Susan Hayward had a cancer cure...
As we are
now in the latter days, Our Lady of the Roses has summoned men
and women from different walks of life to become faithful
witnesses for Heaven and bring Her message to the world. Actress Susan
Hayward was one such soul whom God had called upon back in the
early 70s to give public testimony to Our Lady’s cause. For She
had been uniquely chosen by Heaven to be a catalyst in advancing
Our Lady’s urgent message to the world (see also
Directive #51, Cure and Conversion).. But Susan Hayward missed her calling and passed a good thing
by because she was not willing to publicly testify to the truth
that Our Lady of the Roses had completely cured her of terminal
If you’ll recall, Susan Hayward was diagnosed in April of
1973 as having no less than twenty brain tumors, a fatal
condition offering little hope. Hospitalized until June, her
dire situation prompted her doctor, Lee Siegal, to remark: “Only
immediate massive chemotherapy and radiation treatments, plus a
super miracle, could keep her from the cold embrace of the
Specter of Death.” It was at this time that Our Lady had given Veronica
specific directions to send the dying actress the blessed rose
petals and medals from Our Lady of the Roses Shrine. In her June 8, 1974 commentary, Veronica relates the
following: “I sent, under Our Lady’s direction a year ago this
summer, the medals and the rose petals to the reporter. I have
the letter testifying that she delivered them personally to Miss
Hayward at the hospital when she was given thirty six hours to
live. And it was shortly after Our Lady sent the rose petals and
the medals to her—I knew about it, but I didn’t know how it was
to come about—that she did recover.’ And indeed, Susan Hayward did recover; a “supermiracle” had
transpired! For it was only weeks after Veronica had sent her
the blessed medals and rose petals that Miss Hayward emerged
from her death bed to resume her normal active lifestyle, even
agreeing to do a TV pilot. It was being hailed as a miracle. Be that as it may, there was also a specific condition
attached by Heaven to her cure. Veronica was instructed by Our
Lady to send another letter, informing Miss Hayward, a convert
that she must publicly acknowledge the source of her cure: that
is, Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers Shrine. Tragically; she did not obey. For when the time came for her
to explain her miraculous recovery to the press, she made no
mention of Bayside, but merely stated “I knew my faith in God
would pull me through.” Hence, the mercy and power of God was
negated here, as she attributed the cure to her own faith in
God. Our Lady said that it was pride that stymied her. By July 1974 her tumors had resurfaced as mysteriously as
they had disappeared. And with her health deteriorating, she was
eventually hospitalized in October for a lengthy stay. After her release, her condition continued to deteriorate until she
eventually died, clutching her crucifix, on March 14, 1975. On a more recent note, Our Lady has again commented on the
tragic fate of Susan Hayward, which only goes to confirm the
role she had (and perhaps still may have) in advancing the cause
of Bayside. On Saturday, Sept. 25 at 5:55 p.m., Our Lady told
Veronica in locution that Miss Hayward suffered 15 years in
purgatory, elaborating: “She had to atone for her own transgressions, and plus the
sin of omission. Too few prayed for her. She was idolized in
life but forgotten in death. Her associations were not
practicing Christians.” Hence, we see here that her culpability is demonstrated by
“the sin of omission” (neglect of Christian obligation). In other words, Miss Hayward clearly knew the score: that
she was cured by Our Lady of the Roses, and she was to publicly
acknowledge it. The last line of the locution serves to remind us of the
spiritual danger that exists to the faithful when they permit
themselves to become tin- evenly yoked with worldlings and
unbelievers. For it seems apparent that Miss Hayward’s
associations helped to nourish in her a spirit of pride and her
unwillingness to confess Jesus and Mary before men. One can only surmise the enormous good that would have come
about had Susan Hayward followed through with Heaven’s direction
to publicly attribute her cure to Our Lady of the Roses. For had
she obeyed and lived as God had willed, no doubt, she would have
become a star for Heaven. Her credibility, fame, and appeal would have undoubtedly
made her instrumental in attracting countless thousands of souls
to the Roses banner, especially since the widespread antagonism
and prejudice against Bayside had scarcely existed at the time.
With a smooth road opened up before her, she could have gone to
town for Our Lady and perhaps led an illustrious crusade for the
cause of Bayside. But as it stands, Susan Hayward spoiled the plan of Heaven
by concealing the pearl of truth from the world. Like the unjust
steward, she buried her talent in the ground, thus wasting it
away to no effect (Matt 25). This will also bring home for us the frequent admonition of
Our Lady, that for those who receive great graces, much is
expected of them (St. Luke 12:48). For even though most of us
have not received stupendous physical cures, a great many in the
Bayside following have received great spiritual graces far
beyond what has ever been known to man (miraculous photos,
conversions, etc.). Our Lady had also told Veronica many years ago that Miss
Hayward had sought counsel from “a religious,”—obviously to her
own detriment. The lesson learned here is, ultimately, each individual is
fully answerable before God for all of one’s actions and no
amount of justification nor excuses will be accepted— not even
the ill-advised counsel of a priest or nun—for a willful
offense, in this case, “the sin of omission.” Our Lord reaffirms this basic tenet of our Faith on March
18, 1983: “There is not one person who can follow you at the same time
over the veil and stand up for you when you are being judged.
