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#270 - Gifts from God

“But to every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the giving of Christ. Wherefore he saith: Ascending on high, he led captivity captive: he gave gifts to men.” – Ephesians 4:7-8

"My child, none can view the great vision, the beatific vision; none can view this, for it would be that you would be removed from your earthly body. This awaits mankind only over the veil. We send to you only what your human mind can comprehend. Were We to show you, My child, what lies beyond the veil, the beauty, the full encompassment of your emotions would still your earthly heart. This We cannot give to you until you come across the veil." - Our Lady, April 13, 1974

"My poor children, hopeless of heart, know now that the future after the cleansing will be glorious, far more glorious than your human mind could ever conceive. Beauty of beauties! Emotion superb! The fulfillment of every desire that man could conceive on earth will be yours in the Kingdom. Is this, My children, what you will discard for the few short earthly years given to you, as you run about aimlessly seeking the pleasures of your world and the riches, willing to close your hearts and your ears to the truth? Many have chosen this path, for they find to shut out the truth will take the conscience, God-given to them, away. How mistaken they are! They cannot run from the Spirit.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1973

"Less and less honor is being given to My Son in the Eucharist. Will you not love Him? Express and act upon your love by comforting My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Visit Him more often, for He grows lonely in His House. Graces in abundance shall be given to all who seek My Son in the Eucharist.
     "Hasten, repair to the tabernacles of the world, My children, while the doors of My Son's houses, His Church upon earth, are still open to you. Many countries shall be deprived of this source of great grace, and there shall be anguish of heart. Accept this elixir of love, My children-the Bread of life, the Eucharist." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979

"My children, many of these so-called gifts that man seeks upon earth--these gifts are from satan and the seed for his downfall, man's downfall. Satan has placed upon earth all manner of enticements to destroy and soil souls. Recognize, My children, the way of evil set by satan and the true way of the cross as given by the example of My Son.” – Our Lady, April 1, 1978 

"My child, obedience is a word that has been distorted and used for a person's own evaluation, whereas you will understand, My child: obedience is always first and uppermost to your Eternal Father in Heaven.
     "How many tears, My child and My children, have I shed as I wander to and fro upon your earth, warning you to prepare. For little warnings given through little people, little of heart, little of material gatherings--but however, they are big of heart in Heaven's eyes, and upon these little ones do We choose to send them forth. They enter into a den of wolves, many to be sacrificed in the battle. However, no greater glory can be given to man than to die for his Faith.” – Our Lady, December 7, 1978 

"You must not, O pastors, you must not compromise your faith; do not be misled. O pastors, you have forgotten your teachings. You must renew in a manner that is not new. You must go back, I say, go back and start anew with Tradition! You cannot separate Tradition, for you held the truth. You were given the grace, the greatest of gifts to mankind, to be born into or come into by conversion, My Son's Church. And now you go about, O you of little faith, to chip away and chop at the wall until it crumbles. But you shall not remove the foundation, for the foundation is My Son. You are recrucifying Him in His own House!
     "O shameful manifestation of sin among Our hierarchy! You are not hidden from the eyes of the Eternal Father. Your sins are counted. You shall be judged. The Eternal Father has looked into the heart of Our clergy and found, sadly, that they are wanting.” – Our Lady, April 10, 1976 

"The miracles in print are given to fortify your strength in spirit and belief. My children, do not credit the adversary, satan, with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The meaning of these pictures will come through in the days ahead.
     "All who remain steadfast will come through the days ahead to receive their crowns in Heaven.” – Our Lady, June 8, 1972  

Veronica - The world must recognize the importance of the Jacinta 1972 picture. Our Lady asked that all read and examine the picture well. It is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind in these latter days, a manifestation from Heaven. All who are in the light will recognize and interpret the photograph Jacinta 1972, and they will not be taken unawares. – December 7, 1978 

"The world has continued upon its disastrous course. The evil is accelerating. The good people, many of them are becoming complacent, and a lethargy has set in among some. My children of light, do not become self-satisfied in your gifts, for those who have received graces in abundance, much is expected of them. You must go forward now without slackening the pace of the work. Continue to send out the Messages from Heaven. Each and every child upon earth must hear the word from his God before the end.” – Jesus, June 10, 1978 

"Your world has been given to satan but for a short time. The agents of darkness have multiplied in your world and in My Son's House. The forces of evil will be set against you, My child, and your work. Know that the Father controls all. You will continue to give My message to the world.
     "There are many gifts, My child, that go by unnoticed by mankind. The Spirit of truth has not left the world. The light is searching through the darkness." – Our Lady, November 23, 1974 

"Bring the children to Us, but do not take them down the wrong road. Parents, give them the light while there is time. Save your children, for your hearts will be torn with anguish. What greater joy, My children, in the heart of a parent, when a child must come to Us over the veil and this parent has the comfort of heart to know that that child has been saved. And what sadness to a parent to wonder and plead for an eternity upon earth for the redemption of a soul that the parent, through negligence, through blindness, through a dimness of faith, allowed, permitted his child to go onto the wrong road, a road leading to ultimate damnation.
     "All were placed upon earth to be saved, but many are called but few are chosen. And why? Because they did not pray. They did not accept the gifts given to them for their salvation. They looked elsewhere. They implemented with novelty and experimentation. Satan has poisoned the minds of many.” – Jesus, May 15, 1976 

