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Topical Index of Our Lady of the Roses messages


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Machine-gun fire ‘79: 9-28

Main altar, restore ‘85: 8-21


Abandoned now to seek his own way ‘79: 11-25

Accepts temporary wealth by giving himself to satan ‘73: 3-25

After trials and cleansing, will follow plan of Father in triumph ‘73: 9-13

All descended from Adam and Eve, created in image of God ‘79: 6-18

All that is rotten must fall ‘81: 6-18

All will be tested before Jesus’ return ‘83: 6-18

Allows demons to direct his actions ‘73: 4-14

Always warned of his folly ‘77: 5-30

An instrument of God, has become instrument of satan ‘73: 2-10

And woman, distinction being cast aside ‘79: 9-28

Back to animal stage ‘72: 3-25; ‘73: 7-1, 8-5; ‘75: 9-27; ‘78: 8-14

Behind the mask ‘75: 9-13

Blinded by sin ‘74: 4-6; ‘77: 5-28

Blindly sowing seeds of his own destruction ‘75: 5-28

Blinds himself to truth he doesn’t want to accept ‘75: 9-13

Breadwinner of family ‘73: 7-25

Brings upon itself a great sword ‘74: 7-1

Building new world, eliminating God ‘77: 11-19

Can be brought out of satan’s web by prayers of another ‘79: 7-25

Cannot live without God ‘78: 10-6

Cannot rationalize sin or creation ‘77: 7-25

Cares more for pleasures of world than things of Heaven ‘74:6-15,6-18,7-1; ‘75: 8-5, 9-5, 11-20, 12-31; ‘78: 8-19

Carnal nature ‘76: 5-15

Carried away by his intellect and emotions ‘73: 3-18

Cast aside teachings of the Father ‘73: 9-7

Casts aside true role of children of Eternal Father ‘75: 3-22

Chosen to give honor to man ‘73: 8-21

Conduct in Church causes great suffering in Heaven ‘75: 7-25

Covers the world with spiritual darkness ‘79: 7-25

Created in image of Eternal Father and given rules for his welfare ‘78: 2-1

Created to live peacefully and know his God ‘83: 3-26

Creates instruments of our own torture and destruction ‘74: 8-21, 9-28

Darkness has fallen upon ‘92: 6-18

Darkness of heart ‘73: 9-13

Defilement ‘76: 1-31; ‘77: 7-15

Degenerate and godless ‘79: 9-14, 9-28

Demons coming from mouths, tails of demons for tongues ‘73: 7-25

Do not wear immodest clothes ‘75: 3-29

Does not seem to learn from his past, repeats same mistakes ‘92: 6-18

Each holds responsibility for his soul and loved ones ‘74: 6-15, 9-28

Fallen nature ‘75: 10-6

Following road of the fallen angels ‘75: 5-17; ‘76: 11-20; ‘77: 5-14, 10-6

Gathering destructive missiles ‘76: 7-24

Get down on your knees, or wash your souls in blood, do penance ‘75: 2-10, 6-18

Given choice of leaders: Eternal Father or satan ‘78: 2-10

Giving himself to perdition can bring nothing, but destruction to U. S. ‘79: 5-26

Gradual extinction from earth ‘73: 3-25

Great knowledge, but cannot stop deaths because God has no place in the home ‘81: 6-13

Great tragedy, before making effort to return to God 79: 5-26

Grovels like the serpents ‘74: 11-1

Has brought time of punishment upon himself ‘73: 10-6

Has chosen own path built on pride, arrogance, and lust ‘91: 6-18

Has given body and spirit to Lucifer ‘74: 4-6; ‘77: 7-25

Has grown soft in the luxuries of his worldly life ‘71: 2-1

Has inborn conscience ‘73: 3-25

Has lost his way ‘73: 3-18, 11-1

Has lost touch with the Father ‘73: 8-14

Has new capacity to destroy himself in moments ‘77: 11-1; ‘80: 10-6

Has not learned by past experience ‘78: 8-5

Has not progressed as Eternal Father deemed ‘91: 6-18

Has rebelled against his God ‘76: 12-28

Has refused redemption ‘78: 10-6

Has set himself up as idol ‘73: 2-1, 7-15

Has set his destiny by his actions ‘73: 11-24; ‘76: 7-15

Has set pace for own destruction ‘73: 2-1

Head of household ‘78: 7-15

Heed Message; time grows short ‘74: 4-13; ‘77: 2-10

Holds the balance for his own chastisement ‘75: 6-18, 8-14

Image of God ‘79: 9-7

Inhumanity of man to brother ‘75: 4-5; ‘81: 5-30

Is no longer humble ‘73: 10-6

Learn from Lucifer’s trial in Heaven ‘80: 6-18

Light of knowledge in heart ‘75: 7-15

Live each day as though your last ‘81: 5-30

Live in faith, trust in God ‘73: 8-5

Live life of sacrifice, simplicity ‘73: 7-1

Lives as though immortal ‘74: 8-14

Lost to satan of free will ‘78: 8-14

Loves creature more than Creator ‘74: 4-13, 8-5, 9-28, 11-1, 11-23, 12-31; ‘77: 2-1

Many signs from Heaven ‘73: 9-7

Mark of beast or sign of cross ‘74: 8-5; ‘79: 8-4

Must change to meet God’s standards ‘74: 5-22, 12-6; ‘75: 7-15; ‘77: 2-10

Must choose between Heaven and the flesh, cross and serpent ‘78: 9-13; ‘79: 10-2

Must cleanse himself by trials and penance ‘73: 7-1

Must decide of free will to follow will of Father or Lucifer ‘73: 9-28

Must not change words of Message ‘77: 5-30

Must not compromise Faith ‘75: 8-21

Must now send Lucifer back to hell ‘78: 11-20

Must pass beyond veil and be judged ‘76: 9-14

No escape from satan’s web without effort ‘73: 10-6; 76: 11-1

Not an idol ‘74: 5-14, 5-22, 9-13; ‘75: 2-10; ‘76: 12-7

Not beyond corruption by satan ‘77: 8-5

Now being marked 78: 3-15, 8-14

Of learning get on knees and make atonement ‘75: 7-15

On course of soul and self destruction LOC’91: 1-31

On earth to make way back to the Kingdom by merit ‘71: 2-1; ‘73: 2-10; ‘76: 1-31, 9-28

