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Topical Index of Our Lady of the Roses messages
Rabat 76: 6-12, 8-5; 77: 3-18
Do not be fooled by those who fouled their garments 75: 7-15
Teacher of life 71: 7-1; 74: 6-18; 76: 11-22, 12-24
Rabbits 76: 6-24, 11-22
No race in Heaven 76: 6-12
Race war 85: 7-25
Rapture 73: 2-1, 3-25, 6-16, 9-7; 76: 1-31, 5-29, 8-5, 10-2, 10-6; 77: 7-15, 10-1; 78: 5-27; 79: 9-28; 83: 5-28; 85: 9-7
Many will be taken to supernatural realm to await Second Coming 76: 12-7
Media will say they were carried off by flying saucers 76: 12-7
Two standing in field, one will remain, one will be taken 74: 6-15, 11-23; 75: 3-29; 85: 9-7
Rationalism 76: 3-18
Ray, unholy 71: 8-5
Raymond 71: 2-1; 74: 2-1; 76: 10-6
Removed for his own salvation 83: 5-28
Rays from Our Ladys hands 75: 2-1
Real Presence 76: 5-15, 8-14; 77: 2-1, 2-10
Not a myth 74: 11-23
Truly His Body and Blood 74: 6-8; 77: 2-1
Reason, we must use God-given sense 76: 9-7
Rebuke, every one shall be a rose 78: 9-28
Reconnaissance planes
U.S. surrounded by 84: 6-18
Red armies (SEE ALSO Communism) 78: 5-27
Red forces (SEE ALSO Communism) 75: 12-24; 76: 5-26, 6-12, 7-15, 9-7, 9-28, 11-1; 77: 2-10, 5-28, 6-4; 78: 3-15; 81: 8-14
Redemption, grace, peace 70: 9-7; 70: 9-28; 70: 11-1; 71: 8-5
Redemption of mankind '73: 3-18; '74: 5-22, 11-20; '75: 12-27; '77: 8-5; '77: 6-18; '78: 7-25; '79: 9-7, 9-14; '86: 5-17; LOC '91: 10-8
Refuge, will be established 74: 12-31
Reincarnation, fallacy of satan 74: 9-28; 75: 8-5; 78: 5-27
Rejection 76: 11-1; 78: 5-13, 5-20
Do not be concerned 75: 11-22
Heaven will not reject us; will we reject them? 79: 9-28
Religious (SEE Dedicated (Clergy and Religious))
Relics 77: 9-28; 78: 2-1; 79: 9-7
New 76: 8-5, 11-20, 12-31; 77: 5-18, 7-25; 78: 3-18, 5-20
Of man, not of God 75: 10-2, 11-20, 12-27; 77: 7-25
Only the religion of the cross can save the world 78: 11-25
Roman Catholic the only true one 78: 9-7
State controlled 78: 5-13
Under a dictator 76: 11-20
Religious apostate 78: 9-28
Remnant 76: 5-15, 5-26; 77: 11-19; 78: 3-25
False 71: 12-31; 78: 2-1
Shall be given in time to all mankind 85: 7-1
What are you renewing? 78: 2-1
Reparation 73: 4-21
Need for 74: 12-24; 91: 6-18
Repentance 71: 12-24; 78: 3-18
Fallacy that all are saved without 75: 8-21, 9-13, 12-24; 76: 10-2
Only can save world from what is fast approaching LOC91: 11-26
Soul must be rejected if without 85: 8-21
Repetition of Message 71: 2-1; 76: 10-2
Representatives (SEE Clergy and SEE Priests, Priesthood)
Reprieve 74: 2-10, 4-6, 5-30, 6-15, 8-14; 76: 10-2; 77: 4-2, 5-30, 9-7, 10-6
First 71: 4-10
Given if we make atonement to the Father 73: 10-2
How can I promise further reprieves for an unrepentant generation? 75: 12-24
Only Jesus can ask the Father for a 85: 9-7
Our Lady asks for 78: 7-25
Our Lady begs penance and atonement for reprieve from Chastisement 75: 12-31
Prayers and atonement of others have obtained two 77: 6-18
Short 74: 2-1, 5-22
Third will be denied 75: 4-5; 76: 4-10
Reprobate sense 78: 3-18, 5-3
Only the man of sin shall be given over to a 78: 9-13
U. S. given over to a 74: 11-1
General 74: 4-6; 75: 8-5; 85: 10-5
Of Jesus 73: 4-21
Revelations of John (SEE Apocalypse)
Revelations, private 74: 10-6
Revenge 78: 3-15
Revolution 77: 12-7; 78: 2-10, 6-1
