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#514 - Over the Veil, Part 3
"That which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit. Wonder not, that I said to thee, you must be born again. The Spirit breatheth where he will; and thou hearest his voice, but thou knowest not whence he cometh, and whither he goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." - St. John 3: 6-8
"The numbers of souls can be counted in the
few at this time, who will enter directly into the Kingdom of everlasting light
and love, for the numbers of souls now entering into hell are as numerous as the
snowflakes that fell from your past winters! And there are many mitres now among
"Pray, My children, for your priests, your bishops,
your cardinals. Too few pray for them, for in their awe and their knowledge,
they believed in the past, My children, that these hierarchy had a special
passport to Heaven. No, My children, they have a human nature also, and human
frailties, and must be protected by prayer and penance and sacrifice, and this
means the prayer, penance and sacrifice of others also, for them.
"In your charity of heart, in your love of human nature that We hear man
speaking of as he falls into the errors of modernism and humanism--true love
lies in prayers and sacrifice for an individual, for when you come over the
veil, I assure you, it is only love and prayers that can follow you." -
Jesus, May 20, 1978
"I come to you as a sorrowful
Mother, a heart plunged in pity for Her children, children who have become blind
by pleasure, blinded by the pleasures of the world. You do not see beyond your
life upon earth, a temporary existence only, My children. You will live forever
over the veil, in the eternal Kingdom of your Father in Heaven, or you will be
claimed by satan for his kingdom.
"My children, many are
now waiting to enter Heaven having spent many earth-years in purgatory. It is a
place of purging. My children, accept your sufferings for your Faith upon earth,
and you will escape a long duration of purging in purgatory. Many shall be put
to the test, My children, for it is the day of the gathering of the saints, the
latter-day saints.
"Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in
your homes, and keep these prayers going throughout your country and all of the
countries of the world. Hold back the darkness that is enclosing upon mankind.
"I will be with you unto the Second Coming of My Son. I promise you, My
children, that you will never be alone upon earth. There are angel guardians
with you at all times. Seek them out; do not cast them aside, My children. They
are as living as you are." - Our Lady, May 30, 1978
"My child, weep with Me, pray
with Me. Have mercy in your heart for the sinner. No man is without sin, and
therefore charity must not grow cold among mankind. You are the creation of the
Eternal Father, and as such you are brothers and sisters upon earth, with a
destiny similar to all mankind. Sooner or later, you will fulfill this destiny
by coming over the veil. Sadly, many are coming to Us unprepared, and not
warranting entrance into the eternal Kingdom of Paradise." - Our Lady,
October 6, 1980
"Be a good example to all in your parish church.
Do not be deterred by the opinion of any man, whether he is of lay, or of a
denomination of the religious. Remember, My children, when you come over the
veil, there is no one to defend you. You will only bring with you love and
prayers, and your own merits to bring to the Eternal Father for your judgment.
"So what does it benefit or gain a man if he gathers all the riches of the world
and suffers the loss of his soul? Can any man who hears My counsel and My voice
defy Me and tell Me that he will live forever upon earth? O My children, you
seek eternal life upon earth. You seek to create life upon earth. You shall not
"The Eternal Father has been deeply offended and
hurt by the man of science who is ever seeking but never finding the truth,
because the truth is too simple for him. In his arrogance, in his scientific
searching and knowledge, he is ever seeking but never coming to the truth.
Better that man seeks a simple way of life and he shall not pass into the web of
satan." - Our Lady, August 14, 1981
"Hasten, harken, and listen! The
Message from Heaven is going throughout your world. The Queen of Heaven, your
Mother, has come to your earth to bring you the admonition from Heaven. Each man
shall accept or reject this message in his free will. The sheep shall be
separated from the goats.
"Rome, Eternal City, the light
is dim. Rome, haven for heretics and all manners of abomination, shall you not
cleanse yourself before the Eternal Father places His hand upon you in
chastisement? You have opened your doors to all manner of evil spirits.
"Holiness and piety! Man--men of God, you must wear your garment of purity,
dedication, and piety. What manner of foul deeds do you perform for the
destruction of your sheep! For what? Material gain and pride and arrogance? You
shall be cast into the abyss! Rank shall give you no advantage when you come
over the veil." - St. Michael, December 24, 1975
"Many have sold their souls to
get to the head! Many have nourished their bodies but have starved their souls!