Only obligation is to Father ‘74: 6-8, 6-15

Pilgrim on earth ‘72: 3-25

Placed on earth to do battle with satan ‘74: 8-5, 11-20, 12-28; 77:11-19

Reduced to robot state ‘77: 4-2

Refuses graces from the Father ‘74: 10-6

Refuses to mend his ways, leaving no recourse but chastisement ‘75: 6-5; ‘77: 7-15

Regressed to paganism, idolatry, insanity from sin ‘79: 6-9

Reject world to enter the Kingdom ‘74: 5-22, 5-30; ‘75: 2-1, 3-22, 6-5; ‘77: 11-1

Rejects Message because of blindness and delusion ‘75: 5-17; ‘76: 5-29

Rejected truth from God, found satan ‘79: 6-9

Repent, humble himself, and do penance ‘73: 9-28

Return to fast and penance, rigid discipline ‘73: 6-16, 12-31

Seeking Heaven without the supernatural 74: 9-13; ‘76: 10-6

Seeking supernatural knowledge but finding satan ‘76: 12-7

Seeks peace, prepares for war, consorts with enemy ‘75: 9-13

Seeks to control life and death ‘74: 10-6; ‘75: 8-5, 12-27; 77: 10-1; ‘78: 7-25, 9-7; ‘79: 10-6; ‘81: 6-18; ‘82: 6-18

Seeks to change word of God ‘74: 12-28

Self-seeking, pleasure-loving and uncharitable ‘73: 6-16

Set himself on road to destruction ‘75: 6-5

Setting up his own rules; shall destroy himself ‘76: 9-28; ‘77: 6-16

Shall be removed from your planet ‘76: 1-31

Shall envy the dead ‘78: 8-14

Shall fall into abyss if he wills his soul to satan ‘76: 2-10

Shall not create a new world ‘78: 2-10, 3-18

Shall not dress as women ‘74: 7-25

Shall rationalize himself out of the Kingdom of Heaven ‘75: 7-25

Sought success and riches, found a void ‘79: 11-20

Sought to go beyond Creator ‘73: 7-15

Spirit darkened, eyes blind, heart hardened ‘76: 12-28

Starve bodies of demons ‘73: 6-16, 12-7

Strive to be as perfect as God to enter the Kingdom ‘79: 8-4

Time of testing ‘76: 8-5, 10-6

Transgressed into evil worse than time of Noe or Sodom ’72: 4-1, 9-28; ’74: 8-5; ‘76: 6-12, 9-7; ’77: 7-25; ‘80: 6-18; ‘81:5-30; ‘82: 6-18; ’92: 10-6

Turn from ways of the world, seek things of God ‘73: 4-14

Use every means to obtain graces to strengthen soul 73: 3-18

When he is not with his God, his god becomes Lucifer ‘85: 7-25

Will accept or reject Message of free will ‘74: 2-10; ‘75: 12-24; ‘76: 6-12

Will be chastised and cleansed ‘73: 8-21

Will be forced by trials to change way of life ‘73: 7-25

Will be forced to his knees ‘73: 9-13

Will be returned to former state, no longer forced by agents of hell to offend God ‘73: 8-14

Will be tested as mettle in the fires ‘75: 8-5, 10-2; ‘76: 7-24, 12-24; ’77: 9-28; ’78: 11-20

Will emerge from suffering refreshed and in the light of God ‘77: 6-16

Will not have the years of two hands to count on unless he returns to God ‘75: 6-5

Will repeat errors until sin is a way of life ‘77: 9-28

With satan, can inflict death on the soul ‘81: 6-18

Woe to the man who scandalizes and causes to fall a young soul ‘81: 6-18

Would spend less time in purgatory if he accepts suffering in the will of the Father ‘73: 4-14

Man behind the mask rules U. S. ‘74: 7-25, 8-21

Rockefeller ’75: 9-13

Man of perdition/deception/sin ‘71: 2-11, 4-3; ‘76: 6-12; ‘77: 9-7, 11-9

Allowed on earth because the chalice has filled ‘77: 9-7

Can cast voice into animals ‘77: 9-13

Can change appearance before your eyes ‘77: 9-13

Entered fallen soul in the priesthood in 1971 ‘77: 9-7

Has been with you for some time; Our Lady holds up five fingers ‘73: 9-28

In your country now ‘70: 12-7; ‘71: 2-1, 5-19, 8-5; ‘92: 6-18

Of dark secrets waiting to enter Seat of Peter ‘74: 12-6

Satan, 666, walking in a dead body ‘76: 10-6; ‘77: 9-13

Thrives on bloodshed ‘77: 9-7

Walks your earth 77: 10-6

Will come as figure of virtue, covered with robes of purity ‘74: 4-13

Will try to imitate Jesus ‘74: 4-13


Beware those of satan; like rotten apple, his odor will be given in time 73:10-6

Cures of body and spirit ‘75: 2-1

For edification and strength ‘72: 2-1; ‘79: 8-14, 10-6

From Eternal Father to guide us ‘79: 11-24

Great miracle, spectacle in the heavens ‘74: 5-33, 6-18, 7-15

Many given to disciples of latter days ‘78: 8-19

More abundant than in past ‘73: 3-18, 4-14

Of graces given ‘73: 12-7

Phenomenon of great magnitude ‘74: 8-14

Test the spirits ‘77: 5-14, 6-18, 8-5

UFO’s from satan/hell ’73: 12-24; ‘74: 9-28; 78: 2-1, 2-10, 3-25, 5-27, 6-1; ’79: 6-18

