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November 1, 1971 - All Saints’ Day, Eve of All Souls’ Day
Rosary to be prayed slowly
Veronica – Our Lady asks, in the recitation of the Rosary, that you say it slowly, and speak with your heart, not with your mouth.
[Our Lady had Veronica repeat, very slowly, the Our Father and the Hail Mary:]Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with Thee; blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Lady – “My children, you are now on the verge of a great disaster. Pray as you have never prayed before! I need not stress again what I have been crying throughout the world, coming to you with the plan for your salvation. How many have listened to My pleas? How many have turned away from My cries?
“We do not bring upon you willful disaster. No! We allow you to bring your own destruction. We have held back what you so rightly deserve for many earth-years. But now you have grown fat on your luxury and starved your souls.
“You will not escape the trials given in the past to your fellow men. You will not be free from the Chastisement.
“Woe, woe, I say to you, for you have turned your back on the cross of My Son to worship the mores of evil man.
“You have allowed to be set loose upon your earth the demons of the abyss.
“Those who have stayed with Us and will remain to do so in the days to come, they will have no fear, for We will protect them in the days ahead. All will be turned to good for those of well spirit.Modernism, humanism, satanism
“We look upon the most despicable of sins being committed in the name of modernism and humanism and satanism. You make your ladder to hell!
“Yes, We have promised you the ultimate victory, for I shall carry the light to the world regardless of the plan of satan. But how many shall be lost to Us before the completion of this plan?
“Prayer, sacrifice, atonement—We ask little of you. All can be summed up in one word, My children: love.
“All parents will guard their children’s souls. All parents will be held responsible for their children’s souls. Pray for the light that you may not be led into the darkness. I have stressed the plan for your salvation many times. Now you will act upon it, or you will fall.
“You cry peace, peace, when there is no peace. You cry security when there is no security. You open your door to add to your brood of vipers [U.N.]. You have left the narrow road, and your road grows wider.
“Those who have been given in abundance, much will be expected of them. And woe to those who have received the light to turn it to blackness and destroy the souls of those about them.
“You will all flee from the tail of the serpent that cuts across your land now. Accept not a drop of his venom, for you are not strong enough without the light; you will succumb to his poison.
“Those who are destined for Lucifer’s kingdom have already chosen their path, My child. But they, too, can be rescued by your prayers and sacrifices.
“I have roamed, My child, the nations of the world. My tears have fallen in every land. I have come to rest here in hope. Will you turn Me away from the few places of refuge that I have found? Will you cast Me aside and place your eternal life in the hands of Lucifer, the fallen angel who We cast from Our Kingdom? Only you will be given this decision to make, and you must make it now. Now! You will make it now, for you will not count on tomorrow.
“I have chosen this dark city to come to, My children, for I have made a promise, and I keep this promise. I will abandon no soul to the abyss.
“You are not alone in your trial, for We have sent among you all the emissaries of Heaven.Ladder to Heaven
“You will watch now, Veronica, and I will let you see the ladder.”
Veronica – I saw a ladder, a very long ladder—beautiful! From the top of the ladder—it looked like it was red velvet coming down the steps, and I could see angels. They seemed to be floating, though they were going backwards; they were floating up the right side of the stairway, of the ladder. Oh! And then at the top was Our Lady. She was standing there on the top step, and in Her hand was this golden scepter. It seemed to have a ball on the top, but it didn’t seem to have a cross. I was looking for the cross, but it didn’t seem to have a cross on the ball.
But Our Lady was dressed beautifully. She had on a white dress and the bottom was lined with stars, very beautiful, brilliant stars. And Her cape was blue. It was like blue velvet, with a golden tassel tied about Her neck. The dress was very full. She was standing at the head of the stairway, and I noticed that the angels were coming down the stairs. And then there were a lot of people that I recognized as saints. I saw Saint Alphonse and Saint Theresa. Oh, there were all kinds of people, of all nations. I could see both colored and white. There were all creeds and all colors. And I knew they were saints because they were all dressed alike in the same type of robes. Oh, there were so many!
And then I saw to the right a lot of empty crosses. And Jesus then appeared. He was dressed in red and white—a red cape and a white inner garment. And He said:
Jesus – “You will see, My child, those that will come now in the latter days to join Us. And the crosses I set are symbolic of the trials ahead.”
Veronica – For Jesus said:
Jesus – “There will be many saints made in the latter days.”
Veronica – Our Lady says:
Our Lady – “Do not keep Me in awe, My child, for I am more a Mother than a friend to you.
“You need not know the hour nor the day. What you must do is pray that this destruction will be lightened.”
Veronica – Our Lady said that you are to have a Mass said for the conversion of your loved ones, and you are to say the Rosary daily for the conversion of your loved ones.
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
My gift to help spread Our Lady of the Roses' messages to the world.
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