And how? Because you have cast aside the truth! You go forward with itching
ears, listening to heretics and liars! Doctrines of demons abound upon earth,
and these doctrines of demons have entered into My Church. I say unto you as
your God: I shall place a heavy hand upon you.
"A Church
in darkness wears a band of death about it. Your world shall go through a
crucible of suffering. It will be the time of trial for all, the separation of
the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff. All that is rotten shall
fall. For I repeat again: It is better that there be a few with quality than a
quantity with nothingness!
"The rules, My way was given to
you in the Book of love and life, your Bible, and I say unto you, you who go
about adding to My words and making changes, I shall visit upon you every plague
that has been written in the Book of life!
"Man has not
learned by his past. He continues upon his way, giving himself over to all
pleasures of the flesh, never caring for his future, his future over the veil."
- Jesus, February 1, 1978
"Gather your treasures now and store them
in the eternal Kingdom. You will, each and every individual, come over the veil
with exactly what you left materially--with nothing! Your only merit shall be in
the graces stored in your account in the Kingdom eternal. These graces are given
freely for the asking.
"Every man shall be a master of his
own soul. You will not place the responsibility for your fall upon another, with
no human conception of obedience, for no man shall be obedient to satan.
"My children, keep in your homes the knowledge of truth, your books, your
manuals that were given to you in the light. Do not succumb to the errors of
your times, your times of humanism and modernism, for it is all obscured from
your view, the truth, for this modernism and humanism--the trend has been
promoted by satan." - Jesus, May 29, 1976
"My children, the scepter of death has been
set loose upon the world. There will be an increase in accidents that are not
accidents. The elements shall spew forth fire, and many shall die untimely
deaths. Shall they be prepared to go over the veil for judgment? O My children,
already the Eternal Father knows how many will be lost to Him in the final
"Pray constantly a vigil of prayer, the Rosary.
Wear your Scapular; wear your armaments, your sacramentals. Do not listen to
those who mock you using terms of fanatic. Do not listen to them, for they are
doing satan's work to remove your armor from you. As a man goes to battle
prepared in earthly wars, you must go to battle prepared with the armor from
"We ask that all bishops and cardinals refrain
from promoting change and reform in My Son's Church. They must gather the
peoples into the Church to do honor before the Eucharist. Unless you eat of the
Body of My Son, and drink His Blood, you shall not have the light in you." -
Our Lady, May 26, 1979
"Sin and abominations have been accepted in your country
and in the world as a way of life. Whatever shall We do with the souls who are
coming fast over the veil unprepared? Whatever shall the Father do with them?
"When the Chastisement is given to man, it will not annihilate the world as in
the time of the floods, My children. No, the Father plans a gradual cleansing of
earth. With the return of My Son, there will remain only the sheep.
"I must caution you: before the return of My Son, many will not stand in the
test. They will go the easy road. But there is no easy road to the Kingdom; it
is a way of trial and suffering. But, of course, the greatest knowledge is that
if you will ask for Our guidance, you will not be lost. Continue, My children,
with your prayers of atonement. There are so many who thirst for your charitable
prayers." - Our Lady, May 30, 1973
"Make it known, My child, that
there is a Heaven, that there is a hell and a purgatory. Know that life
continues. There is no death; there is only a separation of the body from the
living soul. It is only satan who takes the truth from your hearts. It is in
this manner that he will seduce you, and claim you after you pass over the veil.
You must all now stand forth and be counted.
"The road for
all followers of My Son will be filled with thorns. It is not an easy road, but
I assure you, My children, it is a road that leads to eternal glory." - Our
Lady, December 24, 1973
"Yes, Veronica, my sister, this is our beautiful
Mother. And one day you and all who have come to our Mother will join Her in the
"If you could look beyond the veil, my sisters
and my brothers, oh, you would not want to return to earth anymore. There is a
joy and beauty far beyond what any human mind could comprehend." - St.
Theresa, May 17, 1975
Veronica - Our Lady now is extending Her arms. And oh,
it's just beautiful! She has on this cape now; it's a pale blue cape. And She's
extending the cape out, and as She does, there are rays coming out from the cape
and Her hands, and it's so nice and warm and so beautiful that you feel like
you're . . . . There are no words; I can't explain it--completely . . . . I
can't explain it. Happiness and joy and peace. Oh!
Lady now is talking very softly.