Verify Our Lady’s visit ‘74: 3-18

Will be many ‘71: 9-7, 9-14, 11-20; ‘72: 4-1, 7-15, 8-15, 9-14; ‘73: 9-7; ‘74: 9-28, 12-24; ‘75: 2-10, 10-6; 76: 4-17; ‘77: 7-15, 8-13, 11-21; 78: 3-25, 5-20, 6-18, 7-25, 8-5

Will startle and puzzle the scientific world ‘76: 8-21

Manna fed from Heaven ‘74: 9-13

Mantle of Our Lady 77: 4-9, 5-14, 5-30


Are called, but few are chosen ’73: 9-7, 12-24; ’74: 4-13, 12-31; ’75: 3-29, 10-2, 10-6, 12-24; ‘76: 1-31, 2-10, 5-13, 5-26, 6-12, 6-24, 8-14, 10-6, 11-22; ‘77: 4-9, 5-14, 5-18; ‘78: 3-15, 3-18, 3-25, 4-1, 5-27; ‘79: 6-2, 7-25

Not all shall be saved ‘78: 4-1, 5-27, 5-30

Shall be taken from among you ‘76: 1-31, 2-10

Mark ‘78: 7-15

Of the cross or of the beast ‘72: 3-25; ‘75: 2-10

Will recognize with our eyes ‘78: 7-25

Marriage(s)/Matrimony ‘70: 12-31; 76: 5-15; ‘78: 5-3, 6-10

Annulments, many given without due cause ’86: 9-27

Annulments scandalize your nation and the world ‘78: 5-3

Annulments shall not be accepted without due cause ‘86: 9-27

Becoming nullified ‘86: 6-18

Common law marriages will not be tolerated ’85: 11-1

Holiness being cast aside ‘87: 6-18

Humanae Vitae is true and must be followed ’76:10-2

Not to be dissolved by man 74: 12-28

Number of annulments scandalizing the U.S. and the world ’78: 5-3

Sacrament being destroyed slowly ‘87: 6-6

Sacredness must not be destroyed by sensuality ‘75: 8-21

Shall not be tolerated in Heaven, common-law ‘85: 11-1

Sanctity defiled ‘75: 9-13; ‘76: 12-28

Satan has powers to turn husband against spouse, wife against husband ‘73: 10-2

You cannot escape hell if you dissolve a marriage blessed by the Father ‘73: 10-2

Martyrs/Martyrdom ‘70: 8-5; ‘71: 7-25; ‘74: 8-21; ‘75: 2-10; ‘76: 1-31; ‘78: 4-1, 11-20; ‘79: 6-9

Children, major martyrs now ‘78: 11-25

Crowns from suffering ‘75: 12-6; ‘77:12-7

Defenders of the Faith ‘76: 9-7; ‘81: 6-13

Follow example of piety, chastity, good works ‘75: 11-1

For those given much, much expected, even martyrdom ‘79: 11-24

Gained time for us ‘74: 3-18

Greatest glory, living martyrdom for God ‘76: 9-7

Man shall be slain for the Lamb 75:12-31

Many in days ahead ‘70: 8-21; ‘71: 8-21, 9-28; ‘72: 4-10; ’74: 3-18, 4-13, 6-15; ‘75: 8-14, 11-20, 11-22: ‘76: 5-26, 6-5, 844, 9-14; ‘77: 4-9, 5-1.4. 9-7; 78: 8-14

Means immediate entrance into Heaven ‘78: 11-20

Means to Heaven ‘79: 11-24

Of old ‘74: 3-24

Of the tribulation ‘77: 5-14, 5-28, 5-30

Persecution, but not necessarily death to body ‘74: 10-2

Masons ‘78: 6-1

Hierarchy in ‘78: 6-18

Not of God ’77: 11-1

Past Popes have warned against joining the ‘77: 11-1

Secretly plot against the Church ’78: 6-1

Sons of satan ’74: 8-21

Synagogue of satan ’76: 11-1

Worship gods of nature ’77: 11-1

Mass, Holy Sacrifice of the

“A quietude must be returned to the House of God” ‘75: 3-22

Aberrations not condoned by Pope Paul ‘75: 6-5

Black mass ‘74: 6-8; ‘77: 8-13, 9-28, 10-1, 11-1, 11-19, 12-7; ‘81: 8-14

Cannot be done properly in thirty minutes ‘75: 4-5

Celebrated with neither honor nor sacrifice ‘84: 6-30

Celebration displeases God and grieves Jesus ‘75: 3-18, 4-5

Dancing not condoned during the ‘ 75: 3-18

Diabolical music/dancing not condoned by Eternal Father ‘75: 3-18

Eternal Father displeased with conduct of clergy and laity ‘79: 7-25

Great lack of respect ‘75: 11-20

Guitars used at musical ‘85: 9-7

Have a Mass said for the conversion of your loved ones ‘71: 11-1

Is valid ‘71: 10-2; ‘74: 11-23; ‘76: 8-5, 12-7; ‘78: 6-10; ‘81: 8-14

Jesus wants the Old Mass to return ’85: 7-1

Jesus comes to you during the Consecration in the ’73: 10-6; ’74: 2-10, 3-18; ’77: 4-9, 5-18, 6-18; ’78: 7-15; ’81: 8-14

Kneel before your God in the Eucharist ’79: 7-14

Latin, language of the universal Church ‘76: 4-10

- Removal of Latin language in the Mass a defilement by man ‘ 76: 4-10

Many come with abominations in their hearts ‘75: 12-24

Must come properly clothed ’74: 8-14, 12-31; ‘75: 3-18, 3-22; ’77: 4-9; ’79: 5-26

