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#253 - Evil
“Be not overcome by evil: but overcome evil by good.” – Romans 12:21
“The world is guided and governed by two forces only: good and evil. And the
battle is of good and evil.
"The world cries 'renewal,' but We see destruction. Man will never renew
the earth on his own. He will never renew the earth without the Eternal Father.
Left to his own resources, there will be one solution: to start over, My child.”
– Our Lady, December 31, 1971
"My children, if you have been given the grace to be now in the light, We beg
you to share this grace, and try from your heart to rescue those who are
drifting toward the abyss of hell.
"Yes, your prayers and sacrifices are needed for those who do not have the
power of grace to help themselves. If you could see the vast numbers who have
already succumbed to the evil, you would spend all your time on your knees. No
excuses must be given in defense of worldly gain. No excuses will be accepted if
you did not care enough to save your brother. You will be held accountable for
all discard of duty, of inborn godly conscience.
"Yes, the world is enshrouded in evil. Yes, it has entered everywhere. To
talk solves few problems now on earth. Your only recourse now is prayer. We are
of light and hope. If you cast Us aside, you will travel only one road--in the
darkness!” – Our Lady, May 30, 1971
"I promise to place My mantle of protection over all who will call upon My Son
in these dark days. Save yourself now in the Sacred Heart of My Son.
"I have warned you before that you are approaching a great disaster. Now
the tide is rising higher, and soon the waters will approach your shore. Pray
that you may not be carried away on the tide of evil that now covers the world.
"All who deny My Son will not escape the punishment--all who have developed
intellectual pride, setting their intellect beyond the training that has been
set forth by the men of your God, those whom you call as prophets. It has all
been given to you, but you do not find the revelations.
". . . that many have chosen to rewrite the words. They strive after their
own hearts, their own lusts. They have rewritten the words to suit the arrogance
of man. You will not save your brothers and your sisters by turning from My Son.
"We view now the vilest of desecrations being perpetrated in My Son's
House. You who have been given the grace to bring the light have chosen to use
your power to destroy. What are you telling the children? The young souls are
learning blasphemy, heresy, satanism! You will not escape the flames!
"Delusion, delusion! Do you not recognize the face of error and evil? Do
not rely on satan's henchmen. You will go back to the true truth set forth by
the men of My Son, the ones whom you call the prophets of old. Read and learn
the truth. Do not accept your words of error coming from the mouths of heretics.
Be not apathetic; for as you go along without caring, it is your children who
will place the knives in your heart.
"Your country has now taken the first step to its own destruction. The
ladder from your country is not going up; it is going down.” –
Lady, December 7, 1971
"You, My child, find upon your earth now a land covered with darkness and evil.
The victims of your decadent society are your children, for those are the
innocent victims of their elders. Do you not recognize the advent of the
Antichrist into your land, your government, your schools, your media, and yes,
into My Son's House, Church? Woe to evil man that chooses to sell his soul to
Lucifer for worldly gain of such temporary nature.
"There is great deception in My Son's House. Unless My message is heeded in
My Son's House, I can no longer hold back His hand that will fall heavily upon
you.” – Our Lady, December 24, 1971
"My children, I have warned you in the past, and I warn you again, that when you
cast aside the knowledge and the belief in the supernatural, you open yourselves
to be attacked by the evil forces of the supernatural. You must call upon your
God with firm purpose and true heart to protect you, or you will fall!
"Demons now are loosed upon the earth. They claim the body of any man,
woman, or child who has fallen out of grace. They take on the spirit of
darkness.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1977
"My children, if you do not listen to My counsel, you will live in a world in
which the living will envy the dead, so great will become the corruption, the
murders, the evil, even reaching into the highest places in My Son's Church.
Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, I beg you as your Mother.” –
Our Lady, August 5, 1977
"Prayer is the greatest force now given to mankind to stop the evil. Pray a
constant vigilance of prayer in your homes. Public prayer and private prayer is
deemed necessary now.
