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#463 - Worship, Part 1
"Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." - St. John 17:3
"You will not deny the divinity
of My Son. You will no longer offend the Father in the Son, in the Holy Ghost
within the House of God and in your world, for you call down a heavy penance
upon yourselves.
"I have not come, My children, to set fear into
your hearts. I have come only as a Mediatrix and a Mother. I have come to warn
you that you have offended God much, and the scales must be balanced soon. Many
graces will be given to those who come and ask for them. None will be forced
onto the road of satan, for they will go willingly before the final count." -
Our Lady, August 14, 1973
"All that is evil shall fall. Trial upon trial, calamity upon calamity, until
all that remains will rise up, will be purified, will be purified so that the
gathering shall glorify and adore God the Eternal Father, and the gathering
shall no longer set man up as an idol to worship in humanism.
"My children, you ask why the suffering? It is a sad
but proven fact that many will not turn back until they are brought to their
knees. You see, My children, when you pamper your human bodies, when you gather
all the material goods of your world, you are not nourishing your soul; you are
not accepting the Spirit of light; but your world is giving to you the spirit of
darkness, and buying your soul. And many have sold their souls to get to the
head; many within My House have sold their souls to get to the head." - Jesus,
February 1, 1977
"O My children, I will not go into a long discourse now with you about charity
and love for your neighbor, but you must understand: you cannot judge your
neighbor. You must pray for them. However, you cannot become weak and
permissive. You must stand forth as bearers of the light, carriers of the truth.
You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon
earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son, Jesus. Though man in his
arrogance and pride has forgotten His role and His rule, you must carry it
forward. Retain the Faith and the truth in the hearts of mankind." - Our Lady,
September 7, 1978
"As in the past, rejection has been the start of a fallen man. Sin has become a
way of life with many. You live in a delusion if you believe that you can offend
the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the Kingdom. No, I say to you:
many are called, but few are chosen.
"Ask and you shall receive, believe and you will be given the way.
But you must merit the Kingdom. Your birthright was a start, but you must make
your way to the Kingdom. Others may gain these graces for you by prayer and acts
of sacrifice, but you will accept or reject the key." - Jesus, May 26, 1976
"There is only one religion that can save your country and all of the countries
of the world: the religion of the cross and My Son's sacrifice upon that cross."
- Our Lady, November 25, 1978
"My child, I am truly the Mother of great sorrow. As I cast My eyes about your
world, I see much taking place that is repeating the time of My Son and His
great Sacrifice.
"I cry bitter tears, for I can only ask, My children, why have you
allowed satan to take you on your present path? Did My Son give Himself in
sacrifice for nothing? Have you forgotten your purpose for living upon earth?" -
Our Lady, March 22, 1975
"My children, I come to you with a heavy heart. What should be a most
joyous occasion for the world and for the peoples of Heaven has become a deep
sadness. We are sad because of My Son's Sacrifice for a world that has become
unrepentant and lacking appreciation for the Sacrifice My Son has made for you."
- Our Lady, April 1, 1972
"Arrogance, pride is always the beginning of the end. It is only in the
simple hearts of man, the simple hearts, the child-like candor of an adult, that
the truth will be found and the way. I am the way! No one shall come to the
Father but through Me, for I am the way. All who deny My visit to your world,
all who have not accepted Me as the Messiah, they are against Me, and as such,
will seek to destroy all who uphold the truth." - Jesus, August 5, 1974
"Like a cancer many areas of your country have become polluted by
witchcraft, the worship of satan, cannibalism, murder, and all manner of idol
worship. My children, you must understand the realism of the existence of satan
in your world.
"You must search for the truth. You must now
go and find the good books of truth, those that have not been tainted, corrupted
by change. In these good books you will learn of the existence of a supernatural
world, a world that you cannot see with your own human eyes." - Our Lady,
November 21, 1977
"As in the days of Noe, My child, so it is in your time. Many have
given themselves to the worship of false idols. Many have given themselves to
the worship of satan. Abominations are being committed in the lay lives and also
within the houses of My Son. Permissiveness will not guarantee conversion, My
children. Your example has sent many from the path." - Our Lady, June 15, 1974
"We do not bring upon you willful disaster. No! We allow you to bring
your own destruction. We have held back what you so rightly deserve for many
earth-years. But now you have grown fat on your luxury and starved your souls.
"You will not escape the trials given in the
past to your fellow men. You will not be free from the Chastisement.
"Woe, woe, I say to you, for you have turned
your back on the cross of My Son to worship the mores of evil man.
"You have allowed to be set loose upon your
earth the demons of the abyss.
"Those who have stayed with Us and will remain
to do so in the days to come, they will have no fear, for We will protect them
in the days ahead. All will be turned to good for those of well spirit." - Our
Lady, November 1, 1971
"No man shall stand by you and plead your cause as you stand before
your God in judgment, stripped of all your worldly gain, stripped of all your
worldly knowledge! Your soul, your spirit will stand before your God for eternal
judgment, and what shall you gain if you have gathered all of your world's
treasures and then have lost your soul? You shall be condemned to eternal
damnation and banishment, given over to satan, for as your father upon earth was
"You cannot worship, you cannot follow two
masters, for one you will love, and the other you will hate or learn to hate.