No women to be on the altar ’87: 10-2

Pagan dress at ’74: 8-14, 12-31; ’79: 5-26

Pagan rituals, dancing and clapping ‘70: 11-20

Quietude must be returned to the House of God ’75: 3-22

Remain with hands folded when not using Missal ‘75: 9-6; ‘77: 4-9, 5-18

Restore the altar railings ’81: 5-30

Return to your traditional rites ’75: 11-22

Reverence, respect, holiness must be returned ‘75: 9-6

Rules for discipline during ‘76: 12-7

Shorts not to be worn in the presence of Jesus ’74: 7-25

“The true Sacrifice has been replaced by a meal‘’  ‘76: 8-21

Unite hearts with Jesus ‘75: 3-18

Women must cover heads during prayer and the Mass ’72: 2-1; ‘74: 8-14, 11-23; ‘75: 3-18, 3-22, 9-6; ‘76: 5-29, 9-28; ‘77: 11-19; ‘78: 4-1, 7-5, 7-15

- A defiant act that women no longer cover their heads during Mass ’78: 7-15

- Commanded by the angels ’77: 11-19; ‘78: 7-15

- Not a mere custom or fashion ’75: 9-6; ’76: 9-28

- Spoken of in 1 Corinthians 11  ’78: 4-1

“Women shall not approach the Sacred Body dressed as pagans!” ’75: 3-18

“Women shall not receive My Son dressed as pagans, naked and without absolution!” ’74: 12-31

Materialism ‘70: 12-24; ‘71: 7-25, 8-21, 10-2, 12-24; ‘77: 6-18, 10-1; ‘78: 3-15, 3-18, 3-25, 5-13, 11-25; ‘79: 11-24; ‘85: 10-5; ‘87: 6-6

Has replaced spiritualism ‘86: 6-18


Miraculous Medal ‘87: 6-18

Of Our Lady of the Roses ‘70: 9-28, 11-1; ‘71: 2-11, 5-30; ‘73: 5-30; ‘85: 11-1; ‘86: 5-17; ‘87: 6-18

Of St. Benedict ‘76: 11-20; ‘77: 10-6; 79: 6-9, 7-25, 8-14; ‘83: 5-28; ‘85: 7-25; ‘87: 6-6, 6-18

- Must never be removed from body ‘92: 10-6

- Satan must run at sight of ‘87: 6-6

- Second hidden meaning ‘85: 7-25

You must always wear a ‘86: 5-17

Media ‘78: 2-10

All infiltrated and controlled ‘74: 8-21; ‘75: 6-5; ‘79: 7-14; ‘81: 8-14

Appeals from Heaven to ‘77: 8-13

Be careful what you accept from ‘78: 9-28

Controlled by satan ‘71: 2-1, 5-19; ‘73: 6-8; ‘74: 9-7, 9-13; ‘75: 6-18, 9-6; ‘76: 5-26, 9-7, 10-6, 11-20, 11-22; ‘77: 3-18, 4-2, 5-28, 11-1, 12-7; ‘78: 2-1, 5-13, 5-20, 6-10, 11-25; ‘79: 5-23, 8-4, 11-24; ‘80: 6-18; ‘87: 6-6; ‘90: 6-18

Corrupted ‘75: 8-21; ‘77: 2-10, 6-16, 10-6

Deceive you ‘75: 6-5

Do all you can to foster the return of morality in ‘85: 10-5

Do not be influenced by ‘76: 5-29; ‘77: 4-9; ‘79: 8-14

Enticing and seducing our children ‘79: 10-6

Evil and filth in ‘77: 5-14, 5-18, 9-7, 9-26

Have taken up call to arms for Heaven ‘77: 9-28

Illuminati control much of ‘87: 6-18

Monitored by enemy ‘78: 5-20

Not truthful ‘74: 5-30; 76: 9-7, 11-22; ‘77: 5-14; 79: 5-23, 7-14; ‘81: 6-18; ‘84: 6-30

Responsible for the fall of your country ‘78: 2-10

Satan has control of all ‘90: 6-18

Spread misquotes, errors, lies about Pope ‘74: 4-13; ‘81: 8-14

Mediator(s)/Mediatrix between God and man (in virtually every Message) ‘70: 9-7; ‘73: 9-28; ‘77: 8-13

Bearer of tidings from Heaven ‘75: 8-14

Counsels you to do penance ‘77: 10-6

In the will of the Eternal Father ‘76: 9-14; ‘78: 9-28, 10-6

Of all graces ’71: 9-7, 11-24; ’72: 7-25, 8-14, 8-15, 10-6; ‘73: 3-18

Our Lady brings final warning to mankind ‘76: 1-31

Our Lady has accepted Her role as ‘85: 7-1

Shall direct children of earth in crushing rule of satan ‘78: 5-13

Through merciful heart of Father ‘74: 2-10, 3-18

Will continue to guide you in days ahead ‘78: 6-18

Will remain until completion of Father’s plan ‘77: 5-18

Meekness ‘74: 7-1

Mercy of God ‘78: 3-18

Stretched to the breaking point ‘73: 12-7

Message from Heaven

“A personal Message to each and every one of you” ‘85: 9-7

Accepted or rejected in free will ‘74: 6-15; ‘76: 6-18

All, who close their hearts, will be brought to their knees in shock ‘75: 2-1

Before the end, all will have heard and made choice 77: 6-18

Being rejected in Rome ‘85: 9-14

Biweekly format to be sent to clergy and laity LOC’91: 8-20

Bring to others and pray they will accept it ‘76: 3-18

Comes directly from Father ‘78: 8-5

Conspiracy of evil in U. S. to stop it ‘75: 5-28

Contains no contradiction ‘77: 5-28

Continue sending out all Messages ‘71: 8-21; ‘77: 9-13; ‘81: 5-30

Continues to go throughout the world ‘73: 11-1; ‘79: 5-26

Disperse all past messages ‘71: 10-2; ‘72: 8-5

Disputes over ‘77: 5-18

Do not question ‘77: 6-18

Door to door ‘77: 4-2

For all mankind, especially for clergy ‘73: 10-2; ‘74: 9-7; ‘78: 7-25; ‘79: 8-4, 8-14

