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Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 1

Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 1
Over the past century there have been three giant movements which have emerged to shake the foundations of the world: the rise of Communism beginning in 1917 and ultimately controlling one-third of the world’s population until its sudden decline in 1991; the rise of the Nazi Third Reich in 1933 - which engulfed the world in a war which ultimately consumed 55 million lives; and the rise of the radical fundamentalist Islamic movement, which began in 1980 when the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamic fundamentalists took power in Iran.

Of these three gargantuan movements, the one which may pose the greatest threat to the survival of Western Civilization, to Biblical Christianity (and all other religions), and to America is the present explosive expansion of radical Islamic fundamentalism and its incendiary philosophy (or religious doctrine) of world conquest by the sword (or, in our day, by the bomb).  This 20 page report is very enlightening.

Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil of Islam, Part 1
Qty: Price: $5.00

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January 03, 2014



Other McAlvany Reports
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 1
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 2
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McAlvany - American Hyperinflation
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U.S. Financial System begins to Melt Down
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World Plunge to the Political Left
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part I
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part II