"Return My Son's House to the state of holiness and purity. Do not be silent any longer. Discipline--pastors, where is your discipline? You will not count souls by filling your coffers. Daily collections--money changers in the temple!
     "The gifts from Heaven that are eternal have no price placed upon them. They are free for the asking. Ask and you will receive, My children.” – Our Lady, September 13, 1974 

"You must be charitable at all times, but use discretion in all associations.
     "Peace is a gift from the Most High. If left to himself, man would be ever in conflict with his neighbor (wars and so forth, etc.). Satan and consorts roam the earth promoting conflicts." – Locution from Our Lady, March 8, 1991 

“Do not abandon My Son's gift to you in holy Church, for it is Our home on earth. It is your heavenly habitude, sheltering you from the dark knights that are wandering about to drag you to the bottomless pit. Find shelter in Jesus' arms. Remain close to Him." – Our Lady, August 21, 1970 

"Listen well, My children, to My words and remember them in the days ahead. Reread, My children, My words, so that you will not become confused in the days ahead. Pray for the light.
     "Help save your country with the gift I have given you, the beads of prayer to Heaven. Build a solid link to push back the darkness that now covers your land and the world." – Our Lady, October 7, 1971 

"Parents, teach your children the words of the Bible. Make the Bible a necessary book in your home, not something that may be given to you as a gift by mankind, but as a gift from the Eternal Father. Read this book to your children. They are thirsting for the knowledge from God. Only you as parents can save them.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1994 

"My child, I wish to clarify this with you: When I speak to you of these secret societies, know that there are many now. The numbers are far greater than you know that have entered into them. Some go as they think they have reached a place of esteem. Many have been baptized, destined for the Kingdom of the Father. However, warn them, My child, that they are in great danger of losing this precious gift. Recognize the deception within these societies. They do much good, but the evil, the true purpose beneath this good, is abominable, for it seeks to remove from among you God the Father and all knowledge of His Being.
     "The saddest fact, My child, is this great army of satan seeks to destroy My Son's Church, and will use its own members to try to destroy. However, the foundation is My Son. It will never be destroyed. But the walls can crumble, and the numbers of souls lost will be counted in the many. For only a few will be saved!” – Our Lady, September 7, 1974 

"Your Bible must be studied well, and you will understand that the Eternal Father gave you truly a simple way to follow. It goes far beyond much human understanding, because without prayer and suffering and penance, you will not have the gift from the Eternal Father to understand even the Sacred Scriptures.” – St. Theresa, October 2, 1979 

"You will all keep in your hearts this prayer for consolation and direction. If you come upon a questionable soul, you will say inwardly the Exorcism, Saint Michael, and your eyes will be opened to the truth. Many shall receive the gift of discernment of spirits. It is a necessity now in the fight, the battle against the unseen forces of the supernatural.” – Jesus, October 1, 1977 

"I cannot understand the lack of discipline in your orders, my sisters. You have cast aside your vows. You have traded your spirit. What can you expect in eternity but damnation? You have closed your hearts and your eyes to the truth. You have been warned by the Eternal Father and the Queen of Heaven countless times. You will listen now, or lose the gift of eternal happiness. You will not reach the highest pinnacle of sainthood unless you mend your ways now." - St. Catherine Labouré, October 2, 1972 

"In the final count after retribution, the numbers will be few who are saved. The decision for salvation now lies with each individual. Parents will carry the greatest burden of guilt for the falling of their children. Do not judge without pity, without charity, those about you, for you are still brothers and sisters.
     "Pray, pray long hours of prayer for those who are falling or who have fallen into the web of deceit and darkness that now covers the earth. You must remain with My Son, through His gift of His heart to you, in the tabernacles of the world. You will not become infiltrated when you develop the daily habit of visiting My Son. He grows lonely. He has been locked out from many hearts.
     "If I, My children, could open to you for just a few short moments the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven, how glorious would be your suffering! How glorious would be all the trials of your life when you will be able to see beyond the gates of this glorious Kingdom of eternal life!” – Our Lady, May 10, 1972 

“Strengthen your soul by staying with My Son near the tabernacles of the world. Accept the gift of My Son often, His physical Body, present in your Eucharist--but given to you only by consecrated hands, hands blessed by My Son and ordained to do His work and represent Him. Turn your face from those who wish to profane the Body of My Son! The light of the Holy Spirit will guide you in this respect.
     "The indignities to My Son, the Eternal Father, and all Heaven are increasing with the increased destruction of this man of sin. His goal is the possession of all spirits destined for My Son's Kingdom.
     "Many will not accept your revelations, My child, for man has yet to understand the difference between the physical body and the spiritual soul. Man fails to recognize the existence of the unseen world about you. Right now the demons are gathering for this full scale war of the spirits.” – Our Lady, February 11, 1971 

