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“Many are the scourges of the sinner, but mercy shall encompass him who hopeth in the Lord.” – Psalms 31:10
"It is sad to see, My children, that the light has left many homes. The children
are walking in darkness. Must My Son forcefully admonish you with a strong hand?
So many of the good will then have to suffer along. I repeat again: the
punishment metered out to you for the disobedience and turning away from God
will be more than your human minds can conceive possible." – Our Lady,
December 26, 1970
"Do you deny your God because the punishment has not come upon you as yet? It is
only because He is long-suffering and cares not to see one child lost to Him
that the punishment you so deserve has been held in abeyance. But each day you
continue without penance and atonement, bringing you closer to the end.
"Yes, My child, you have reason to fear; but not for what can happen in
this world, but what will be your lot as you pass over to the Kingdom. God will
look into your hearts and you will be judged, not by the way or standards of the
world to judge, but the complete picture. He will see in your heart.
"Your country cannot conceive nor expect the vengeance of an angry Father!”
– Our Lady, December 26, 1970
“The greater the sin, the greater the punishment that will fall upon your
"Science will not have a cure for the plague that will be sent upon your
"You will all keep now a constant vigil of prayer. My Rosary will cover
your land. You will all go forth and rescue your fallen brothers. The power of
prayer reaches high to Heaven. The final outcome of the planned punishment for
your country and the world lies in, now, the will of the Father.
"You will be measured by the extent of your sin. The degree of punishment
upon your country and the world will be held in measure by the extent of man's
sin and acts and commissions of folly against his God and the laws of the
Eternal Father.” – Our Lady, October 6, 1972
"My children, I come to you with a heavy heart. What should be a most joyous
occasion for the world and for the peoples of Heaven has become a deep sadness.
We are sad because of My Son's Sacrifice for a world that has become unrepentant
and lacking appreciation for the Sacrifice My Son has made for you.
"The peoples of earth have become degraded, immoral, unchaste, and seeking
after pleasures that bring soul destruction upon them. We look upon a world more
vile, but of a sophisticated sin, more vile than when the floods washed you
away, more vile than when fire was sent upon you. Under these conditions, My
children, what kind of punishment are you calling down upon yourselves?" –
Our Lady, April 1, 1972
"I beg of you as your Mother to listen to My words of counsel, for this counsel
comes directly from the Eternal Father in Heaven. The hand of punishment is
extended for mankind. It grows very heavy, My children. How long can I hold it
from upon you?" – Our Lady, August 5, 1978
"This should be a most joyous occasion, My children, but We look down and see
thousands of slaughtered innocents. We cry tears of anguish. The Father demands
"We beg penance and reparation of you all. All loving hearts must bear the
burden of this sorrow, to pray for those lost on the road to perdition, forever
to be lost to Heaven. Pray, My children; never cease in your prayers. For many
are at the brink of eternity, on the road to eternal damnation.
"Thou shalt not destroy a creation of the Most High. Repent! Repent now,
while there is still time!
"Look, My child, on the punishment to be. The Chastisement will be metered
in measure of the extensive infested nature of man's sin and his disregard of
all urgent admonitions and requests for immediate reparation.” – Our Lady,
August 14, 1970
"As I have traveled through countless earth-years upon your earth, I have begged
for penance and atonement, crying tears of pity for mankind. The hand of My Son
grows heavy. The voices of the saints cry out for a just punishment upon a
degenerate generation.” – Our Lady, June 16, 1977
"My children, the Ball of Redemption shall be the climax of chastisement upon
mankind. However, because of the abominations and all manner of sin coming from
the hearts of mankind, he will be allowed to proceed slowly, and then his path
accelerating onto the road to his own destruction. The cries of peace going
throughout your world are just a cover for armaments that are being gathered now
to enslave and ensnare the world into a war of major proportion. My children,
all of the cries of peace that go out throughout your world cannot prevent the
explosion of nuclear warfare upon mankind! The hand of God that withheld this
punishment upon mankind is being withdrawn!
"My Mother has traveled throughout your world crying tears from a Mother's
heart upon you, begging you to turn back now before it is too late. You cast
aside Her counsel, man of science, and this evil of free will used to turn the
Spirit of light away from mankind and plunge him into the spirit of darkness.
Mankind shall receive a great punishment. How many years has My Mother pleaded
for your repatriation! The heavy hand of chastisement hovered over you, held
back by the few. And now We see those who were lukewarm growing cold; the good,
apathetic; and the bad becoming worse.
"As you go forward in your sin, you shall promote major insanity throughout
your world: murder, corruption, immodesty, immorality, all manner of foul deeds
being committed to destroy the temple of your God, your bodies profaned! My
children, all will go through the test. Every man, woman, and child of
conscionable age shall meet this test, and all that is rotten shall fall!” –
Jesus, June 16, 1977
"My child, tell the world now there is a hell. The evil one seeks to remove the
thought of punishment from sin. Sin will then be a way of life. It becomes
easier to delude you then, to capture your soul. Open your eyes! Do not be
blind, for the blind walk in darkness.
