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Topical Index of Our Lady of the Roses messages
Faith '78: 3-15, 5-13, 5-27
Anchor for souls 73: 9-7
And morals, man must not change the God-given laws 79: 10-6
And Tradition shall not be separated '75: 11-1
Basic foundations not learned '73: 9-7
Believe and you will be given the way 71: 12-24
Blindness '77: 4-2
Bring to others '78: 5-3
Cast aside for novelty '76: 6-12
Defend '78: 3-18
Firm knowledge of '77: 5-14
Flicker kept in hearts of few by little lights from Heaven 78: 8-19
For those without it '77: 2-1
Foundation is Jesus '76: 12-7
Gift from God '78: 6-10
Given for all time without change '76: 12-24
Has grown weak in mind '75: 9-7
Hold fast '74: 11-20
Is Tradition and the supernatural '74: 10-6
Keep firm in children '76: 5-29; '77: 9-13, 10-6; 78: 4-1, 5-30, 12-7
Light is flickering '77: 10-6
Loss has accelerated evil '78: 2-1
Many souls falling away from '78: 10-6
Message of '76: 10-2
Must be nourished '76: 4-17, 5-26; '77: 4-19
Must not be compromised, nor watered down 75: 11-20, 12-31; 76: 9-14; 77: 2-10, 12-4; '79: 9-7, 10-6
Must retain by repetition '77: 11-21
Mysteries of '74: 6-8
Plan for your salvation '76: 5-15
Shall make you victorious '78: 9-13
Shattered for many LOC92: 4-29
Simple and trusting '77: 2-10
Solution to problems '77: 2-1
Soon replaced by cynicism, doubt, disobedience '79: 10-6
Split in U. S. in the '75: 7-25; 76: 5-29
The times a challenge to '78: 5-3
Will give strength for battle '78: 3-18
Will take great strength of faith to remain true '79: 5-23
Will there be a flicker left? 71: 9-7; '74: 12-6; '75: 7-25, 9-6; '76: 5-26, 5-29, 9-28; '78: 6-1, 8-14, 12-7; '79: 5-23, 6-2
Faithful and True '74: 5-30; '75: 7-15; '77: 4-9, 5-14
All will be united '74: 9-7; '76: 6-24; 77: 7-25; 78: 2-1, 5-27; '80: 10-2
Banner for all who remain in light '74--10-6
Carry the banner 72: 6-18, 8-21; 76: 7-15; 84: 6-18; 92: 10-6
Companionable spirits 75: 6-5
Crown in Heaven 75: 2-1
Only those who carry the banner shall be saved LOC91: 10-8
Remain 79: 6-2
Shall they be gathered in one small section? 78: 8-19; 79: 7-25, 11-20
Will be saved 76: 11-1
Will cry bitter tears if you lose this chance to be among 83: 6-18
Christs -- flee from them 74: 2-10, 9-7, 12-28; 75: 3-29; 82: 6-18; 85: 11-1
Gods 76: 5-29; 77: 11-1, 12-31; 78: 2-10; 79: 9-14, 10-2, 11-24
Idols 73: 6-16, 8-14; 74: 6-15; 76: 11-22; 77: 7-25, 11-1; 79: 8-14; 80: 6-18
Leaders 78: 11-25
Messiahs 74: 4-13; 75: 3-18; 76: 1-31; 78: 11-25
Miracles 73: 5-30; 74: 2-10, 7-25; 75: 3-18, 8-5, 10-2; 77:11-21; 78: 3-25, 5-27, 6-18, 9-28; 79: 8-14
Pastors 71: 9-7, 9-14; 74: 3-18, 8-14; 77: 5-14; 85: 9-7
Prophets 70: 12-24; 71: 5-30; 72: 8-14; 74: 4-13, 12-31; 75: 2-10, 12-6; 76: 12-7; 77: 4-2, 6-16, 12-31; 78: 3-25, 5-3, 7-15, 7-25, 9-13; 79:5-23, 6-9; 82: 6-18
Come as angels of light 72: 8-14; 86: 9-27
Father is satan 73: 12-24
In the Church 78: 9-13
Jehovahs Witnesses 86: 9-27
Learn to recognize 78: 12-7
On foot 78: 9-28
Recognize by fruits 73: 7-15
Roam to destroy knowledge of God 73: 4-14
Sent by Lucifer 78: 11-20
Will discredit true prophets 78: 9-28
Renewal 78: 2-1
Security 71: 5-19; 76: 2-10
Shepherds 77: 6-18
Teachers 74: 2-1, 2-10, 3-24; 75: 2-10; 76: 5-26, 6-5; 77: 2-10, 3-18; 78: 2-10, 5-3, 7-25
Teachings 78: 3-18
Witness 79: 6-9
Anchor for souls 73: 9-7
