pulsed distant holography using pumped EM giant time-reversed wave transmitters.
From Afghanistan in September 1979, British war cameraman Nick Downie observed gigantic, expanding spheres of light deep within the Soviet Union, toward the direction of Saryshagan missile test range. Saryshagan apparently contains at least one directed energy or particle beam installation which could possibly function as a scalar interferometer/scalar EM howitzer. Downie observed multiple incidents in the direction of Saryshagan during the actual month (September 1979) that the first anomalous flash was detected by U.S. Vela satellites. On the other hand, there also exists tenuous evidence that these Vela events may have been associated with weaponry of another nation, not hostile to the U.S. There is evidence that this second nation also possesses scalar EM weapons, as do two additional nations besides the Soviet Union.
In latter 1980, a most anomalous drought was induced in the United States. On Feb. 2, 1981, the Washington Post commented: "For the past four months, a single weather pattern has gripped virtually the entire United States, causing a coast-to-coast drought unique in the annals of weather recording... The weather system causing the drought is one of the most unusual national patterns ever recorded." It was also one of the most artificial ones ever recorded!
On January 20-21, 1982 a swarm of more than 1,400 earth tremors occurred in that two-day period in north central Arkansas. Beginning on Jan. 12, activity had started in the swarm area, and three quakes registering above above 4.0 on the Richter scalar were recorded. The strongest was on Jan 20, and measured 4.5. There had been no previous recorded earth tremors in the area. Long dormant faults near the Ouachita Mountains were suspected as being responsible. Note that strong scalar waves, passing through the Ouachita fault zones, could have stimulated such activity, since a fault is a natural scalar interferometer and thus a scalar transmitter/receiver. Scalar reception would result in increased electricity in the rocks in the fault zone, in turn increasing the mechanical pressure in the rocks. Since the Soviets were heavily engaged in scalar EM weather engineering operations over North America in 1982, these tremors may have been side effects of those operations.
On June 18, 1982, pilots and crews of Japan Air Lines Flights 403 and 421 reported sighting a giant, expanding globe of light in the North Pacific, 700 kilometers east of Kushiro. This was another test of a scalar EM howitzer/interferometer producing a "giant globular shell" of energy at a great distance. When small, the intense shell produces a very high EGP and also a very high EMP inside the matter of any object penetrating the shell. The EMP will dud any and all electronic equipment; explode high explosives, fuels, and combustibles; and render any modern weapon harmless. The high EGP will detonate a nuclear warhead immediately in a "full-up" nuclear detonation. It will also instantly kill any living creature, including every cell, bacterium, virus, and organism in its body. It will also detonate any ordinary, non-radioactive material with a low-order nuclear detonation of all its nuclei. As the globular shell is made very large, "energy density" in its shell is reduced. However, any nuclear material or device will still suffer a low-order nuclear detonation from the EGP, and any biological system will still be instantly killed. The EMP will still dud any electromagnetic equipment presently made. As can be seen, the globe can be used to defend an entire sector of the sky against any kind of incoming threat—with 100% effectiveness. A hemispherical shield can be placed over one's own field army for terminal stage defense, and/or over the opposing force for initial phase defense, against most everything!
On July 20, 1982, Soviet official Lysenko of the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C. stated publicly that, should nuclear disarmament fail, the Soviets would quickly introduce new weapons more powerful than nuclear arms, and these weapons would not be verifiable. U.S. Army Col. John Alexander, together with this author, was in the audience and heard Lysenko's statement.
In latter December, 1982, odd, anomalous atmospheric booms occurred over Ohio. These represented tests and adjustments of the scalar EM interference grid over the U.S. and the probable registration of scalar EM howitzers used in conjunction with the grid. (See FDL for complete details of this grid weapon.).
Anomalous "laser blinding" of U.S. satellites over the Soviet Union has occurred on several occasions. On one occasion, a satellite was blinded for up to four hours. While such non-damaging blinding would be difficult for a ground-based laser to accomplish, it would be simple for a scalar EM interferometer—or a ground-based scalar EM laser—to accomplish, since the amount of energy deposited upon and within the satellite could be precisely controlled and even directly monitored. A possibly related anomalous temporary disabling of two or three power supplies has been demonstrated upon the British satellite Ariel 6 when passing over British Columbia or the Caspian Sea, if the sun is shining.
In mid-January, 1983, so-called "sonic booms" shook the air over Pennsylvania.
In latter February, 1983 anomalous booms occurred over New York, and anomalous tremors shook the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Anomalous booms also shook Ohio.
On April 9, 1984 a gigantic mushroom cloud— glowing, like a "halo"—rapidly emerged from above the ocean off the coast of Japan. The cloud grew to 60,000 feet or so within two minutes, and reached an enormous diameter estimated at 200 miles. Several 80eing 747 jet airliners were in the general vicinity; at least one of them was piloted by a former B-52 pilot who took evasive action, since the phenomenon resembled a giant nuclear explosion. However, there was no blinding flash of light, and no massive shock wave overlook the aircraft. Walker et al investigated the seismic and underwater acoustic instrumentation data surrounding the period of the incident, and essentially ruled out all known natural phenomena. They concluded that the incident was either an as yet unknown natural phenomenon or man-made explosion. In fact, it was very probably a test of a giant scalar EM howitzer, used in the endothermic (heat energy withdrawing) mode. Sudden energy withdrawal in a region above the ocean resulted in a sudden low pressure, sucking up a giant cloud of moisture. Inrushing air pushed the cloud upward into a giant mushroom, much like a giant expanding thundercloud anvil wells up when it forms, only faster. Walker and colleagues have again examined the reported position of the cloud, and placed it much nearer to the Soviet Union— between the Kurils and Sakhalin. Four stages were observed: (1) a towering, cumulus-like cloud rose out of the stratiform layer, (2) the cloud tower faded and was replaced with a small semicircular halo segment, (3) the halo expanded to a full circle, and (4) the halo expanded further and dissipated. The diameter of the halo at maximum size is now estimated to have been at least 380 miles, and the altitude of its center (at maximum size) is estimated to have been greater than 200 miles.
