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#537 - Worldly Popularity
"And all their works they do for to be seen of men. For they make their phylacteries broad, and enlarge their fringes. And they love the first places at feasts, and the first chairs in the synagogues, and salutations in the market place, and to be called by men, Rabbi. But be not you called Rabbi. For one is your master; and all you are brethren." - St. Matthew 23: 5-8
"We have been very patient. The Eternal Father has voiced His
decision within My hearing, and I tell you, My children, your chastisement is
just at hand.
"We expect all of you to read and re-read My Mother's
directives, for they are My directives in the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost.
"No man shall fall into hell unless he wishes it. For his
heart and his eyes are blinded. His heart is hardened, and the pleasures of the
world, and the popularity of a generation that has gone insane with sin--for
these he will give up his eternal soul." - Jesus, July 1, 1985
"Clergy, you must pray now and do penance. Gather your
graces. And these graces shall not be counted in the coffers of your collection
plates. You will not carry a mark of esteem with the heading of the dollar sign,
for you will sell your souls to get to the head. Do not spend your time building
an empire of wealth and fame, for the Eternal Father will set judgment upon you,
and neither counting your money nor your worldly fame, but the duty and the
honor that you have extended to Him in your vocation and your life's work, and
the manner in which you have brought His sheep to Him, or the way that you have
been instrumental in leading them to their damnation and into the abode of the
damned with Lucifer.
"And woe to the clergy who has given himself over to
worldliness and sin! Woe to the clergy who rejects his vocation and chooses a
life upon earth after he has taken his vows! I say unto him: the judgment will
fall great upon him.” – Jesus, August 4, 1979
"My children, you will have to remain simple in heart and
desire, neither caring for nor seeking worldly acclaim or possessions. Store
your treasures in Heaven, My children, where neither moth nor rust shall corrupt
them, where neither robbers shall take them from you.
"Too many, My children, have lost their souls seeking to get
to the head. Riches are all vainglory in your world, My children. Power is
vainglory, for all is passing fast." - Our Lady, November 1, 1977
"Those who have been given the leadership in My Son's House
will one day stand before the Father, and will they be able to say that their
leadership has been just in His eyes? Shall you stand before Him and say that
your teaching has been clean of impurity?
"It is sad, My child, but true, that many care more for
recognition by man than for their eternal salvation.
"My child, many turn their eyes and their hearts from the
truth. They do not care. Love! The word 'love' We hear constantly coming to Us.
Love--so few know the true meaning of love. So few are willing to sacrifice the
things of this world of yours, so temporal in nature. Better that you store your
treasures in Heaven." - Our Lady, June 8, 1974
"Many must earn their daily bread. All must earn their daily
bread upon the earth. In doing this they will do this with honor. Of the hours
you awaken to, you will say, 'this day I give to please my God.' In this manner
you will be directed in the light.
"You have all received in your baptism the opportunity to
attain the Kingdom. The road is very simple to follow. You do not look for
recognition among men. You look to please your God. You try to please your God.
For if you try to find recognition and the approval of man on earth, you are
doomed to great sorrow. For all the hours, the waking hours of your life on
earth must be with one purpose in mind--that you are working your way back to
the Kingdom." - St. Theresa, December 31, 1972
"O My children, what more can I say to you? What more can the
Eternal Father do to awaken you--you who are apathetic, not caring until you are
struck by destruction; you who watch as the warnings go by, not caring until it
enters your home; and you who go by like ducks in the waters, not caring or
wondering or questioning why you proceed in that path; and you who, in your
blindness; and you who, in your blindness of blind obedience, have given
yourselves to destruction and destroying My Son's House in your obedience to
man! No man shall be obedient to satan.
"My children, long ago I warned you from Fatima, I warned you
through many voice-boxes throughout your world that the time will come when you
will embark upon a stormy sea, and it shall be bishop against bishop and
cardinal against cardinal, and satan shall set himself in your midst. He shall
maneuver and pit you and play you against each other in his plan to destroy My
Son's House. Recognize what is happening now upon your earth. I say unto you, O
pastors in My Son's House: if you do not listen, if you continue to proceed upon
your present course, you ask for the heavy hand of My Son to come upon you. Your
world shall be cleansed with a baptism of fire. My children, have you not
learned anything from your past? As in the time of Noe, with the destruction of
Sodom and Gomorrha, have you not learned that a degenerate generation calls upon
itself a heavy hand of chastisement from the Eternal Father?
"Yes, My child, I understand your deep grief and sorrow. O My
child, We are like voices crying in the wilderness: get ready and keep on the
narrow road, for the time is growing short. Do not, My child, slacken in your
mission by all of the opinions of mankind. Accept the cross and carry it, My
child, without complaint.
"You will receive very little recognition, My child, upon
your earth pilgrimage, but remember it is the recognition of the Eternal Father
in Heaven that is all that you must seek. When you leave, My child, you can take
nothing with you but love and prayers." - Our Lady, November 20, 1976
"My children of light, do not be distressed, for I shall be
with you; and your confidence shall be in the words given to you through My
Mother, in all of the messages from Heaven that will guide you when the road
becomes filled with thorns and the cross grows heavy.