"Everything has been planned well to bring you into darkness. Everything is
planned in every war. Without Us, you will be lost. Do not try to fight the
battle alone. So they will scoff at angels and demons? But will you scoff at
them when they are face to face with you? Do not follow the bad example like
sheep to the slaughter block. Do not let them blind you. You can carry the
truth, the light, always in your heart.
"Show the example of a living Christ. Carry My Son's cross, for by your
example you can save others and We will reward you. Do not let him take them
from Us!
"I love you all, My children. Help Us! We are with you always, and will
direct you through the future. Believe and you will be saved. Believe and you
will be saved! Believe and you will be saved!” – Our Lady, May 30, 1971
"Your city, New York, shall be set in reserve for a punishment far greater than
shall be given to any city upon your earth. The forces of evil fan out like a
cancer, polluting the world.
"Amen, I say to you: you will listen and act upon the warnings given to you
throughout your world by many emissaries from Heaven. Act upon them or be
destroyed.” – Jesus, June 18, 1976
"This is--Babylon the great will fall. Babylon, the master of deceit, will fall.
Many good must suffer as martyrs with the bad. Babylon the great will fall! She
has raised herself high above her God, and she invokes the vengeance of a just
punishment. Ships will look upon her as she burns. Woefully they will shield
their eyes from the sight. Babylon the great, the harlot upon nations, the
harlot among nations, will fall. Babylon the great, who has led many astray,
will fall.” – Our Lady, July 15, 1973
"Your country, the United States, and most countries in your world have allowed
satan to enter into the highest positions of your government, your medias of
communication, and even to My House, My Church upon earth. Therefore, there is
no other recourse left to Heaven but to cleanse you of your errors.
"As in the past We sent to you voices crying in this wilderness of evil:
Straighten yourselves out; make way for the Lord, for the hand of punishment
shall come upon you! As in the past you all continue in your lives of pleasure,
neither caring nor seeking the truth. Therefore, I say unto you as your God:
many will die. Only a few will be saved.”
Jesus, June 18, 1980
"No man can fully understand, My child, why the Father allows the world to go
forward in great spiritual darkness. It is to separate the sheep from the goats.
For those who have given themselves to satan and the world shall fling
themselves headlong into the abyss and hell! And those who have set themselves
on the narrow road that leads straight to the eternal Kingdom of the Father in
Heaven shall find their road filled with crosses--thorns. They shall be cast
aside and called different. They shall be abused in all manner of worldly
punishments. However, know that this is the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is
not an easy road, but one that is strengthened by suffering.” – Our Lady,
November 20, 1975
"I have given a warning in general to mankind. I have sent My voice throughout
your world summoning before Me those in command of My sheep: shepherds that
have gone astray, shepherds that have set themselves in the place above the
Eternal Father, shepherds that have scattered Our flock. You have been given in
time eternal the truth of your Faith. You shall not change this, making a
religion upon earth that is based on the fallen nature of mankind!
"I watch your earth. I tremor for what you are asking as a just punishment
for your actions! The Father chastises those He loves. Your world will be bathed
with blood. Shall you accept the Blood of the Lamb, or shall you receive the
sword? The choice is yours.” – Jesus, November 20, 1975
"I cannot bring My voice forth, for the sorrow in My heart stills My voice. The
Father plans great punishment upon your earth. It is not out of malice, but out
of love for you that He will allow this cleansing. The Father will chastise
those He loves." – Our Lady, May 10, 1973
"I have given you the sacramentals and My beads of prayer. Your prayers must now
rise to Heaven. I have sought through countless apparitions on your earth--and I
have come to many lands--to hold back the darkness. However, man has shut Me
out, not only from his earth, but from his heart. How can I keep the heavy hand
of punishment from falling upon you when you have chosen to harden your hearts?”
– Our Lady, May 10, 1973
"The lessons of your Faith have been given to you for all time without change.
My Son is forever, for God is, God was, and God always will be. My Son is your
God in the Father and the Holy Ghost. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith
of the Trinity. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of My Son's divinity.
Do not recrucify My Son upon your earth and in His Church, His House. You call
upon you a heavy hand of punishment from the Eternal Father!
"All manner of evil is being condoned with
permissiveness by the pastors in My Son's House. All manner of abominations are
being committed in My Son's House. Clean out the errors; restore the light
within My Son's House, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it.”
– Our Lady, December 24, 1976
"There is in your outer atmosphere the celestial object that will be sent upon
you in the will of the Eternal Father. You have been given in the past many
warnings, warnings that you have chosen to cast aside. A great chastisement, a
punishment of terrible magnitude, My children, is heading fast to mankind. Have
you prepared your children for this great trial? Have you taken them and aided
them along the road that has been darkened by satan? O woe to the parent that
has starved his children of the light!