"As was told to you in the Book of life, in these days, My children, all
will come to pass. You are living in the end of your era. There will be great
discord in the homes. There will be nation against nation; and in the end, My
children, many nations shall disappear from the face of the earth.” – Our
Lady, August 5, 1977
"Mothers and fathers, you must now bring rigid discipline into your household.
As parents, you have an obligation to protect your children's souls. Do not
depend upon or expect your pastors or your teachers in your schools to protect
and build up the defenses for your children against the onslaught of evil. As
parents, the full responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls will
fall upon you." – Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"Do not be afraid to expose evil. If you do not bring into the light others who
are fast encased in darkness by their own will, or by acts of obedience to evil;
if you do not seek to save them, to bring them out of this darkness, you, too,
will be guilty of arrogance and pride--and charity, charity that must be
extended--a lack of charity, for charity must be given to others. Those who
receive in abundance, whether it be graces or the material, must use their
abundance to save others.
"Prayer, My children--you must pray a constant vigilance of prayer, but you
must also gather graces through works.
"I see, My children, a great evil transpiring upon earth. Those who have
the power to stop the evil have chosen to go downstream like ducks upon water,
letting everything slide off their backs, neither caring nor visualizing the
future. And why? Because they have given themselves to the world.
"Just as My Son stood before Pilate and he washed his hands and said: 'This
man is innocent; I see no wrong in him,' however, in his heart he knew of
innocence but he feared reprisal from the crowd, My children; he valued his
life, he loved his sin, and he was too much involved with the pleasures of this
life and the world.
"You see, My children, it is taking place all over again for those in
command in rule. They go along 'passing,' as you say, 'the buck,' each one not
willing to admit his error or his participation in evil, but only too willingly
allowing others to take the blame or the responsibility. And I assure you, My
children, if evil is being allowed, the 'buck passer' is just as guilty as the
original one who had started the evil.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"You are opening the doors now for all manner of heretics, separated brethren.
They do not come to unite in good spirit and heart; they come to take over. They
seek to change you, O pastors, who are being deluded. And what do I see in My
Son's House but separated brethren upon His pulpit! Even from the temples, the
synagogues of satan, upon His pulpit! And for what?
"And who are My pastors now that have joined in this plan of destruction?
Who ordained some of them? Not legitimate hands. They come to destroy. They come
in like rats, burrowing, undermining My Son's Church! Do you think you are not
watched? Are you above your Creator that you think you can deceive the world
permanently? No, I say unto you! You are being given your time, for you who have
given yourselves to satan are now exposing your true nature to the world.
"Yes, My children, you must continue to pray for your priests, your
pastors. Many are confused, filled with anxiety, not knowing which way to turn
in their troublesome life. Many are dying prematurely of broken hearts. And what
are you doing about it? Nothing! You wait, and what do you wait for? You expect
another to come and save you from these evils. No! Each and every Christian in
the Roman Catholic Church must come forward and fight this evil with prayer and
example.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1977
"All manner of evil is being condoned with permissiveness by the pastors in My
Son's House. All manner of abominations are being committed in My Son's House.
Clean out the errors; restore the light within My Son's House, for a Church in
darkness wears a band of death about it.
"My children, the forces of evil are gathering within the Eternal City of
Rome. They exercise great control over the human element, and satan now
exercises great control over the supernatural. The Eternal Father will allow him
his time, as you will all be tested as metal in the fires. Shall you bend, in
your free will, your human free will, shall you bend the cross and distort it
into a cross of mankind? Shall you bend My Son's cross? O evil men of the cross,
whatever shall become of you?” – Our Lady, December 24, 1976
“I do not come to bring you a message of doomsday, as My Mother does not come
for that reason. We bring you the truth. Can We open before you a picture of
joy, peace and brotherhood, when all about Us We see deception and evil and the
fast working of satan within your hearts?
