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#486 – As in the Days of Noah, Part 2
“And as in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, and they knew not till the flood came, and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be.” – St. Matthew 24: 37-39
"I despair for the numbers of souls who have hardened their hearts and given
themselves to satan. The most despicable of abominations We view upon earth.
Nothing is hidden to the Father. You will not escape your just judgment.
Remember, My children, Noe, Sodom; whatever will you
receive now when your sins cry to Heaven for retribution?
"The Father, My child, gave you a great reprieve
upon your earth. His heart is all-merciful, not wishing for one to be lost. But
now the time has come to separate the sheep from the goats. Pray much, My
children. Make many acts of penance, sacrifice. Many victim souls are needed in
the days ahead, victims to the merciful love of the Father--those who are
willing to give of themselves for the repatriation of another soul. Give, and
all will be given to you by the Father. For it is truly, My children, in giving
that you shall receive.” – Our Lady, July 1, 1974
"O My children, I will not go into a long discourse with you of the evil
aberrations and all manner of deceit that has entered into the hearts of
mankind, soul destroyers more numerous than in the days of
or the time of Noe. In that respect, My children, what kind of a stern hand
shall be placed upon you, as you go fast onto the road to your own destruction!
"Your country and many nations upon earth have given
themselves to all manner of sins of the flesh, corruption, and evil so vile that
no human mind could conceive of this evil. But it has come up from the very
depths of hell!
"I admonish, as your God, all who are in My House to
mend your ways. My heart is sobbing, My hands are bleeding. I long to see My
creation and be filled with joy. My Mother's Rosary is broken, and no one
wonders why, because too few pray. Many have discarded these beads of prayer,
thrown them away, and have gone chasing after all manner of sin for diversion.
"Sin has become a way of life in your nation and
many nations upon earth. You have, in your country, the gathering of the forces
of evil. Never before in the history of mankind has man set up Babylon.” – Jesus, June 18, 1976
"The knowledge of the supernatural must not be discarded by men of science
who rationalize sin. Man of science ever searching and never finding the truth!
"As in the days of Noe, as in the days of Joel,
there will come upon your world a scourge. Your city, corrupt in your nation--a
disgrace in the eyes of God--shall set itself to right the wrong, or shall be
"The murders, daily, of the unborn in your city and
your nation have balanced the scale heavily to the left. You have been judged as
a nation and found by the Eternal Father corrupt, degraded, and lacking in
faith! The Eternal Father shall chastise those He loves.” –
St. Michael, July 15, 1975
"There is a conspiracy of evil now throughout your world. Those who have the
greatest power to promote good have used this power to promote evil. This evil
is entering upon the lives of every man, woman, and child in your country and in
the countries throughout your world.
"As in the time of Noe and the cities of sin,
"As the evil accelerates, there will be given to the
Eternal Father no other choice but to loose upon mankind the Ball of Redemption.
Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Your earth shall go
through a suffering far greater than ever seen before by mankind. All who live
through this will envy those who have died.
"It is not the will of the Eternal Father to set
upon mankind chastisement. It is in His merciful heart and His providence, and
His knowledge of what is to come, that He has a plan for the recovery of souls
and the cleansing of your earth.” – Jesus, December 27, 1975
"Warn Our priests, My children; pray for them, and verbally send Our warning
to the world. Write it, speak it, My children. They are preparing themselves for
their destruction. They are stepping fast onto the road for the soul destruction
of mankind.
"The world as you know it shall be changed--not
completely, My child, annihilated as in the time of Noe, but changed. The peace
promised shall be given at this time. It will now, My child, take a complete
reversal of mankind's ways that offend the Father much to hold back and give you
more time for preparation before the coming great War and the Ball of
Redemption. Pray a constant vigilance.
"Many victim souls are needed, victims in reparation
for the offenses to the divinity of My Son.
"The Father has not lost count of these abominations
being committed in the houses of My Son throughout the world, the churches,
being committed among the peoples of earth--families disintegrating into
cesspools of filth, immorality, parents that lead their children to sin. The
abyss is open wide and souls, My children, are fast falling into the eternal
flames of damnation, so deep is the darkness of spirit in your world now.” –
Our Lady, December 24, 1974
"As in the days of Sodom, as in the days of
Noe, My children, history repeats itself. You have learned nothing from the
past, for you rebuild your future on sin to the point, My children, where you
have eliminated a future.
"I hear words of mockery and derision; I hear words
of My children who do not wish to accept the Message from Heaven. And why?
Because they have hardened their hearts and closed their ears. And why? Because
they love their sin! Many will sell their souls to get to the head. And what
does it gain you, for one day you must come across the veil and be judged.
"Do not fall into the error that is fast going
throughout your world that there is no judgment, that there is no hell or a
purgatory. My children, you are being deluded! There is a hell, and there is a
purgatory, and there is the Eternal Kingdom of God, your Father. Many are
called, but few are chosen. Many spend long years being purged.” – Our Lady,
May 26, 1976
"We look upon your world. Love! What is the true meaning of love in your
world? Indecency, immodesty of dress, destruction of the true meaning of the
creation of life! Your world is now in a state far worse than when the Father
destroyed it during the time of Noe and
"I am not a man who has spoken many words to the
world in the past. Your Mother and One, my Son through the Father, sacrificed
Himself for a generation that now is worse.
"I add my admonition to you, I, Joseph, that unless
you follow the directions for your salvation now, the days for your existence
and the end of your era will be soon." – St. Joseph,
December 30, 1972
"My child, you will be discriminated against; you will be scoffed at, for
your words from My lips are not those of comfort at this time. They are words of
truth of what is to befall man, for he has become a perverse generation, worse
than in the time of Noe.
