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#549 - Rejection of Our Lady's Message, Part 3
"Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them who foretold of the coming of the Just One; of whom you have been now the betrayers and murderers: Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it." - Acts 7: 52-53
"Do not be concerned, My child,
of the opinions of mankind. You will give out My message and the Father will do
the rest. You can expect great battle from Our adversary, satan. He has many
agents loosed now among the peoples of earth. A soul in darkness can be used in
the army of satan.
"You will learn, My child, to recognize
the faces of evil.
"Those poor souls, My children, who are
in deep darkness have rejected My message. Pray for them. Keep a constant
vigilance of prayer, for your prayers can remove their blindness of spirit.
"You, My child, will meet with great persecution. Were it not so, I would tell
you thus. Know that as you are successful in the recovery of souls, the legions
of hell will descend to fight you." - Our Lady, December 28, 1974
"It is not only here in New York,
My child, that My Mother has appeared. She has tried to make Her presence known
in other places, but has been rejected. I cannot say how this hurts My heart;
for I love My Mother as the Queen of Heaven_that She is, and also the Queen of
all hearts. And most of all, She wishes to have the hearts of Her children upon
earth, each and every one of them. For all that is lost, She cries constantly.
Were it not for My Mother and your Mother, you would have received the Ball of
Redemption much sooner than you expected. But My Mother held My heavy hand back,
as the Eternal Father listened to the saints crying out from Heaven: 'When, O
when, my Lord, shall a just punishment come upon the evil ones upon earth, who
are sacrificing the saints?'" - Jesus, June 18, 1987
Our Lady - "My child, you are
looking into Rome on that horrendous day when the Holy Father shall leave you. I
say 'shall' because the message is being rejected in Rome. The previous messages
about this carnage to the Holy See and the Holy Father has been taken with a
manner of laughter. Too late will they laugh and refer to My visitation in New
York as being absurd. My child and My children, that is satan. And as a holy
Pope once told you before he died, he knew that the smoke of satan had entered
into Rome and the Vatican. Well did he understand My visit to him, My child. The
world has never known how close I was to your Vicar at that time, Pope Paul VI.
Yes, My child, he was removed from the earth, also, with his impostor."
Veronica - Now Our Lady is passing Her hand over Her eyes, like this. Her tears
have now come down upon Her face, and the light that is shining so brightly has
almost obliterated Her face from my view, so much is Her sorrow.
Now Jesus is touching His lips.
Jesus - "My child, you
cannot see My Mother's face at this time, because Her sorrow would bring you to
Our door; for this sorrow of My Mother's cannot be accepted in the human heart,
so powerful is Her grief." - September 14, 1985
"I have
heard the words of scorn and derision that have followed the message that I give
to the world, My child. It is sad that this warning is being ignored by many. I
have come as a Mediatrix between God and man. I have been sent by the Father to
warn you that unless you change your ways and go back onto the narrow road set
forth by the Father, I can no longer hold back the punishing hand of My Son.
There are many seers throughout the world now who have been given the light and
are instruments for the dispersal of My message throughout the world.
"Priests in the houses of My Son, why do you waste your time trying to disprove
My warnings to the world? You are rationalizing My supernatural manifestations.
Pride and arrogance have set many onto the road to destruction, soul
destruction." - Our Lady, December 24, 1974
"Remember, all who
are of well spirit will understand and prepare for the days ahead by following
the directions given in the past by My Mother. We have not abandoned you to
yourselves, for We support you under the mantle of My Mother, and over My Sacred
Heart I place the drops of My blood. I shed this blood anew. I am, as your
Savior, recrucified by My own.
"You will force upon
mankind what was to be in the future, but now you have forced the future to
revert to your present. The pages have turned fast, the words of the prophets
ignored. Read well now your Bibles and learn by them, for then you will not be
caught unaware." - Jesus, April 10, 1976
"As in the time of Noe, one
was sent to you crying like a voice in the wilderness, but trying to prepare
you, bringing the warning from Heaven--a warning that was ignored and cast aside
with derisive laughter. I say unto you: as it was in the time of Noe, so shall
it be in your generation. What was planned by the Eternal Father for your future
shall be now. No man, woman, or child shall escape the testing!
