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Topical Index of Our Lady of the Roses messages
D. S., given fair warning by Our Lady 76: 10-6
Dancing in Church 75: 3-18; 77: 4-9
Dark arts 78: 7-15
Dark Knights 70: 8-21
Dark secrets 72: 8-21; 73: 7-1
Agents of hell gather 79: 6-9
Blindness of heart 71: 6-17
Covering earth 71: 8-21; 73: 3-18, 10-6
Covering the lands and very nature of mankind 76: 11-20
Covering sun and earth 73: 10-6
Covering world 74: 8-21; 79: 6-9
Days of 73: 12-24; 75: 2-10
Demons strike in 77: 8-13
Description 75: 2-i
Great day of 73: 9-7
In darkness, will they seek the way? 75: 7-25, 11-1
Kingdom, now on earth 79: 8-14
Of spirit 71: 8-15; 74: 12-6; 75: 4-5
Of spirit and of atmosphere 76: 6-12
Shall descend upon mankind 76: 6-12
Soon, and you will be unable to read 77: 11-1
Spiritual 74: 4-13; 76: 6-18; 77: 12-7
Surrounds a shrine of purity 75: 5-28
Will precede Ball of Redemption 73: 3-25
Will soon give way to the light 74: 2-1
Without grace from Heaven, man goes farther into 76: 12-28
Cannot be given in public 75: 9-6
Given only to a few 74: 8-14
None to be given 73: 8-14; 74: 8-5, 12-31; 78: 2-1, 3-25; 79: 7-14
Not given, be prepared at all times 73: 8-21, 12-24; 75: 5-17
Not necessary to speculate, be prepared 73: 8-21, 12-24; 74: 4-13, 6-15, 10-6, 11-1; 75: 7-15, 8-5, 9-6, 12-24; 76: 7-15, 11-20, 12-24; 77:9-28; 79: 6-18; 80: 6-18; 81, 6-18
Of the Warning 73: 10-2
Would promote return through fear 72: 3-24; 75: 3-18; 86: 5-17
Day of days 73: 7-25; 77: 5-18
Day of the Lord 73: 7-25; 74: 3-18, 3-24; 76: 12-7, 12-28; 77: 5-14, 5-28
One day of week to be given to the Father in prayer 73: 8-5
Deacon(s) 77: 11-19
May bring Holy Communion only in severe need to the dying 74: 12-31
Permanent deacons - not needed now 79: 5-23
Living bodies and dead souls 76: 5-29; 81: 11-21
Living shall envy 77: 10-6
Man shall never restore life to the 82: 6-18
Death (SEE ALSO Across/Beyond/Over the Veil)
And destruction 78: 11-20, 11-25
Applies only to body, not soul 79: 7-25, 8-14
Are you ready to face it? 75: 3-29
At hands of young 83: 5-28
Better to die in the body and be cleansed in the soul than to live in the body and die in the spirit 75: 5-17
Dead souls falling into hell 79: 5-26
Description 76: 4-17: 78: 7-25
Destruction for U. S. 79: 1-24
Destruction of immortal soul 76: 11-22
Do not fear 77: 2-10
Everywhere 76: 12-7
Flesh shall turn to dust 82: 7-2
Is but the beginning of the spiritual life, the eternal life 70: 8-21
Only death is of a fallen soul 79: 6-18
Only real death is sin 75: 3-22
Set loose upon world 79: 5-26
Shall be commonplace 74: 9-7; 75: 12-6; 76: 6-5; 78: 9-7
There is no death 71: 8-21; 74: 4-6, 8-5; 75: 6-18; 80: 6-18; 85: 10-5
Will be commonplace, death by murder in the name of mercy 81: 6-13
You do not die 76: 12-31
Deceivers/Deception 74: 6-15; 77: 8-5; 78: 5-3
Dedicated (Clergy and Religious)
Clean out bad books from libraries 72: 9-14
Difficult road ahead for religious 72: 8-21
Dimness of Faith 74: 10-6
Do not take away the pictures and statues 70: 11-20
Giving poor example 75: 7-15
Jesus fully aware of lack of prayer life of His 90: 6-18
Jesus pleased to see them present 73: 11-24, 12-7
Many have lost their way 70: 7-15
Many in darkness 74: 11-1
Many will weaken and fall away 73: 2-1
Misleading children with half-truths 70: 9-7
Modernism must not become way of life for 90: 6-18