Note that the upper edge of the shell would have been at an altitude greater than 380 miles. This sort of "Tesla shield" is an antimissile and antiaircraft defense shield. Any object penetrating the shell receives both an electrogravitational pulse (EGP) and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) arising inside it, from within its local spacetime. The EMP will dud all electronics and explode all high explosive (HE) materials. EMI shielding is ineffectual, since the EM energy pulse arises everywhere within the vehicle, warhead, and circuitry from spacetime itself. The EGP will immediately fission radioactive material. If a strong EGP is experienced, a nuclear warhead or warheads will explode "full order", instantly. In fact, even the nuclei of ordinary, nonradioactive material struck by a strong EGP will fission in a low order nuclear explosion. In the "small shell" or "small globe" variant, a sufficiently strong EGP will be experienced by a penetrating object to cause full order detonation of nuclear warheads. In the "large shell" or "large globe" variant, a weaker EGP will be experienced, causing low order detonation or merely disruption of nuclear warheads.* As can be seen this defense weapon is effective against all types of warheads (nuclear, HE, etc.) and all types of penetrating vehicles (bombers, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, RPVs, artillery shells, etc.). The 1968 statement in Voyennaya Strategiya (Military Strategy) by V.D. Sokolovskiy that 100 percent defense against missiles and aircraft is possible, and that this capability had been achieved by the Soviet Union, but not by the West, is true.
* It will also explode fuel, propellants, and HE explosives, dud all electronics, kill all personnel, etc. at the same time.
Thus the incident apparently represents three tests in one: (1) the initial "cold explosion," or test of the howitzer in the endothermic mode, and (2) the immediate switching of the howitzer to the exothermic mode and creation of a small hemispherical shell of energy (Tesla shield). (3) The shield was then expanded into a globular shell, and expanded to giant size. The globular part of the exothermic test was very similar to the Soviet test observed from Teheran on June 17,1966. The glowing hemispherical shell was similar to several previous Soviet tests observe over the ocean and reported in the open literature. For example, on Mar. 24, 1977, the H.M.V. Kinpurnie Castle observed a large, moderately luminous hemisphere of light formed over the ocean, and the formation of two luminous patches or globes, one inside the hemisphere and one outside. The phenomena disappeared after 10 minutes. The gigantic incident off the coast of Japan on April 9, 1984 was indeed the testing of a giant Soviet scalar EM weapon.
On the night of July 26, 1984, the pilot and crew of a Boeing 747 (American carrier) flying from Tokyo to Fairbanks, near the Kuril Islands, noticed a slowly expanding hemisphere of white light off to their left above the horizon. The shell of light continued to expand over a 10 minute period until ahead of them and to the right. The crew braced for a shock wave which never arrived. Their weather radar saw nothing out of the ordinary. The shell of light had sharp edges and was semitransparent so that stars became visible through it. This was another Soviet test of the Tesla shield. Numerous sightings of this phenomenon have been made by airline pilots flying in and out of Japan.
In early December 1984, significant adjustments of the scalar EM interference grid occurred. In the vicinity of Los Angeles and San Diego, anomalous aerial phenomena such as explosions, rumblings, airquakes, and buildings and windows shaking without seismic disturbances occurred. A sharp and unexpected weather front appeared, racking the area with high winds on the night of Dec. 12, producing wide-spread damage and power outages. The newly-formed front, steered by the dynamic Soviet woodpecker grid, moved on to produce significant snowstorms in other areas;: even Tucson received a snow "dump" of 20 inches. Prior to the Dec. 12 anomalous weather front, this author accurately predicted an impending sudden drastic change in the weather in a brief interview over Radio station KABC, Los Angeles after the Dec. 8-9 anomalous aerial and ground structure disturbances. Complete explanation of Soviet weather engineering is given in Bearden, "Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America,"1985,1-hr. videotape.
In January 1985, an incident of U.S. Navy-dispensed chaff drifting toward San Diego, California from off-coast was associated with significant failures of electrical systems and components in the city. Power was interrupted to as many as 60,000 homes. A specialized structure such as a piece of sophisticated chaff will reflect scalar waves of frequencies within its cut bandwidth. If scalar frequencies within the chaff bandwidth were present on the Woodpecker carrier grid above and surrounding San Diego, a myriad of reflecting bits of chaff in the moving chaff cloud would produce myriads of random, invisible "fireflies" of electromagnetic energy kindling at a distance, from randomized scalar interferometry, in a zone surrounding the cloud. As these "firefly" pulses of EM energy occurred inside components of the electrical system, interference would occur, leading to anomalous electrical failures. That is apparently exactly what happened.