Forces of evil set against ‘74: 11-23

Frightening ‘78: 7-15

Given to all, regardless of creed ‘78: 5-6, 6-10, 7-25, 9-7

Given to Jacinta and Francisco, are the same now ‘75: 8-21

Given to man until return of Jesus ‘76: 4-17

Given to many seers ‘74: 12-28

Good words kept in a closed mouth is like putting meat on a dead man’s grave ’74: 9-7; ’75: 8-21; ‘76: 6-5, 8-5, 10-6; ’77: 2-1, 10-1; ’78: 8-5

Great grace from Heaven ‘77: 5-28

Has been given for many years ‘77: 3-18; ‘78: 6-18

Has reached all corners of earth ‘76: 10-2; 79: 7-25, 11-24; ‘80: 6-18

Has reached every major nation in the world ‘84: 6-18

Have you read and reread messages that go back to 1970? ‘85: 9-14

Holy Spirit working among you ‘74: 9-28

If accepted, you would not have reached this point ‘83: 3-26

If cast aside, will be lost ‘74: 8-5

“If you still My voice, My children, you will be destroyed” ’79: 11-24

In prose ‘78: 5-27

Is free to free spirits ‘77: 6-4

Is in unison throughout world; penance, atonement, sacrifice ‘73: 8-21

Known in Rome ‘75: 11-1; ‘76: 3-18, 5-26, 6-12, 8-14; ‘77: 5-30

Lengthy ‘78: 5-3, 6-10

Many are not listening to the ‘83: 6-18

Many have hardened hearts, refuse to accept ‘78: 10-6; ‘79: 9-14

Many obstacles will be set in way ‘73: 10-2

Many reject and persecute children of light ‘75: 6-5

Many tears shed in recognition, but too late ‘75: 2-10

Messages prior to 1970 most urgent to be given to the world ‘85: 9-14

Much given in photographs ‘77: 6-16

Much given in secret ‘76: 11-20

Much help will be sent ‘73: 7-1; ‘76: 5-29

Much is being overlooked due to the quantity of messages ‘88: 10-6

Must be accepted by bishops and cardinals despite controversy ‘78: 11-20

Must go in/with haste ‘73: 5-30; ‘78: 8-14

Must not be overly concerned with its acceptance ‘75: 2-10, 3-18

Must reach all cardinals ‘72: 9-14

Must read and reread ‘78: 2-1, 12-7; ‘79: 9-28; ’85: 9-14; ’86: 5-17

No need to fear if not against God or Church ‘74: 9-28; ‘77: 11-1

Not of doomsday, but of truth ‘76: 6-18

Not from Veronica’s mind, but Our Lady’s ‘76: 5-15

Not given to world ‘77: 12-31

Not of fear, but of fact or hope ‘71: 8-21; ‘74: 12-6, 12-24; ‘76: 1-31, 8-14

Not permitted in our media ‘74: 8-21

Not to frighten you, but to reveal what will happen if you do not act upon Our Lady’s counsel ‘85: 9-14

Not understood by those in darkness ‘76: 4-17

Of reality ‘78: 9-7

Of September, 1975 ‘76: 1-31

Of warning ‘78: 2-1, 5-13

One day you will understand all ‘76: 11-22

Only a handful have accepted ‘88: 10-1

Permit no elaboration or additions ‘73: 6-8

Print messages from beginning and go forward to present date ‘88: 10-6

Publish them again, right from the beginning ‘86: 9-27

Reaching those destined for Kingdom; must also reach others ‘73: 3-18

Read and reread ‘86: 5-17

Read past ones and you will understand all ‘78: 11-20

Read well and know day and hour of tribulation ‘80: 6-18

Rejected by many ‘74: 3-18, 4-6, 8-5; ‘75: 2-1, 7-15, 7-25, 12-6; ‘76: 5-26; ‘78: 5-3, 10-6; ‘79: 5-23, 9-14

Rejected by those who should know better ‘74: 12-31; ‘75: 3-18

Remember well, not cast aside ‘73: 12-29

Repeated for reason ‘73: 6-8, 12-24; ‘77: 7-25

Send person to person, link to link, pen to pen, word to word ‘75: 8-14

Send to cardinals and bishops ‘71: 7-25, 11-20, 12-24; ‘72: 9-28

Sent to the world to recover souls ‘73: 10-6

Shout from the rooftops ‘70: 9-14; ’73: 6-8, 6-16, 7-1, 8-5; ’74: 3-24, 5-22, 5-30, 7-15, 8-21, 11-20, 12-28; ’75: 2-10, 3-29, 4-5, 5-17, 6-5, 8-21, 9-27, 10-6; ‘76: 6-5, 6-24, 7-15, 9-28, 11-20, 11-22, 12-28; ‘77: 3-18, 9-13; ’78: 5-27, 7-15, 7-25; ’79: 8-14; ’81: 5-30, 6-18; ’82: 7-2; ’83: 3-18; ’85: 8-21, 10-5, 11-1; ’86: 9-27; ’90: 6-18

So few are reading ‘86: 5-17

Soon there will be a recognition ’74: 4-13

Soon voices will be stilled ‘74: 5-30

Speak once, then pray ‘73: 7-15

Spread quickly throughout the world ‘70: 11-21; ‘71: 12-24, 12-31; ‘72: 3-25, 4-1, 4-10, 5-30; ‘74: 3-18, 8-5, 9-7, 10-6, 11-1; ‘75: 2-10, 5-28, 11-1; 76: 2-10; ‘77: 2-1, 2-10, 4-9, 5-8, 9-28, 11-21; ‘78: 3-15, 3-18, 3-25; ‘79: 10-2; ‘83: 5-28, 6-18, 10-1; ‘84: 6-18; ‘86: 5-17, 6-18