Must live simple, spiritual life 75: 5-28
One present does not have to hide himself 73: 5-10
Pray for 75: 7-15
Recovery by prayers and sacrifice 74: 6-8
Shall you trade eternal life? 75: 5-28
Simple life is best for dedicated 75: 5-28
Those who remain true will answer to none but the Father 74: 9-13
You are following the evil circle, My dedicated 70: 11-21
Dedication is road to sainthood 78: 11-20
Allowed by Father to separate sheep from goats 71: 11-20; 73: 2-1; 79: 6-2, 9-14
Among clergy 71: 12-7; 79: 5-23
Evolved from humanism, brotherhood, modernism 74: 4-13
He will believe error 74: 5-30
In Rome 75: 10-6
That no one will be sent to hell or purgatory 73: 2-10
Upon mankind 74: 11-1; 75:3-29, 6-18, 11-20, 12-6; 76:6-12,6-18,11-1; 77:2-1, 11-19; 78: 3-18, 5-3, 5-13, 5-20
#3 70: 7-15
#5 73: 7-1; 77: 5-28
#5 to enter Rome 73: 3-24
#6 74: 8-21
#6 will come from land of Egypt and promote great War 73: 12-31
#6 will come when world and Church unite 74: 8-14
#6 will promote third world War 74: 9-7
All hell loose on earth 79: 7-25
Always among you waiting to enter 74: 12-28
Beware, demon #6 among you 74: 9-7
Can control elements of nature 78: 2-1
Cannot be cast out without fasting and prayer 73: 12-31; 74: 3-24
Cannot stand the sight of a crucifix 87: 6-18
Children need knowledge of 76: 11-22
Claim body of anyone fallen from grace 74: 4-6; 76: 7-15; 77: 8-5
Creatures from hell 77: 11-21
Do not discourse with 79: 6-9
Five here now; one will be released to bring about sudden arrival of Christ 73: 9-28
Five major adversaries from hell 73: 7-15
Four on earth now; 5th to come soon, 6th before Second Coming '73: 3-25
Gathering for full-scale war of the spirits 71: 2-11
In human bodies '78: 3-18
In U. S. government '74: 9-13
Invading countries of earth '79: 6-2
Loosed on earth 71: 11-1; 74: 4-6; 7-25; '75: 3-18; '76: 4-17, 12-28
Must be cast out of Church '73: 2-10
Must flee at sound of prayer 71: 5-30; '76: 9-14, 12-28; '77: 6-14, 12-7; 84: 6-30
Must work through bodies of men, women, children '74: 7-1; '78: 6-18
Of special mission '73: 2-1, 3-25
Roam in House of God '73: 4-14
Scoffed at '76: 12-31
Stratosphere covered by 92: 6-18
Very powerful and cajoling 85: 7-25
Work through persons, places, things '74: 12-31
World filled with '73: 9-7, 10-6, 11-24; '78: 3-15, 5-27
Demonology '78: 11-25
Denominations '78: 11-25
Depression, monetary
World monetary crash 85: 9-7, 11-1
Derision, laughter, scorn '78: 9-28
Created by satan '78: 5-3
Do not '78: 12-7
Say Fatima Prayer when you 92: 6-18
Despot LOC92: 8-15;
92: 10-6
Destiny, two final ones -- Heaven and hell '75: 2-1
Destruction, allowed by Eternal Father as redemptive measure '76: 5-26
Must be followed carefully '78: 8-19
Will not be fully understood '78: 7-25
From Rome cast aside 83: 3-18
Heaven pleased at dissemination of Directives from Heaven 92: 6-18
In biweekly format to clergy and laity LOC91: 8-20
Dirge '77: 8-13
Disarmament - you disarm foolishly -- you are deceived '75: 12-6
Disaster(s) '76: 5-15, 9-28
For the U. S. '73: 9-7
Shall increase '79: 5-26
of spirits '78: 7-15
All who receive Message are asked to be '73: 12-29; '76: 4-10; '78: 10-6; 79: 7-25
Chosen from the multitudes '79: 6-18
Must read Bible and be knowledgeable '74: 3-18; 76: 4-10
Of Eternal Father '74: 4-13; '78: 5-20, 5-27, 6-1
Of God '78: 9-28
Of Jesus '78: 7-15; '79: 6-18