"Yes, My children, for those who have been given much, much
will be expected of them, even unto martyrdom.
"Do not seek to be recognized by man, for if you, in your
pride, seek this recognition, you have already received your reward. But do
your--do good deeds for the Eternal Father Who watches you in secret, for He
will reward you. However, if you give yourselves over to the world, seeking the
plaudits of the world, you have already received your reward." - Jesus,
November 24, 1979
"Since you have chosen to give this to mankind--I had
expected this of you, My child--you will learn another simple lesson of the
Father. Do not expect to be recognized by mankind, for his reward is not worth,
My child, your efforts. Do your work as given, expecting no reward or
recognition from mankind. For the Father has a special plan for all He chooses
to do His work.
"You see, My child, it is well worth waiting for, for when
you receive glorification from mankind you have already received your reward. I
know, My child, that that you do not want, for you have been given the
opportunity to know what lies ahead. You choose well.
"The road to martyrdom, My child, is not one that would be
accepted in your human nature. However, all who enter the Kingdom of the Father
must carry the cross." - Our Lady, April 13, 1974
"My children, you may expect great opposition in the
promotion of My Mother's mission. You will go forward with great perseverance
and courage. The grace will be given to all to remain steadfast in the truth.
"You may expect to be persecuted as I, too, was allowed by
the Father to go through this trial. Know that this battle will rage with great
ferocity, but the final outcome will be a triumph for all Heaven. You are being
tested, and you will be given great trial. Stand fast in your Faith, keep the
truth in your heart, and remain on the narrow path. Cast aside all your human
inclinations for worldly gain or recognition. You will be treated and you will
be forced to grovel, but do this and you will save souls. They will trample you,
but know that the prophets before you had to be trampled before they rose above
their persecutors. Your example will save many souls, My children, so continue
with the Mission from Heaven." - Jesus, July 25, 1974
"Penance, My children, the world must do heavy penance. You
must keep in heart that you cannot have the world and the Kingdom of God. For
you will love one and reject the other. The world and the Kingdom of the Father
are not companionable. When you are not of the light you will love the world,
but if you reject the world you will find the light.
"You, My child, must learn a simple lesson. If you are given
your reward upon earth, what have you to look forward to in the Kingdom? Do your
work, My child, in secret so that the Father Who sees you in secret shall reward
you. It is only the human frailty of pride that makes man seek recognition. Yes,
My child, pride is a sin. Mortification--this, My child, will be sent to you for
reason. Soon you will thirst for mortification, for only in this manner will you
retrieve the souls.
"I place, My child, your hand in Mine, knowing that I protect you in the days
ahead. I place My blue mantle over all My children. What is there to fear but
fear? Face fear, My child, and it will soon disappear." - Our Lady, November
23, 1974
"Now, My children, a great war rages against the forces of
evil. It is a war that is far greater than any human nature war experienced by
mankind, for you are now in the latter days. It is a war of the spirits, the
fight between the good and the evil, the time of Armageddon!
"Laugh, you who scorn My message--derision and mockery you
may give, but if you do not accept and act upon the warning from Heaven, you
shall not be counted in those saved.
"Remember, My child, it would be best for your mission if you
do not listen to the public opinions. I understand, My child, in your human
nature, your desire for recognition of the mission. But know now, My child, as I
have counseled you in the past, that you shall not accept the roses until the
end of your mission. Your road will be filled with thorns. Accept the cross, My
child, without complaint; carry it to the end." - Our Lady, December 24, 1976
"I say unto the clergy, My Son's priests and the clergy of the world: you
have been blinded because of pride and arrogance. Your minds are confused with
worldliness, humanism, and modernism. Pray on your knees! Take your heads out of
the fog now while there is time, for your time is running out. Redeem yourselves
in the eyes of the Eternal Father now.” – Our Lady, August 4, 1979
"Errors are compounded upon errors in My House. The Red Hats are given to all
sins of the flesh. The Purple Hats follow in blind obedience, and they, too,
fall to all manner of sins of the flesh and worldliness--self-seeking, arrogant,
and prideful. Because of these reasons, My children, they are blinded to the
"Many good souls of light have offered themselves to Heaven as victim souls
for the repatriation of the lukewarm and the fallen souls in My House. We accept
in all charity of heart from Heaven these fruits from the light, these fruits
from the hearts of the humble. But I say unto you: there are not enough prayers,
there are not enough sacrifices and penance to save many among the Red Hats and
the Purple Hats.” – Jesus, December 31, 1976
"My children, My Mother will counsel you in your trials and the time of
tribulation. She will not abandon you in your struggles. You must all pray more.