Success causes confrontation with evil ‘75: 4-5

Those who hear have great obligation to others ‘76: 6-12; ‘77: 9-13

Thousands who have heard and turned their backs upon the ‘84: 4-14

Through St. Theresa, a puzzle for the human race ‘81: 8-14

To be compiled into books ‘72: 8-14

Unless you follow, cannot be saved ‘80: 10-2

Urgent that you read and live the ‘84: 4-14

U.S. has propensity to reach world with LOC’92: 10-31

When Message has reached the world, judgment will be set on mankind ‘74: 7-15, 8-14

Will bring discord, disagreement and disbelief ‘76: 2-10

Will bring great trial ‘74: 4-13; ‘75: 2-10, 3-18, 9-27; ‘76: 12-31

Will go throughout world long after Veronica has been taken ‘88: 10-1

Words must not be changed 76: 5-15; ‘77: 5-28, 5-30; ‘78: 6-1

Workers will help to get out ‘77: 9-7

Your duty as a Roman Catholic to spread ‘84: 6-18

Your only guide now ‘79: 11-24


All who do not recognize Jesus as Messiah do not recognize the Father ‘74: 8-5

False 74: 4-13; ‘75: 3-18; ‘76: 1-31; ‘78: 11-25

Shall return as He ascended ’75: 3-18, 3-29, 8-21; ’76: 1-31, 11-22

The Messiah was on earth and will return ‘79: 8-4

Will only come with legions of angels ‘74: 4-13


Crisis will worsen ‘70: 10-2

Your sons being sent to be there with the invasion of ‘83: 5-28


Being studied, analyzed, restructured but where is the spirit? ‘72: 5-30

Brainwashing ’77: 12-31

Control through scientific equipment and human manipulation ‘79: 8-14, 12-24

“Do not be conditioned to accept evil” ’71: 12-31

Entrance point of spirit ‘71: 5-30; ‘73: 11-24; ‘78: 6-10

Keep pure and holy thoughts ‘71: 5-30; ‘74: 4-13

Television an instrument for brainwashing/mind control ’74: 9-28; ’77: 4-2

“You can be conditioned to be confused and no longer recognize the truth” ’71: 6-17

Your children being exposed to mind control ’79: 5-23

Ministers, extraordinary, a farce ‘75: 8-21

Miracle(s) (SEE ALSO Manifestations)

False, a game of wits ‘79: 12-24

Garabandal ‘74: 7-15

Believe what you see at ‘73: 12-24

Great spectacle in sky for all to see ‘73: 12-24

Great ‘73: 4-14, 4-21, 7-15, 8-21, 12-24, 12-29; ’74: 6-8, 7-15; ’75: 9-13; ‘76: 6-12

Of God ‘72: 4-1

Of satan ‘71: 6-17; ’74: 7-25, 12-31; ‘77: 8-13

See in the days ahead ‘75: 9-27

Will appear before your eyes ‘75: 12-27

Miraculous Medal ’72: 9-14; ‘73: 3-25, 5-30; ’87: 6-18

Missile attack

Mind of satan using fallen nature of mankind to bring forward ‘83: 10-1

Planned against U.S. ‘83: 5-21

Missiles ‘85: 7-25

Invasion from Nicaragua into U.S. with ‘87: 6-18

Russia is secret agent supplying missiles to destroy U.S. and Canada ‘85: 9-14

Russia plans to invade U.S. with ‘83: 3-26

Scientists creating them to gain control of world ‘85: 7-1

U.S. surrounded by ‘84: 6-18

Vision of ‘85: 10-5

Missing children

Bodies are often cremated on pyres to satan ’85:11-1

Pawns in the hands of satanists ‘88: 6-18

Pray for mothers of ‘85: 7-1

Mission from Heaven ‘78: 3-18

All needs will be supplied ‘84: 6-18

All scoffers will learn too late it was urgent and sorely needed ‘85: 7-1

Apostleship that shall be forever written in annals of Church ‘83: 5-28

Can save world from complete extinction ‘83: 6-18

Cast aside all trifles and hindrances ‘77: 6-18

Crisis ‘77: 6-18

Do not defend against attacks of satan ‘77: 6-18

Final outcome will far exceed all of the greatest expectations ‘70: 12-26

For special children, but not always understood ‘75: 8-5

Make no decision on your own; pray and wait for sign from Heaven ‘79: 6-18

Many conferences taking place to stop ‘75: 11-22

Many sent to assist ‘78: 5-3; ‘80: 6-18

Must not be stopped by man’s opinion 76: 5-15

Only in Heaven will you understand how great was your mission upon earth ‘76: 10-6

Our Lady is the guide ‘79: 6-9

Our Lady pleased with progress of work LOC’93: 1-18

Pace must not slacken ’73: 7-15; 74: 2-10, 5-22, 6-15, 8-21, 10-6, 11-20; ’76: 6-18, 6-24, 9-28, 10-6, 12-31; ’77: 3-18, 4-9, 5-18, 6-4, 7-15, 9-28, 1-19, 12-31; ’78: 3-15, 3-18, 5-3, 7-25; ’79: 8-4, 10-6; ’80: 6-18, 10-6; ’83: 10-1; ’86: 5-17, 9-27; ’92: 6-18

Progressed very well ‘78: 5-13

Satan seeks to infiltrate upon ‘83: 3-26

Second ‘77: 11-21

Success or failure determine whether satan encroaches further on the world ‘77: 10-1