"Your country and the world, My child, are steeped in great darkness of
spirit. Man has cast aside his true role as children of the Kingdom of the
Father Eternal. They have accepted the pitfalls of satan. Many are running to
their doom, My child. In their minds that have been deluded and blinded by satan,
they have created instruments for their own destruction.” – Our Lady, March
22, 1975
"I have asked you, My children, to pray for the leaders of your country. This is
urgent to all at this time, for it shall be a few leaders strategically placed
in positions of power by satan who will bring death to millions of the populace.
Pray, My children, a constant vigilance!
"It is through chastisement and punishment, My child, that man can be
brought back to his senses." – Our Lady, March 22, 1975
"I do not give you this warning to place fear in your heart but to bring to you
a fact, for your future is now. What was to happen in the future shall be now!
It is for all of you to help change this by sending out with great haste the
Message from Heaven. The day and the hour is known to the Eternal Father. Make
no mistake in being misled in fallacy that you may sin and offend the Eternal
Father without punishment. As you sow, so shall you reap. And as of now, My
children, you are reaping a whirlwind!" – Jesus, March 22, 1975
"My children, We do not send upon you unjust punishments or chastisements. They
are given only to bring you back to Us. All who remain in the light and close to
Us will have no fear of the days ahead.” – Jesus, February 10, 1973
"My children, is it almost too late to reach the multitudes. My heart is torn by
the knowledge that many will die in the flame of the Ball of Redemption. Many
will not be prepared. I have come to you through many earth-years, and how many
have listened to My counsel? How many have tried to mend their ways that offend
their God?
"My child and My children, especially you, Veronica, My child, make it
known that your country will soon receive a just punishment for the slaughter of
the young, for the abominations to their God-given bodies--will receive a just
punishment. I repeat, I repeat this three times in warning to you all who are
the ones, the culprits of the world now who have been instrumental in the
destruction of the young.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1993
"My Son has been sorrowed; He has been wounded anew by the conduct of those He
has chosen to represent Him in His Church upon your earth. O My children, the
abominations cry out for punishment from Heaven.” – Our Lady, May 15, 1976
"Bishops, awaken from your slumber! In your permissive behavior, you are sending
many souls onto the road to hell! Unless you turn back from these ways that
displease the Eternal Father, you, too, shall carry your mitres into hell.
"Shall My Son return and find even a small flicker of faith left in the
hearts of mankind?
"Heresy, O mournful heresy! Abominations and filth seeping like cesspools,
overflowing into My Son's Church! Corruption, evils diabolical! Cleanse My Son's
Church now, or He shall return and take you in hand! He shall cast you from His
Church. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. The doors will
close. But the foundation, My Son, shall never be lost to mankind! And you
pastors who have set yourselves to discredit facts of the existence of
punishment and hell, shall you receive your lesson the hard way?” – Our Lady,
May 15, 1976
"The time is fast approaching when many nations shall disappear from the earth.
War is a punishment for the sins of mankind. Man cannot live without his God,
for he will die both spiritually and physically.
"You must read your Book of life and love, the Bible, and you will not be
lost. You will understand the approach of the end days.” – Our Lady, October
6, 1978
"Judases in My Church, My House, robbers within My House, selling out for thirty
pieces again! I say unto you, you will be allowed your time. The Eternal Father
in His merciful heart allows you time to change and come back. Have you not had
enough indications and signs from the bad fruits you have produced?
"I must warn you now to tread carefully in the next days, for murderers are
among you. And Lucifer has been a murderer from the beginning. O ye of little
faith, pride and arrogance in worldly knowledge! But you have closed the door to
My sheep! Scattered them, become traitors to the Seat of Peter! I say unto you:
You cannot understand, with all of your knowledge and your pride, the ways of
the Eternal Father! There is a plan for each and every one of you in Heaven. You
shall receive a just punishment for your arrogance, your apostasy, and your
destruction of souls.” – Jesus, October 6, 1978
"My heart, as a Mother, is torn asunder because of the permissive attitudes that
are allowed by the teaching fathers of My Son's Church. I hear little children
of a tender age of three and four being taught immorality of word and action. O
My children, the sin upon your earth is far greater than any sin in the past!
Surely you will remember Sodom and the punishment that fell upon that city.” –
Our Lady, June 18, 1978
"My children, do you want punishment? Can you not give up your way of life, a
sinful life, to save your soul, your spirit? Shall you destroy your eternal life
with Us for the few short years you all have upon your earth? When you leave
your body you have full consciousness. You will understand then, only too late,
what you have given up.