In February, 1985 a China Airlines Boeing 747 aircraft enroute to Los Angeles suffered anomalous engine flameout. The jetliner fell 32,000 feet, and the pilot finally managed to restart the engines and make an emergency landing in San Francisco. In the incident, different instruments apparently disagreed with each other, and disagreed with the observations of the pilot and crew. This is a direct indication of the test of one type of scalar EM weapon detailed in Fer-de-Lance. Only a "mild" test was conducted, as the Soviets apparently did not yet wish to actually destroy the aircraft.*
*Scalar interferometry (endothermic mode) causes electrostatic cooling in the internal combustion gases of the jet turbines. This reduces the pressure, and the thrust. When cooled sufficiently, the engines flame out and fail. They cannot be restarted until the scalar charge has time to drain away.
We mention in passing that, in 1972, at a secret meeting of the leaders of the communist parties of Europe, Brezhnev named the year 1985 as the target year that the Soviets would be free to do as they will, anywhere on the globe. He stated that by that year the Soviet Union would control the oceans, the atmosphere, and 90% of the land area. We accent that he said control, not invade, conquer or occupy. [In 1960, Khrushchev also laid out a time schedule that focused on readiness, with technical superiority, in 1985.]
In latter April, 1985, Frank Golden discovered the rather sudden Soviet activation of 54 powerful scalar EM frequencies (27 pairs, each pair 12 kilohertz apart) transmitted into the earth and utilized to stimulate the earth into forced electrogravitational resonance on all 54 frequencies. These represented 27 giant "power taps" into the earth, each tap extracting enormous energy from the molten core of the earth itself, and turning it into ordinary electrical power. Each giant tap is capable of powering 4 to 6 of the largest scalar EM howitzers possessed by the Soviet Union.
In and around May Day 1985, the Soviets conducted a massive, "full up" strategy exercise of the scalar EM weapon systems and communications strategic exercise, monitored by Frank Golden (and for several hours, by the author.). For the May Day 1985 celebration, the 40th anniversary of the end of WWII, the Soviets conducted a full-up demonstration of the scalar EM superweapons armada for Gorbachev, the recently selected leader. Apparently over 100 giant scalar EM weapons were activated. Twenty-seven gigantic "power taps" were established by resonating the earth electrogravitationally on 54 frequencies (27 pairs where the two are separated from each other by 12 kHz.). By alternating the potentials and loads of each of the two paired transmitters, electrical energy—in enormous amounts—can be extracted from the earth itself, fed by the "giant cathode" that is the earth's molten core. Scalar EM command and control systems, including high data rate communications with underwater submarines, were also activated on a massive scale. The exercise went on for several days, as power taps were switched in and out, and command and control systems went up and down. This exercise represented the achievement of Brezhnev's 1972 statement that by 1985 the Soviets would be prepared to do as they wish, anywhere in the world.
August 28, 1985. A Titan 34-D missile launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base blew up after launch. The loss has officially been attributed to failure of a high-powered fuel pump, causing a massive oxidizer leak and a smaller fuel leak. While the Soviets may have used a small EM missile to disable the pump, no evidence is available at this time to support that hypothesis. Note, however, that the loss date is well after the complete exercise of all the Soviet strategic weapons in late April-early May. It is also within the time of the "anomalous booms" accompanying full-up testing of the Soviet prelaunch ABM/antibomber system against shuttle launches from Cape Canaveral. The Soviets may very well have decided to test the first actual "quickest reaction time possible" destruction of a real, launched US. missile in August, 1985, followed by the decision to test the first actual "quickest reaction time possible" destruction of a real aircraft (simulated bomber) in December, 1985.
Nov. 26, 1985. Launch of the shuttle Atlantis occurred in the evening at Cape Canaveral. A mysterious light was hanging in the sky; it was the marker beacon for registration of a Soviet prelaunch phase ABM/antibomber system. Just prior to launch, an EM missile strike occurred in the vicinity, as an offset test of an associated scalar interferometer in the exothermic mode. A photograph of the anomalous incident is highly suggestive of just such an EM missile. Twelve minutes after launch when the shuttle was safely down range and out of the way, a huge atmospheric, rumbling explosion occurred over the area, and was heard for hundreds of miles up and down the coast. This represented the test of the "multiple missile launch" kill mode of the weapon system. The marker beacon, seen by hundreds of persons, was photographed as it was slewed away by the distant Soviet operator. Many booms and rumbles have occurred over Florida for several years, as the Soviets adjusted and tested the various modes of the scalar EM grid weapon system. The shuttle launch on Nov. 26, 1985 was the third shuttle launch in which the giant explosion occurred over the area some minutes after launch. The Soviets were using the shuttle launches as a convenient simulation of a "missile target launch", against which to test their prelaunch ABM/antibomber system.
On Dec. 12, 1985 the same Soviet weapon tested against the previous NASA shuttle launches and against various aircraft deliberately destroy an Arrow DC-8 taking off from Gander Air Force Base, Newfoundland. At lift-off, the aircraft—carrying over 258 U.S. marines and aircrew—lost power and sank into the ground tail-low, killing everyone on board.* It was a tragedy of enormous proportions, and especially to the families and friends of the brave servicemen and crewmembers who lost their lives. Three Canadian witnesses to the crash were interviewed over the Canadian Broadcast network television news on April 8, 1986 at 10:00 p.m. No flame or smoke issued from the plane before its descent and crash. However, the witnesses reported that the aircraft was mysteriously glowing with a yellow or orange halo. That is a signature of the use of a scalar EM howitzer in the "continuous EM emergence" mode, similar to the manner in which several F-111's were downed in Vietnam. DC-8's electrical systems were interfered with by EM energy and EM jamming noise created throughout each increment of spacetime occupied by the aircraft. A powerful charge was rapidly built up on the aircraft structures and skin. The "yellow glow" seen by the witnesses was a corona due to the skin of the aircraft acquiring a high electrical charge. The loss of the engines was probably due to the distant Soviet operator applying a localized endothermic (energy extraction) beam to the engines. In fact, one eyewitness actually saw the crossed, glowing beams form in the clouds and a ball or beam of light then go from that glow and strike the aircraft. Instant fire to the plastics inside the aircraft occurred, emitting deadly gases. Half the occupants died of cyanide inhalation before the aircraft struck the ground and exploded. The stricken airliner passed directly over one observer who heard its engines roaring in painful labor, rather than with the full-throated roar of normal power. The distant Russian operator/gunner apparently tracked the aircraft down the runway, using two modes against it: (1 ) energy interference, and (2) energy extraction.
