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#382 - All Are Not Saved
"Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!" - St. Matthew 7:13-14
"All man is and was a creation of the Father, but not all man, or all men,
will enter into the Kingdom of the Father! Only a few will be numbered in the
final count. You all will receive this chance, and you may reject it or accept
the graces and the path given to you to win eternal life with the Father, or
eternal damnation in the abyss!
"You will not destroy My Son's House, Church, by
consorting with the enemies of My Son! You will not convert the enemy by
lowering the standards. Your example must be one of a steadfast faith.
"Change! What need is change when the foundation has
stood through the test of time? It is a dissatisfied man, a greedy and lustful
man who seeks change. Does he change to bring man to God? No! He changes to take
man from God and give him to Lucifer!" - Our Lady, August 14, 1974
"My children, We watch the new way, the manner in which you give a blessing
to those who have fallen asleep upon earth. My children, do not make it a
carnival of pleasure, for many who have fallen asleep have not passed over the
veil into the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. It is a sad time for many, not a
time to rejoice, for they have not received salvation; they cannot receive it
until they are purged. Their souls must be cleansed. And many shall spend long
years in purgatory, and many have already fallen into hell. So it is from the
father of liars that you promote this fallacy and lie that all are saved when
they die.
"My children, satan has promoted this fallacy, for then
you do not pray for those who have died. You leave them to go into the abyss,
without prayers. You leave them to spend many long years in purgatory, for lack
of prayers. And why? Because you believe the errors. The Eternal Father permits
these errors to go throughout your world so that those who persist in believing
the error shall follow satan fast into the abyss. For the lack of grace, many
shall pass into hell. And do not be deluded, My children, by the fallacy created
by satan through mankind that all are saved. Many are called, but few are
chosen." - Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"Do not fall into the error of your day, the error that is being given a
worldwide circulation in your houses, churches--My Church and all heretical
sects--that because of My death and My crucifixion no man will die. But what is
death, My children, but a destruction of your immortal soul, a soul that is in
darkness and destroyed by being given to satan for eternal damnation. Do not be
misguided by those who say you may sin, you may break all the rules of your God
and still be saved. It is a fallacy and an abominable error straight from the
depths of hell, and the creation of satan to delude you until there is no way
"Each and every man, woman, and child of the age of
reason is accountable to the very end for his way, the road he has chosen while
upon earth. Life is eternal for all, but where shall you spend this eternity?
Though My Mother cries and pleads to you as a fallen generation, you must
understand that not all who cry 'Lord, Lord,' can enter into the Kingdom. It is
won by merit and obedience to your God. And I repeat: obedience to your God, but
not obedience to a man who defies your God." - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"All who stand before My Son as teachers in His House, shall they stand
before Him and say that their teaching has been pure in His sight? Will you
stand before Him, O clergy, and say that you have prophesied for Him? And what
did you do but bring in doctrines of devils into My Son's House! He shall take
you in your defilement and cast you into the eternal fires of hell.
"My children, hell and purgatory--forgotten! My Son's
death upon the cross--forgotten, as you happily raise your voices, call Him
Savior, and think all are saved without penance, atonement, and sacrifice! Shall
you sin and be always forgiven without penance? No, I say to you! Only a few
will be saved. Many are called, but few are chosen.
"The way to Heaven is a simple road, but you must be
imitators of My Son. You cannot have the world and its riches and acclaimance
and Heaven too. You cannot accept two masters in your life, for one you will
love, and the other, the other you will grow to hate." - Our Lady, April 9,
"Man shall not replace them by a man-made set of rules based on humanism and
modernism. The way to Heaven is a simple way, and in your sophistication you
reject it.
"You all go about with your heads in the clouds, saying
that all are saved. And what are you saved for but the abyss! Who has saved you?
Your bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, and what have you done but you
have destroyed the temple.
"I say unto you: come out of the darkness, restore My
Church to its former glory, cleanse your souls by penance. For if you do not
choose penance of your own I will set upon you a far greater penance!
"My children, I do not come to set fear into your
hearts. Shall I join the ranks of the deceivers and give you words of comfort in
days of desperate times? Shall I not as a loving father admonish you and
chastise you?" - Jesus, May 3, 1978
"Bishops and cardinals in My Son's Church, you have fallen asleep. You go
about with your heads in the clouds, dusty clouds, dark clouds that blind you.
Awaken from your slumber while there is time. The time is growing short. How
many earth-years do I come to you to warn you? You cannot hide the truth now, My
children and My pastors. It is too late. The time of the Apocalypse is upon you;
your days are numbered. You must save now your soul and the souls of all under
your care. Convert the unbeliever while there is time.
"My children, the Eternal Father in the Trinity has
deemed it well that I come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Having
been a mother upon earth with a human nature also, I understand your failings; I
understand your trials, but you can rise above them with prayer and acts of
sacrifice. You, too, can be recovered if you will try and ask to be saved. The
Eternal Father has created every living being upon earth, and as a good Father,
a loving Father, He wishes that all are saved. But it is a sad truth, My child
and My children: though He wishes all to be saved, only a few will be saved.
"He died, My Son, a torturous death of heart and body
upon the cross, for all. But only many were ready, and only many could be
called." - Our Lady, May 30, 1978
Veronica - Our Lady said that throughout the world there is a delusion. Man
is being taught that he will not be sent to hell or purgatory, no matter how
much he offends his God, because his God is an all-loving God. Yes, He is an
all-loving God. - February 10, 1973
"Yes, My child, as I explained to you in numerous years and apparitions that
the world may not accept and cannot understand, I have told you that many souls
are falling into hell as fast as the snow falls upon your earth, as fast as the
drops fall from the rain. That, My child, is symbolical indeed of the state of
your country and the world.