"O My children, I will not go into a long discourse with you of the evil
aberrations and all manner of deceit that has entered into the hearts of
mankind, soul destroyers more numerous than in the days of Sodom or the time of
Noe. In that respect, My children, what kind of a stern hand shall be placed
upon you, as you go fast onto the road to your own destruction!” – Jesus,
June 18, 1976
"Sin has become a way of life in your nation and many nations upon earth. You
have, in your country, the gathering of the forces of evil. Never before in the
history of mankind has man set up Babylon.
"Your city, New York, shall be set in reserve for a punishment far greater
than shall be given to any city upon your earth. The forces of evil fan out like
a cancer, polluting the world.
"Amen, I say to you: you will listen and act upon the warnings given to you
throughout your world by many emissaries from Heaven. Act upon them or be
"Justice has been clouded. Many minds have been poisoned by satan in your
world. Evil has entered upon the homes. Children are the innocent victims of
their elders.” – Jesus, June 18, 1976
"Parents, you must guard, safeguard your children's souls. You must indoctrinate
into their being the knowledge of your God, and the existence of the
supernatural, and the eventual exit from your world, and the coming across into
the realm of the supernatural in the spirit. You must give your children the
knowledge of the existence of hell, purgatory, and the eternal Kingdom of
"The world has become a cesspool of sin and error. No country has escaped
the contamination. America the beautiful has succumbed to the evils. The
morality of the young has fallen to the evil created by the masters of deceit.”
– Our Lady, August 21, 1976
"My children, how light of heart I would be if I could come to you with words
of comfort and cheer. I cannot speak with fallacy or deception. Therefore I must
give to you a fact, and this fact cannot be colored with the light, for this
fact is that man has set himself upon a road of destruction. He is going faster
and faster to his own destruction. Weapons are being made now to engage the
world into a great conflict. The forces of evil that now enshroud your world are
gathering momentum to bring about a war, a conflagration that will engulf the
whole world.” – Jesus, August 21, 1976
"Many miracles and cures, cures of the body and cures of the spirit shall be
given. Much shall be rejected, for so deep is the evil. This evil has penetrated
far into the very heart of My House. You must now turn back and restore My
House. I, your God, give you this command for the salvation of your own soul.
"The Eternal City of Rome shall pass through a great conflagration.
Discipline must be restored. Obedience, yes, but true obedience to their God and
not to the mores of man. Much evil is being condoned, disguised under the guise
of obedience. Let us, My children, call this a false obedience, clouded by
errors and satanism.” – Jesus, August 21, 1976
"There is a great evil, a conspiracy of evil now in your world. 666, the agents
of hell, are now in Rome. Understand, My children, that these agents must claim
the body of a human to do their work for satan. Understand, My children, that
they have placed themselves, these agents of hell, into governments and human,
man and woman. They are fast bringing about their own destruction.
"Your country, the United States, has been given in the control of the
forces of evil--666! Death will become prevalent among your leaders. There is no
honor for life in your country and the countries of your world. Therefore, My
children, recognize the rampant evil. When the value for life and the
preservation of life has been removed, as it has been in the murder of the Holy
Innocents, know that no man shall be free from death at the command of the
leaders.” – Our Lady, January 31, 1976
"My children, the seminaries in the United States shall close, unless they start
now to clean their homes!
"The Eternal Father shall not permit young souls to be destroyed by evil
teachers, by those who have fallen into error because of loss of the grace from
Heaven, by those who, for worldly gain, choose to sell their souls!
"What manner of evil is in these seminaries, My children, that they promote
fallacies and heresy, permissive behavior, a morality that now is based on
advanced science and theology! The Eternal Father gave the mode, the manner for
man to save his soul--simple, clear, and unadulterated with the evil that now
has set My Son's Church in darkness!” – Our Lady, January 31, 1976
"My child, do not slacken in your work. Pay no heed to the opinions of others.
