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#491 – “My Tears Fall on You”, Part 1
"My tears fall on you.” – Our Lady of the Roses’ first sentence of Her first vigil message, June 18, 1970
"My tears fall on you. [At this point Veronica broke into tears.]
"Pray, My children. So many souls will be lost. It is
because I love you that I come.
"You will have to suffer, My child. Cry with Me, My
child, for I have never stopped crying. [Veronica continued crying.]
"Pray; pray always, because so many souls will be lost.
I have come to save you. Turn back! Turn back! So many souls will be lost.
Listen to Me! Pray, please pray! There is hope in prayer.” – Our Lady, June
18, 1970
"The strong must carry the weak. Keep His cross before you always. Prayer
and sacrifice will be your guide to the light. Place not your trust in this
world, for it is your exile. Eternity is forever!
"The children are the innocent victims. Pray for your
children. My tears fall on all mothers. Come to Me, for I will comfort you.
"Pray! Pray always, My children. There are many souls
to be saved.
"I know of a Mother's broken heart that tears cannot
mend. My Son will comfort you.
"I bless you all, My children. Pray My Rosary daily." –
Our Lady, July 1, 1970
"I have warned you as a Mother of sorrow. I have wandered throughout your
earth, through countless earth-years, counseling you as your Mother, begging My
Son to extend unto you the time to make amends for your offenses to the Eternal
Father. My children, My tears fall upon you and your nation and all of the
nations of the world. Because of your blindness you failed to see what is fast
coming upon mankind.
"I will not at this time give you a long discourse of
reasoning for the coming Chastisement to mankind. Many minor warnings have been
given in the past, to go by unnoticed or rejected.
"O My children, it truly rains teardrops from Heaven.
We listen to the voices of the saints as they cry out in anguish to Us: 'How
long shall You patiently wait for a generation to make atonement? How long, O
Lord, must this carnage go on, as Lucifer continues to gather his armies and
take many from the earth into the abode of the damned?'” – Our Lady, August
14, 1981
"My children, My tears fall upon you. I see the destruction of young souls.
How many tears I have shed for you who are repentant, for you who do not listen
to your Mother's cries for atonement! The Father plans a heavy penance for you.
None will escape the time of trial.
"My children, you fail to recognize the existence of a
world unseen to your human eyes. Satan and the abyss have come now upon you to
do full battle with those who stand forth to defend My Son and His House. I look
upon your world of complete darkness of spirit. The candles are few, and the
numbers of souls falling daily into hell are as numerous as the snowflakes that
fall from your heavens.” – Our Lady, November 20, 1972
"For those who receive much, much is expected of them. Therefore, My child,
do not become depressed nor question any of the motives of Heaven. As you will
observe, My child, having more time to rest and to meditate, the world has
progressed farther back into darkness.
"I have wandered throughout the world crying to My children,
and My tears fall upon you, for as I have cried for obedience to your Eternal
Father in Heaven, and also to Our Pope, Our poor Vicar, who suffers much at the
hands of the enemies of your God.” – Our Lady, March 18, 1983
Veronica - And next to Her there's a little girl. She, she's dressed--she
looks like she has a long--oh, she has a long, rugged, very rugged-looking gown
on her. It comes down to her feet. And now she's pulling at her stocking; Her
stocking seems to be falling down. And now walking towards her is a young boy.
He's shorter than she is, but he has sort of a black-looking hat on his head,
but it's hanging way over. And she's now--the little girl is doing this. She's
trying to tell me. She's writing J-A-C... Oh, I know! Oh, it's Jacinta. And
she's talking about the picture, the picture. Yes, she--the Father allowed her
to write on the picture. But Jacinta said--and she's standing now next to Our
Lady, and she said:
Jacinta - "They did not listen to my words."
Veronica - And Our Lady now, She's moving over to the center of the flagpole.
She said:
Our Lady - "Years too late! Years too late! How sad My tears fall upon the
world. Years too late!" – December 24, 1972
"My children, much of the evil now that is spreading in the United States
and Canada was promoted by these men and women of satan, known as Communists,
who have been allowed to enter not only into your country and the countries of
the world, but also into My Son's Church upon earth.
