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roots of radical feminism…
"My child, you understand
well why this direction is no longer accepted upon earth. You have now a new
rebellious group called ERA, 'equal rights for women.' O My children, what a
delusion this is among you! Do you not recognize that you will lose more than
you shall ever gain because you defy the direction of the Eternal Father.
"Paul the Apostle wrote down the words given to him by My Son, Jesus. Adam
was created in the image of God as man, and woman was given unto him as his
helper. As such, My children, man must always be the head of the household.
There shall not be strength in a home divided."
- Our Lady of the Roses, July 15, 1978
In his book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah, Robert Bork writes:
Many people suppose that feminism today is a continuation of the reform movement of the past. They occasionally notice a ranting Bella Abzug or an icy Gloria Steinem but imagine them to be merely the froth of extremism on an otherwise sensible movement. That is not the case; the extremists are the movement.[1]
These radical feminist organizations promise equality for women, but in truth they are more interested in promoting a socialist/Marxist agenda which includes abortion and contraception on demand, hatred for the traditional family, and particularly venomous hatred for the Catholic Church and her moral teachings. Tammy Bruce, former president of the Los Angeles chapter of N.O.W. writes that NOW’s leaders have “become apologists for a president [Clinton] who sexually harassed an underling,”[2] and have overlooked Clinton’s behavior because, in the words of the radical feminists themselves, he “has been so good on all our issues” (particularly abortion on demand).
David Reardon, in an article entitled “The Seduction of Feminism,” writes that women’s rights groups years ago had an entirely different orientation. Some of these groups condemned artificial contraceptive methods as "unnatural, injurious, and offensive" to women [Linda Gordon, Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America (New York: Grossman, 1976), 97]. They also believed that contraceptives would reduce women to a role of being sexual objects for their mates [Ibid., 98], and that contraceptives would turn wives into little more than prostitutes, always "safe" for husbands to exploit to satisfy their passions [ibid., 117]. David Reardon also writes:
Widespread contraceptive use … would also encourage promiscuity, thus undermining their call for mutual chastity. They particularly feared that the availability of contraceptives would lure even more husbands and sons who were presently chaste into illicit sexual exploits, exposing even more young women to seduction, abuse, and abandonment. [ibid., 98]
Feminism's founding mothers also condemned abortion from two directions. First, they insisted it was immoral to kill an unborn child. Susan B. Anthony, Victoria Woodhill, and virtually every other noted feminist leader of the last century described abortion as "infanticide" and "child-murder." [Mary Krane Derr, "Man's Inhumanity to Woman Makes Countless Infants Die: The Early Feminist Case Against Abortion" (Kansas City, MO: Feminists for Life, 1991).]
The radical feminists of today reject all of
these pro-life, pro-family positions.
Communism and radical feminism
Robert Bork identifies the pro-socialist leanings of the radical feminist movement: “In keeping with its progenitor, the New Left of the Sixties, feminism is fiercely anti-capitalist and pro-socialist”[3] and “… it is in keeping with feminism’s revolutionary neo-Marxism that the movement attacks bourgeois culture on many fronts.”[4]
Women who have been inside the feminist movement have themselves confirmed the Marxist ties to radical feminism. According to Tammy Bruce:
In order to attract as wide a base as possible, the sixties Leftists hid their socialist sympathies and, in some cases, actual Communist Party membership. Betty Friedan is a classic case. In the book that launched the modern feminist movement—The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963—she portrayed herself as a politically inactive housewife who simply had had enough of sexism. Forty years later, Friedan told the real story. In Life So Far, published in 2000, she recounts, “I would come into New York on my days off from the hospital [and] would go to Communist Front meetings and rallies … I looked up the address of the Communist Party headquarters in New York and … went into their dark and dingy building on 13th Street and announced I wanted to become a member.” This was in 1942, a quarter-century before she and a few others founded NOW. Friedan’s revelation that, while she may have been a bored and frustrated housewife, she had also been a member of the Communist Party, shed some much needed light on how left-wing politics have been masquerading as authentic feminism.[5]
Tammy Bruce claims that “Betty Friedan, a former Communist Party member, was only the precursor of the hijacking of feminism to serve other political interests.”[6] She also notes that Gloria Steinem has served “as an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, which boasts of being the largest socialist organization in the United States and is the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”[7] Furthermore, Patricia “Ireland details her support of the Communist Party in her autobiography, What Women Want, she admits her socialist sympathies and participation in pro-Communist rallies in Miami….”[8] Tammy Bruce also emphasizes that “today’s feminist leaders are more concerned with pursuing a socialist agenda than with helping women achieve equality.”[9]
Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge affirm that today’s radical feminism is:
Not merely about equal rights for women … Feminism aspires to be much more than this. It bids to be a totalizing scheme resting on a grand theory, one that is as all-inclusive as Marxism, as assured of its ability to unmask hidden meanings as Freudian psychology, and as fervent in its condemnation of apostates as evangelical fundamentalism. Feminist theory provides a doctrine of original sin: The world’s evil’s originate in male supremacy. (Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies, p. 183)
"Do you not
recognize, My children, the signs of your times? Read and learn: 'Women will
become unlike women. They shall go forth, and seven women will take hold of one
man and say to him: Make me as you are. I wish to eat your bread.' [see Isaias
"Know, My child, this simple lesson, that in these days of the latter
times, women shall seek to cast off their role as mother and a woman. Woman will
cast it off under the direction of satan, and murder her children. Woe to the
woman who does not repent of this vile abomination! She has walked the road to
eternal damnation and hell. Repent, O woman, or forever be lost!"
- Our Lady of the
Roses, March 18, 1975
Directives from Heaven...
D23 - Abortion
D103 - CommunismD179 - Women's Liberation
Freeze! I just had my nails done, Ann Coulter, March 17, 2005
Feminist utopia, social nightmare, (For 40 years, the feminist cause was sustained and nurtured by the Communist Party of the USA), Carey Roberts, January 18, 2005
Feminism’s Marxist roots, Dale O’Leary
Feminist Assault on Reasonableness, Phyllis Schlafly
Morphing Catholicism into Eco-feminism, by Donna Steichen
The seduction of feminism, David Reardon
Reflections on women’s liberation
On feminism,
Jeff Nyquist
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