And is there not much hate against My Son in the world now? Is there not much
derision and laughter and abominations against His divinity? Do you not take His
sacred, purified Body and cast it into the water font? Do you not, in your
arrogance, do you not, O pastors, protect My Son's Body, His Body that is being
carried to be mocked and abused in a form of worship from satan?
"O pastors, evil men of the cross, whatever shall become of
you?" - Our Lady, February 1, 1977
"I caution you against the many false prophets who roam throughout your
world during these latter days. They preach doctrines of untruth. They devise
scientific intrigue that will take man from God and set up a scientific way of
life and worship.
"The idol upon your earth at the present time
is the worship of man. Man has set himself far above his God, even seeking to
control life and death. These aspects of human life on your earth will only be
controlled by the Father of life, the Father Who created each being on your
earth. Man will not defy the rules set forth by the Father. He will obey as
obedient children, as loving children, or he shall receive the Chastisement as a
father would give to his errant children." - Our Lady, December 31, 1972
"You must have the Bread of life within you, My children. Comfort My
Son and He shall comfort you in the days ahead. Reject Him and you shall be
rejected by the Eternal Father, for none shall come to the
of Heaven but through My
Son and His leadership.
"There are no gods, My children, upon your
earth. There is but one God. You have set up many gods to worship upon your
earth, even seeking to make man a god. Can you not remember how the gates of
Heaven were closed to you? Why? Because of pride and arrogance and listening to
the voice of evil. Your first parents, My children, listened to this voice and
fell and succumbed to the evil.
"I understand, My children; I know what lies
in the hearts of mankind. They do not give your children the knowledge of your
first parents, Adam and Eve. They do not give your children the knowledge of the
existence of hell. Can you not understand, My children, why? Without this
knowledge they shall sin, and sin shall become a way of life." - Our Lady,
December 24, 1975
"You will find that sin is truly insanity. Children shall rise up
against their parents and put them to death. Murder shall be rampant in your
streets, My children. And why? Because you have now set up another god to
worship, a god of materialism and atheism.
"My children, arrogance and pride have reached
even into the hearts of Our clergymen. In the plan of the Eternal Father they
are permitted to be blinded because of sin and avarice and pride.
"O My children, the parents of your nation,
the parents of the world, must now assume a full responsibility for the
salvation of their children's souls. You cannot depend upon your school systems,
your entertainment medias, your avenues of knowledge to the young, for they have
become polluted and are cesspools of error and degradation. In the plan of the
Eternal Father, My children, it has now become necessary to remove many of the
young from the world." - Our Lady, October 6, 1977
"The world cries peace, peace, and there is no peace, for they do not
look for peace. The only peace is with their God. But they have set up now false
gods to worship, idols of silver and gold to worship, power--and what is power
but man's own destruction!
"Gather your treasures now and store them in
the eternal Kingdom. You will, each and every individual, come over the veil
with exactly what you left materially--with nothing! Your only merit shall be in
the graces stored in your account in the Kingdom eternal. These graces are given
freely for the asking." - Jesus, May 29, 1976
"You must recognize the ways of satan. He will come and reach you with
cunning and deception. He will set man up as one to glorify, as an idol to
worship. This offends My Son! The body and mind are being studied, analyzed,
restructured, but where is the spirit? Starved for the light of truth!
"You cannot make a soul strong by catering to
the worldly desires of the flesh. Give man everything the world offers, but
without My Son, he has nothing! There is no peace, no happiness without your
God. You cannot shut Him out, for satan is always waiting to claim your soul." -
Our Lady, May 30, 1972
"I ask, as your Mother, all cardinals, all bishops, to come forth from
your lethargy, to speak out against evil. Do not deny the existence of
immortality. Do not deny the existence of life after death, and the realms of
purgatory and hell, the abode of the damned.
"O My children, how My heart aches, and is torn over
and over, as I watch the young being destroyed physically and morally. Teachers
that have accepted doctrines of demons! My children, open your eyes! You have
become blinded to the truth. Open your eyes! Can you not see that your country
has become paganized--worshiping false idols and giving themselves over to the
worship of the adversary, Lucifer. There are only two forces upon earth--good
and evil. You are expected to make the right choice, the only choice: to follow
My Son to the Kingdom
of Heaven.
"Every single man, woman, and child must one
day die in his human body. Is it worth renouncing your Faith, rejecting the
light, and giving yourselves over to pleasures of the flesh, materialism, and
all manner of political pursuits of communism and humanism. For what? For your
own destruction.