"Yes, My child, I want you to let the world know that
Our seminaries were not pure. Many had entered for this very day to try to
destroy the Faith and the
"The world is fast hurtling to a baptism of fire. My
child and My children, can you not go back and read and reread the Messages from
Heaven given to you throughout the years. I, as your Mother, have traveled to
and fro, hinder and yon, seeking to bring My children back to the fold. For
every soul that is lost I pine and I sigh and I cry, and My tears fall upon you,
My children; My tears fall upon you." – Our Lady, May 17, 1986
"This will tell you, My child and My children, that the major Chastisement
shall be a Third World War, which is in the planning now.
"In the Church, My child, cry with Me. My tears fall
upon you and your children, and all of the children of the world, because of the
fact that many shall die in the great flames of the Ball of Redemption; and
also, the technological weapons of the enemy,
"Your children--I cry for you, poor mothers. Know that
My Mother's heart is solaced only by the knowledge that these children shall not
be lost to Heaven. But your young children have been disappearing from your
homes. And where are they, as you go to and fro looking for your children, and
My Mother's tears fall upon you? Many shall be found dead, but others shall
never be found, for they are disposed of in a most despicable way by a group
known as the satanist.” – Our Lady, July 1, 1985
"O My children, how My tears fall upon you! How many have been led astray!
How shall I recover you all in the time that is left?
"My voice is growing weak. My steps are slowing. I have
wandered throughout the world bringing you your plan for salvation. How many of
you have listened to My pleas? We see the most degraded practices being
permitted for the glory of Our adversary, satan, in your country.
"Parents, watch your children. Guard them well. The
enemy is always at your door. Your country has turned to pagan practices. My Son
would wish to place the role of punishment upon you now.
"Those who remain with Us in the light shall have no
fear. All will be well for those of true spirit.
"I have promised to cover all who come to Me with My
mantle. I have given you your armor. You will wear your armor at all times, for
I may tell you now that the time will come when you will leave with whatever is
upon your body.
"Man has left the road to Heaven. He has made his way
from the straight path onto the dark one. The responsibility for the fall of
souls will be balanced heavily upon those responsible for the destruction of
young souls. Parents, why do you go down the road of satan? Has My Son suffered
in vain?” – Our Lady, June 8, 1972
"Your country, the
"As in the past We sent to you voices crying in this
wilderness of evil: Straighten yourselves out; make way for the Lord, for the
hand of punishment shall come upon you! As in the past you all continue in your
lives of pleasure, neither caring nor seeking the truth. Therefore, I say unto
you as your God: many will die. Only a few will be saved.
"My Mother has set Herself to hold off a just
chastisement upon mankind for many years, but your time has run out. Her
warnings have gone by unaccepted, unnoticed, and rejected, even by My clergy!
Her tears fall upon your generation. The saints in Heaven, sacrificed upon
earth, have cried out now for reprisal upon this degenerate generation. 'How
long, O Lord,' do they cry, 'shall You permit this perverse generation to
exist?' And I say unto you now: your time is running out!” – Jesus, June 18,
"I cry, My tears fall upon you, My children. O how blind many are! I love
each and every child that has been placed upon earth, but My heart is burdened
by those who have been aborted. The Eternal Father sent the little ones upon
your earth for a reason, and they were murdered! This shall not be allowed. They
were murdered! Any country that allows the murders of the young and the unborn
shall be destroyed. Any country that allows homosexuals to roam and to seduce
the young shall be destroyed. Any country that has defamed My Son in the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass will be destroyed.” – Our Lady, June 30, 1984
"All children destined for the Kingdom will be placed to great trial.
"Many hearts are heavy upon earth with the knowledge of
the great devastations of the past and the ones which will soon approach upon
the world and your country.
"My tears fall heavily upon a generation that will be
tested and brought back to the Father by heavy trial.
"The wise will know the true meaning of saving. When
directed by the Holy Spirit, you will hasten to bring Our message to the world.
You will speak once and if they do not hasten, you will not speak out against
them or point the finger of guilt. You will pray and make sacrifice, do penance,
to recover the soul.
"The war of the spirits has now reached its crisis. Man
stands now to make his decision for the ultimate destruction of his
civilization, or his return to the world as originally planned for him by his
God.” – Our Lady, December 30, 1972
"The world, your earth, must recognize and accept the warnings from Heaven.
I have given to My children countless hours of earth's time, beseeching you to
turn now from your evil ways, ways that offend your God and destroy your
immortal soul, condemning yourself to the eternal fires of hell. There are many,
My child, who come to scoff; there are many who come of the curious. However,
they, too, will receive in due time the grace to recognize the truth.