When clergy understand, recovery of souls will be accomplished ‘73: 11-24

Will be extended ‘77: 6-16

Will continue and accelerate ‘78: 2-1; ‘80: 6-18

Will take courage to carry forth ‘85: 7-1

Missions, foreign ‘78: 5-13, 5-30

Misunderstanding ‘77: 5-30

Mitres (SEE ALSO bishops and cardinals)

Leading their sheep into abyss ‘75: 2-1

Many fallen to deception of satan ‘74: 12-24

Many have faces of goats ‘75: 3-18

Many on road to perdition ‘74: 4-13; ‘75: 11-22

Many will fall into the abyss ‘71: 11-1; ‘72: 7-15; ‘72: 7-25; ‘72: 8-5; ‘72: 8-21 ‘74: 12-6; ‘75: 4-5, 10-6, 11-1; ‘81: 6-18

Need prayers ‘74: 11-23

Pride and arrogance, their downfall ‘74: 12-31; ‘81: 8-14

Shall not escape flames of damnation ‘76: 11-22

Mittens/Gloves, wear in all public processions ‘74: 9-13

Mockery ‘76: 5-26, 9-7

Modernism ‘73: 3-18; ‘74: 3-18, 4-13, 6-15, 9-7, 11-1, 11-20, 11-23; ’75: 3-22, 5-17, 7-25, 8-5, 8-21, 9-13, 11-20, 12-31; ‘76: 5-10, 5-29, 6-24, 8-14, 8-21, 9-7, 9-14, 9-28, 10-2, 11-22, 12-24, 12-31; ‘77: 8-5; ‘78: 5-20; 79: 5-23, 6-9, 7-14, 11-24; ‘80: 6-18; ‘86: 9-27; ‘87: 6-18; ‘88: 10-1; ‘89: 3-18; ‘90: 6-18

Clergy confused ‘79: 8-4, 12-24

False religion/maxim ‘73: 2-1, 3-25, 5-10; ‘76: 6-18

Heads deluded by ‘79: 10-6

Leads to errors, deceit, death ‘78: 5-30

Leads to heresy, atheism ‘76: 11-1; ‘77: 11-1

Must be erased from world 74: 9-7; 75: 5-17

Must be removed from teachings ‘73: 7-15

Produced bad fruits ‘79: 12-24

Shall destroy the world ‘79: 10-2

Snare of satan ‘73: 10-2; ‘75: 5-28, 6-18, 11-22; ‘76: 5-15, 6-5

Stymies mankind ‘85: 11-1

Teachers have given themselves over to ‘88: 10-6

Teilhard de Chardin, in hell ‘73: 3-18; ‘75: 9-13

Warned of by past leaders/Popes ‘73: 10-2; ‘75: 6-5; ‘77: 2-9; ‘78: 9-13

Will bring much suffering to mankind ‘80: 10-2

You will not enter Heaven through it 79: 7-25

Modesty ‘72: 5-10; ‘73: 12-7; ‘74: 2-10, 6-15; 75: 10-2; ‘76: 10-2, 12-28; ‘77: 3-18, 5-18; 79: 10-2

America the once-beautiful has become a nation of sin, lacking ’79: 8-5

By your good example of modesty and faith, many will be brought back onto the road to Heaven  ’77:2-1

Clothe yourselves in garments of purity, modesty and godliness ’76: 10-2

Fires of hell will be felt by all those who have lost their modesty ’71: 11-20

Must be taught to the young ’77: 5-18

Nudity and nakedness shall never be condoned ’76: 10-6

Parents, safeguard the purity of your children ‘75: 10-2

Parents, teach children modesty ‘76: 6-24

Set up a task force to stop the wave of evil in pornography ’75: 8-14

Spend your moneys on loose-fitting clothes ’75: 3-29

Teach from babyhood ‘74: 12-28

U.S. and the world must return to a disciplined life of modesty in the hearts of women ’79: 6-2

Way of life for young ‘75: 8-21

“Women shall not approach the sacred Body dressed as pagans” ’75: 3-18

Word ‘modesty’ has become forgotten on earth ’74: 6-15

World must follow the example of the Queen of Heaven ’73: 12-7


Establishment fast approaching ‘75: 5-28

Evil in ‘75: 10-2

Monetary crash

Soon be reduced to bartering for your food ‘85: 9-7

Value of money to purchase even food will be nil ‘85: 11-1

Worldwide ‘85: 9-7, 11-1

Worse than disaster back in the 1920s ‘88: 10-1


Bringing destruction to world ‘74: 12-6; ‘81: 6-18

Caused many to follow man of sin ‘73: 8-14

Has become the god for many ‘85: 9-7

Root of all evil ‘77: 6-4; ‘78: 6-18, 11-25; ‘92: 10-6

Shall be the god 78: 7-25

World bargains souls for money ‘74: 9-13; ‘76: 6-5

Monuments (SEE ALSO statues) ‘70: 11-20; ‘72: 4-10; ‘74: 12-28; ‘78: 2-1, 4-1

All who keep them are to be saved ‘71: 2-1; ‘72: 12-7; ‘73: 3-25; ‘74: 4-13, 7-25; ‘76: 12-28, 12-31; ‘77:5-14, 6-18, 8-13, 11-1

Angel of death will pass all who have them in homes ‘77: 5-18

Bleeding 75:10-2

Do not cast out ‘77: 9-28

Keep in homes ‘71: 5-19; ‘72: 4-1; ‘73: 7-5, 10-6; ‘74: 8-5, 9-7, 9-28; ‘76: 6-18, 11-22; ‘79: 6-9, 6-18, 7-25, 8-4, 8-14, 9-7

Not objects of worship ‘85: 7-25

Protect homes with ‘77: 8-5

Restore to churches and homes ‘72: 6-18; ‘73: 4-14, 9-7, 10-6, 11-24; ‘74: 4-6, 5-30; ‘75: 8-14, 11-1; ‘85: 8-21