From corruption 75: 2-10
In countries of the world 74: 5-22; 75: 8-14, 8-21
In Rome 78: 3-25; 79: 10-2
In the streets 75: 9-6
Money spent to promote revolution by fear 79: 8-14
For those not destined for Heaven, will be given on earth 75: 11-22
In Heaven 74: 7-5; 76: 3-18, 10-6, 11-22; 87: 10-2
Will be in Heaven, not on earth 76: 2-10
Ribaldry 73: 12-31
Riches (SEE Worldly, riches)
Eternal Father gives many 86: 6-18
For Veronica 76: 9-14
Much shall be given by 76: 10-2
Riots 75: 4-5
Rock music (SEE ALSO Music) 78: 11-25; 79: 9-14
Rockefeller, man behind the mask ruling the U.S. 75: 9-13
Burrowing into foundation of the Church 72: 7-15; 75: 2-1; 76: 9-28, 10-2, 10-6, 12-28; 77: 3-18, 7-15, 7-25; 81: 6-18; 89: 3-18
Chase the rodents from My House. 77: 3-18
Plague 77: 7-15
Roman Catholic Church (SEE ALSO Church) 76: 5-29
Born from St. Peter through Jesus hand 77: 6-18
Church of Jesus 78: 11-25
Latin the universal language of the 76: 4-10
Numbers will be reduced to a few 77: 5-14
Old Catholic Church is schismatic, and shall not use the name 80: 10-6
Only true religion 78: 9-7
The true Church of Jesus in Rome 76: 4-17
Will stand 77: 5-14
Roman Catholics, all baptized Roman Catholics must die as Roman Catholics to enter Heaven 79: 6-9, 11-20; 86: 9-27
You must die within the fold 86: 9-28
Abrogate the union with Russia 87: 6-6
Advance of 666 in 77: 12-7; 78: 9-13
Another attempt will be made by red forces on Vicars life 81: 8-14
Battle raging in 77: 5-30; 78: 5-20
Besieged 75: 11-20; 78: 5-27
Bloodbath in streets 74: 11-1; 76: 7-15; 77: 6-16; 78: 2-1, 5-13, 6-18
Capitulation to Communism 78: 3-18
Condition must be made known to world 75: 10-2
Confusion, error, heresy 76: 9-28
Crucible of suffering in 78: 4-1
Darkness of spirit 75: 8-5; 76: 11-20, 12-28; 77: 5-28, 11-1; 78: 8-14
Delusion and darkness deepening 78: 8-19
Division, discord, strife, communism 76: 2-10, 4-17, 6-12, 9-28, 11-22
Division must not take place 78: 8-19
Force of evil 75: 8-5, 10-6; 76: 5-29; 77: 2-1, 4-2, 4-9, 10-1
Foundation being whittled away 77: 12-31
Great crisis, confusion and deception in 75: 11-22; 76: 3-18, 4-6, 8-21; 78: 3-15
Great evil surrounding 74: 12-31
Great trial 76: 5-26; 77: 3-18
Has given up course that Eternal Father gave to Our Lady to pass on to Her children 85: 7-1
Haven for heretics and abominations 75: 12-24
Insanity in 77: 3-18
Light is dim 75: 12-6
Message received 76: 8-21, 10-2
Much happened because too few prayed for priesthood 78: 10-6
Not first time murder committed in 83: 5-21
Opening doors for another assassination attempt on Pope 85: 7-1
Pope Paul VI said satan had entered into 85: 9-14
Power struggle within 76: 5-15
Purged by suffering 77: 5-14
Revolution and bloodshed 76: 9-7; 77: 5-18, 6-14; 78: 3-25
Satan now in 78: 6-1, 6-10
Separation from 74: 6-15
Tested by trial 77: 5-14
Too late will they refer to Our Ladys visitation in New York 85: 9-14
Two red fish must be removed 75: 7-15
Under control of antichrist forces 75: 9-27; 76: 12-31
Under great attack 79: 5-23
Veronica will not write again to 77: 6-4
When upheaval takes place, it is the end of the era 76: 7-15
Will be seat of antichrist 78: 7-15
Will go through great convulsion 76: 6-18
Roosevelt, Franklin, in hell 75: 9-13
