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#523 - Agents of Satan, Part 2
"But if thy eye be evil thy whole body shall be darksome. If then the light that is in thee, be darkness: the darkness itself how great shall it be!" - St. Matthew 6: 23
"My child, make it known to My children that they are being deceived. Many
who come to them as angels of light are actually an agent of darkness. They go
forward in error and gross deception, My child. Make it known: the practice of
astrology offends the Eternal Father. It is a false science of the Antichrist.
It is the practice of pagans." - Our Lady, March 18, 1975
"See, My child, beauty is never in exposure. For man has
given himself to the pleasures of the flesh, and in this manner many souls are
falling into hell.
"Sin has become a way of life now in your country and
throughout the world. The agents of darkness abound and capture many, and set
themselves forth to destroy those who are destined for the Kingdom.
"Be on guard; wear your sacramentals. Remain with My Son by
His tabernacles throughout the world, and receive the strength necessary for the
days ahead.
"No man shall set himself to judge another. You may counsel,
but you must not judge. The Father is always the final judge." - Our Lady,
November 24, 1973
"The numbers of souls falling daily into hell are increasing
because of the lack of discipline and faults of leadership in My House. You will
not follow the ways of man, but you will bring man onto My road. When you have
joined My House with the world and it has become one, know that the end of your
era has come. You are going to receive the test of trial; in this manner shall
We separate the sheep from the goats, and those that will be left shall set up
the renewed Kingdom upon your earth.
"My Mother has been sent on this mission by the Father to
warn you, then to prepare you for what lies ahead if you refuse to turn back
from the ways that have set you onto the path of darkness. The forces of evil
are rampant now within My House and in the hearts of men. Unless you turn back
now, make atonement to the Father for the many offenses against Him, you will
receive the sword.
"I cannot caution you enough to heed the messages of My
Mother given to you in the past. Do not take Her words idly. My Mother has come
as a Mediatrix by permission of the Father to intercede for an extension of
mercy to you. However, the hearts of Heaven are being torn by numberless thorns
inflicted by an ungrateful generation. How long do you think We will allow the
murders and the abominations to continue?" - Jesus, May 30, 1974
"Yes, without prayer and penance, there will be a great War,
a war of such magnitude that without the intervention of the Father not many
shall be left to inhabit the world of earth!
"Man has created the instruments for his own destruction. And
why has he done this? For greed and power. Love and brotherhood--are they akin
to greed and power? No!
"The murders of the young shall not be condoned by the clergy
nor the laity! Hell shall claim each human who in conscience and free will has
accepted the murder of the young! Remember, My children, satan sends his agents,
demons in human form. They will do nothing unless they enter into the bodies of
any human--man, woman, or child who has fallen out of grace and given himself to
the agents of darkness and the ways of satan." - St. Michael, August 21, 1974
"Why have you hardened your hearts and closed your ears to My
counsel? You are heading for your own destruction. Within your city now there
are the agents of hell.
"There is a plan now being formulated that will enslave the
people of your country. Open your eyes, My children, and see your world as it
truly is. A country that turns from the Father will descend to the father of
hell and the liar of all liars.
"He is now gathering souls as fast as the snowflakes are
falling from your heavens. You will remain indifferent to the truth until you
suffer the greatest of trials, trials that could have been avoided if you had
but listened to Us!" - Jesus, April 10, 1972
Veronica - Oh-h! Now Jesus is coming over with Our Lady. And
He looks very beautiful. Jesus has on a--oh, it's a beige-colored sort of a
cape. It's, it's very full and He's gathered it over His arm. And He's wearing
now brown sandals. They look like--oh, brown, like skin-like sandals. And now
Jesus is smiling. He thinks--oh, He thinks it's quite amusing, He says, that I'm
comparing "My clothes to those of the world."
Jesus says He likes fullness of garments, . . .
Jesus - ". . . but the enemy of God has fashioned a way of
life and dress to destroy your spirit. Better you hide your nakedness from the
agents of hell. Therefore . . . ."
Veronica - And Jesus is pointing now, and He's putting His
hand like this. He's covering--I don't know; I believe it means the people.
"Better," He says,
Jesus - ". . . you all set a good example for your children."
- March 24, 1973
"Yes, My child, there is nothing to fear but fear as an
emotion. Face this fear and it will soon disappear.
"There is no man on earth that you must fear. The agents of
hell and those in darkness are many. If there is to be fear, fear those who seek
to destroy your souls.
"We ask obedience, My child, to your elders but not when it
is misleading. You must search out the sheep and the goats. We do not expect you
to join the goats. Remember, My child, all will be judged with a firm hand.
"You will pray for all men of sin. Satan has poisoned many
"All the children of earth are being tested like metals in
the fire. Many have turned from the narrow road that leads to the Kingdom and
have set themselves upon the road to damnation.