Our Lady - "Yes, My
child, it is a true peace beyond the veil, a beauty beyond all that can be given
to you at this time. We ask, My child and My children, that you believe, for
when you do, you will be given the way. Know that nothing is impossible to the
Eternal Father. It will appear before your very eyes." - February 10, 1975
"Each and every man, woman, and child of the age of
reason is accountable to the very end for his way, the road he has chosen while
upon earth. Life is eternal for all, but where shall you spend this eternity?
Though My Mother cries and pleads to you as a fallen generation, you must
understand that not all who cry 'Lord, Lord,' can enter into the Kingdom. It is
won by merit and obedience to your God. And I repeat: obedience to your God, but
not obedience to a man who defies your God.
"O My
children, My little children, you scatter in all directions, blinded to your
faith, blinded to the realization that your country has fallen to satan, and
blinded to the knowledge of even the existence of life beyond your grave. I say
unto you, as your God, that the living, the greatest part of you is your spirit,
your soul. It will never die. And you retain, My children, all knowledge in
intellect. You do not lose your perception. You have full knowledge across the
veil of what you will have gained or lost. Your emotions, My children, are
retained, I say unto you. And you will realize the greatest depth of suffering
imaginable if you do not prepare for your eternal reward in Heaven, if you do
not seek the way. This, My child, is what is taking place: in darkness will they
seek the way? In darkness will they seek the way, or will they continue right
into the abyss?" - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"My children, you must make it known that there
is life after death. You must find a means to write off the word called death,
for it is inappropriate when given in mentioning your going over the veil. There
is no death but the death of a fallen soul who is lost forever.
"When you, your body dies, your spirit, your soul remains living with full
consciousness. I have told you this before and I repeat it for reason. There is
no death over the veil. There is judgment, and this judgment cannot be
understood in the minds of man, for the Eternal Father is all-knowing.
"Therefore, We ask you not to judge your brothers or sisters upon earth, but
give them a good example. Try to teach them the truth of the Book of knowledge,
the Bible. There are many false prophets, but they become taken in a web of
deceit because of their lack of knowledge of the Bible." - Our Lady, June 18,
Our Lady - "Over the veil We recognize no color
or race. Pure spirits are spirits."
Veronica - Our Lady
said there is no color or race over the veil. A spirit is beyond human
Our Lady - "You will be fully recognizable to
each other when you pass over the veil. Therefore, you must have great heart in
the knowledge that you will join those who were with you upon the earth, and you
will have full knowledge of that meeting.
"However, there
will be many human emotional attitudes removed over the veil. For the only
suffering allowed--this may be difficult, My child, for you to understand--but
through the will of the Father, it is only My Son and I and those who have
accepted the mission of the present time to come to earth that must suffer with
many human feelings. However, over the veil there will be nothing but joy and
peace and feeling of complete exhilaration here." - May 30, 1973
"My children, you will accept
the counsel from Heaven or you will be lost! You cannot be influenced by another
human, for when you come over the veil--and each and every one of you will be
over the veil and must stand in judgment--no one can save you from a just
judgment. Already you will have gathered or rejected the graces and stored them
in Heaven or cast them aside for a few short years upon earth. Count, My
children, and think; you are not young forever. You grow old and your years
become shorter. Have you prepared now for your eternal life?
"There is life beyond the veil. Let no one take this knowledge from you. There
is no death but of the body. For a temporary measure of the time your body will
die, but you live in full consciousness after your body is placed in the ground;
you live in full consciousness, and you will be eventually rejoined with a
glorified body at the end of all time." - Jesus, August 14, 1979
Veronica - Now I'm looking over
to the right, and I see the figure of a man. He's sitting in a very
ornate-looking chair. It's a beautiful chair; it's like a throne. And now above
Him there's a great light. And I see the words: "LORD OF LORDS, KING OF KINGS,
Oh, now I see it's growing very bright. It's--the brightness is covering now the
words. They're like disappearing, like smoke from the sky. Now it's growing
dark. And I can see, though, the throne. Now upon the throne is the figure of a
man. Oh, it's--oh, Our Lady is looking up and pointing.
Our Lady - "My child, none can view the great vision, the beatific vision; none
can view this, for it would be that you would be removed from your earthly body.
This awaits mankind only over the veil. We send to you only what your human mind
can comprehend. Were We to show you, My child, what lies beyond the veil, the
beauty, the full encompassment of your emotions would still your earthly heart.
This We cannot give to you until you come across the veil." - April 13, 1974
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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