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#492 My Tears Fall on You, Part 2
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. St. Matthew 5: 3-5
Veronica - Jesus and Our Lady are still standing there. Jesus has His head
down low; He looks like He's very upset. I know why. And He's pointing over to
Our Lady, and Our Lady is crying. It's like a repetition of many years ago when
She said, "My tears fall upon you." And I know in 1970 She cried and cried, just
as She is doing tonight. And I know from a discourse with Our Lady earlier that
these tears are caused by the abominations that are taking place in the world
against Her Son, Jesus. Our Lady feels that for all He did for us upon earth
that we could never turn in such violence against Him and His Church. June
17, 1989
"Do you deny your God because the punishment has not come upon you as yet?
It is only because He is long-suffering and cares not to see one child lost to
Him that the punishment you so deserve has been held in abeyance. But each day
you continue without penance and atonement, bringing you closer to the end.
"Yes, My child, you have reason to fear; but not for
what can happen in this world, but what will be your lot as you pass over to the
Kingdom. God will look into your hearts and you will be judged, not by the way
or standards of the world to judge, but the complete picture. He will see in
your heart.
"Your country cannot conceive nor expect the vengeance
of an angry Father! [Our Lady wept bitterly.]
"My voice grows weak, child, cries, but grows weak. How
long must I shed My tears for an uncaring world? How long must I care for a
world who cares for the things of satan? Every person will fear; and the good
will suffer, for they will fear the damnation ahead for those who choose to lose
the way.
"Repent now, while there is still time! Make sacrifices
and reparation for His abused heart which is already too much shattered by the
sins of an uncaring world. Our Lady, December 26, 1970
"My travels have been world-wide, My tears shed in every land. My voice grew
weak, and now there will be the great pause. During this time, My children, I
can only impress upon you the necessity for constant prayer.
"Guard your doors well now against the enemy who walks
the land. Our Lady, February 1, 1971
"My tears are for those who live by the boot. The
City will suffer much
"In the ranks of My Son's House are many who have
chosen to sell their souls. Their fall will have repercussions, My child, for
they will take many others with them.
"You will continue to send My message to the
cardinals and bishops of your country and the world. They are now going down the
same road that they chose many years ago when they chose to cast aside My
warnings. Intellectual pride has hardened their hearts and closed their ears to
the truth.
"Man is setting up his own kingdom. Many of those in
the House of God have chosen to help them undermine the foundation. Let it be
known now that their endeavors will come to nil. The foundation is My Son.
Our Lady, September 28, 1972
Veronica - Now Our Lady is taking my hand, and we're floating up, up, and Our
Lady is pointing up to the sky. Oh, and there's a beautiful, great light in the
Our Lady - "My child, that is where all mankind should strive to reach.
Beyond the farthest star is an eternity of happiness with the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Is it worth, My child, for any man to make the decision of living upon earth, so
short in years, a life offensive to the Father that he cannot enter then into
the Kingdom
of God? Shall you trade
your souls for worldly gain and the few short years of pleasure--the destruction
of your soul upon earth?
"My tears are great, My child, for so few search for
the truth. And so many are taking this truth from among them.
"Believe, believe, My children, and you will be
given the way. Seek and you shall find. Ask and it will be given to you.
However, you must care, My children. You must want to come to Us. No love can be
forced upon you. Our Lady, September 7, 1974
"My child and My children, there is not much more that I can say to you. My
words have gone throughout the world, and how many have acted upon them? I come
to you as a Mother of peace, a Mother of love. My tears have been shed upon you
all. I will not give up the incentive to want to save every child upon earth. I
shall wander to and fro wherever My voice can be heard, and bring to the world
the final message before the end of the age.
"My Son has made it known to you about the reason
the world shall suffer. But, My child and My children, if you will go back to
all the past messages I am certain you will find due reasons for the world's
suffering. Our Lady, October 6, 1988
"My child, My tears fall upon you all. If it weren't for My pleading
constantly for you before the throne of the Eternal Father, this would have come
upon mankind sooner. But now I can tell you that those who will be saved will be
counted in the few. Those who will be saved will be counted in the few.