Of latter days '76: 12-7; '78: 8-19, 9-28; '80: 6-18; 84: 4-14; 89: 10-2
Will be subject to great attacks 72: 12-30
Discipline 72: 4-10, 8-15; '73: 9-7; '77: 12-31; '78: 2-1, 2-10, 3-25, 5-20
And the rule '73: 2-1
Demanded by Eternal Father '76: 2-10
For all the dedicated '73: 2-1
From the beginning of time '79: 6-9
Has been cast aside '73: 4-14
Ignore derision of multitudes '81: 5-30
In Church '76: 9-28
In family '74: 3-18; '75: 9-6, 9-13, 11-20; '77: 6-18; '78: 9-13
In government '77: 5-28
Man must return to '73: 6-16
Of body and soul '75: 3-18
Parents must exercise in home '73: 5-10; '75: 5-28; '76: 10-6, 12-7; '77: 12-7
Restore while there is time '76: 12-24
Restore in Church '74: 3-18, 7-25, 9-13; '75: 2-1
Return to the orders '75: 5-28
Spare rod and spoil the child 73: 7-25
Start with leaders 76: 6-12
The only path to the Father 73: 11-24
We are not stern, but factual 77: 11-21
Discouraged, do not become 73: 11-1; 76: 6-24; 77: 9-13; 79: 7-25, 11-20
Discretion, in all associations LOC91: 3-8
Dishonesty 79: 8-14
Disobedience 73: 2-10
In churches 74: 8-5
Penance for 77: 8-13
To Gods law 78: 6-18
To Holy Father 74: 3-24, 7-1; 79: 9-28
To Pope Paul VI 75: 2-1
Disrespect 73: 6-8, 6-16
Divinity of Jesus Christ 76: 8-5; 77: 2-1, 3-18; 78: 2-10
Denied by false prophets 79: 5-26
Fight to retain 77: 10-1
Little children have no conception of 77: 11-21
Protest offenses against 77: 11-1
Retain knowledge 76: 12-24
Divorce 73: 10-2
Dixon, Jeanne 75: 10-6
D.M., of California 89: 10-2
Have become butchers/murderers 78: 2-10, 5-27
Now profaning their profession 87: 6-6
Once loyal to an oath 78: 2-10
Seek not to preserve life, but to destroy 73: 3-18
Being cast aside 78: 6-18
Distortion of 78: 9-28
Must not cast aside 77: 6-16
Of demons 77: 5-14, 7-15, 7-25, 12-31; 78: 2-i, 7-25, 9-13
Dogmas 78: 5-27
Doors, knock on 76: 5-26, 8-14; 77: 4-2, 4-9; 78: 9-28
Doves 75: 9-27
Dragon, the beast of power 77: 6-18
Dress (SEE ALSO Modesty)
Enemy of God has fashioned a way of life and dress to destroy your spirit 73: 3-24
Immodesty in fashions 73: 7-15
Immodesty, two-fold sin for girls/women 73: 7-15
Man shall not dress as woman, nor woman as man 75: 9-7
Modern habits 74: 8-14; 11-20
Modesty of 74: 6-15
Mothers permitting daughters to dress shamefully 74: 12-28
Nuns have discarded a proper attire 75: 10-2
Nuns must promote respect for their vocation by proper dress of modesty 76: 12-28
Our Lady asks the women to lower the dress to their ankles 75: 8-21
Poor example in convents 74: 11-23
Those of the spirit will hide themselves from the eyes of man 75: 2-1
Women not to receive Eucharist dressed immodestly 74: 12-31
Women will dress as befits a wife and mother, clothing themselves with modesty and holiness 75: 3-18
Women will not dress as men 71: 9-28
Drinan, Father 75: 9-6
Drought 76: 8-21; 78: 5-13; 84: 6-30; 85: 7-1, 11-1
Drugs 70: 12-31; 75: 10-2; 77: 8-13, 10-6, 11-1, 11-21, 12-7; 78: 2-10; 87: 6-18; 90: 6-18
A major plague 79: 8-14, 9-14
Promoted to destroy mind and will 72: 3-25; 73: 3-25
Drunkenness, an abomination 70: 12-31
Ducks floating downstream 75: 7-25, 8-5; 76: 8-5, 8-14, 1l-1, 11-20; 77: 2-1, 3-18, 7-15, 10-6; 78: 3-18
We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy. Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.
"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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