* An anomalous hole - characteristic of an electrogravitational (scalar EM) strike - was in a section of the fuselage ahead of the engines.
On Jan. 1, 1986, a startled Frank Golden detected —and physically verified with a special technique— that a metal softening scalar EM signal had been added onto the Soviet Woodpecker signals. Thus, at that time the Soviet Union was preparing to exercise a metal softening test at some future time, in some location over the U.S.**
** Note this signal could also have been present for the Dec. 12 destruction of the Arrow DC-8 at Gander AFB, Newfoundland.
On Jan. 28, 1986 the Challenger disaster occurred. The Challenger was positively killed by the Soviet Union, using the scalar EM weapons through the Woodpecker grid. A host of indicators occurred.
The anomalous cold weather in Florida was definitely engineered by the USSR,
Specialized cloud patterns associated with Soviet grid engineering and weather engineering were observed and photographed in Los Angeles, California and Huntsville, Alabama, beginning several days before the incident, and particularly on the evening before the launch,
The normal "pivot point" for turning the jetstream northeastward was moved south from Huntsville, Alabama to Birmingham, Alabama by the Soviets; this was to force the jetstream much further south, and consequently move unusually cold air into the Florida panhandle, exposing the shuttle to undue cold stress,
About 4 hours before launch; all Soviet ships off shore suddenly left the area at speed; this was the first shuttle launch not "shadowed" by Soviet ships,
On the morning of the launch, higher frequencies were added to the interference grid to enable much-enhanced localization. The brains of small birds are very sensitive to these higher frequencies, due to their small diameter (wavelength) as a scalar EM receiver. If they remained in the area of localization, the birds would be in intense pain or killed. On the morning of the launch, national TV network news, announcers, noted that no birds at all were flying in the area, something which had never happened before.
At the time of the shuttle's destruction, a giant radial cloud pattern was actually in the general vicinity;
Three previous shuttle launches—the last on Nov. 26,1985—had been used as direct test targets for tests of the Soviet launch phase ABM/antibomber defense system so the weapon was "zeroed in" on the launch site,
The anomalous destruction of the Arrow DC-8 on Dec. 12, 1985 had already indicated a Soviet decision to elevate the testing to the actual destruction of targeted vehicles,
At the time of the launch, anomalous electromagnetic phenomena occurred in nearby restaurants,
A metal-softening signal was on the grid, as previously detected by Golden. This signal would be detected by the launch flame, and after ignition would result in a steady weakening of the metal in and around the booster flame. Note that the metal was already cold-stressed beyond what it had been tested to withstand,
Almost immediately after ignition, the booster seals vented, giving evidence that the cold stress and the metal-softening signal were weakening the system,
An anomalous 10 second or so burnthrough of the weakened booster occurred,
An anomalous "1ight"—possibly a Soviet EM missile —was observed to play on the rocket before it blew up,
An anomalous "flat plate" earthquake over about 11 states occurred within days after destruction of the shuttle. This type of quake is strongly suspicious, and it was probably the test of the grid/howitzers in a ground wave interferometry mode,
Substantial winds and air turbulence over the launch site increased the stress on the Challenger as it rose through this region. With a giant cloud radial in the area, one strongly suspects that the turbulence may have been deliberately created or augmented by the Soviet scalar EM grid,
A few days later, from 1-4 February 1986, many birds inadvertently flew into the new, localized "pivot point" at Birmingham, Alabama, encountered the high frequency components, and dead birds fell from the sky in substantial numbers. Many different kinds of birds were involved.
Most significant of all, General Daniel Graham has reported that, on the evening after the death of the Challenger, the Soviet KGB gave a party and celebrated the success of their perfect active measures against the Challenger! Note that all development, deployment, employment, and command and control of the Soviet scalar EM weapons are under the KGB. Finally, a U.S. classified investigation of the Challenger disaster was ordered by Congress, but its results have not been made public. Beyond any doubt the Soviets destroyed the Challenger, and killed the seven brave astronauts aboard the spaceship.
On Apr. 18, 1985 a Titan 34-D missile, launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, blew up 5 seconds after launch. Video cameras inadvertently caught the Soviet marker beacon, used with the scalar EM howitzer that destroyed the Titan, up and above the explosion, moving independently. Engineer Ron Cole personally examined the video frame by frame and asserted that the hovering ball of light was completely separate. This positive signature leaves no doubt that the Soviets destroyed that missile also. The previous Titan 34-D missile launch there in August, 1985 also blew up just after lift-off.