"My child and My children, I come to you as a Mother
of peace, a Mother of love. And above all, I want you to turn to My Son and have
courage in the days ahead. Many will fall from the Ball of Redemption. Our
Lady, June 18, 1991
"My child and My children, I don't think it necessary for Me to go into a
long discourse on the state of your world, the spiritual state. Needless to say,
man now through his own volition has covered the whole world in deep spiritual
darkness. In the plan of the Eternal Father there are candles of light, pockets
of knowledge in the hearts of those chosen by the Eternal Father to maintain the
truth of the Faith. This knowledge must include Tradition.
"I say unto you as your Mother that the Eternal
Father is most displeased by the manner in which you conduct yourselves, O
clergy, and also all laymen--the manner in which you conduct yourselves during
the Holy Sacrifice of My Son. Less and less respect and honor is being given to
the Eucharist.
"How much longer can My tears flow over you, My heart be torn again and again as I see My children progressing farther into spiritual darkness, giving themselves over to all manners of sin. Sins of the flesh are daily sending many souls into damnation--hell. Our Lady, July 25, 1979
"My child, My tears still fall upon an unrepentant generation, a generation
that is fast going into deep darkness of spirit. All manner of sin and
abominations corrupt mankind. Murders, murders far in excess of any in all the
past history of mankind is being executed in your country and in the countries
of earth. They have now given themselves a balance that will demand the extreme
penalty from the Eternal Father of a baptism by fire.
"Man, in his arrogance and prideful nature, has set
himself to reach high into the heavens, seeking to control the forces of life
and death. No man shall be above His Creator, for the secret of life shall not
be given to any man. Jesus, August 5, 1975
"Veronica, My child, My tears are truly tears of pity, for I am truly a
Mother of great sorrow. How I could discourse with you all evening upon what is
to happen to mankind! But who will listen to My warnings? Who will accept My
counsel and take it to the multitudes?
"O My children, My children! How many shall be lost
in the flames of the Ball of Redemption!
"Why do you not listen? And you do not learn by your
past! I have come to earth many times in the past, My children, to counsel you
when you were in great danger. Some heeded this counsel and were saved; others
turned away and were lost.
"O My children, how happy were the days when I could
look down from Heaven upon you and find that America was so beautiful--a
Christian nation, devout, pious, and following the road as given by the Eternal
Father, through My Son and the Holy Spirit of light. And now the light has been
darkened. Our Lady, December 24, 1979
Our Lady - "You ask Me, My child, why My tears are flowing? Come with Me and
Veronica - Oh, my goodness! I, I see . . . I, I never saw so many dead
Our Lady - "Man against man, nation against nation. No flesh shall be
Veronica - Oh, I see a great, horrible war! I see . . . it looks like a
mushroom, a tremendous explosion, and everything is gone! Oh!
Our Lady - "Satan, My child, shall have his hand upon the button."
Veronica - Our Lady is pointing over, and She's going . . . and She's
pointing over--it's like you're looking over a large body of water. Now there's
the land, and I see many people. They're dressed in uniforms. I recognize them,
and on their hats is like a red star. They're, they're army uniforms. Our Lady .
. . oh, I know--oh, my goodness, it is
Our Lady - "See, My child, there are not enough prayers to stop the evil.
Unless you pray more now for the conversion of
Russia, a great War will soon be upon your
"Socializing, My child, will avail nothing to
mankind, for the man who is not of God the Father, his word is not of truth.
There is no honor without your God. Promises, promises, pact upon pact, with not
a word of truth behind them! Our Lady, February 1, 1975
"Yes, My child, each time I see a sheep being lost forever to Us I cry until
My tears have become tears of blood!
"I would be willing, as your Mother, to wash you in
My blood for your salvation. My Son washed you in His Blood for your salvation.
Are there not enough among you to make penance, do penance and sacrifice for
your brothers?
"The few who will remain after the great
Chastisement will join My Son in setting up the Kingdom.
"You are now being separated as sheep from the goats
by trial. It is the way of the Father that cannot be understood by man. The
world and the spirit are not compatible, My child. Our Lady, May 17, 1975
"My tears fall on you, My children. And I must give you also the conclusion
to what I have spoken to you of. Lenin and Stalin are not with Us. They were
cast off to meet with their god, the prince of darkness, satan.
