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April 10, 1971 - Eve of Easter Sunday
144,000 true souls to be gathered
Our Lady – “My child, this is what you will suffer to gather the 144,000 true souls. My child, how well you will carry My Son’s cross! For many will pass on the same road My Son did before this life, as you know it, will pass away.
“You must remember, My children, that the most bountiful harvest is gained when We start pulling out the weeds. For when the stalks are bent, for they failed to weather the storm, the soil blows away and new seed must be planted.
“How hardened the hearts of many! O poor, unseeing man, that would rather see many die so that they can be rescued from their doubts, who would see others die to be proven true in their judgment! Pride! Pride befits the ultimate fall. Could you not sacrifice your own destructive pride and search in those satan dens on this earth to save your fellow man, your brothers and sisters?
“My Father, your Father, the Lord high God in Heaven, is all-merciful, and long-suffering.Chastisement delayed
“My child, We received the thousands of Rosaries from your land sent to Us by loving hearts. Your obedient trial has borne fruit, for there these Rosaries and acts of sacrifice by victim souls who came to Us as victims of love for the salvation of souls in the knowledge of what was to be, Our Father gathered in appeasement. Therefore, the Chastisement most justly deserved is now delayed.
“Our ways are not the ways of man. We allow man to expose his true state of soul by his own means, and as such, would seek to stop the atonement prayers—these who have fallen to the conquest of satan.
“Yes, many have joined Us here at this sacred place, blessed by the Father. Do they raise their hearts in prayer, or to seek selfish entertainment or self-gratification? Unless you reach out to help gather the souls of all your brothers and sisters, you will not be counted among those gathered during the destruction. Love is always in giving.
“My child, care not for the judgment of mere man, but shoulder your cross. Keep the words given to you by My Son in your heart, for they will comfort you in your trials.
“I have come here as an Advocate of peace. I have come here to beg for prayers of atonement. Do you come here to just experience miracles, or to join Us in the gathering of the souls? Selfish motives have no constructive future in Our plan of redemption. I say unto you that he who shall set himself to judge will thus find himself judged. My Father will always be the final judge.
“Veronica, My child, start anew with seed that will truly bloom, with stalks that will grow to Heaven.
“For the Rosaries sent to Us, the sacrifice of victim souls, victims to His merciful love, the Eternal Father has bestowed a delay. The rest will depend on the penance, the prayers, the sacrifices that you will be willing to give.
“As My Father’s Advocate from Heaven, I tell you that your days are already counted. Your country, as you know it, will be destroyed. You must turn back to Us now, while there is still time. Pray! Pray a constant vigil of prayer.
“My child, I will be with you always as you continue to gather the souls in your mission. We will always be with you.”Rose Notes from Veronica:
On April 10 at 6 P.M. the miracle of the sun was viewed by all on the Shrine grounds. Glory to God and His Advocate, our adorable Mother Mary!
Testimony is coming in of the intercession of our Mother for help of the bodily afflicted, and spiritual bouquets from Heaven. Our hearts are lifted to note the numerous conversions from June 18, 1970 to the present. Praise be to God and His glorious gift to us here, Our Lady of the Roses!
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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