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#278 – FAMINE
"And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying: Come and see. And behold a black horse. And he that sat on him had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard, as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying: Two pounds of wheat for a penny, and thrice two pounds of barley for a penny: and see thou hurt not the wine and the oil." - Apocalypse 6:5-6
"My children, as you go forward now, you are entering the time of great
sorrows. Without enough prayers and acts of atonement to the Eternal Father, the
nations shall rise against nation and there will be much bloodshed and gnashing
of teeth among mankind. The loss of charity of heart has taken full grip upon
"You understand, My children, I hope, the lesson given
to you in the past night* of how man in his sin
will become as an animal. I sent onto your city, My child, three warnings. Now
the next shall be a terrible cross for many.
"Within your land, the United States, and many nations
that have fallen to corruption and sin, great trial will be given. The crops
will fail; there will be famine and thirst in many regions. There will be set
upon your city, New York, a great plague, My children. Those who are on the
waters may escape the rodents.
"I realize, My child, the great terror, the knowledge
in sight, I have given you of what is to be, the great terror it brings to your
heart. But I assure you, My children, if you are of well spirit, you will have
nothing to fear." - Jesus, July 15, 1977
* A massive power failure in New York City due to successive lightning bolts Wednesday and Thursday, July 13 and 14 of 1977. The blackout lasted 25 hours. Looting and vandalism resulted in losses of millions of dollars.
"There will be wars. There will be famine. It will be brother against
brother, and sister against sister, for sin has become a way of life for many.
The wages of sin is death, death of the spirit. Do not be concerned, My
children, of the death of the body, for it is the eternal soul that the Father
seeks to gain." - Jesus, September 14, 1976
"The red horse is war! And war is in the balance, next, My child. And what
can you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven--and We hope My
children, that you will get this out to the world: Unless the bishops and the
Holy Father in unity with all the bishops of the world, unless they consecrate
Russia to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be doomed! Because Russia
will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and
carnage and pestilence and famine. Is this what you want, My children?
"Every single soul upon earth that hears My voice this
evening has an obligation, for the sanctification of their own souls and the
souls of those they love, to listen to Me and follow the direction. I wish that
all who hear My words this evening will go forward and besiege, if necessary,
the Holy Father and the bishops with a request for this consecration of Russia.
We do not mean the world, My children, We mean Russia!" - Jesus, June 17,
"I wish that all mothers and fathers bring this simple prayer to the hearts
of their children. For in the future, with the raging wars and pestilence and
famine that will come upon mankind, many will pass over the veil at a young age.
You must teach them, parents, to say this simple prayer to Heaven:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take." - Jesus, June 17, 1989
"Go forward for the redemption of mankind out of this present world of sin.
Prayer, atonement and sacrifice, We ask, for all mankind now. Your future is
now. What the Eternal Father had planned originally for your future shall be
now. The decision is now with mankind. A great Chastisement approaches upon you.
"Storms shall ravage the shores; crops will rot in the
ground--famine. Insanity, from sin, in the minds of the young. Murders. Who
shall govern your fine country, My children, in the future, as the pollution is
bending the stalks. Repent now of your sin, for the hand of just punishment is
being lowered upon you.
"I as your Mother will continue to come and guide you
through the great test ahead. No man shall be lost unless he does, chooses his
path, of his own free will." - Our Lady, July 25, 1978
"My child, I have asked all to go forward in these final days before the
great Chastisement as disciples of My Son, first and uppermost in their lives.
For he who gives his life shall be saved. He who walks away and abandons himself
to the world shall be lost.
"I told you, My child, to shout it from the rooftops,
that many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Only a few will
be saved. There will be nations disappear within a matter of ten minutes and
"Earthquakes in your country, the United States,
extending up through Canada, earthquakes in places never before known to exist,
or the possibility of. And they will know it comes but from the hand of God.
Famine, starvation, your crops will rot. The heat will burn, the cattle will
starve. And why? Because you refuse to turn back, complacent in your arrogance."
- Our Lady, May 30, 1981
"And there will be, also, great warfare in Africa - famine and warfare,
droughts. O My children, all of these, with wars included, are allowed to come
upon you so that you may understand and learn the hard way that there is a
God--One who could stop the massacres; One who could stop all the suffering upon
earth. However, it is a test for all mankind; for by this test, many shall be
cleansed. O My children, My desperate children, I hear your voices coming up to
Us, and My Mother sheds tears of pity for you." - Jesus, October 5, 1985
"Hasten, harken, and listen to the words of warning to a generation that has
become perverse, degraded--and abominations committed to offend your God. In
justice and for penance, there will be visited upon your earth great
trials--droughts, famine, rotting crops, hurricanes, floods, all manner of earth
tremors and disturbances of nature, increasing in volume, spreading throughout
your world. There will be eruptions and manifestations that shall bring terror
to the hearts of many, in places that have never seen nor heard of such volume
of sound and fierce eruptions of the earth." - St. Michael, August 21, 1976
"The world, earth, shall pass through a great crucible of suffering. Many
minor warnings have been given in the past, and too few recognized them as such.