"Life is eternal. Your body will die, but your
living entity will continue over beyond the veil. My children, I repeat: there
is no death; you live on. Once you leave your body, with full knowledge you live
on, and come to Us for judgment." - Our Lady, November 20, 1979
"You have a balance in your country, My children. Only a few, a
minority, have held back your just punishment. The Eternal Father is keeping
count. Only He has the final decision.
"My child, your country now is wallowing in a
cesspool of corruption, corruption in the highest places. They have cast aside
the knowledge and honor of their God, for they have set up wealth, fortune, and
power as an idol of worship. They have set man up as an idol of worship.
"Parents, parents of good heart and faith,
continue to gather your children in your homes. Instil in their heart the
knowledge and truth of their God, for when they leave your homes they are going
out like innocent sheep into pastures, pastures beset by ravenous wolves." - Our
Lady, September 27, 1975
"This, My child and My children, is what will be: in darkness will they
seek the way? But this, My child, is what will be: in darkness will they seek
the way, or shall they continue to give themselves into all manner of evil,
worship of false idols, placing their God away and setting up idols to worship?
Astrology is a science, a false science for unbelievers.
"Do not cast aside the directions given you by
your prophets. They came to you with the truth, and what are you doing with this
truth but you are changing it. You are working to change and destroy.
"O My children, what more can I say to you?
What more can the Eternal Father do to awaken you--you who are apathetic, not
caring until you are struck by destruction; you who watch as the warnings go by,
not caring until it enters your home; and you who go by like ducks in the
waters, not caring or wondering or questioning why you proceed in that path; and
you who, in your blindness; and you who, in your blindness of blind obedience,
have given yourselves to destruction and destroying My Son's House in your
obedience to man! No man shall be obedient to satan." - Our Lady, November 20,
Veronica - Oh! Now Jesus is raising His hands and holding them both
forward. And He says:
Jesus - "Look upon My hands and know that you intend now to crucify My
Mystical Body. Woe to the world who has placed up man as an object of worship
and cast aside his God. The eternal flames will reach many." - October 6, 1972
"My children, you will all be unified under the banner of Faithful and
True to the Eternal Father. To be faithful and true, My children, you must be of
the cross, and follow the cross, and not one that has been made by man. You must
remain true and faithful to the teachings as given to you by the founders of My
Son's Church.
"In your world now of modernism and humanism,
socialism, communism, secularism--all of this, My children, is leading to the
unification of man into a one-world religion, a one-world church, and a
one-world government to the enslavement of mankind, creating a form of mass
atheism in the world. Man is setting up false idols to worship: money, power,
materialism. My children, none of this will have any value to you when you leave
this world. You must now gather and store your treasures in Heaven if you want
and wish to go there. These are called graces, graces given freely for the
asking, graces for cures of the spirit before they come over the veil.
"My children, recognize and understand My
counsel: The human body shall be left behind, but your soul, the spirit within
you, is eternal and lives forever. And where shall you live when you go over the
veil? The choice is yours. Will you come to Us in the Eternal Kingdom of joy and happiness and peace
and love, or will you spend many earth-years of torment and longing in purgatory
to be cleansed? Or sadly, shall you be claimed by satan, the father of all
liars, the prince of darkness and damnation? The choice is yours, My children.
No man shall enter into hell unless he enters there of free will." - Our Lady,
July 25, 1977
"Now there is a war of greater importance to your human nature than the
war being fought between brothers and sisters, for now you are in the war of the
spirits. Satan will promote a great war. The enemy of God and of your country is
now firmly entrenched. This condition you brought about by your own negligence
and by your loss of respect and love for your God, setting up man as a being to
"As he sows, each individual shall receive
what he has sown. Prepare yourselves well, My children, for the days ahead. Your
armor has been given to you. My words have come to you often. I have prepared
you well if you have listened and opened your hearts to
Me." - Jesus, April 1, 1972
"O My child, how many years in earth's time have I gone about choosing
from the world seers to being forth the Message from Heaven. I am tireless, My
child, as I know you will be tireless, until the return of My Son.
"The agents of hell have gathered now. The
satanism is accelerating, My child. You must all pray and act upon this
knowledge that among you are those who are practicing the worship of satan. They
have even become so imbued with the spirit of evilness that they murder in
sacrifice another human being." - Our Lady, March 18, 1983
"My children, recognize the faces of evil now loosed in the world. I
bring you a sad lesson in knowledge. In the past We have counseled through
prophets, your Popes, to forbid all who have joined in My Son's Church, forbid
them to become part of freemasonry and the Masons. And why? Because, My
children, they are not of God; and if they are not of God, they are the
Antichrist. And why are they the Antichrist? Because they worship false idols!
"In the Commandments of your God you will
remember: 'I,' said the Lord, 'I am your God; thou shalt not have strange gods
before you.' And who are these strange gods of masonry and witchcraft?
Isis! My children, man has accepted gods of nature! Pagans you have
become! You reject your God the Father; you reject the Trinity; and you have
dabbled and burned your fingers in the unknown, the darkness of satanism." - Our
Lady, November 1, 1977
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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