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“For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.” – St. John 3:16
"I will be with you always in the days ahead, and as I promised, My child, I
will be here to guide you on the eves of all feast days. Many blessings of cures
and conversions will come from My hallowed grounds.
"There is a plan in Heaven for every life placed upon earth by the Eternal
Father. As such, each soul is precious to Him.
"There are upon earth many instruments, many voice-boxes for Heaven. Some
have been closed out to Us, the others must struggle through the web of
indifference and darkness.
"Do not expect an easy road ahead. The agents of hell are heavy among you.
Compassion will be dulled; love of neighbor, love of parents, a jest; respect
for life a thing of the past--all because you have allowed yourself to fall to
satan!” – Our Lady, April 1, 1972
"You must temper your appetites. Excesses weaken the soul. The road to satan is
easy, but Heaven is earned very hard. It is not an impossible road to follow,
just one guided by love with prayer.
"Many messages of the past must be dispersed now. All souls must be
reached. Every soul is precious to a loving Father.
"I have wandered far to try to save you, but you choose to close your ears
to My pleas. I have come to warn you, to save you. I wish to place My mantle
over all My children so that not one will be lost. The hand of the Father grows
impatient. I hold back the darkness, but His hand grows heavy.” – Our Lady,
August 5, 1970
"I admonish all parents now to prepare themselves for the days ahead. Yes, I
have gone throughout the world, pleading and promising peace, justice, and
happiness; but these will only be given on merit. I promise you now that the
time will come when you will all understand what I have been saying in various
places throughout your world. I have now reached the end of My journey.
"All messages of the past must be dispersed quickly. Each soul is precious
to the Father. No one who joins Us must slacken in his zeal. The reward promised
by the Eternal Father far--goes far beyond all the human expectations. Even the
greatest imagination of man's mind cannot foresee the joys and the goodness, the
love, and all the expressions of human nature that will be yours when you come
victorious through the dark days ahead.” – Our Lady, August 5, 1972
"Pastors, cardinals, bishops in My House, My Church, what are you trying to
rebuild, a church of man without angels to guide you? What are you trying to
renew? Has not My Church, My House, withstood all of the trials of time? It will
stand again, but My concern as your God is the number of souls that are being
lost to Heaven in this trial! The Eternal Father does not want one sheep lost to
Him! Each and every soul upon earth is precious to Him.
"Pastors, when you come before Me for judgment, shall you stand before Me
and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I will cast you away from
Me into the fires of eternal damnation for your laxity and for your consorting
with evil! Many are selling their souls to get to the head, and what does it
gain a man if he gather all of the world's treasures? Not one of them can he
take with him over the veil! Store your treasures in Heaven for your reprieve.
It will be your true passport to Heaven. Without it you are lost!” – Jesus,
August 14, 1978
"I have chosen, My children, to call My sacred grounds a garden of roses. The
rose is the perfect insignia of purity and divinity among the flowers.
"Each soul placed upon the earth, My child, is a flower that must be
nourished with pure waters so that the stem may grow and be strong and the
flower face of the child shall be turned upward to receive the light. We give to
each parent the trust of this fragile flower, the child.” – Our Lady,
December 28, 1974
“Make it known, My child, to the world: there is no death of the soul. The human
body will be temporarily separated from the soul. At the end of time, both will
be reunited for the glorification of the Father.” - Our Lady, June 8, 1974
“Many will not accept your revelations, My child, for man has yet to understand
the difference between the physical body and the spiritual soul. Man fails to
recognize the existence of the unseen world about you. Right now the demons are
gathering for this full scale war of the spirits.” - Our Lady, February 11,
“You must, My child, have no fear at giving this message to the world. The
destruction of a body is not important, but cry, My child, for the destruction
of a soul. It is the eternal part. Man has found that he prefers to gather all
the treasures of earth, casting aside the knowledge that one day he must leave
all of his treasures and stand before the Eternal Father and be judged. His
spirit, the soul, must live on forever and ever into eternity. He will go to
hell, purged in purgatory, or come through the gates of eternal bliss and
happiness in the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. Every man who has given himself
to satan and damnation will have done this of his own free will and accord.” -
Our Lady, November 1, 1975
“Many now have given themselves to the world. This saddens Our hearts greatly,
for the road is wide that leads into darkness and the lighted road is narrow.
You cannot bargain with your soul.” - Our Lady, May 22,
“The Eternal Father sends each life with reason. The spirit of life is breathed
into that body at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception the soul
is united to that body. Though it grows from a small seed, it is living and must
not be destroyed! It is murder, My children, to destroy the seed.” -
Our Lady, December 27, 1975
“Each man has a covenant with his God, My child. Each man has a responsibility
for his soul and the souls of all whom he has given charge of.” -
Our Lady, December 24, 1975
“Take yourselves away from those who are destroyers of the soul, for you have
nothing in common with them. What is there between or commensurate between the
light and the darkness? Do you have, you who have gained the knowledge and
retained your faith and remained pure of spirit, what do you have in common with
the forces of evil? Avoid all occasions of sin. Do not be partakers of their
sin, for birds of a feather shall surely flock together.” -
Our Lady, August 5, 1976
“Man, even man in My Son's House, Church, has found the way to rationalize his
sin. There is no rationalization, My children, for sin! For sin will bring about
the death of your soul. Your soul is immortal, but when I speak of the death of
your soul, I mean its fall to satan and its banishment into the eternal fires of
hell.” - Our Lady, December 6, 1974
“What, My child, does it gain a man if he gathers the treasures of the whole
world and forever loses his soul? Pray much, My child; pray much, My children,
for if you return to Us but one straying soul and snatch this soul from satan
there will be great joy in Heaven forever. And your reward will far surpass
anything that you can deem in your imagination!” - Our
Lady, June 15, 1974
“Every soul, My child, that has entered, fallen into hell, has had his choice.