Attack from satan 76: 7-15; 78: 3-15
Destroy it and you destroy the country 80: 6-18
Discord 73: 12-24; 75: 2-1
Torn apart by 78: 4-1, 9-7
Disintegrating 74: 12-24; 86: 9-27
Disunity 78: 9-13
Foundation for a young life 75: 3-18
Greatest detriment is desire for material goods 73: 3-18
Lack of discipline, holiness 75: 8-14
Lost their way 74: 3-18
Must be guarded 78: 11-20
Must be returned to the holy state it was constructed for 86: 9-27
Must remove all sophisticated rationalization of sin 73: 12-31
Need peace and quiet of spirit 76: 7-24
Parents role 75: 7-15
Retire from world, pray together 73: 5-10
Suffering caused by 666 76: 8-21
That prays together stays together 74: 6-18; 75: 3-18; 76: 3-18; 79: 6-18
The head of an earthly family is the father 75: 7-15
The strength for souls will be found in the family circle 71: 2-1
Famine 74: 3-18; 76: 8-21, 9-14; 77: 7-15; 78: 5-13, 7-25; 83: 6-18
Fanatics, let them call you 84: 4-14
Fashions (SEE ALSO Modesty) 70: 8-5; 73: 3-24, 3-25, 9-28; 74: 6-8; 78: 4-1
Friday written as a fast day forever 71: 2-28
Shall you be forced to fast and starve your bodies? 73: 8-14
What happened to the black fast? 73: 12-7
Father M. 72: 8-14
Father S., Heaven proud that he did so much to spread message 85: 7-1
A man, as a figure of Christ, shall be head of his household 75: 3-22
All fathers of households must stand forth and practice their role 73: 3-18
Head of the household, guided by Eternal Father 75: 7-15; 76: 3-18
Must have strong will, discipline 74: 3-18; 75: 9-13
Of Washington household, should chastise his wife for foul mouth '75: 8-21
They will use the rod and not permit their children to go astray 73: 3-18
Fatima (SEE ALSO Consecration of Russia) 71: 3-24, 6-17; '74: 4-13; '75: 10-6; '77: 2-10, 12-31; '78: 5-27, 11-25, 12-7; '79: 10-2; 85: 9-14; 86: 6-18; 87: 6-6, 6-18, 10-2
Grotto and children of '79: 7-14
Message '74: 7-25, 11-23
Must be followed '73: 9-28
One of good spirit must enter Rome and bring out conclusion of warning '76: 12-7
Revelation given to Lucy as a temporary Secret LOC92: 4-1
Satan entered Church on that date as promised at 86: 6-18
Third Secret '77: 4-2, 12-31; '78: 5-13
To this day, you have not been given the full secrets as given to children at 86: 6-18
Warned, bishop vs. bishop and satan in their midst '76: 11-20
Warning '76: 12-7
Write Holy Father to make known the full message of 87: 6-6
F.B.I. 88: 10-1
Fear 70: 9-14; 71: 8-21; '73: 11-1; '75: 11-1; '77: 2-10, 5-14, 7-15, 8-13, 9-13; '78: 2-1, 2-10
All of good/well spirit need not fear 72: 9-7; '73: 6-16, 11-24, 12-24; '75: 2-1, 9-6
All who listen to Our Lady's counsel need not '75: 11-22
Does not beget love '77: 5-30
Face with prayer, it will disappear '73: 6-16; '74: 8-21, 9-7, '75: 3-29, 4-5, 9-6, 11-22
For salvation of soul '74: 4-6
From rejecting warnings from God '76: 12-7
Need fear no man on earth '74: 6-15
No need; Eternal Father will turn all evil to good '74: 7-1
Not a fear crusade '76: 5-26
Nothing to fear, but fear itself '76: 11-20; 87: 10-2
Only one to fear, the fear of an angry God 85: 10-5
Overcome it with Rosary '74: 8-21
Promoted by Lucifer '73: 12-7
Promoted by mass murder '77: 12-7
Shall cause many to die '78: 12-7
Tool of satan 71: 5-30; '74: 4-13, 9-28, 11-23; '77: 9-7; '79: 9-14; 87: 10-2
Fence, on the sacred grounds '74: 12-6, 12-24, 12-28; '75: 2-10