"Your city We place as
"Those who have remained in the light and accepted
the graces given to strengthen them in these dark days will be saved. This I
promise you as your Mother. My Son, and in the Father, does not wish that any be
lost. Every opportunity will be given to man to prepare himself and be made
ready for the trial.” – Our Lady, July 25, 1973
"Those in power seek to form for man a utopia, a perfect world; man in power
even seeking to create life on his own. He has rejected his God, O man of
"Man has not learned from his past, My children. He
repeats over and over his errors, never learning from his past. And I cry out to
you: remember Noe, remember
"Much tribulation lies ahead, but these trials have been brought upon you by
man. As it was in the days of Noe, so it is in your day that man is prideful and
arrogant, seeking to place scientific knowledge above the Father.
Rationalization for sin, so that sin now is a way of life! Souls in darkness,
homes in darkness, and churches in darkness--whatever will become of you? You
ask for the wrath of the Father upon you!
"All that is rotten will fall! You have been given
the time to mend your ways and turn back onto the narrow road. You are not
without the truth, but many have sold their souls to get to the head, preferring
the things of the world and not of the spirit. You cannot live in the world and
live in the spirit, for you cannot have both. The world now belongs to satan.
The spirit of light leads to the eternal
"Your world--the people of your earth are traveling the same road as did the
peoples of
"Those who remain close to My Son at His tabernacles
of the world, those who eat of the Bread of life, My Son's Body and Blood, shall
be strengthened in the days ahead. You cannot have life within you unless you
eat of the Body and drink of the Blood of My Son, called your Eucharist.” –
Our Lady, December 31, 1974
"My child, I could repeat and repeat the warning that has been given to
mankind through My Mother and countless visitations of others from Heaven to
your earth. But what more can I say but to tell you that man continues on his
road to damnation and perdition. The ultimate outcome shall be his
chastisement in a manner such as never has been seen upon your earth, and shall
never be seen again, for this chastisement shall remove many from your earth.
"As in the time of Noe, as in the days of Sodom and
Gomorrha, the warnings, countless warnings given through those chosen by Heaven
to act as mediators for God to bring a prophecy to mankind--scoffers laugh,
deride the prophets, and man has learned nothing from his past history. I
promise you, your world, the earth, shall not be destroyed in the universe, but
mankind shall be removed from your planet. Many shall die in the great flame of
the Ball of Redemption.” – Jesus, January 31, 1976
"I have given you a warning that must be acted upon now! You ask the time
allotted by the Father for you to make amends. I may assure you now that were
you to receive knowledge of this time, you would fast act upon Our direction.
"Your world is wallowing in sin, a sin far worse
than during the time of Noe! Therefore, if you do not do penance now and change
your ways that offend the Father much, you will receive a far worse punishment
than given in the time of Noe.
"Your country must return to its knowledge and
belief in the Father.
"No man shall escape a due chastisement. Many good,
those in the light, will have to be victims in the oncoming Chastisement. Know,
My children, that all will receive in measure of the state of their spirit.” –
Jesus, March 18, 1975
"My child and My children, man can be wise but stupid. He goes forward
scientifically searching for truth. And what is truth? Truth is My Son in God
the Father and the Spirit of light.
"My children, your earth has evolved now into a
state of immorality and sin far worse than it was in the time of Noe. What can I
say further to you, My children, but to counsel you and warn you that the
Eternal Father is making ready a great trial for mankind. The heavens shall
explode and roll back as a sheet. Hearts shall stop in fear of what is to come
upon mankind. This coming Warning, My children, is minor in comparison to the
Chastisement, the great Chastisement that shall then follow.” – Our Lady,
December 31, 1977
"My child, the sins of the world are far greater now than they were in the
time of Noe. Therefore, the punishment, the Chastisement will be meted in
accordance--measure for measure of man's sins and abominations against the
Father.” – Our Lady, October 2, 1974
"Many parents shall cry bitter tears of remorse. If their neighbors do not in
all charity try to stop the overpowering evil that has entered now upon your
homes, in your government, and is covering the entire earth with a maze of
deceit and darkness--My children, as in the past, in the time of Noe, in the
time of Sodom and Gomorrha, man was eating and drinking, marrying and giving in
marriage, never caring for his future, neither listening to the warnings from
Heaven, until that sad time when all passed away.
"It was water, it was fire, and it will be again a
baptism of fire for mankind. The Ball of Redemption, mentioned so often by My
Mother in the past, hovers over you.” – Jesus, November 21, 1977
"My children, there is insanity from sin now in your world. Man, in his pride
and arrogance and materialism, has brought about a state in which sin is
becoming a way of life now. As it was in the time of
"I have traveled throughout your world shedding tears in many places, tears
of sorrow, as I watch your world going farther into the darkness. It took much
less for the Father to cleanse your world when He chose Noe to start anew.
"All who remain in well spirit shall approach the
coming days with great hope. The rescue will be with the coming of My Son.
"There will be visited upon your country and the
world a great plague. Many children will die in this cleansing--young souls
rescued from the contamination of a world that has given itself to satan!” –
Our Lady, March 18, 1973
"I repeat, My child, your country shall not escape the destruction of the
fires, as you will be planet struck.
"As in the days of Noe, My child, many shall reject
the Message from Heaven.
"We do not send you a message of fear, but a message
of fact. Repent; make atonement now while you have the time, for the hour of
reckoning is coming. It is at hand, My child.” – Our Lady, July 25, 1975
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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