You must understand, My child, that man is now trying to build another new
religion, a new church, and it will not be of My Son. It will be a new religion
that gathers all the world under one fold of a dictator. And know, My children,
that when one man, or a select group of men, gain so much power over individuals
and an individual, know that no evil can be controlled then, and the eventual
end is destruction, death, suffering.” – Our Lady, November 20, 1976
"There is a great evil in your country. There is evil throughout the world. How
sad that many have chosen to deafen their ears.
"You will not be free from the disasters visited elsewhere. You will not
learn a lesson until the destruction falls upon you. Your country will no longer
remain intact in the face of destruction.
"Your excessive luxury has weakened your souls. The Eternal Father needed
less provocation when He finished arrogant man in his world of sin. Your evil
has become far greater than the past sins of man." – Our Lady, July 15, 1971
go forward with your Rosary and your Bible. Admonish your children with heart;
discipline them for the salvation of their souls. Permissiveness allows them to
come face to face with evil. A child must be guided by a strong hand and heart.”
- Jesus, June 18, 1977
"My children, recognize the great conspiracy of evil that now enshrouds the
world. Recognize the evil that is being perpetrated, infused into the daily
living of your children, who are the major victims of your present state of
"My children, I told you in the past that sin is insanity. I warned you
again and again that you must protect your children from the influences of satan.
These influences, My children, have come through your medias, your government,
your teachers, your entertainment medias. Satan covers your world.
"If you cannot recognize the insanity that has been set upon mankind,
surely you will know that murders are being committed far in excess of what
would be called normal in daily living. Satan was a murderer from the beginning,
and he continues as a murderer. Your children are being indoctrinated into evil.
Your schools, and sad to say, My children, the schools that were created under
My Son's leadership, His Church, have been indoctrinated by evil.” – Our
Lady, December 7, 1977
"Parents must now exercise discipline in the home. Your children now will be
subjected to all manner of evil and corruption from the forces of darkness that
are loosed upon your earth.
"Need I add to My Mother's counsel that your country now has been invaded
by a diabolical force, a conspiracy of evil for the destruction of the United
States.” – Jesus, December 7, 1977
"My children, recognize, O parents, and teach your children that these miracles
he performs are false miracles from satan! Teach your children to beware of the
occult practices now being dabbed into your school curriculums. It is evil; it
has been placed there by satan.
"Do not scoff and laugh at these words and the words of My Mother; they are
words in fact and truth. It has been told in the past, through generations of
time, that this man of perdition would enter upon your world, and he is here!
Because you have given yourselves over to evilness, corruption, satan has had to
be loosed now among you.” – Jesus, September 13, 1977
"The octopus of evil, the international conspiracy of evil, has at its head a
Grand Master. I cannot at this time, My children, reveal in entirety the order
of succession of those who seek to enslave your world.
"The fall of man, this destruction that is fast approaching upon mankind,
is being allowed as a redemptive measure by the Eternal Father, a means, a way
to separate the sheep from the goats.
"In the past many have cried out, warning you of the coming of false
teachers. Now you must open your eyes, come out of your slumber, and pray a
constant vigilance for guidance from your Holy Spirit.
