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Purgatory Explained

Purgatory Explained by the Lives and Legends of the
Saints book...
It is a fact of divine revelation that the soul of every
person who dies in the state of grace, but without having made
sufficient expiation on earth for his forgiven sins, will undergo the
punishment and purification of Purgatory before entering Heaven. In this
fascinating book, Father Schouppe presents the ancient Catholic
tradition on Purgatory, explaining how its pains are excruciating –
greater than any suffering known on earth, how they are adapted to the
past sins of each individual soul, how they can vary in duration from
less than one minute to a period of several centuries, and how they
manifest the infinite mercy of God no less than His justice.
On many occasions God has allowed souls in Purgatory to
appear on earth to plead for prayers, sacrifices, and Masses for their
relief; in Purgatory Explained the reader will find scores of true
stories of apparitions and revelations on Purgatory taken from the lives
of St. Margaret Mary, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Gertrude the Great, St.
Francis de Sales, St. Catherine of Genoa, St. Magdalen de Pazzi, St.
Bridget of Sweden, the Cure of Ars, St. Lidwina of Schiedam, St.
Margaret of Cortona, and St. Thomas Aquinas. These amazing revelations
all emphasize the wonderful relief which the souls in Purgatory receive
from prayers, penance, almsgiving, and especially from the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass offered for them. Moreover, these stories describe
the measureless gratitude of the souls in Purgatory, and the priceless
benefits which they obtain for their benefactors in return.
Purgatory Explained is a book which goes to the very heart of
the Faith and should be read by every Catholic – by everyone who has
deceased relatives or friends, by everyone who has sins to make up for,
and by everyone who wants to make a spiritual investment that will
return to him a hundredfold.
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