"Corruption and evil abound upon your earth. Murders, murders
in abundance--murders that call for the wrath of God upon mankind! None shall
escape the Ball of Redemption." - Our Lady, October 2, 1974
"The aberrations and abominations being committed in the holy
House of God have had no precedence from the time of Noe, and before the time of
Noe. The offenses to your God call down justification for the end of your
civilization. Man in your country and in the world has made sin a way of life.
"You will remove from your country the abominations in print.
The desecration in print and practice to the Sacred Heart of My Son must be
stopped now! Is there none who will stand forth and protect My Son from these
abominations? Are there so few who care? If you do not care for My Son, do you
have no worry for the condition of your after-life?
"Yes, many of you have cast aside the truth and deny the
existence of the other world. How sad when you come over and receive your
judgment! You will be met, those who do not repent now, by the agents of hell
and taken for a life of eternal damnation in the fires, forever to be tormented
by the very desires that drove you to discard life everlasting for your place in
"Your children are the misled victims of bad example--bad
example of your teachers, bad example of many men in the House of God, bad
example by your government and your schools. Satan rules your earth now. But he
shall not capture you all, for I have given you the plan for your salvation
numerous times." - Our Lady, September 14, 1972
"Your world and your country wallow in a cesspool of error,
corruption, and debasement. Satan has set among you in the highest places of
rule, giving them power for the destruction of human souls. These agents of hell
have been placed in your schools to destroy your young; in your government to
bring you to your knees before one who is not of God; and sadly, his agents have
entered into the House of God to do battle.
"Michael must be returned to the House of God immediately.
Man's free will has cast him aside. He will not be returned unless man asks.
"Your children, through misdirection, the direction of those
entrusted with the salvation of their souls, have now been gathered into clans
of satanism. The home must now be a fortress and a school for the young, as well
as the old. Your example and your return to prayer will be the balance for the
salvation of your souls and the souls of your children." - Our Lady,
September 13, 1973
"Yes, there will be many martyrs in the days ahead. All
parents must rescue their children from the evils of error. We advocate the
instruction of your children in the Faith. We do not want their teachers to be
the adversary's helpers, the followers of the agents of hell who do not
recognize the truth. You must know this truth of the evil that is about you, and
must fight this evil with prayer and sacrifice of your worldly desires, or you
will not escape the Chastisement planned by the Father.
"Unless you heed My words, all who guide My Church--unless
you erase the evidence of error in My Son's House, you will be destroyed!" -
Our Lady, September 28, 1971
"Continue, My children, now with your prayers, for many are
needed to hold back the darkness.
"Before this battle is over, many who remain to stand forth
to protect the honor of My Son will be subjected to torments from their own.
Many martyrs will enter into the Kingdom. The persecution within the House of
God will be heavy. The agents of hell seek to destroy My Son's House on earth.
Many of the dedicated will grow weak and fall in with the plan of satan,
preferring to accept a life without suffering on earth, refusing and casting
from their minds the reality of the eternal life of the Kingdom." - Our Lady,
February 1, 1973
"There are many agents of hell loosed upon earth now, My
children. They have all means at their disposal for your capture, for the
capture of your soul. Recognize, My children, the faces and forces of evil about
you. Do not be misguided by the agents of hell who try to take from your mind by
subtle means the fallacy and error that there is not another world beyond the
veil. I can assure you, My children, that this knowledge will soon be made known
to them.
"The Father has great plans for restoring a proper balance to
the world. My children, I repeat Myself with purpose. You must, you must retire
now from a world that has been given to satan. It is a time of trial and
cleansing. I have come to you many times, in many places throughout your earth,
giving you directions and the armor for your survival during this greatest of
battles. None will be lost unless they go of their own free will.
"Prayer, atonement, sacrifice: is this too much to ask of you
in the face of what you will soon find coming upon you? I do not come to earth
to fill hearts with fear, but I bring reality of what is to befall an
unrepentant generation." - Our Lady, June 8, 1973
"The agents of hell are deep within your country now. The
hourglass is running faster and faster. Many of your countrymen are consorting
with devils. Be not fooled that they come in human form; for, My child, you
would not expect them to reveal themselves. But in time you will know them by
the blackness of their hearts.
"Unless you atone, disaster will be upon you! If you cast Us
aside you will be lost. Atonement, prayer, sacrifice--it is thy decision." -
Jesus, July 1, 1971
"All cardinals and bishops will go down on their knees and
pray for the recovery of the fallen souls in their care. Many Red Hats have
succumbed to the temptations of the flesh. Many Purple Hats are following suit.
All travel the wide road into darkness and eventual damnation. They will turn
now and make restitution now, while there is time.
"All children of God will make sacrifice and pray for the
recovery of the high holy men in the House of God--now! Those who have received
the light will share their graces, given in abundance, to make ransom for the
fallen souls.
"A constant vigilance must now be kept throughout your earth.
You are at war! The spirits are at war! I cannot caution you enough now to
prepare yourselves for this battle. The final victory will be with the Father in
Heaven. The outcome is already ordained. But many shall not accept the light and
shall cast it aside to spend their eternity in the fires. All have the choice.