Detach yourselves from your worldly living and pray. It is your contact with
Heaven. You must all lead and live and practice more spiritual life. Worldliness
and worldly pursuits are as nothing to you. There is not one worldly,
materialistic thing or person that will be able to save you or give you
necessary merit when you come over the veil for judgment.” – Jesus, August 5,
"For the love of money and worldly living, Our pastors have given themselves
to satan. Unless they remove themselves from this web of evil created by the
money powers of the world, they, too, shall be judged and cast into the abyss.
Many have sold their souls to get to the head.” – Our Lady, September 13,
"Our joy is multiplied this evening by the numbers of Our children who have
come to Our defense in the war against satan. The evil he promotes has
accelerated. Unless you become knowledgeable and recognize his handiwork, the
end of your era will be hastened. Unless you turn from worldly affections and
give yourself to My Son, you will be lost in the darkness.
"My children, never cease your prayers for Our Vicar, who is in constant
danger. Should he be removed from among you, you will receive a man of dark
secrets. Beware of one who will come in sheep's garment.
"You must recognize the ways of satan. He will come and reach you with
cunning and deception. He will set man up as one to glorify, as an idol to
worship. This offends My Son! The body and mind are being studied, analyzed,
restructured, but where is the spirit? Starved for the light of truth!
"You cannot make a soul strong by catering to the worldly desires of the
flesh. Give man everything the world offers, but without My Son, he has nothing!
There is no peace, no happiness without your God. You cannot shut Him out, for
satan is always waiting to claim your soul.” – Our Lady, May 30, 1972
"My children, you must retire now from a world that has been given to satan.
You must live now in the spirit. You must be in the world, but not of the world.
"The major downfall in the House of God lies with the fact, My child, that
the pastors prefer worldly living with world treasures, never counting the
merits needed to enter the eternal Kingdom of God the Father. These merits are
not gained by your gatherings of world treasures. They come from your heart.
These hearts of Our pastors have been hardened. Their ears are clogged, My
child; they do not listen. Their eyes are blinded, not seeing the miracles We
send to open them.
"Pastors, do you reject the Message from Heaven because you fear it? Or do
you prefer to ignore it because it will expose your error?
"Pride! False pride, My children, is the downfall of many. Cast aside this
worldly pride! You have only one to face when you come over the veil: it is the
judgment of the Eternal Father.
"You owe, My children, no allegiance to man who offends the Eternal Father.
The Commandments given by the Eternal Father must be followed." - Our Lady,
October 6, 1975
"It is only when you are different, My child, that you are on
the right road. When you join the world, then you will be on the wrong road. The
world will reject you as they rejected My Son. Were you to join the world in
their thoughts and their living habits, you would be accepted, but because you
are not of the world but of the spirit, and you live in the spirit, you will be
accepted by the Father in Heaven. This you must always remember. It is not the
acclaim of the world that you will look for, but you will make your way slowly
with perseverance to the Kingdom." - Our Lady, March 18, 1975
"My children, many of your brothers and sisters are selling
their souls to get to the head. What does it matter if you gain all of the
world's graces--and they call them graces, but how they foul the supernatural!
It is no grace, My children, to achieve worldly acclaim and fortune. True grace
only comes from Heaven, the eternal Kingdom of your God.
"My children, many of these so-called gifts that man seeks
upon earth--these gifts are from satan and the seed for his downfall, man's
downfall. Satan has placed upon earth all manner of enticements to destroy and
soil souls. Recognize, My children, the way of evil set by satan and the true
way of the cross as given by the example of My Son." - Our Lady, April 1,
"All mothers of the houses in the convents must watch who
enters their homes, for satan has placed many within the convents to destroy
them. Those who enter should not be counted by their intelligence, but by their
hearts; for the Father has not chosen those of great intelligence and worldly
acclaim to do His will. He knows, and He looks into your hearts." - St.
Theresa, May 30, 1973
"There will be much woe and gnashing of teeth set upon the
earth by the agents of 666, Lucifer. Because many minds have been poisoned by
satan, scientists and men of power are deluded.
"Their minds have been clouded because they search not for
the truth, but in greed and avarice they search for power and money, esteem,
enslavement of their brothers. And for what? Each and every one of you must end
your life upon earth at some time sooner or later. Tomorrow will be the end for
many." - Jesus, August 14, 1979
"My child, I wish to clarify this with you: When I speak to
you of these secret societies, know that there are many now. The numbers are far
greater than you know that have entered into them. Some go as they think they
have reached a place of esteem. Many have been baptized, destined for the
Kingdom of the Father. However, warn them, My child, that they are in great
danger of losing this precious gift. Recognize the deception within these
societies. They do much good, but the evil, the true purpose beneath this good,
is abominable, for it seeks to remove from among you God the Father and all
knowledge of His Being.
"The saddest fact, My child, is this great army of satan
seeks to destroy My Son's Church, and will use its own members to try to
destroy. However, the foundation is My Son. It will never be destroyed. But the
walls can crumble, and the numbers of souls lost will be counted in the many.
For only a few will be saved!
"What have you to gain, My children, if you gain the whole
world and lose your soul? Think! Ponder! Save your soul and the souls of those
you love!" - Our Lady, September 7, 1974
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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