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#327 - Time is Running Out

“God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.” – St. Augustine

"My child, I do not wish to frighten you, but I must make you aware of the terrible catastrophe that will befall mankind unless he has a change of heart in the near future. The time is running out, My child. Too few have listened to Me. I have roamed the world countless years of earth-time, but the hearts have been hardened and the ears have been deafened. Too few have sought to ease this great suffering of Mine, My child. I am truly the Mother of great sorrows.
     "If the Father would give Me this power, I would send before you the picture of what is to be so that by this sight, if not through love but fear of the Father and His intervention, you will return to Us.” – Our Lady, June 8, 1974  

Our Lady - "I have told you, My children, in many places, through countless earth-years, of a coming great Chastisement to mankind. Many there are who have cast aside these words, for the faith has grown weak in the hearts of many. Do not take My words idly. I have been sent by the Father through His merciful love of a degenerate generation to save you. Every chance, every means of salvation has been offered to you. The time is running out.
     "There will be a great War. In this war many lives shall be lost, both young and old. None shall escape the fury of this War. There also will be a great spectacle in the heavens. Learn by this wonderful spectacle!
Veronica - Oh!
     "I can't repeat it? It's beautiful! Oh!"
Our Lady - "My child, many will see and still not believe, so great is the darkness of the spirit. Believe what you see at Garabandal!
     "No, My child, it will not be removed by mankind.” – July 15, 1974 

"For all those, My children, who have been given the light, much is expected of them. Please, My children, hasten to go forward with the Message from Heaven. There is no time to lose. My Son will provide you with many arms to reach each and every soul before the great test, a crucible of suffering, shall be set upon mankind.
     "My children, the time is running out! Why are you not listening to Me?” – Our Lady, August 14, 1978  

"My Mother has set Herself to hold off a just chastisement upon mankind for many years, but your time has run out. Her warnings have gone by unaccepted, unnoticed, and rejected, even by My clergy! Her tears fall upon your generation. The saints in Heaven, sacrificed upon earth, have cried out now for reprisal upon this degenerate generation. 'How long, O Lord,' do they cry, 'shall You permit this perverse generation to exist?' And I say unto you now: your time is running out!
     "Do not speculate on the dates, but be prepared. My Mother has spent countless years among you, preparing you. If you are not ready now, then you will never be ready! And it will come upon you at a time that you least expect. You have been given your armor, instructed well by My Mother. Therefore, you will follow the way of the Lord! You will listen to the counsel of My Mother or you will fall!
     "Your nation, the United States of America, has been now--the proud eagle has been plucked by satan; and as such shall be cleansed by trial and suffering and war. Humanism and modernism have set you on the road to satanism. Your country and many countries of the world now have adopted the worship of false idols.” – Jesus, June 18, 1980 

"You cannot understand the ways of Heaven, or the knowledge of the Eternal Father. Therefore, you must follow the direction from Heaven carefully. Prayer, penance, and atonement--you have been given a time to change. The time is running out.
     "Those who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear, My child, for they will go through this crucible of suffering with more hope and courage, knowing that the eventual victory is over the veil with the Eternal Father. There will be many martyrs in the conflagration that lies ahead. It will truly be the cross.
     "You must, as a child of God, pick up your cross and carry it, even if it is heavy. Suffering shall be a way of life soon for many. It is all in the plan of the Eternal Father to separate the sheep from the goats. You are all being tested, My children. Man, in his free will, will either accept or reject the offer from the Eternal Father of Heaven." – Our Lady, August 14, 1975 

"My child and My children, you will continue to send the message throughout the world. Do not be concerned of the rejection by many, for you must understand, My children, that many are called but few are chosen in the final count.
     "As I counseled you in the past, I have come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man to warn you that the time is running out for mankind. A great Warning approaches. I beg you all, as your Mother of love, to listen to Me and act upon My counsel. The Eternal Father is much concerned now because it is almost inevitable that the destruction be sent upon you.” – Our Lady, June 2, 1979 