In each life there is that moment of recognition of soul. You have all been
given a God-born conscience. The Creator, your Father, did not birth you in
ignorance. Those who fall into the abyss have done this of free will.
“No man who comes to the Father in belief will be turned away. No sinner is
too much of a sinner to be recovered. The Father, the Eternal Father, gathers
the sheep, not wishing that one be lost to Him.” -
Jesus, November 24, 1973
“Pray; pray much. Make many sacrifices of your senses. These are most pleasing
to the Father. Sacrifice will recover a straying soul.” -
Our Lady, November 24, 1973
“I repeat: wars are a punishment for man's sins. And the wages of sin is death.
I look upon you, man of earth, and find that many of you are already dead. You
are dead souls in a living body. You have all but a short time to rekindle your
spirit with the light. You cannot bargain your soul, for you will discard the
light. You cannot sell your soul to satan for gain in your few years of
pilgrimage upon your earth. You shall not sell your soul to get to the head.” -
Jesus, December 24, 1976
“You may not understand, you cannot understand, My child, the ways of the
Father. But a soul must be as pure as the brightest star in Heaven before it can
enter into the Kingdom.” - Our Lady, February 10, 1974
“When a man has stepped over the threshold and allowed himself to fall into
mortal sin, he must be purified by trial, but he must also, My children, be
purified by the rule of penance and confession. What manner of evil is being set
now upon mankind that compels him to lose his soul by rejecting the Sacraments,
by no longer confessing to his confessor, but coming to receive My Son in
sacrifice, while his soul is degraded by sin of mortal nature!” -
Our Lady, September 7, 1976
“No man shall be condemned to eternal damnation, no man shall fall unless he
falls of his own free will. Man has fallen and become lukewarm because he has
sought the material things of life to feed his body, his carnal nature, while he
starves his soul. What good will it be if you gather all of the riches of the
world and you do not store your treasures in Heaven? You will come across the
veil with nothing but the merits of love and prayer.” -
Jesus, March 18, 1978
“My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well.
You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the
sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura
of purity. Remove them, if necessary, from the sources of contamination, be it
your schools or even false pastors. Is not the destruction of one small soul
heartbreaking to the Father? The value of one small soul recovered far surpasses
all the saints ascending to Heaven. Therefore, be cautious with your children,
My children, for it is you who will suffer when their souls go to satan.” -
Our Lady, February 1, 1974
“Do not fall into the error of your day, the error that is being given a
worldwide circulation in your houses, churches--My Church and all heretical
sects--that because of My death and My crucifixion no man will die. But what is
death, My children, but a destruction of your immortal soul, a soul that is in
darkness and destroyed by being given to satan for eternal damnation. Do not be
misguided by those who say you may sin, you may break all the rules of your God
and still be saved. It is a fallacy and an abominable error straight from the
depths of hell, and the creation of satan to delude you until there is no way
“Each and every man, woman, and child of the age of reason is accountable to
the very end for his way, the road he has chosen while upon earth. Life is
eternal for all, but where shall you spend this eternity? Though My Mother cries
and pleads to you as a fallen generation, you must understand that not all who
cry 'Lord, Lord,' can enter into the Kingdom. It is won by merit and obedience
to your God. And I repeat: obedience to your God, but not obedience to a man who
defies your God.” - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"My child, you have not sent the letters to those whom I have asked you to. You
must not become involved in chasing, My child. Satan will set many obstacles in
your way. You must discard that which is not of greatest importance. Every soul
is precious to the Eternal Father and must be saved. Every measure must be taken
to save this soul, My child.
"You will speak once and if not hastened, you will speak no more; but keep
it in your heart, My child, that it may not be his decision. Pray that your
bishop will receive the light of understanding.
"I repeat, it is not derogatory to speak, My child, to him. He must know
that he is traveling with the goats. He must be saved, My child.” –
Lady, October 6, 1975
"You cannot understand the ways of the Eternal Father, My child. The sheep are
now being separated from the goats. Yes, My child, take courage and speak the
truth. You must tell the bishop that he has placed himself among the goats, and
he must remove himself immediately! The Bishop of Brooklyn.
"Do not shudder, My child. You must save this soul. Each soul is precious
to the Eternal Father, My child. No, you will not be accused of judging, for you
are only bringing the Message from Heaven. Hurry now, My child; hasten to send
the letter to him. In time you will understand why.” – Our Lady, January 31,
"Parents have a great responsibility for the salvation of their children's
souls. You must be of good example; you must guard your children, as their souls
are precious gems. Woe to the parent who has shirked his duty and has cast their
children to the wolves. I say unto them: they shall cry bitter tears of
heartbreak, and there shall be much gnashing of teeth.” –
Lady, May 14, 1977
Next Directive: #269 - Fornication
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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