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U.S. ambassador says U.N. is "twilight zone" unreflective of reality...
"It is
in the direction of the Eternal Father that you remove from your country the
forces of satan now running rampant in the grouping you call the United Nations.
"You must as a nation take yourself away from this
group of satan. You have opened your doors to the enemies of God! These enemies
do not defend you, but they wait to pounce upon you like vultures! They are
bringing you down to your knees now, My children. Like vultures, they will await
their time." - Our Lady of the Roses, September 13, 1974
LifeSiteNews reported on May 1, 2006:
The US ambassador to the UN confirmed this weekend in an interview what many pro-life lobbyists have long known: that the United Nations is a world in which the normal rules of life do not apply.
Referring to the hit 1950’s science fiction television show that featured weird and surreal twists on ordinary life, John Bolton told the UK’s Telegraph, that the UN atmosphere is “like a bubble,” a kind of “twilight zone” in which “things happen … that don’t reflect the reality of the world.”
Bolton is a leading light in the attempts of some countries to reform the UN after the oil-for-food scandals, and bring it more in line with principles of financial transparency and accountability. Bolton told the Telegraph, “There are practices, attitudes and approaches here that were abandoned 30 years ago in much of the rest of the world. It's like a time warp. I think that's not useful for the organisation.”
The US ambassador is not the only one pointing to a certain divorce from ordinary reality at the UN. Last month, the Vatican called upon the international organization to “be sane” and get out of the population control business.
Early last month, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Pope Benedict XVI's representative to the United Nations, told the 39th session of the Commission on Population and Development that the population control efforts have created new problems “such as the serious problems brought about by falling birth rates, and the creation of imbalances between men and women in the population, with its own social consequences.”(http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2006/apr/06040601.html)
"If the development of the world's peoples is to be both sustainable and sane," continued Archbishop Migliore, "such flawed policies will have to be replaced by truly people-centred ones."
The UN’s internationalist disregard for the sovereignty of nations has caused some poorer countries to accuse it of population control imperialism. Examples abound of small countries with traditional values being pressured by UN officials to liberalize laws against abortion, homosexuality, artificial contraception and procreation.
In November, 2004, the UN ordered Poland to legalize abortion. The UN’s Human Rights Committee issued a report demanding that the State party “should assure the availability of contraceptives and free access to family planning services and methods. The Ministry of Education should ensure that schools include accurate and objective sexual education in their curricula.” (http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2004/nov/041109a.html)
In January of this year, the UN demanded that the government of India decriminalize homosexual acts to reduce the population. http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2006/jan/06011307.html
The UN has also led the way deep into the “twilight zone” of “gender” re-assignment. In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews.com, long-time pro-family UN lobbyist, Babette Francis, said the United Nations is leading the attempts to redefine the nature of human sexuality and even the human person.
Directives from Heaven... https://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm
- One World Government / Religion
UN & One
World Government
The emerging global
United Nations gender treaty
promotes abortion worldwide
U.S. refuses to fund U.N.'s
forced abortions
Moving towards a one-world
United Nations plans to
build a global religion
Psychiatrists who
rationalize sin and promote global government
The World Council of Churches: "an
instrument of the adversary"
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