"It behooves Me to say, and it tears My heart in
anguish, that they did not seek to be saved. For those who approached them, as
they will approach you in your nation and try to convince you that their way of
life without the Eternal Father was a way that should be adopted by all--no, My
"I repeat again, because this will be My last
discourse to the world on this subject: This man, these two men are of the same
creed, color, spirituality--or should I say, My children, lack of spirituality.
They have a father who is the father of all liars, so what does it make them, My
children--Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Yeltsin, Gorbachev?
"That is the same old plan, My children, and those
leaders of your nation are as blind as they were in the past. I tell you for
your own good, My children of the United States of America, that once was a
nation under God and indivisible, that you will fall! If you do not come out of
your slumber now, you will fall!
"For it is their plan to subdue you, once they get
the billions that they need in aid, to bring up the economy and buy more
armaments. They have not disposed of their armaments, My child and My children.
They store them in other nations. They have the same goals as their
forefathers. Our Lady, June 18, 1992
"I ask all who care to spread My Message of Heaven. There are many who have
not yet received the word. The time grows short. Hasten, My children; work and
receive many graces for your labors for the Father.
"The glories of Heaven far supersede anything that
man can place in his mind of creation. There are no human words to describe the
of God to man. It is far
beyond what any human could experience in emotion or visual.
"Many years ago the Father permitted My intercession
for you in another part of your world. My tears fell upon many nations. My pleas
went out to the world. But in earth's time, too long, My children, were their
actions. Too long did those who should have known better set forth to save the
souls! No! They preferred the ways of the world.
"Man no longer is humble. He will not be on his
knees before his God. Therefore, he will be forced to return to his knees!
Our Lady, October 6, 1973
Our Lady - "As I had discoursed with you this week, My child, you understand
now that there is an urgent call for prayers, for your world now stands before a
precipice overlooking a fall--this fall being far beyond what man can ever
anticipate. I speak, My child, not of the spiritual fall, because that has
precipitated the present crisis of mankind, but I speak of the fall of the
"I have traveled throughout your world for many
earth-years pleading your cause before Heaven for an extension of time for Our
errant children. I have prayed with you, I have interceded for you, and now I
must come to you with a torn heart. See, My child, My heart filled with thorns.
I accept the burden of My Son for a generation that has given itself over to
Veronica - Oh! Oh, on Our Blessed Mother's chest, I see a heart, a human
heart beating; I can feel it beating. But it is just filled with huge, oversized
thorns. And I--I also see a dagger, like some type of a huge, sabre-like knife
being thrust into it. And it's bleeding . . . it's bleeding; Her heart is
bleeding. Oh!
Now Our Lady is motioning for me to look up. Oh!
Our Lady - "See, My child, the sufferings endured for the salvation of your
generation. Were it not for the few who have given themselves to be victims to
the Eternal Father for the salvation of mankind, your country, the United
States, and most nations of the world--and I would tell at this time a fact, My
child, that every nation of the world shall feel the catastrophe. June 13,
Our Lady - "The plan for the capitulation and ultimate fall of your country, America the beautiful, desecrated
for gain--the plan is evolving fast. Your government, your media have given
themselves unto the agents of satan.
"Yes, My child, if man had prayed more and turned to
the Father, much could have been avoided. Man has been given a free will; and it
is in the plan of the Father that he, as man and human, will seek his eventual
life in the Kingdom
of God, or with satan in the abyss.
"You will pray much for your leaders in your
government. Corruption and deceit abound in your country.
"It is sad, My child. I am truly the Mother of great
sorrow! Knives pierce My heart. I cry tears of blood."
Veronica - Oh! Oh, now there's blood! Our Lady now is extending Her Rosary
out, and there's blood now coming from Her face, from Her eyes, down onto Her
gown--oh, so much that the gown is now stained red! Oh! Oh! Oh! [Veronica
Our Lady - "My child, you cannot wipe away these tears of blood. The blood of
the martyrs of old and the martyrs of the future shall be with you.