"Yes, My child, time is running out. But do not be affrighted by the message given to you, My child. Mankind has had many warnings, many years to make restitution to the Eternal Father.
     "Pray for all men of sin. Go to your brothers and your sisters, those who are in the world without counsel. For those who have received many graces, much is expected of them.
     "And when you go about the world, beware that no pride or arrogance comes in upon you, or you will lose your grace. Because when you do good among man and mankind, you do it for the Eternal Father, Who watches you in secret. Therefore, you will not let the left hand know what you're doing with your right hand.
     "You understand, My children, I give this counsel to all who have joined in the Mission from Heaven to give the Message from Heaven to all mankind, as you are approaching--as you are now in--not approaching, My children, but in the latter days." – Jesus, August 14, 1981 

"The Father is all-merciful, wishing none to be lost. However, many chastisements will be sent upon mankind. This will be tempered with a great, majestic celestial manifestation from the Father. And after this, My child, should man not recognize the signs of his times, there will be sent upon him the Ball of Redemption. The few with faith have held back this great Warning and Chastisement. However, the scale must be balanced, as time is running out, My child. Work with great haste; persevere in your mission. Accept the will of the Father.
     "Know that in His providence He is all-knowing and seeks for the redemption of mankind. The great Chastisement will be a baptism of fire upon mankind. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice--My voice has cried, has pleaded, has begged for mankind to turn back now from his path or receive a just punishment from the Father.” – Our Lady, May 22, 1974  

"My child, My Mother continues to direct you well. You must hasten to send the message throughout the world. Time is running out. Do not be concerned of those who cast aside the message. Your only concern will be to give this message to them. Of their free will they are being given the chance to come back onto the road or to leave it forever by going the way of the world.
     "My child, do not be affrighted; do not be fearful of the message given to you by My Mother. The truth must come to the light. There are grave dangers ahead for mankind if he proceeds on his present course of soul destruction. The world will be cleansed by a baptism of fire. All that is rotten must fall. In this crucible of suffering many of the good must carry a heavy cross.
     "The world will reject the message of the spirit, for their hearts have been hardened and their ears are closed.” – Jesus, September 27, 1975 

"My children, you must all be defenders of your Faith. By your example and your practice of the corporal works of mercy among mankind, you can stem the tide of evil now that has engulfed all of the nations of your world and will soon bring about the extermination of three-quarters of mankind.
     "O My children, how foolish you are to not heed the warnings given from Heaven through My Mother, Whose heart bleeds for you, for She well knows your near future. As your Mother, She has come to you begging you from a Mother's heart to do penance, make atonement and sacrifice, for the time is running out. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.” – Jesus, September 7, 1979 

"Many clergy have given themselves over to pleasures of the flesh. Many have fallen into sin and heresy, and have cast aside the truth of their vocations. Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar. In matters of faith and morals, man must not change the God-given laws, coming from the Seat of Peter, and established through tradition upon earth through My Son's Church.
     "I repeat the words of all Heaven, and those who are upon earth--voices crying out to you in the wilderness: Repent now, while there is time, for your time is running out. Abortion is murder! Adultery, promiscuousness, sexual aberrations shall neither be condoned nor reasoned as being right, when they are wrong! These abominations are condemned by all Heaven.
     "Man shall not seek to create life by artificial means, for you destroy the very nature of your humanity. And you shall receive for such actions a just punishment, in chastisement from the Eternal Father.” – Our Lady, October 6, 1979 

"I say unto the clergy, My Son's priests and the clergy of the world: you have been blinded because of pride and arrogance. Your minds are confused with worldliness, humanism, and modernism. Pray on your knees! Take your heads out of the fog now while there is time, for your time is running out. Redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Eternal Father now.
     "I shall be with you, My children. Do not be afeared of these warnings I give you. They are given not to bring fear to your heart, but to bring the truth of what is to take place upon earth and to prepare you and give you every opportunity to restore the state of your soul, that it be pleasing before the Eternal Father.
     "O My children, I will continue to travel throughout your world, crying to you: Repent, for the hour grows short." – Our Lady, August 4, 1979 