Rosary 70: 10-6; 74: 5-22; 75: 11-1; 79: 8-14, 12-24; 77: 2-10, 5-14, 6-18, 10-6; 78: 8-14
A manner of bringing mankind back 76: 11-22
And Scapular
- Those who wear will be saved 84: 6-18, 6-30
- We can turn this all about through 85: 10-5
- Will crush the head of satan 74: 6-15, 7-1
Armor against the forces of satan 74: 6-8
As long as there is someone praying the Rosary in your country, We will be here to guide you 92: 6-18
Beads must be fingered in nations, cities, towns 77: 5-28
Blessed by presence of Our Lady, Jesus and Eternal Father are very powerful 84: 6-18
Can save souls 70: 8-5
Continue to make 85: 10-5
Discarded in many places 70: 6-18
Do not cast aside 84: 6-18
Fifteen decades a day 84: 6-18
Gather 70: 10-6
Great value 75: 5-17
Holds back the darkness 70: 7-15; 70: 8-5; 70: 9-14; 70: 10-2
Hope of the world 73: 8-21
Increase your Rosaries 90: 6-18
Instrument of peace 73: 2-10
Is broken 76: 6-18
Keep it with you day and night 71: 4-3; 71: 8-21
Keep them on store counters 70: 11-21
Light of the world 70: 7-1
Make it the leading point of your life 84: 4-14
Major means of lessening Chastisement to U. S. 73: 4-14
Major safeguard in days ahead 78: 7-15
Major source of grace 79: 6-2
Manner of construction to be sent throughout world 76: 3-18
Music to Our hearts 85: 9-14
Must be kept going throughout the world, even if you have to go about knocking on doors 89: 3-18
Must be recited daily and twice a day, if possible 85: 9-14
Must be recited while Message is given 74: 7-15
Must go throughout world 76: 8-14; 77: 3-18, 6-4; 83: 10-1; 85: 8-21, 10-5; 86: 6-18; 92: 6-18
Must now rise to Heaven 73: 5-10
Must pray with purpose and feeling 76: 6-18
Nations free from harm that prayed 84: 4-14
Never have it farther than hands can reach 76: 11-20
No variations 78: 10-6
Not being prayed in monasteries 75: 5-28
One a day, at least 84: 4-14
Organize a solid front, link to link across your land 71: 11-20
Our Lady shows how to make them 75: 5-17
Pearls of prayer to Heaven 70: 6-18, 10-6; 79: 6-18, 8-4
Place about your childrens necks 87: 10-2
Pray constantly, daily 70: 7-1; 71: 8-5; 72: 12-24; 74: 5-20; 76: 12-31; 78: 11-25; 79: 5-26; 80: 6-18; 85: 7-1, 8-21
Pray slowly 70: 10-6; 71: 3-24;
Pray when your heart grows heavy 73: 2-1
Recite daily for the conversion of your loved ones 71: 11-1
Save America the Rosary way 71: 9-7; 71: 10-7
Send a chain of Rosaries throughout your land 72: 5-30
Send them throughout the world 75: 5-17; 76: 8-14; 77: 3-18, 6-4
Shall lead you across your land 76: 6-18
Sisters must wear and pray 74: 9-28
Stems will become pure gold 84: 6-18
The power of God in your hands 70: 10-6
To be prayed from coast to coast to keep out the enemy 70: 10-6
Wear about your neck, on your belt 70: 8-14, 9-7, 10-2, 12-7; 71: 2-1, 2-11, 5-19, 5-30, 6-17, 7-1, 7-15, 9-7, 9-28, 10-7; 72: 2-1, 8-14; 73: 5-30, 6-8; 85: 9-7; 86: 5-17
Well to have more than one with you 74: 9-13
Rose petals 73: 3-24, 4-21, 6-16, 8-14; 74: 5-22, 11-20; 77: 5-30; 80: 10-2; 88: 6-18, 10-1, 10-6; 89: 3-18, 6-17
Instruments for cures and conversions 74: 5-22
Means of spreading blessings 74: 11-20
Always thorns and the cross beneath 74: 12-28; 76: 10-2, 10-6; 79: 7-25
Meaning 74: 5-22
Our Lady shows Veronica a beautiful Rosary made in Heaven 75: 5-17
Signify souls, preservation of life in Kingdom of God 76: 1-31