"There shall be much gnashing of teeth and weeping in the days to come. It
is only through a merciful Eternal Father that you have not received the Ball
upon you, but it is coming. The prayers of the faithful have gained several
reprieves, but the balance is heavily to the left.” – Jesus, April 17, 1976
"O My children, you do not understand what I have given to other seers upon
earth to bring to you. Not only words of consolation but words of truth. The
truth sometimes does hurt, My children; but I, as your Mother, must treat you at
this time as adults, being able to reason with the God-given reasoning that
Heaven gave unto you when you were conceived by the Holy Ghost. I say this for
this reason: the Eternal Father is much disturbed at the numbers of abortions
being committed throughout your country and the world. These numbers go upwards
to fifty to sixty million in one year throughout the world. And this is too much
for the Eternal Father, and also for the souls who are now victim souls--victims
to try to save their brothers and sisters who have gone astray from gaining
their rightful deserts of destruction and death. These victim souls, that have
become victims of their own accord and their own placement, they are the ones
who have kept the just punishment from coming upon you and mankind.” – Our
Lady, June 18, 1986
"Therefore, as errant children, who learn only by experience and punishment,
shall a great chastisement be set upon your nation and many nations of the
world. The eyes of the world are on North America, and the eyes of all creatures
possessed by demons of hell are on North America. And should North America join
them, North America shall fall.
"Little do your news medias enlighten you to the truth. I cannot, My child,
give you in discourse a full and open knowledge for mankind of the deceit and
the misdirection in your country by leaders who have cast away the knowledge of
God and the supernatural in your country and throughout the nations of the
world.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1981
"O My children, and the nation of the United States that I have placed My mantle
upon to protect you, a country of so greater in abundance materialistically, but
now, sadly, My child and My children, falling fast to satan: immorality and all
manner of licentious living, given over to murders, abortions, adultery,
homosexuality, pagan worship. O My child, the list would grow longer and longer.
In all justice to mankind and in all honor to your God, can you say that you do
not warrant a just punishment?” – Our Lady, June 18, 1981
"Your world and many nations of earth shall receive a crucible of suffering. The
degeneration of morals within a nation is the gauge that the Eternal Father will
use for punishment.” – Our Lady, May 18, 1977
"There will be upon your world a major War of such proportions that no human has
ever experienced the terror nor the destruction of these forces. War is a
punishment for man's sins. All of the direction given in warning is conditional
to mankind. There shall not be a full destruction set upon the world again, but
I assure you, My children, when you go through this crucible only a few shall be
saved.” – Jesus, July 24, 1976
"How much more punishment shall the severity increase to awaken you from your
slumber? We have asked Our pastors to put into action the direction given by My
Mother to recover My sheep. Instead, My Mother has been received with doubt,
laxity, apathy, and an absolute rejection by many. How many voice-boxes must We
send among you to awaken you before it is too late?” – Jesus, May 26, 1976
"The world, your world, My child and My children, is steeped in deep darkness
created by sin. There shall be a most terrible, heart-rending, crushing
punishment, chastisement sent upon the world soon.
"I have come to you as your Mother: a Mother who loves you, a Mother who
cares, a Mother who cries tears of pity for you, for you do not know what you
are doing. I ask you, as your Mother, I appeal to you, as your Mother, to listen
to Me. I have cried for you. I have wandered throughout your world, through
countless earth-years, begging with you, begging you to listen, even to a small
measure, of My message to the world, to turn now from the ways that are
offensive to your God, the Eternal Father in Heaven; for you bring upon yourself
a just punishment if you do not mend your ways now and turn from your sin.” –
Our Lady, June 18, 1982
"The children are the true victims of their elders. The example given to them is
poor. Many children shall be removed from the world, My child. It will be
necessary for the salvation of their souls. It will be a great plague.
"Remember, My child, they turned away and did not listen to the message of
the prophets of old. Nineveh fell, Sodom and Gomorrha, and so will your country
and your city. I place upon you the word 'if,' My child. This 'if' can only be
used for a short time, for the time allotted to mankind to make redemption to
the Father is short.” – Our Lady, April 5, 1975
"My children, unless you pray more, unless you do penance and acts of atonement
now, I cannot hold back the punishment, the Chastisement from mankind any
longer. As your days proceed, evil is accelerating and the chastisements, minor
and major, shall increase. There will be earthquakes in diverse places; there
will be floods and pestilence, and there will be the eruption of the elements.
My children, My counsel to you shall all come to pass.” – Our Lady, June 4,
"I hear voices, My children, voices that state that it is not I Who is speaking
to you because I spread words of fear. I do not spread words of fear upon you,
My children. I give you the truth of what is to be! In your human nature you do
not wish to understand any form of punishment. The Father is merciful, but He
will chastise those He loves if it can save their souls from satan.” – Our
Lady, September 28, 1974
Next Directive: #262 - Many will be lost
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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