"The persecution to all those who follow and defend My Son in truth, in the
light, the persecution will be great. The masters of deceit, they are gathering
like vultures to send into motion a conspiracy of evil that has been brought
about because mankind has given himself to all manner of evil.” – Our Lady,
May 26, 1976
"My children, you must understand: you cannot avoid coming in contact with
temptation and evil. As long as you are upon earth and in the battle of mankind,
you will be tested constantly and tempted. That is the greatest battle that
mankind has to look forward to in the days ahead, the battle of the spirits; and
from this conflagration will come many saints of the latter days.” – Jesus,
June 4, 1977
"The forces of evil loosed upon your world gathered to try to stop the good work
from Heaven. My child, it is a lesson for all that vanity and pride comes before
the fall. You understand, My children, that man has a free will and is allowed
to exercise it. And the greatest sin among man is pride. The angels in Heaven
that joined Lucifer, satan, were cast out of Heaven as they became arrogant and
sought to be God.” – Jesus, June 4, 1977
"My child, modernism promoted heresy; heresy promotes satan. It is because of
the sins of man that this time has come upon your world. You are all now living
in the latter days, My children. Many shall carry a heavy cross in the days
ahead. The good shall be persecuted. Lovers of evil shall glorify those who
dwell in evil.” – Our Lady, November 1, 1977
"Romans, awaken now! 666 has entered among you. The forces of evil are intent
upon vanquishing the Eternal City of Rome. Satan has entered into the hearts of
those who hold the highest places in My Church. If it were not for the pleadings
of My Mother and the many souls who have given themselves as victims, victims
that cry out and plead for mercy to an undeserving generation . . . My children,
come out of the darkness now! You are plunging to your own destruction. For
rejecting the light, for turning aside from the truth, for destroying the Faith
in the hearts of the young, you shall receive a chastisement far greater than
man has ever known from the beginning of your world. Your world, many nations
shall be consumed by fire.” – Jesus, April 9, 1977
"I ask
that a task force be set upon the world to eliminate the products of the forces
of evil that seek to debase, destroy the souls of your children. Remove from
your homes the corrupters of souls: the pornography, the infernal box--your
television--and the destructor of souls, modesty and purity--the nakedness of
the body.” – Our Lady, August 21, 1975
children, you must understand good and evil. You must seek out knowledge of the
supernatural, for knowledge is power to you.
"My Son is being subjected upon earth to all manners of abominations being
committed within His House, His Church, and in the hearts of man. My children,
all of the evil that surrounds you cannot affect your spirit unless you absorb
it, and you nourish the evil from within your heart.” – Our Lady, September
28, 1977
"O My
children, you shall see a madness cover your earth. It shall be father against
son, mother against daughter, sister against sister. Charity shall grow cold in
the hearts of many. Man shall become more and more lovers of pleasure, lovers of
self, no longer recognizing sin, until sin has become a way of life among you.
Fear shall grip the hearts of many as evil shall be accepted as good--blindness
that reaches down, My children, into the very depths of your being, your soul.”
– Our Lady, February 1, 1977
"The lives of many are filled with degradation and corruption, the knowledge of
God, the true God in Heaven, being uprooted and supplanted, and the knowledge of
satan being glorified upon your earth. Satan is one of destruction and evil.
Satan is the prince of darkness, the master of deceit. And because you turned
your back on My Son now, he is allowed now to claim his own; he is sending his
disciples now throughout your earth to claim his own. Every city, every state,
every country throughout the world will now feel the test; you shall be tried
like metal in the fires! When you come out of this test, My children, all that
is rotten will have fallen. You will be cleansed by trial.” – Our Lady,
September 7, 1977
"In your country, My children, there are leaders, leaders of evil. I could run
down and give you account of the names used; but, My children, it would lead you
into great confusion, so great is the evil. Therefore, suffice it to say, My
children, that you must not close your eyes. You must observe and learn and
avoid all sources of evil. All occasions of sin must be shunned.” –
Our Lady,
February 10, 1978
"The agents of hell, they come to you often as angels of light with all
promises. My children, recognize the faces of evil about you. Bar your doors to
all but those of close relationship to you, for many of the souls who knock upon
your door are evil. You must not consort with evil, for the contamination is
strong!” –
Jesus, February 10, 1978
"My children, there are only two forces now upon earth: good and evil, light and
darkness. You are now being tested, and you must now make your choice. Which
side shall you join--the road that leads to eternal damnation, the road of
darkness of spirit, or will you walk the road to Heaven, the road filled with
light?” – Our Lady, November 1, 1977
Next Directive: #254 - Hardened hearts
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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