of Miraculous phenomena electrical
effect went throughout body
I attended the Vigil of Our Lady of the Roses. I had a very severe jaw out of
place that needed immediate attention and surgery--which at the time I could not
afford--or a kneecap that had to be replaced due to a previous injury. I prayed
that evening very hard that I would be able to tolerate the pain, but not for an
actual cure. To my surprise, Veronica had shown up that evening, and I was
blessed from Heaven by being able to be blessed by the Cross that Our Lady had
kissed and given to Veronica, and Veronica also told me, "I bless you with
the shield of the Immaculate Conception." And at that time--that very
moment--I felt an electrical or lightening effect that started from my head to
my toes. I didn’t realize what happened, but I felt so happy and I was
overwhelmed. I started to cry at that moment from sheer happiness. Home | Introduction | Prophecies | Directives | Order Form | Testimonies | Veronica | News | Photos | Bible | Magazine | Newsletters | Radio Show | The electronic form of this document
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