"In your pursuit of worldly living, have you sold your souls to get to the head? Corruption and dishonesty abound in your country, the United States, and many--most countries, nations of the world. This corruption will not go unpunished.
     "Your country, My child, must turn back to God, because the time is running out. You cannot compromise with the enemies of your God, nor can you compromise with the enemies within My Son's House, His Church. Conform and you will die on the vine. I say unto you, all clergy, cardinals, bishops and lay people in My Son's House, His Church: conform and you will die on the vine!” – Our Lady, June 13, 1981 

"My children, keep, I repeat, a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Send the Message from Heaven quickly throughout your world and your country, for the time is running out.
     "Your country is fast heading to a full bloodbath of war because of corruption and greed.
     "All will make a firm effort to read the past counsel of My Mother throughout the years and Her visits upon earth. My Mother has promised to be with you until I come again in body and spirit to you. No one shall be abandoned if he asks to be saved, My children." – Jesus, September 13, 1977 

"You must pray, pray much for your Holy Father. He suffers greatly from disobedience of those under him in his rule. Yes, My child, it appears now that there is a form of insanity taking place in Rome, for priests, prelates, cardinals, and bishops are all running around with their heads in a fog. They have great plans, My child, to build a new church, a church of man. But My Son has other plans. Their time is running out.
     "My child, My children, this new church they are building but no angels help to build, only demons; they are building a church of man, using as a foundation the basic carnal nature of mankind. There is nothing beautiful of spirit; it is all humanistic, My child, modernistic. And what are they doing but they are building the church of man with satan as the director!
     "O My children, pray much! We do not want to see a division in My Son's House. The Roman Catholic Church must remain one! But this does not mean, as the church of man states, that you will bring all manner of heretics and separated brethren in. No, My children, that is an error, a delusion from satan. You cannot change My Son's House and bring them in and change for them! They must change and come back to the original rule given by My Son and those who were with Him in the building of the foundation.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1977  

"But I tell you this now, why we have the abomination of murders of children, for they are possessed by satan, those who will set into motion laws, laws that are against God. Your country, My child, the United States, shall feel war as never have they conceived in their minds that this could enter upon the glorious nation of the United States and Canada. No, My children, you cannot escape this. Your time is running out.” – Our Lady, July 1, 1985 

"The sheep shall be separated from the goats, even in My Church. Bishops and cardinals, you will soon be called before Me, and shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? Better that you turn now, while there is time, and restore My Church. For you have scattered the sheep, for as shepherds you have become truly lost in the world, a world now controlled by the forces of hell. By sins of omission shall many of you be forever damned!
     "You cannot compromise the Faith. You cannot accept gratuities to compromise My Church. Where is your faith? When I return shall I find even a flicker of faith left in the hearts of My clergy? And even My sheep that have been scattered, My children upon earth?
     "I shall not give you a long discourse on your offenses, but I give you fair warning now that the sand is about to pass through the hourglass, and your time is running out! Amen! Amen! I say to you, as your God: penance, atonement, and sacrifice now! Cleanse your souls by penance, or you shall be forced to your knees to do penance!” – Jesus, October 2, 1979 

"Thou shalt not kill, and yet you kill. Thou shalt not bear witness, and yet you condemn others to death with your testimony. Where is your love that you call out for? Love, My children, how many of you know the true meaning of love? Love is in giving, love is kindness; love is not murder, love is not selling your soul to the devil for power. Many of the rulers throughout the world are doing this now.
     "Nuclear warheads, missiles, all manner of contraptions; what dignified name can I give to them, My children? They are destruction to all mankind. I repeat again: If you permit this to come upon you, there will soon be no flesh left. My child and My children, and those who hear Our pleadings, Our hearts are extended to you to help Us to save mankind from his own course of destruction. You have very little time to do this in, My children. I assure you, your time is running out.” – Jesus, July 25, 1985

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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