On May 3, 1986 a NASA Delta rocket carrying a critically-needed weather satellite failed. The rocket suffered an anomalous "command-type" shutdown of its main engine during launch and began to veer off course, causing the range safety officer to destroy it. On a network video tape replay (several replays in succession), immediately after the loss of the rocket, this author observed that an anomalous light moved up from beneath the rocket and struck it, seconds before the destruction. Subsequent attempts to locate that particular videotape have met with failure. Several other persons were watching the replay with me at the time, and saw the anomalous light strike the rocket. The light plus the "internal command surges" are strongly indicative of time-reversed EM pulses and interferometry from a pumped phase conjugate mirror adjunct operating with an over-the-horizon tracking mode.
Also in May, 1986 a European Ariane missile was lost shortly after launch. There is at least one published news analyst report that the French Government concluded that the Soviets had interfered with the missile and caused its loss. No further evidence is available to this author regarding this incident, except one unevaluatable report from a wealthy financier that when he visited the Soviet Union, the French President discussed that issue with Gorbachev.
In October, 1986, the Iceland Summit conference was held between Reagan and Gorbachev. The Soviets offered a breathtaking "zero-option" proposal, intended to lead to dismantling of most major strategic nuclear weapons, which would greatly ease the way to much more drastic employment of Soviet EM weapons. In short, if nuclear disarmament could be engineered, the U.S.'s "dead-man fuzing" against extensive employment of Soviet weapons would be almost eliminated. In that case, with its deployed, massive scalar EM weapons unleashed, the Soviet Union immediately holds the winning hand, and could rapidly proceed to dominate and control most of the earth. The Soviet offer was conditioned on the severe limitation of SDI to the laboratory, however, and Reagan balked at this. The reason for adamant Soviet insistence that the SDI genie must not be tested in space is that, should the U.S. develop scalar EM weapons—such as high energy scalar lasers—and deploy them as SDI modifications, the power would be enormously increased. With one or two shots, such a laser could devastate a whole republic of the USSR.* If tested in space, prototype SDI launch and deployment vehicles would be available, even though the SDI system was not yet completed and deployed. In that case, the U.S. could possibly quickly launch several scalar EM weapons in retaliation for Soviet strikes against the U.S.—and from space even one weapon could destroy the Soviet Union. Thus, unless the SDI genie is chained up in the lab, a Soviet scalar EM initiative to dominate the world would involve unacceptable risk to the Soviet Union. At this writing, Gorbachev has mounted a great propaganda campaign to try to stimulate U.S. citizens, scientists, and political activists to demand nuclear disarmament, clearing out the U.S. dead-man fuzing.
*Their EGPs, however would detonate nuclear warheads and nuclear facilities. The resulting fallout would devastate the earth. Such a use would be suicidal. But it would be a first-strike weapon, if a madman pulled the trigger.
During the spring of 1986, abnormally strong Soviet weather engineering occurred over the U. S., causing a drastic drought in the southeastern U.S. This drought was broken by a colleague who used an extremely powerful scalar EM device to redirect jetstreams. A most unusual and unique signature of the "blocking" against the Soviet scalar EM actions resulted: Two huge circulations developed in the atmosphere, clearly showed as two adjacent giant "holes" in the swirling cloud cover over the middle and eastern U.S. Between these two giant holes, the cloud circulations formed a stream of clouds, moving to the south, looking very: much like a giant vertical "bar" of a huge "Y-shaped" cloud flow.* Several national weathermen commented on this unusual pattern, which had not been observed before. The pattern continued, day after day, as the blocking continued.
* On the weather maps.
My colleague suffered a drastic illness and a serious operation, which interrupted the blocking operation. Immediately the jet streams changed back and serious drought returned to the southeast U.S., devastating a substantial portion of farm crops in the region. After some time, my colleague recovered sufficiently to resume blocking operations, breaking the drought and restoring the rains once again.
In latter October and early November, 1986, significant giant radial cloud patterns, associated with Soviet weather engineering using the scalar EM interference grid, were seen and photographed over California in the greater Los Angeles area. On Monday, Nov. 10, 1986 an anomalous, giant "fireball" was seen by hundreds of persons to move from west to east. It was seen over 4 states, and accompanied very sharp changes in the EM grid. An anomalous winter storm was in progress, with cold air spilling down from Canada. The storm penetrated very deeply southward, breaking cold records in a wide area of the mid-United States. At the same time, heat records were being broken in Florida, and generally throughout the southeast. Frank Golden verified by direct measurement that the electrogravitational field of the earth was agitated and most dynamic—in short, significant activity was being introduced by the Soviet scalar EM grid. (The activity was about half what it is when the Soviets are inducing an earthquake.).
On Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1986, the author photographed three giant radial cloud patterns—one a "twin"—in Huntsville, Alabama, associated with the anomalous storm, now labeled the "Siberian express" m many news reports.
On Thursday, Nov. 3, 1986 at Huntsville, the author observed another twin giant radial, gently moving along from west to east. At dusk, another single giant radial was observed at Huntsville. Also, air control radars along the corridor from Los Angeles to Arizona suffered a mysterious failure or "power outage" not long after the "meteor" incident. Reports were received from Montreal, Canada that anomalous TV interference was experienced in that area about the same time the air control radars experienced anomalous failure. This may show that the agent causing the radar failures and TV interference extended across a wide area of North America. Note that the normal intersection of the Woodpecker beams covers such a broad area of North America in the interference zone of the beams. The so-called "meteor" (actually, a large, rapidly moving light was seen and noise was heard) of Nov. 10 may well have been a large scalar EM ball from the Woodpecker grid weapon transmitters, performing a simulated test of the multiple-vehicle kill mode, using a large "electromagnetic missile" created and moved by the associated scalar howitzers. Complete explanation of the operation of these systems is contained in Fer-de-Lance and other books and papers.