"My tears fall heavily upon the young. It truly rains
teardrops from Heaven. Delusion, deception, paganism--it has become a way of
life for man to give himself to the pleasures of the flesh. The light has not
returned to many homes. We look into the heart of man and find darkness.” –
Our Lady, September 13, 1973
"My child and My children, My dear, dear children of the world, My tears
fall upon you. I send My heart and My love to all who have taken up My Son's
cross as a way of life to follow Him.
"There is so much confusion now, My children, in your
world that, Veronica, My child, We brought you here this evening because of the
crisis that is fast heading to your country.
"Do not take lightly the reports of ships out on the
sea and submarines. They are there, My child and My children, and they are not
out for a joy ride. It is all part of the master plan for the takeover of the
"I know, I heard the voice also, My child, that said
that the
"We watch the battle that rages upon earth. Awaken and look with enlightened
hearts upon fact and truth. You are now living in the battle of the spirits, the
days of approaching darkness.
"I have chosen to remain upon earth as a Mediatrix
between God and man. I will remain here with you, and have sent many guardians
upon earth to guide you in the battle ahead.
"Our hearts and tears fall upon the young, the victims
of their elders. The judgment of God will not be understood by human man.
Therefore, you will all direct by good example and prayer. Do not seek to
castigate your neighbor, but by good example and prayer lead him back onto the
road to the Kingdom.” – Our Lady, February 10, 1973
Our Lady - "My child, it is with heavy heart that I must tell you that there
will be great chastisement to your world. The sins of man have multiplied far
beyond My expectancy. Our tears fall in abundance upon an unrepentant
generation. There will be placed upon your world great trial."
Veronica - I see now a very large ball. It's coming closer. Now on top of the
ball is a huge cross. It's a cross, but no corpus on it. It's a very large
cross. Now I see the ball, which is light. It's turning gray now, and it's now
becoming very dark. Our Lady says:
Our Lady - "You see, My child, the great darkness that will come over the world.
"The prayers, the acts of sacrifice made by the few on
earth--I can only say 'few,' My child, for they do not balance the numbers and
multitudes upon earth--these prayers have won a reprieve for mankind. However,
it is in the plan of the Father that the cleansing begin. Man has not recognized
the warnings given by the Father. Therefore, they will become more severe in
nature.” – April 6, 1974
"Read the Book of love and life, your Bible. Do not discard these
apocalyptic days, My children. Try to unravel these symbols and secrets. They
are not difficult. Hidden within the pages you will find the full story of the
days ahead. However, the pages will turn only as mankind deems, slowly or
faster. At the present time, My child, it is like a great wind has taken the
Book and blown it away, and the pages are turning faster and faster, bringing
man faster to the end of his time.
"Do not be afraid, My child, to repeat all that I have
made known to you. They will call you a prophet of doomsday. Ah, but, My child,
how sad it will be when they recognize all that was given to them, the knowledge
that they chose to cast aside, caring more for the things of their world than
for the joys and treasures of Heaven that cannot ever by despoiled or removed. A
life eternal with happiness and glory discarded for the pleasures of the world
of satan! O My children, is it not any wonder that My tears fall! They fall as
teardrops from Heaven. I am truly a Mother of great sorrow!” – Our Lady,
September 13, 1974
"I say unto you, O pastors: restore My House to its former glory. Eliminate
your experimentation. Like the eagle, you shall build your nest in the sky, and
I shall send you down.
"My Mother's message is coming to mankind in its final
stage. Her tears fall upon a degenerate generation. My Mother has been received
by many with dishonor and disloyalty. You, O man of little faith, you who walk
in darkness, you are not hidden from the all-knowing eyes of the Eternal Father.
I send upon you a final warning, a cry for penance, atonement, and sacrifice. I
shall not wait until the young have lost all knowledge of their God by atheistic
"The Message from Heaven has fast gone throughout the
world. The hourglass is running low. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Do not
slow or slacken the pace of gathering My sheep, My children. Do not become
secure in knowledge that you'll be saved. Remember, My children, as much is
given to you, doubly much is expected of you in return. Presumption cannot be
"Pray; pray for your pastors. Protect My Vicar with
your prayers. The Eternal City of Rome is approaching a bloodbath, and why?
Because too few have prayed for its ransom.” – Jesus, December 7, 1976
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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