Better few with quality '77: 6-16
Carry heavy burden '77: 7-15, 9-13
Hold back full destruction of mankind '76: 11-22
Remain in light because of world's material riches '75: 11-1
Saved '74: 8-14; '75: 3-29; '76: 5-29, 9-7, 11-22; '77: 7-15, 9-13; 78: 3-24, 7-15, 10-2; '80: 6-18
Fifth column '76: 5-15
Finances, of Shrine
Veronica not to become unduly concerned about 84: 6-30
Firmament, shall be aflame '77: 5-14, 5-18, 11-1
First Friday, Our Lady requests hour of purgatorial reparation '73: 8-21
First Saturdays '74: 4-6; 86: 6-18; 87: 6-18
Requests not acceded to 87: 6-18
Flag of U.S., being defiled 87: 10-2
Flesh, sins of, condemn many to hell '74: 5-30; '77: 3-18; '79: 8-14
Debasement, sensuality, sexuality '75: 8-21
Man given over to '73: 9-13, 11-24; '76: 10-6; 77: 6-18, 7-25
Pleasures of '74: 7-1; '78: 8-14; '79: 9-7
Brings destruction of soul '78: 9-28
Cannot follow and enter Heaven '73: 10-2
Destruction to pastors '78: 5-13
The call of satan '74: 4-6; '75: 7-15
Floods 72: 4-1, 7-25; '73: 7-15, 9-7; '75: 9-13; 83: 3-18, 6-18; 84: 6-18, 6-30; 85: 11-1; 86: 5-17, 6-18, 9-27
Flying saucers (SEE UFO's)
Food, keep in homes '76: 6-12; 85: 10-5, 11-1
Fornication 72: 3-25, 5-10; '74: 3-18, 7-15; '75: 9-13; '77: 5-18, 11-21; 85: 11-1
Even among men of God '73: 3-25
Fortitude '73: 6-16; '74: 9-7; '75: 2-10
Fortune telling 72: 5-30; '77: 5-28
"We are not in the fortune-telling business" 75: 8-5, 8-21, 11-22
Foundation, Our Lady of the Roses '77: 7-25
Founding Fathers '73: 11-24; '74: 3-18; '77: 7-25; '78: 6-18
Francisco 73: 2-1; 74: 5-22, 5-30; 75: 8-21
Frank 88: 6-18
Blessed with presence of Louis Even 75: 11-1
Free will 71: 4-3, 5-30, 6-17, 9-7, 9-14, 11-20, 12-24; 72: 3-24, 4-10, 9-7, 9-14, 9-28; 84: 6-18, 6-30; 85: 7-1, 11-1; 86: 5-17; 77: 5-18, 10-1; 78: 3-18, 3-25
Choose our own eternity 79: 10-6
Can be used for good or evil 77: 6-18
Make your decision of free will 77: 8-5, 11-19
Many have turned away the Spirit of Light 77: 6-16
Many use it to cast aside light and accept darkness 76: 11-20
None shall enter abyss, except through free will 75: 7-15, 11-1; 77: 8-13; 79: 6-9, 10-6; 81: 5-30
Sets man on road to destruction, perdition 74: 12-28; 79: 8-14
Sets man on path to Heaven or Lucifer 74: 6-18, 4-13
Subjugate to the Eternal Father 75: 8-21
There will be every chance given to save a soul 71: 8-21
To choose, God or Lucifer 73: 2-10
Freemasonry 77: 11-1; 78: 11-25
All who join will be condemned to abyss forever 74: 8-21
Condemned as synagogue of satan 76: 11-1
Not giving names and dates of hierarchy joining 76: 11-20
Vs. Catholicism 76: 11-1
Must be a day of self-denial now and forever more 71: 2-28
Funerals, not to be a carnival of pleasure 76: 8-14
After cleansing, shall be glorious 73: 3-18
Counted in months 77:10-6
Destiny up to man 77: 4-9
Do not be too anxious to know 76: 6-24
Is now 73: 2-1; 74: 6-8, 9-28; 75: 2-10, 9-6, 10-2; 76: 4-10, 4-17, 12-24; 77: 3-18, 4-2, 5-18, 5-30, 9-7, 11-1, 12-31; 78: 5-20, 9-13; 79: 9-14, 9-28; 80: 10-6; 81: 6-13
Picture of death 75: 3-18
Very short for many 79: 11-24
Will be filled with news for man 78: 8-19
Will unfold before your very eyes 81: 6-13
You do not have thirty years to spread this message 74: 8-5
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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