Death will become prevalent in your country. Murders, robberies, fornication,
idleness through famine and drought. My children, all who are of well spirit
shall pass through these times with perseverance. You must all follow the
counsel of My Mother. She has been permitted by the Eternal Father to come to
you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Her promise is true. She will remain
with you, steadfast in Her promise. It is the will of the Father that She shall
direct the children of earth in crushing the rule of satan." - Jesus, May 13,
"The Father shall chastise those He loves. Your country and many countries
of your world will suffer trials of famine, earthquakes, tornadoes and the
"Much has been not recognized in the past as coming
from the Father. The Father controls the elements of your atmosphere. My
children--the Father, your Most High God in Heaven. Do not credit satan with
this. It belongs to your God." - Our Lady, December 31, 1974
"There are many things that cannot be understood because of a man's human
nature, but that you must trust in God the Father, and listen to the words My
Mother brings to you and the dire warnings of what is to come upon mankind. Do
not accept it lightly, or with derision. For the answer will be given to you,
and you will still not know that this has come to you from the Eternal Father as
a measure of penance.
"All mankind will be tested before the great day of My
return. There will be floods taking many lives; there will be famine and many
will die; and there will be the great heat and many will die. My child, I know
you are affrighted at My words, but Our purpose is to save you." - Jesus,
June 18, 1983
"Your country, My child, the United States, shall know of another tremendous
earthquake. I know this grips your heart with fear, My child, but you will see
and understand. There will be more floods, more famine, more blood in the
streets. The enemy will come from foreign nations now to try to shed this blood.
Do not take their words to you lightly. They will enter the United States for
one purpose--to destroy the morale.
"Your country and Canada has been surrounded by the Red
Bear for many years. They fear the finger upon the first missile, because they
know that it will be the end for the human race. But, My children, do not
misunderstand, and do not discalculate the power of satan. Because if he is
allowed to by the Eternal Father, he will see that someone does put their hand
on the wrong button." - Our Lady, September 27, 1986
"Listen well and repeat my words. Woe, woe to man of earth. He calls down
upon himself a just punishment for the abominations he commits in his heart and
the abominations in the sacred Temples of God. Wars, famine, flood, cataclysm,
and the Ball of Redemption, know that in this order man shall be cleansed." -
St. Michael, May 30, 1974
"My children, continue with your prayers of atonement. Many are needed. You
are not alone in your struggles. The world will receive the Message. My word
will go throughout your world and then the hand of chastisement will fall upon
"How long, you ask, My child, shall it be? This
decision lies only in the hearts of mankind. When the abominations have reached
a peak of great iniquity, know then that the end is at hand.
"Death, famine, destruction, seeds of evil flourishing
to the extent that you will fear that mass insanity has set upon your world.
Sin, My children is insanity. Wars are a punishment for your sins! Awaken! Take
the darkness from your hearts! Make atonement for yourselves, for no man can say
he has not offended his God!" - Jesus, December 28, 1974
"My child and My children, only you as an individual can save your soul now
and the souls whom you love and whom you have the charity to reach out for. For
those with great graces, they can be shared. You have a great obligation now to
go forward as disciples of My Son.
"If you proceed ignoring My counsel, and My direction,
you will see many nations disappear from your world within moments. Hunger and
starvation, famine, disease, pestilence.
"My children, how sad I am that too few have followed
My counsel to read the revelations of St. John to the world, the Apocalypse.
Read them, My children. Ask My Son, ask the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit
to enlighten you, and the pages will become clear to you. The pages will open up
like the scroll, and you will have full understanding of the days ahead. What
was hidden from mankind for many years is being revealed in order to save the
world from its own destruction." - Our Lady, June 13, 1981
"Oh, My poor misguided children! Why have you given up your chance to reach
the eternal Kingdom for the temporary gains and pleasures of the world. Do you
not know that when you enter beyond the veil, you will leave as you did come.
All that you can take with you are the merits of graces that have been stored in
your treasury in Heaven.
"Man sold My Son and man is selling My Son again for
pieces of silver!