Symbol of perfection and piety 74: 10-6
Rule/Rules/Regulations, must be followed without change 73: 2-10; 75: 2-1
Ruse, death of communism AP91: 12-18; 92: 6-18
Russia 73: 5-30; 77: 4-2; 78: 3-18, 5-13, 5-27
Abrogate the union of Rome with 87: 6-6; 6-18
Building up armaments beyond what man could conceive 85: 7-1
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Pope and all bishops:
- Beg Holy Father to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary 86: 5-17
- Consecrate Russia, not world 87: 10-2
- Must be consecrated for a true peace 87: 6-6
- Must be consecrated to be converted 89: 3-18
- Not consecrated 83: 3-18; 86: 5-17
- Or Russia will annihilate, destroy many countries 87: 10-2
- Or there will be no peace 87: 6-6
- Unless consecrated, Russia will continue to sow seeds of discord, discontentment and war 85: 8-21
- Unless consecrated, world will be doomed 89: 6-17
- When consecrated, you shall see the world of joy again 85: 8-21
Death of communism a ruse AP91: 12-18; 92: 6-18
Do not be deceived. Their father is the father of all liars: satan AP91: 12-18
Egomaniacs that reside in 85: 9-7
Has even burrowed into the Church 82: 6-18
Has not accepted any overtures from Rome 85: 8-21
Has not disposed of their armaments 92: 6-18
Has ray gun 85: 7-25
Has six times more missiles than U.S. 87: 10-2
Has upper hand now in world peace or world destruction 85: 10-5
Heaven allowed nuclear disaster in 86: 5-17
In many years past, Our Lady has begged to convert 85: 10-5
Infiltrating now into every side of your nation 86: 5-17
KGB in U.S. in contact with offshore submarines 85: 9-7
Machievellian philosophy -- end justifies the means 82: 6-18
Major offender in world now 83: 3-26
Many nations shall disappear from armaments gathered now in 85: 8-21
Many shall die from technological weapons of 85: 7-1
Not converted 85: 7-1; 89: 6-17
Not enough prayers for conversion 75: 2-1, 6-5, 7-25, 8-5, 8-14
Not free, cosmetic act to delude you 92: 6-18
One plan: to capture the whole world 86: 5-17; 87: 6-18, 10-2
Plans an attack against the U.S. 85: 9-14
Plans to capture Rome 78: 11-20
Plans to take over Sweden 89: 3-18
Plans U.S. to enter Latin America 89: 3-18
Scourge of mankind 87: 10-2
Seeks to take Jesus from history and defame Him for their own gain 85: 7-1
Seeks to destroy knowledge of Eternal Father in the Trinity 85: 7-1
Shall be your scourge 75: 9-13
Shall bring much sorrow to the world 85: 10-5
Shall never take over the world completely 85: 9-7
Their master plan is in motion AP91: 12-18
There is no freedom in Russia 92: 6-18
Those planning extinction of Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II sitting at table in 85: 11-1
To use manpower of China 83: 3-26
Treaty with the Vatican must be rescinded 85: 7-1
United States and Canada
- At this very hour/day, a plan has been built to attack 85: 9-7
- Besiege Pope with letters for consecration, or Russia shall enter 87: 6-6
- Lining up major strikes against 85: 9-7
- Secret agents giving over the firearms and missiles to destroy 85: 9-14
You cannot believe what they tell you 86: 5-17
You do not understand the great threat she is to the world 89: 3-18
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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