"The greatest gift you can bring to your fellow man now is to make him believe. Many are deeply entrenched in darkness of the spirit, and without your help the many will be lost to satan--eternal damnation and banishment.” – Our Lady, April 1, 1978 

"My children, there will come upon mankind soon a war of great magnitude. Death will become commonplace to all. If this war continues three-quarters of the world's population shall die.
     "All the world's happenings are under the control of the Eternal Father in Heaven. He knows both the past and the future and the present. However, because of man's free will, a gift from the Eternal Father to all, man must choose his road.
     "It is only through great grace that a man shall be pushed over the veil into Heaven, the Eternal Kingdom. Graces are given in abundance for the asking. Believe, My children, just believe, and you will be given the way. No man shall fall into hell, the abode of the damned, unless he goes there of his own free will.” – Jesus, April 1, 1978 

"Dear children, I have come to lead you from the evil one. You have free will; your Father gave you this. You have chosen to use it not to save yourself. You have the choice to be cast into hell or return to your rightful home with Us.
     "Once, a long time ago, Our Father gave this gift to His people in Heaven, and they, too, used it to no avail. They, too, became arrogant and looked upon the Father with no respect or love. Your world is a wide road traveling in the same direction--away from the Father.
     "You just remember, My children, to call on Michael and the angels, whom man has deemed to cast aside. Yes, this guardian you will need. We have placed them at your sides; call on them. We are all waiting and watching. No one will be lost if they call on them, Our warriors.
     "Go about and look for a poor wandering soul, the one in darkness. Yes, you will be mocked and turned away. You will follow the same road as I. I have lived life on your earth. If you don't care, so many will be lost to Us.” – Our Lady, May 30, 1971 

"You who call upon the Spirit forcefully command the spirit of darkness, the prince of darkness, to send his agents into you. You are treading where angels would fear to go, My children. You cannot force the Spirit to come to you. It is a gift given at the discretion of the Eternal Father. Stop now your meanderings into regions of darkness.” – Our Lady, June 18, 1976 

"My child and My children, you are now approaching grave days. My Mother has prepared all of you for the trials ahead. Needless to say, I shall not repeat again the counsel given to you by My Mother. This counsel has been rejected by many, and for all of Her heart that My Mother has extended to you, many have returned this gift with bitterness, mockery, and derision and blasphemy.
     "My children, you must now go forward as disciples of the Eternal Father, sending the words of Heaven far and wide throughout your world.” – Jesus, July 15, 1978 

"My children, My Mother has counseled you well. You will listen to Her counsel and act upon it. Your reward will be great in Heaven for all of the assistance you render to My Mother in Her travels upon earth to rescue the children of God from satan, the armies of hell now loosed upon your earth.
     "Do not listen to the scoffers, those who are derisive in their criticism. My children, I assure you: man will always reject what he does not believe in or understand. Faith, My children, is a gift from your God!
    "I ask you all to pray constantly that you may not lose contact with the Spirit of God. I ask you all to keep your eyes upward to Heaven that you may not be plunged into darkness.” – Jesus, June 10, 1978 

"These theories of extra-terrestrial life, these theories have been developed by Lucifer, even unto the false miracles of the end days which you know as UFOs. They are from hell--transports of hell, supernatural transports. They are to deceive and confound the populace. I repeat, they are of supernatural origin. There is no life beyond earth, only the life given by the Eternal Father as a gift to mankind, eternal life after the death of the body, in the Kingdom of Heaven.” – Jesus, June 18, 1979 

"I do not want you to leave your parish churches. I want you and counsel you as your God to remain! If you have any dispute, I ask you for the preservation of your salvation upon earth, to not cast aside the role of the priesthood as given through the Apostles, My followers.
     "Peter was My first Pope and your first Pope, and as all others who followed him, they must be accepted. Be they weak or noble, be they with sanctity or unholiness, they must be accepted and followed.
     "My children, you must always remember: you may despise the sin, but you must love the sinner. For grace is a special gift from your God, and without it each and every one of you are capable to fall!” – Jesus, June 9, 1979 

"I bless you, My child; I bless you with the gift from Heaven of continued perseverance. You will not be given any heavier a burden than you can carry.” – Our Lady, December 24, 1976 

"My child, the photographs you have been receiving, many were given to you for the present and some for the future. These photographs, miracles in print, are given for your edification. They bear witness to the Message of Heaven, and they will be a personal gift to many for their personal edification.” – Our Lady, August 21, 1974 

"You, My child, must accept your suffering for the priesthood. It is a great gift of grace, though you cannot escape the torments of the body, My child; you cannot escape the suffering, for the suffering is the balm, b-a-l-m, My child, the balm for those who are waiting to enter over the veil.” – Our Lady, August 21, 1985 

"Today, and this evening, I am happy at heart because there are so many enlightened souls who have come to do honor to the gift from Heaven of the Rosary.
     "My children, I know if you will only place your confidence in Me, that with the Rosary and the brown Scapular, we can turn this all about. But it must take the efforts in grace of all mankind. And there, My children, is little time for you to turn about.” – Our Lady, October 5, 1985

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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