Symbols of God and the Kingdom to come 76: 2-18

Why have you cast them aside? ‘73: 12-29

Why not build images of personages in Heaven in bronze and stone? ‘76: 12-7


Country shall fall that has lost its ‘85: 11-1

Disintegration of ‘72: 5-10

Do all you can to foster the return of ‘85: 10-5

Has fallen in most nations of the world ‘92: 6-18

Morals ‘77: 10-1

    As the morality of a country goes, so goes the country onto the road of damnation ’75: 8-21

Avoid all occasions of sin and temptation ’78: 6-10

Commandments must be followed without permissiveness ’77: 11-21

Degeneration of morals within a country is the gauge for punishment ’77: 5-18

“Disobedience to your Vicar will not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in matters of faith and morals” ’79: 9-28

Fall of a country always started with the fall of  ’76: 6-12, 10-2

“In matters of Faith and Morals, man must not change the God-given laws, coming from the Seat of Peter, and established through Tradition upon earth through My Son's Church” ’79: 10-6

Loss of ’77: 10-1

Must be restored ‘79: 8-4

New theology of morals, a creation of satan ’76: 1-31

Of your country are being destroyed ’77: 10-1

“Your country has been stripped of its morals” ’77: 9-13

Mortification ‘71: 5-19, 8-5; ’73: 9-28, 10-2; ’74: 7-15, 10-2, 11-20, 11-23, 12-7

Retrieves souls ‘74: 11-23

Speedy purification of soul ‘74: 10-2

Moses ‘71: 10-2;  ‘73: 9-7; 77: 2-1


    Persecuting the Coptics ’86: 5-17

    Vision of an Arabian sabre ’79: 12-24  

    Vision of Moslem terrorists attacking sites in New York City ’88: 10-1

Mothers/Motherhood ‘73: 7-25

Be submissive to husband ‘74: 3-18

Clean out daughters’ closets ‘70: 11-21

Few true mothers remain ‘74: 7-15

Forsaken by children ‘73: 12-24

Give example of purity, piety, chastity ‘75: 9-13

Guard your children against forced loosed upon earth ‘91: 6-18

 “I will comfort you in your sorrow, for I too know the suffering of loss.” ‘79: 10-6

Make sure children have cross about their neck ‘71: 2-1

Many giving bad example 74: 3-24, 10-2

Many shall have great trial ‘73: 3-24

Must exercise great care over those placed in their trust ‘91: 6-18

Must return world to discipline, modesty, chastity ‘79: 6-2

Must take full precedence for their children ‘88: 10-6

Must teach children true faith ‘75: 3-18

“Only you can save you children, for only you care” ‘70: 9-28

Safeguard daughters’ modesty, purity ‘72: 3-25; ‘75: 10-2

Stand together ‘70: 8-21

Teach family from Book of life ‘73: 9-7

Who weep for errant children, Our Lady will show road to their recovery ‘73: 3-25

Will join Our Lady upon the cross ‘75: 3-29; ‘78: 3-25

“You must make a firm effort to be a righteous mother and a godly mother” ‘89: 3-18

Mozart ‘76: 11-1

Murder/Murderer(s) ‘71: 5-19; ‘74: 2-10, 3-18; 78: 2-10, 5-28; ‘79: 5-23, 11-24; ‘85: 8-21, 11-1; ‘86: 5-17, 6-18, 9-27; ‘87: 10-2; ‘89: 3-18

Abortion brings acceptance and promotion of murder ‘79: 5-26

Among the hierarchy ‘78: 10-6

As you become murderers in heart, your children do also ‘77: 9-28

Condemns you to hell without repentance ‘79: 11-20

Homosexuals promote 79: 6-2

In Rome ‘76: 4-10

Man of science given to ‘75: 3-18

Man without grace consorting to ‘78: 10-6

No honor among thieves and ‘76: 12-7

No man shall hasten the soul’s exit ‘76: 6-5

Not condoned by Heaven ‘76: 10-2

Not first time murder committed in Rome ‘83: 5-21

Of the Holy Innocents ‘76: 1-31

Promoted by rock music ‘79: 9-14

Rampant ‘74: 7-1, 10-2; 75: 11-20, 12-6; ‘77: 8-5, 10-6, 11-19

Satan always a murderer ‘77: 10-6

Satan will promote ‘77: 12-7, 12-31

Shall die by the sword ‘75: 11-1; 76: 3-18

Will become way of life ‘74: 9-28; 75: 9-6

Will increase and abound ‘79: 7-25, 10-2, 10-6, 11-24; ‘80: 10-6; ‘81: 6-13

Will not go unpunished ‘77: 8-5

Within the homes ‘77: 8-13, 9-13, 11-21


Diabolical, in churches, not condoned ‘75: 3-18

Major instrument for leading children into drugs, atheism, false gods ‘79: 9-14

Rock and roll, created by Lucifer to seduce children ‘78: 11-25; ‘79: 9-14

Sent into homes by Lucifer ‘78: 11-25

Steals hearts and minds of children from prayer ‘76: 11-22

My Jesus, my confidence ‘76: 5-15, 5-29, 11-22; ‘77: 5-14, 5-28, 5-30, 6-4, 6-18, 7-15, 7-25, 9-28, 10-1, 11-1, 11-19, 12-7, 12-31; ‘78: 2-1, 2-10, 3-15, 4-1, 5-3, 9-7; ‘79:11-20; ‘80: 6-18, 10-6; ‘81: 5-30, 6-13; ‘83: 3-18; ‘84: 4-14; ‘85: 9-7

Mystery of Heaven and earth ‘74: 6-15; 77: 2-1

Mystical Body of Christ ‘77: 12-7

Crucified by ungrateful man ‘73: 4-14

Crucifixion ‘74: 4-6

Great tortures ‘74: 12-6

Recrucifixion ‘76: 1-31

Shall be without a leader ‘76: 12-31

Mystical Rose ‘74: 10-6; 77: 5-3


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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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