"We are not bargaining now to save the human skin, My
child and My children, the bodies. We are here to reclaim the souls. Life goes
on beyond the veil, and all of you--who among you can say that one day or night
you will not be here on earth, but must be taken from the world? And taken does
not mean the body, it means the spirit, the soul--the everlasting miracle of
life that the Eternal Father extended to you all after the tumultuous time when
Adam and Eve were created. As they walked over the garden given to them, often
called the Garden of Eden, sin then became a way of life. It matters not whether
you have committed one sin or many, your punishment shall be meted accordingly."
- Jesus, May 28, 1983
"My children, your doctrines of faith have been given to you, the dogmas of
your religion, and you cannot change them without bringing destruction upon
yourself and My Son's Church.
"My Son died for mankind upon the cross--He died for
all men, but all shall not enter unless they are converted from their sins. The
word 'many,' My children, is always more appropriate, for all have not entered
and all shall not enter into the Kingdom of eternal life. Many have fallen into
hell, forever damned." - Our Lady, May 27, 1978
"Heaven was made, My children, for all, but all do not enter. The Faith must
be accepted. Many shall enter, but in this present trial and the trials and
chastisements which will soon come upon you, only a few will be saved."
- Jesus, December 6, 1975
"Do not be deceived by the teachings of false teachers who claim, My
children, that all will enter into the Kingdom because My Son sacrificed Himself
for you. The Kingdom of your God was made for all, but all do not enter it.
There is a Heaven; there is a purgatory; and sadly, there is a hell, the place
of eternal damnation. The sheep are being separated from the goats, the wheat
pulled from the chaff." - Our Lady, June 5, 1976
"Unless you accept Me as your Host, you cannot escape falling into the
darkness. I carry the light, and I pass this light on to you as your God. No man
shall fall into the abyss unless he does this of his own accord and will. But I
assure you, My children, My sufferings and My death upon your earth opened the
gates of Heaven to all mankind, but all do not enter. All cannot enter unless
they believe and accept the rule." - Jesus, August 21, 1976
"My child, words can never express the anguish in the hearts of those in the
"Your world is in deep darkness of spirit. The abyss is
open wide and the souls are falling fast into eternal damnation. Born of a free
will, you will make your own choice. The Kingdom of Heaven
was made for all, but only many have chosen it. The Kingdom of Heaven
must be gained through merit and grace. You have been given the way. My Mother
has been sent among you as a Mediatrix. Her words must not be taken lightly."
- Jesus, December 28, 1974
"You must not compromise My Son's Church by bringing in the measure of
humanism and modernism, for you have opened the door to satan.
"Do not be swayed by the fallacy that all will enter
into the Kingdom
of Heaven, for only 'many,' My
children, shall enter into the
of Heaven--if they follow
the rule." - Our Lady, September 13, 1975
"Man has not balanced the scale to the satisfaction of the Eternal Father.
He is a God, My child, of mercy. He is patient, ever-suffering, but all will not
enter into the Kingdom of the Father.
"Yes, My child, each time I see a sheep being lost
forever to Us I cry until My tears have become tears of blood!
"I would be willing, as your Mother, to wash you in My
blood for your salvation. My Son washed you in His Blood for your salvation. Are
there not enough among you to make penance, do penance and sacrifice for your
brothers?" - Our Lady, May 17, 1975
"In your arrogance, you apostatize! In your arrogance, you cast aside all
knowledge of the existence of satan and his hell! Too late shall you learn that
there is a hell and there is a purgatory!
"Do not fall into the trap set by satan by misleading
you into a false security because of My Sacrifice for mankind to open the gates
of the Kingdom of your God. Many are called, but few are chosen. My Sacrifice
guaranteed eternal life to all, but all shall not enter, for many have rejected
the message of your God from the beginning of time and they did not enter!
"You have a false security that all is forgiven. But is
this not sheer insanity in sin to believe that you may offend your God and break
His rules and enter? What manner of life would there be in your Kingdom of Heaven? All will enter by merit! Many
shall enter through suffering and atonement and penance." - Jesus,
February 10, 1976
"Do not fall into the error and fallacy that all men are automatically saved
by My Sacrifice upon your earth. It is a lie straight from the darkness, from
the prince of darkness, satan. Heaven was opened to all, but all shall not enter
it, for many reject the light and do not have the time to return to it before
they cross over into eternity." - Jesus, October 2, 1976
"My Son gave His life for you all, but all shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
For many are called but only few are chosen. In the final count, My children,
there will be only a remnant who will enter the Kingdom." - Our Lady,
March 25, 1978
"Do not fall into the errors of modern thinkers. Your scientists and your
new theologians in My House who have cast aside the knowledge of sin and the
penance for sin--yes, I died upon the cross to open Heaven to all mankind, but
all shall not enter. My death upon the cross does not guarantee every man
entrance into Heaven unless he merits it by grace.
"Graces are given in abundance for the asking, but you
must seek it, or some charitable brother or sister upon earth must seek it for
you. Graces are given in abundance through My Mother's intercession for you. You
will listen to Her counsel. Her words are not given to you in idleness but in
preparation for what lies ahead in your near future." - Jesus, May 30,
"The evil has accelerated. The Eternal Father grows weary as you continue
upon your road to destruction. You have now been abandoned to a reprobate sense.
The Eternal Father has a plan for all, but all cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
For many shall reject the Message from Heaven, and to their sorrow will find
themselves unable to return to the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom.
"There are many false teachers and false prophets
loosed upon the earth now. You will read and read again the words written by
John, the Revelations to mankind." - Jesus, May 3, 1978
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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