September 13, 1974
Veronica - Our Lady now is walking over to a large rock. There's a large
rock. It seems like the land is very barren. It almost looks like a desert land.
I, I see in the distance large hills. Oh, they do look like pyramids, like you
would find in Egypt--pyramids.
Now Our Lady has found a small rock, and She's
sitting on the rock now, and--oh, She's bowing Her head forward and placing Her
hands over Her face. Our Lady is crying.
Now Our Lady is pointing over to the large hills,
and one in particular now is becoming very clear. It has a carved figure. Oh, I
recognize it. It's the sphinx, the sphinx. They have a carved, like animal-like
head. And now Our Lady is pointing to it, and She is saying:
Our Lady - "From out of this land will come number six, completing the reign
of the spirits. He will promote the great War. Many will leave the earth by
extermination of warfare. December 31, 1973
"O My children, it truly rains teardrops from Heaven. How I have begged
you to pray for your bishops. How I have begged you to pray for the leaders of
your government. Too few pray for them. Too few even pray for members of their
own household. And why? Because the damnable machine of satan, television, has
been used now to destroy the solidarity of a home. It has come in and separated
communication between the individuals of the home.
"O My children, do not be deceived by the ways of
satan that he sets among you. He will not come to you so that he will be
recognized immediately. He will come to you as an angel of light. He will give
you all that appeals to your human nature, but it will sicken your immortal
soul. Our Lady, October 2, 1976
"You will alert all bishops and cardinals to the dark days ahead. Many are
now walking in darkness. Unless you recover them with your prayers and acts of
sacrifice, many mitres will fall into hell.
"I have cautioned all parents to guard the souls of
their children. The example We see in many homes is abominable. The soul
destroyers are being brought into the homes by parents. It truly rains teardrops
from Heaven.
"I have given you the way to your salvation. I have
provided you with all your armor. For many years I have wandered your earth in
tears. How many have sought to ease the hurt in My heart and in My Son's heart?
Do not trade and bargain within My Son's House, for you are setting up souls for
destruction. Our Lady, October 6, 1972
"O My children, do not cast aside the teachings of your founding Fathers.
They were given to you for reason. And now man, in his arrogance and his
searching for a truth that is not of their God, man in his arrogance and pride
seeking to reach Heaven without knowledge of the supernatural--whatever shall be
his end but destruction. Man of science is ever searching, but never coming to
the truth!
"There is the knowledge of what is taking place, in Rome. There is a great
knowledge now spreading in the
City. Pray, My children, a
constant vigilance of prayer as We approach with the message a high dignitary,
one of great power, and one who is wielding the rod over others under him in the
Eternal City of Rome. Pray for his conversion back to the truth and the light.
You do not wish, My children, to see him pass over the veil without penance and
contrition, for he will be claimed by satan.
"O My children, it truly rains teardrops from
Heaven! The Judases within My Son's House are multiplying, and those of weak
faith have become lukewarm and going like ducks downstream, following the leader
to their own destruction.
"Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer
for your pastors. Do not abandon My Son's Church, but stay and fight by example
and prayers. The power of prayer is great. The demons cannot remain where there
is a sound of prayer cascading and resounding across the air. Our Lady,
October 6, 1976
Our Lady - "O My child, how heavy is My heart! See the heart that is pierced
by daggers of hate and remorse. And then I must tell you, My child, I can weep
Veronica - Our Lady is crying. Our Lady is crying. And the tears are coming
down Her face. And I feel that they are so large, and with so much power,
supernatural power, that these are falling upon us now. I can feel them.
Our Lady - "I cry, My child, because upon earth, your people and all the
peoples of the world, in their various languages, they cannot talk without
abusing My Son's name. They must curse and rebel against My Son. Why must this
be so, My child? My Son is all goodness and purity. Why must His name be
defiled, just as it is being defiled--His body--in the tabernacles throughout
the world.
"I do not, at this time, intend to point out any
individual, but My voice goes out to you, as My Mother; you know if you are
guilty of any sins against the Sacraments.
"There are seven Sacraments commanded of you by
Heaven, My children, and you will keep them. You shall not take them apart by
using rationality, and modernism, and humanism. This cannot be. Our Lady,
June 18, 1987
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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