As this background summary is cutoff in mid November 1986, it does not include evidence of indications that exist for Soviet scalar EM enhancement or biological warfare against the West. The reader should be aware of the potential scalar BW threat, and the general lack of any effort to collate evidence in that area.
Veronica - Oh, and I see that - Our Lady is showing me now - there are some kind of implements they're using that... it doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight, but I know it's not a flashlight; it's some object of some kind of a ray they've got. And then - now he's lifting - I see a man in a very odd looking uniform; I don't recognize the uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray gun. That's what it is, it's a ray gun. And he's now pushing the trigger, and I see... it looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts. (Veronica groans.)
Our Lady - "Russia, My children, has this implement of destruction." (7-25-85)Shielding is ineffective. The scalar pulse (or continuous wave) can go anywhere gravity can go. It penetrates the steel hull of tanks and armored vehicles. It penetrates underground shelters and bunkers. It penetrates pillboxes and fortifications. Foxholes are no protection. Just shoot through the earth into them. There is no longer any place to hide.
More Frightening than the Mind of Man has ever Imagined...
Brezhnev's unheeded 1975 characterization of these weapons as "more frightening than the mind of ran has ever imagined" has very real justification. There is now a "balance of terror" loose in the world that makes the old MAD men's MAD concept look like a sunny day in Hawaii.
"Each side secretly develops new means of warfare in order to employ them unexpectedly. History knows many examples how the employment of a new weapon initially gave considerable success because the enemy, caught unawares and not knowing the combat capabilities of this weapon, was for some time incapable of effective counteraction" - V. Yo. Savkin, The Basic Principles of Operational Art and Tactics, Moscow, 1972.
Russia Will Use Ray Guns...
Veronica - Oh, and I see that - Our Lady is showing me now - there are some kind of implements they're using that... it doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight, but I know it's not a flashlight; it's some object of some kind of a ray they've got. And then - now he's lifting - I see a man in a very odd looking uniform; I don't recognize the uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray gun. That's what it is, it's a ray gun. And he's now pushing the trigger, and I see... it looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts. (Veronica groans.) (7-25-85)
Unfortunately, few modern Americans know of the great scientific and engineering achievements of Nikola Tesla. Yet, many of Tesla’s achievements helped the United States reach its high standard of living and obtain its great productive capacity.Nikola Tesla (1857-1943) was born in Smitjan, Lika, which is now part of Yugoslavia. In 1884, he came to America and became a naturalized U.S. citizen.
He first worked in the Edison plant in Orange, New Jersey. Later he worked with George Westinghouse. Tesla discovered the principle of the rotary magnetic field, applying it in a practical manner in the induction motor. It was Tesla’s design which provided the basis for the millions of electric motors now used all over the world.
In 1899, Tesla established an experimental laboratory in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There Tesla developed a method to transmit power long distances without wires. He lit a bank of 200 carbon filament lamps--consuming about 10 kilowatts at a point 26 miles from the transmission station--using no wires for connection. AS A RESULT OF THESE EXPERIMENTS TESLA DISCOVERED METHODS TO CREATE MASS ALTERAT1ONS IN THE WEATHER BY ELECTRICITY.
Tesla wrote an article titled, “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy” that appeared in the June, 1900 issue of CENTURY MAGAZINE. The article showed the theoretical basis for the current Soviet weather warfare attacks against America. Tesla wrote:
“Stationary waves in the earth...will enable us to attain many important specific results impossible otherwise. For instance, by their use, we may produce at will, from a sending station, an electrical effect in any particular region of the globe. We may send...over the earth a wave, of electricity traveling at any rate we desire, from the pace of a turtle up to lightning speed.”
The June, 1976 issue of RADIO-ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE carried an article titled, “Twelve Million Volts.” The article reported that Tesla’s experiment in Colorado Springs are the basis for a new form of U.S. Government backed research into nuclear fusion.
The Soviet scientific attention to Tesla’ a last living assistant has even more ominous implications when one realizes that the U.S.S.R. is using nuclear fusion energy research in the creation of their horrible new PARTICLE BEAM DEATH RAY WEAPON. General George Keegan, retired Air Force Chief of Intelligence, has devoted great energy to warning the American people about the immense danger of the Soviet particle beam weapon. Keegan’s warnings met strong objections from the Rockefeller-CFR political flunkies who control the Pentagon.
A detailed and technical account of the Soviet’s near perfection of their particle bean DEATH RAY Weapon (which confirms General Keegan’s warning) appeared in the May 2, 1977 issue of AVIATION VIE & SPACE TECHNOLOGY. The Soviet particle beam weapon will be able to destroy U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles and thus, NEUTRALIZE MOST US STRATEGIC WEAPONS.
The book, LIGHTNING IN HIS HAND. THE LIFE STORY OF NIKOLA TESLA by Ines Hunt and Wanetta V. Draper (Omni Publications), devotes an entire chapter to Tesla’s death ray design. The description of Tesla’s death ray is very similar to the description of the Soviet particle beam weapon. Hunt and Draper reported that news of Tesla’s death ray appeared in a Colorado Springs paper on May 30, 1924. “The news story told of the invention of an invisible ray, developed by Tesla, which was capable of stopping airplanes in mid flight, an invention which had come about through improvements on Tesla’s Colorado Springs discoveries.”