For every man, woman, and child of conscionable age will be
their own master towards their soul.” May the tragic mistake of Susan Hayward ever serve to stir
within us the passion and conviction that as chosen disciples of
Our Lady, we will never squander nor retreat from any
opportunity in making known the truth of Our Lady of the Roses,
Mary Help of Mothers. On Monday, Sept.27 at 12:45 p.m., In a
discussion of the Susan Hayward’s sentence in purgatory
with Veronica on the telephone when he was prompted to ask her
to ask Our Lady, ‘What is the average stay of a Catholic in
purgatory?” The question had barely escaped his lips, when Our
Lady responded: “In the will of the Father.” Our Lady explained to Veronica: ‘There is no average Catholic.” Indeed, each and every soul is the unique handiwork of the
Creator, ascribed with different gifts, expectations and
circumstances that render one accountable to Him alone, but also
make any comparisons futile. Even so, God loves each of us as if we were the only one He
created, and therefore requires that our return of love and
gratitude be proportionate to this. Our Lady continued: ‘Every soul is judged by their merits and demerits.” That is to say, how much we pleased or displeased God in our
life. She added that if there is anything that is average, it is
that “Catholics go to purgatory” The Virgin said that when we
die, we must stand before “a tribunal”, the “tri’ meaning 3—the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Our Lady also spoke of God’s “omnipotent justice” to remind
us of the all-powerful, all-knowing nature of God. Every detail
of our life is laid bare before the eyes of the Eternal Father
as He tallies the score upon us. Our Lady told Veronica: ‘There is a constant stream of souls that appear before the
tribunal.” Each soul is then judged immediately for every thought,
word, and action of his life. Veronica was then thinking to herself, ‘When do They have
time to rest”? Our Lady immediately responded by saying: ‘There is no time in Heaven. The human life and the
spiritual life have nothing in common. It is beyond human
comprehension.” Our Lady’s catechism lesson concluded with Her telling
Veronica: ‘That will be all today, My child. You must rest.” Our Lady then asked Veronica to make the sign of the cross.
The picture explained: In the upper right side of the miraculous picture you
will see a side profile of the face of the actress Susan
Hayward. The story behind the photograph: In July of 1973,
Susan Hayward was diagnosed by her doctors in Florida as having
terminal cancer, inoperable. The doctors gave her 36 hours to
live. When Veronica got word of this and guided by Our Lady,
sent to Susan Hayward through some newspaper reporters blessed
rose petals, rose petals blessed by Jesus and Mary at Our Lady
of the Roses Shrine. A short time later, Veronica announced
publicly, at a Holy Hour that Our Lady had obtained from Jesus
this cure for Susan Hayward as a conditional cure, that Susan
Hayward was to come forward and tell the world that she was
cured through the intercession of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary
Help of Mothers at Bayside, New York. But that if she did not
give due credit to Our Lady at Bayside, her cancer would
reappear. Susan Hayward had been chosen by Heaven to be an
instrument in spreading the knowledge of Our Lady's appearance
and message today in this country. Veronica put all this down
in writing and it was sent to Susan Hayward. Now there may be
some of you listening today who recall back to this time
period. You may remember, yourselves, that Susan Hayward's
recovery did make news headlines. The newspapers and radio all
talked to Susan Hayward about her recovery, but this is what
Susan Hayward told them, "I just knew my faith in God would pull
me through." Again this is very nice, it is very good, but it
is still incomplete. Susan Hayward did not mention one word
about Our Lady, nor one word about Our Lady of the Roses
Shrine. In consequence of this, one year later Susan Hayward's
cancer returned and she died a short time later.
The picture you are looking at upon your screen was taken
upon the Shrine grounds a short time interval after her
miraculous recovery, but before the reappearance of her cancer.
Along with Susan Hayward, you'll see in red a large human
brain. In white, appears an ostrich. An ostrich is one of the
traditional symbols of stiff neck pride. Susan Hayward was too
proud to tell the truth. If it is any consolation, a short time later, Veronica was
given a miraculous photograph which had upon it the initials
SHP, Susan Hayward Purgatory.
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Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that
you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But
with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from
Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for
Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5,
A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you
are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to
Heaven for your salvation. For those who have received the grace to hear the
Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this
Message to your brothers and sisters. Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for
you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
The sin of omission... "The sin of omission
shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin
of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady
of the Roses, October 6, 1980
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