"Man will not change the House of God to satisfy the
desires of man! But man must fulfill and follow the discipline and rule set by
the Fathers, the founders of Holy Church! There is no other road to Heaven! You
cannot win souls by giving them the things of your world which are not
spiritual! We look worlds of famine, but the starvations of the soul far
outnumbers the starvation of the human body." - Our Lady, March 18, 1974
"The Eternal Father has the Ball poised in His hand; your end can come by
day. It will come upon you quickly, and how many shall be prepared? Do you have
your candles? Do you have your water, your canned food, and your blankets? It
will become an extremely cold day with the start of the Tribulation, and you
will welcome having these on hand, My children. Do not take this lightly, but
abide by Our direction and you shall not be caught short of provisions." -
Jesus, November 1, 1985
"Do not be afeared, My child; retain your crucifix on your doors. And keep
your supply of earthly goods, though they are needed for your human body; the
canned food, the candles, the water, and the blankets. A sudden cold shall come
upon mankind and many shall die from the cold." - Jesus, October 5, 1985
"My child and My children, I beg you, as Your Mother and as a beacon of
light to all, to pray and make atonement to the Eternal Father, or you will be
chastised much more heavily, My child and children.
"As I said before in countless visits to your earth
that there is a plan in Heaven for each and every life. However, man has a free
will and can turn back away from the truth, becoming blinded to the truth, for
man has made life most complicated.
"All Heaven is joining in a major force to try to avoid
in your generation the terrible floods, the great heat, and the plague. Yes, My
child and My children, the crops will rot; babies shall cry, as there will be no
food to feed the hungry mouths." - Our Lady, May 21, 1983
"Fatima, My child. And how many sought and acted upon My counsel . . . even
keeping hidden the major part of My message. And now it has come about, for it
will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal.
"My children in the
United States of America, must you go hungry? Many parts of your country shall
suffer from want of food, for the winter will be cold. Many shall die in the
coming year, My children. There will be accidents that are not accidents. Hunger
shall be in the homes of many.
children, do not despair, for it will appear that satan has complete control of
the world. But know that he is only being given a short time. In this time shall
We be able to separate the sheep from the goats. It is truly a battle far
greater than any battle that has been set upon mankind. These are the days
before the coming of your Lord.
"My children, not only with the canned foods will you store just food, but
you must also make known to your families and your friends that they had best
keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the onset of
the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to contamination."
- Our Lady, July 1, 1985
"My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be
hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is
to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your
government--an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in
the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe,
until the world sees one big, massive depression. I can illustrate to you, My
children, what I mean by this monetary depression.
"Should you go and wish to buy a small instrument, even
a guitar, that We hear plucking away at the dervishly, and devilry, of what is
called the musical Mass, strung by guitars, and other creations of satan. My
child, I go on to tell you, you will say that the guitar is not a costly item,
but in order to buy this guitar you will carry an actual satchel, an overnight
bag-size, My child--let Us put it that way clearly--of notes, your currency. It
will take a whole suitcase of paper--paper money that no longer has a value. You
will soon be reduced to bartering for your food." - Our Lady, September 7,
Veronica - Now I see another figure coming forward. Now he's carrying a long
what looks like a piece of reed or wheat, and he has got a balance in his hand,
a scale. But it looks different from the one Michael carries. He also has a
black band across his chest, and he's standing now on the right bank of the ...
joining the other angel on the right bank of the river, of the great body of
water. And now he is holding the balance up and he is pointing now to his chest,
and written across the black band is "Hunger." H - U - N - G - E - R. Now he's
taking the balance and he's raising it high above his head, and he's saying:
Third Angel - "Denarius, denarius. A measure for the
wheat! What will you give for your bread?" - April 6, 1974
"My child, and to think how much food is being wasted in your country and
the affluent countries of the world. One little morsel could keep a child from
starving to death.
"If you think that this could not happen in your
country, you are mistaken, My child. If you think this cannot happen, I must
tell you now that there are still many who are hungry in your country this
evening. You see, My child, man is always self-seeking, and cannot see what lies
ahead of him.
"You will understand and broadcast the message to the
world that there will be a great destruction in the monetary systems of the
world. It will affect both the United States and Canada, and all the great
powers of the world. And I repeat again: You will go to your stores to do your
shopping carrying papers which may as well be newspapers, for the value they
will have to purchase even food will be nil.
"How can a great country like the United States fall,
you say, My child? You ask Me in your heart. I read your heart. I will tell you
why. Because they have given themselves over to satan. When a country has lost
its morality and seeks the pleasures of the flesh, giving over, themselves over,
to all manner of abominations, like homosexuality, and condoning this up the
highest courts of the land, then that country shall fall." - Our Lady,
November 1, 1985
Next Directive: #279 - Unity
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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