The book stated that in 1934, an Associated Press report quoted Tesla as “saying that his ray was based on an entirely new principle of physics. He … claimed that his bean could destroy 10,000 planes at a distance of two hundred and fifty miles. ... The beam was only one one-hundred-millionth centimeter.” Tesla stated that his bean could create, “a veritable Chinese wall around the country, and could defend the United States against all foes.” “His beam,” he claimed, “could melt any engine, whether driven by diesel or gasoline or oil, and THERE WAS NO POSSIBLE DEFENSE AGAINST IT.”
Hunt and Draper continued, “The ray was described as the most important of all Tesla’s inventions so far. It was said that IT COULD SEND CONSECRATED BEAMS OF PARTICLES THROUGH FREE AIR, and could cause armies of millions to drop dead in their tracks. ...The Tesla ray involved four new inventions: one, comprising an apparatus for producing rays and other manifestations of energy in free air, eliminating the high vacuum necessary for producing such rays and beans; the second, a method for producing great electrical forces and the third, a plan for amplifying this process in the second invention; and the fourth, a new method of producing a tremendous repelling force. ... The voltages to be employed were fifty million volts, catapulted for destruction. The entire process was labeled, by Tesla, his ‘TELEFORCE’.”
Additional evidence that the Soviets are using the scientific techniques of Nikola Tesla in their weather warfare against America appeared in a press report in the September 23, 1977 WASHINGTON POST. The newspaper reported that “a strange, star-like ball of light was sighted over Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, spreading over it like a jelly fish and showering down shafts of light.” A number of Russians witnessed the event, which was reported by the Soviet news agency Tass. A similar phenomenon was seen over neighboring Finland.
Witnesses in Helsinki stated that a strange and unusual “ball of fire was visible for about four minutes.”
An article in the JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RERSEARCH by Dr. B.N. Turuan stated that U.S. military intelligence satellites have also reported sighting what are apparently monster lightning bolts over the U.S.S.R. Dr. Thurman revealed that the “superbolts” were thousands of times more powerful than any previously sighted there.
According to Dr. Turuan, these “superbolts” have electrical power to about 10 TRILLION WATTS and total energies of more than a billion joules. Prior to the new Soviet sightings, the most powerful lightning bolts ever recorded were 10 billion watts and contained total energies of one million joules.
Anyone familiar with Nikola Tesla’s numerous experiments (especially those in Colorado Springs) would recognize that the strange Soviet super lightning bolts are probably the direct result of Russia’s use of the fantastically high power Tesla-style weather warfare attacks, nuclear fusion development, and the related particle beam death ray development. Tesla personally created lightning bolts about 1735 feet long, about 77 years ago.
The article in the June, 1976 issue of RADIO ELECTRONIC MAGAZINE described current US experimentation in creating gigantic Tesla-style man-made lightning and ball lightning (in the search for a fusion energy solution). However, the U.S. experiment is relatively tiny, compared to the massive Soviet efforts.
Tunguska River Explosion in 1908...
On June 30, 1908 a tremendous explosion took place at the Tunguska River in Central Siberia. The blast flattened 500,000 acres of pine forest and was heard for 620 miles. To this day the same area has still not recovered from the destruction. Everyone thought a 100,000 pound comet caused the explosion but no one ever saw the comet coming in and fragments of the comet were never found.
Nikola Tesla indirectly admitted that he caused it with a low frequency radio beam from his Colorado Springs, Colorado, Laboratory and today knowledgeable scientists agree that Tesla had the technology to send electrical energy through the air to cause the explosion. This happened in June 30, 1908!
This gives you an idea of the power of these Tesla scalar electromagnetic weapons which Russia has been researching for many years.Russia is the world's major Tesla researcher. Tesla's papers in museums around the world have come up missing. Years ago Russia sent out a world wide request to meet with anyone who personally knew or worked with Tesla. They found one person who had worked with Tesla.
Russian Squall Torpedo...
In 1997 Russia announced that it had developed a high-speed unguided underground torpedo, which has no equivalent in the West. Code-named the Shkval or Squall, the Russian torpedo reportedly travels so fast that no U.S. defense can stop it. This torpedo travels at the speed of 230 MPH, or 5 or 6 time the speed of a normal torpedo, and is especially suited for attacking large ships such as aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.
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Our Lady of the Roses' Awesome
Bayside Prophecies...
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica
Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:
Russia will use ray guns...
Veronica - Oh, and I see that - Our Lady is showing me now - there are some kind of implements they're using that... it doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight, but I know it's not a flashlight; it's some object of some kind of a ray they've got. And then - now he's lifting - I see a man in a very odd looking uniform; I don't recognize the uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray gun. That's what it is, it's a ray gun. And he's now pushing the trigger, and I see... it looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts. (Veronica groans.)
Our Lady - "Russia, My children, has this implement of destruction. While the United States and Canada, and most of the world, go about crying for peace, tranquility, love, they are not aware of the fact that Russia has every mind to take them over, be it good or bad. And if they have to annihilate the whole land of it people, they want that land, and they will use any means to get it.
"You understand, My child and My children, when a man is not with his God, his god then becomes Lucifer. He is then taken over to be an agent of hell. And he has many helpers, for all hell now is opened wide in these last days. All the demons of hell are loosed.
"And do not become smug, My children, and think that you will be saved. Do not take this lightly. They are very powerful and cajoling. Yes, My child, you have every reason to be affrighted.
"I do not say, My children and My child, that the situation is a hundred percent hopeless. I say that each and every child upon earth is wanted back, as the man whose sheep has scattered, and he will await that one lost sheep to return. And much joy should be had over that one lost sheep than if the whole fold had returned." (7-25-85)Russia shall be your scourge...
