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Pondering the Unthinkable:
Pondering the Unthinkable: An American Hyperinflation This most informative report covers the following topics: The Prognosis For Inflation And Hyperinflation, The Anatomy Of A Hyperinflation, The Mechanics Of An American Hyperinflation: How It Could Happen, and Protecting Your Investments From Hyperinflation and much more. America’s financial system is completely out of control and headed for either an inflationary or deflationary crack-up (or both) and not one out of a thousand Americans understands or cares — so busy are they partying on the deck of the Titanic. We are seeing the greatest explosion of liquidity in U.S. history, or indeed, in world history as the Fed and other central banks attempt to stave off a deflationary collapse and perpetuate the real estate/ stock/debt bubbles they helped to ignite. Trillions of dollars of new debt (liquidity) are now created out of thin air by the U.S. government, the Fed, other central banks, the real estate mortgage industry, Wall Street, hedge funds and in the exploding real estate market. This explosion of new liquidity (trillions of dollars each year, or each month or week) is reminiscent of the massive explosion in liquidity in the German Weimar Republic in the 1920s, which begat a classic hyperinflation and a totally worthless currency. It has 20 pages packed with information and costs $5.00. | Home - Latest News | Introduction | Bayside Prophecies | Directives from Heaven | Order Form | Miracles & Cures | Veronica Lueken | Miraculous Photos | Bible | Radio Program | The electronic form of this document
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