"When the Ball of Redemption comes upon your earth, all will
have received the Message from Heaven, and they will be given individual choice
for their salvation or their damnation. The agents of hell have multiplied on
your earth and in the holy House of God. Open your eyes to the truth. Do not
follow like sheep to the slaughter. Pray, make atonement, sacrifice, do penance,
for your time grows short.
"I bless you, My children, as My Father blesses you, and We
diffuse among you the Spirit to guide you in the days ahead." - Jesus,
October 2, 1972
"You must accept the fact, My children, that satan, Luciel,
was not divested of his great knowledge and power before he was cast from Heaven
for his disobedience and arrogance to the Father. Therefore, he has on your
earth great power. One of these powers he has over man is that he lives in a
world invisible to your human eyes unless you are given the grace by the Father
to see. Therefore, you must be guided in truth by knowledge from holy priests in
the House of God, and the truth in instruction received by many parents in their
"God the Father has given each man an inborn conscience. He
will sin when he chooses to blind himself to the truth.
"Your children have lost their way because they have lost the
knowledge of God. Man is forever seeking, but never finding the truth. Pride,
intellectual pride in the House of God and the scientific men of your world has
set them on the course for their own damnation. They are following the road of
the fallen angels.
"There must be kept a constant vigilance of prayer in your
country and throughout the world. The agents of hell are loosed in force upon
your world. Prayer can stop them. You are now in the war of the spirits as noted
in the Book of life, the beginning of the latter days.
"The agents of hell will enter upon any unclean soul, be it
man, woman, or child. He will use this manner to accept a human body to work his
will, the will of satan.
"Unless, My children, you retain great graces and remain
close to My Son, you will fall into the darkness.
"Sin has now become a way of life in your world. The souls
continue to fall into hell as numerous as the snowflakes that fall from the
heavens!" - Our Lady, March 25, 1973
"My Son's House is now infiltrated, My children, with many
agents of hell. Recognize the signs of your times. I have given you the armor
for your salvation.
"There is coming a general mobilization of forces in Heaven.
The saints who have kept their robes clean upon earth shall enter into the
spotless glory of eternal salvation. As We go into deep battle with the agents
of Lucifer, many will accept martyrdom.
"The balance is heavy for your destruction. Man has created
an uneven balance. As he adds the atrocities created by him to defile the
God-nature of the Eternal Father, he brings himself closer to his own
"The Eternal Father, My children, is not a punishing God. He
waits, He wonders, He loves, and He is all-merciful. My heart is saddened to
have to relate that your time grows short." - Our Lady, November 1, 1972
"Do not slow the pace of your work, for the small gain made
will bring upon you a continued and strengthened attack from the adversary,
satan, and his henchmen. The agents of hell are loosed upon your earth, and they
do battle in great force.
"You will not develop anger, but pity for a fallen soul.
There, but for the grace of the Eternal Father would you go, and would you all
go--down into the darkest abyss. No one on earth is free from temptation. No one
is free from the attacks of satan. Your life, My children, will be one constant
battle against the enemies of God.
"Your country has become weak, demoralized, corrupt in
government, corrupt in My Son's House; and the darkness well covers your land!
"In the final count after retribution, the numbers will be
few who are saved. The decision for salvation now lies with each individual.
Parents will carry the greatest burden of guilt for the falling of their
children. Do not judge without pity, without charity, those about you, for you
are still brothers and sisters." - Our Lady, May 10, 1972
"Do not expect an easy road ahead. The agents of hell are
heavy among you. Compassion will be dulled; love of neighbor, love of parents, a
jest; respect for life a thing of the past--all because you have allowed
yourself to fall to satan!
"A country that shuts out its God starts down the path for
its own destruction. A country that loses its morality has placed one foot
already in hell. Servitude, desecration, soul destruction--all will reap what
they have sown. Floods, great heat, death. You will have visited upon you a
plague! Recognize now the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When
you pass through this crisis, many will be cleansed." - Our Lady, April 1,
"Do not be misled by the agents of hell who try to
indoctrinate evil doctrines among you, trying to make hell a myth. Even they
will soon find how much of a myth it is when they reach into the flames and
"Your earth will be cleansed by a baptism of fire. In this
way We shall separate the sheep from the goats. Wars are a punishment for man's
sins. They will never end as long as man submits his will to satan." - Our
Lady, August 14, 1972
"My child and My children, I do not wish to elaborate nor add
to My Mother's statements to you this evening of facts and what is to be. But
there is one incident that has appalled us all in Heaven that must be made known
to mankind, because I feel in My heart for My Mother, Her great hurt and sorrow
that Her Message at Fatima was not completely given to mankind. This evening I
speak to you, My child Veronica, for you to tell the world that to hide a fact
is often destructive. And this fact will be made known now, with or without
Lucy, or others, who cannot speak out because they are under obedience to their
elders. You will repeat this, My child, though it may shock you.
"I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as
promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his
agents--and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and
maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the
truth." - Jesus, June 18, 1986
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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