Our Lady - "There are evil powers, My child, being set up to enslave your world! I have begged you, I have asked you through countless years to pray much for the conversion of Our adversaries. One nation, Russia, My children, shall be your scourge. As they shall go across the world, ravenous in appetite, destruction as their means for enslaving the world!" (9-13-75)RUSE
Shortly after Veronica finished reading the articles in the daily newspaper pertaining to the demise of communism in the Soviet Union, and the subsequent birth of the new Commonwealth of Independent States, Our Lady appeared in what Veronica perceived as a message expressed in desperation: "Do not be deceived. Their father is the father of all liars: satan. Their master plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are clouded. I repeat: it is a ruse. Wake up America or you will suffer much." - Our Lady, December 18, 1991RUSSIA PLANS ATTACK
"My child and My children, I wish that you all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout the world, your country, the United States, and Canada. I warn you again that Russia plans an attack upon the United States.
"You must remember, My children, when you accept the talkings and the words of an atheist: there is no honor in the atheist. There is no truth in the atheist. They will cajole you, and buy you, until you no longer are what is called a 'free nation,' but you will be enslaved-if they do not kill the multitudes before, My child. I say 'if,' because it is their plan to destroy your nation and rebuild it by themselves. The cost of life means nothing to them, as you can recognize in all of the countries around your world that have been invaded by Russia, or Russia is the secret agent giving over the firearms and the destructive missiles to destroy the United States and Canada." - Our Lady, September 14, 1985RED HORSE
"The red horse is war! And war is in the balance next, My child. And what can you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven—and We hope, My children, that you will get this out to the world—unless the bishops and the Holy Father in unity with all the bishops of the world—unless they consecrate Russia to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be doomed! Because Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and carnage and pestilence and famine." - Jesus, June 17, 1989CONSECRATE RUSSIA OR YOU WILL DIE
"My priests of the world, I say to you now: you must listen to My voice from Heaven. You must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart or you will die." - Our Lady, April 14, 1984Accidents That are Not Accidents...
"Great elemental tragedies, disasters, manmade and God - sent upon mankind, shall increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers. Remember, My children, you do not understand that supernatural, for there will be accidents that are not accidents." - Jesus (5-26-79)Tragedies and Disasters Shall Increase...
Jesus - "My children, I do not approach you to bring fear to your hearts, but to counsel you as a just God, to warn you, that there is a great Warning and Chastisement approaching. Many accidents that are not accidents! As you sow, so shall you reap!" (6-2-79)
Directives from Heaven...
D10 - Consecrate Russia
D57 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 1)
D58 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 2)
D59 - The Great WW III Chastisement (Part 3)
D101 - Russia and China, Part 1
D102 - Russia and China, Part 2
D103 - Communism
D104 - Invasion
D105 - Fatima
D137 - Visions of the Great War: Russia and China
D158 - America the Beautiful
D271 - Atheists and Unbelievers
D272 - Many Nations shall Disappear
D317 - Dictatorship
EDITOR'S COMMENT: Evil is accelerating and the Anti-Christ forces are gaining power in the world. When the persecution starts, all Christian web sites on the internet will be forced to close. Be sure to have in your possession all the following items: the Bayside Prophecy books, Bayside Medals, Douay-Rheims Bibles, the Protection Packets, Candles, Sacramentals, and Religious Books. Purchase these items now while they are still available! You will urgently need them in the days ahead. Also, you can print out all PDF files for the Directives from Heaven and all of the Bayside Prophecies. Copy Our Lady's messages and the Directives from Heaven now while they are still available! Pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance on how to prepare now and for the days ahead when the Antichrist is revealed. Viva Cristo Rey!
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There are 4 Things You Must Have to Survive
the End Times:
1.) The Douay-Rheims Holy Bible...
"I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed not after 1965, My children." - Jesus, October 5, 1985
"You must all obtain a copy of the Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not accept the new mods. Try to find in your bookstores the old Bibles, My children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man. I repeat, sin has become a way of life." - Our Lady, October 6, 1992
"I must ask you all to read but a few short chapters a day now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the disciples of My Son, for you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be concerned what you will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given to you by the Spirit." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976
The Douay-Rheims Bible was published in 1899. It is the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. Almost all other Bibles have been rewritten by Satan. See: , and If you don't have a Douay-Rheims Bible order it now! (Order Form) Yours and your loved ones salvation could depend on it.
Read the Bible cover to cover. If you read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days. I have read the Bible 2 times and working on the third time. A 75 year old Baptism gentleman told me that he and his wife have read the Bible nine times. Wow!
2.) The Complete Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies in 6 Paperback Books...
The Virgin Mary brings directions from God, the Father in Heaven on how to survive the end times. God, the Father, through the Virgin Mary, tells what is coming, how to prepare for it, how to survive it, and how to even stop it. These six volumes along with the Bible are most important to save yourself and your loved ones. Order it now. Tomorrow may be to late. These 6 pocket size paperback books costs $33.00. (Order Form)
3.) Heaven's Home Protection Packet...
Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $10.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Send $14.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15 (Order Form)Crucifix on front and back door... The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.) (Order Form)
4.) Heaven's Personal Protection Packet...
Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a Rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5 (Order Form)Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448. Item # P5 (Order Form)
Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book . . .
We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book. Veronica said it was very good. It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it. Every North American must read this book! Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)
Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975
A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
The sin of omission... "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
My gift to help spread Our Lady of the Roses' messages to the world.

We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
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Revised: February 03, 2025