"My Mother has given you My way. It is a simple road that must be followed. The
rules have been given to you that must not be changed, as you cater to the basic
carnal nature of man, a generation that has fallen! You will not make changes
within My House, for you have dispersed My sheep. You will restore My House to
its former glory. Strip you hearts of your pride! Recognize your errors and
restore My House!
"I say this to you for your Creator, as
your God: Restore My House, or I shall come down and restore it Myself with a
firm hand! And shall you stand before Me, O pastors, and say that your teachings
have been pure in My sight? I shall take you and spit you out as spittle into
the fires of eternal damnation! Vermin that came out of the flowers!
"You have despoiled Our garden of souls, O pastors! You have trampled the
lilies! You have trodden upon your Faith and truth. You have whittled away like
rodents into My House, My Church! O man of little faith, whatever shall become
of you? I repeat for your fair warning that the Red Hat has fallen and the
Purple Hat is being misled. Take the blindness from your hearts. Seek the light,
for you are in darkness, and a house in darkness wears a band of death about
it." - Jesus, December 28, 1976
"My child and
My children, only you as an individual can save your soul now and the souls whom
you love and whom you have the charity to reach out for. For those with great
graces, they can be shared. You have a great obligation now to go forward as
disciples of My Son.
"If you proceed ignoring My counsel
and My direction, you will see many nations disappear from your world within
moments. Hunger and starvation, famine, disease, pestilence.
"My children, how sad I am that too few have followed My counsel to read the
Revelations of Saint John to the world, the Apocalypse. Read them, My children.
Ask My Son, ask the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and the
pages will become clear to you. The pages will open up like the scroll, and you
will have full understanding of the days ahead. What was hidden from mankind for
many years is being revealed in order to save the world from its own
destruction." - Our Lady, June 13, 1981
"I know, My children, many of you who
hear My voice or My words will say, 'How can this happen to us?' But We heard
that, the Eternal Father has said Himself that He heard that many years ago when
He sent prophets to warn Sodom and Gomorrha, and they, too, did not listen."
- Our Lady, October 6, 1992
"In the days of Sodom, so too were
men giving themselves over to all the pleasures of the flesh: eating, drinking,
marrying, giving in marriage. All manner of sinful lusts are being committed.
Men shameful with men, women casting aside their role of motherhood and lusting
after women. As it was in the days of Sodom, so now is this black cloud over
America." - Our Lady, July 14, 1979
"As in Sodom and
Gomorrha, mankind had gone down and given itself over to satan. I ask you now,
My children, to turn back from your road to destruction, for you will be surely
destroyed as was the time of Sodom and Gomorrha. Homosexuality shall not be
It is an abomination in the eyes of the
Eternal Father, and as such, is condemning many to hell." - Jesus, June 18,
"We want the world to know again that
there was a locution given to My child, Veronica, and it talks of this: Sodom
and Gomorrha. Does this seem similar to you, My children: are you not living now
among the realms of Sodom and Gomorrha? And what happened to that adulterous
city? It was destroyed, just as Babylon the Great shall be destroyed, also."
- Jesus, October 6, 1988
"Now, My child, I will tell you one major
reason why the Father sent Me to you and chose this site as a center of
reparation. It is because of the murder of the young. It is because your city,
your nation, has great influence throughout the world. Your example will be
followed by many. But you must return the Father and restore discipline in your
daily lives, or you, too, will fall to the sword.
repeat, the evil spreads out like a cancer, strangling all in its web. The
mariners will stand far off and weep in grief as they see you burning.*
O city of Babylon, your sins have caused your destruction. Repent now or be lost
forever." - Our Lady, March 18, 1974
read Apocalypse 18: 8-19.
a disciple of light, each one of you shall go forward and give the Message from
Heaven. If you are rejected, continue on to the next door. Your mission is not
to force your will upon mankind, but to bring the message of your God to your
brother and your sister and pray that he shall at least look upon and examine
this message for the salvation of his soul and the souls of those he loves.
"For you who have been given graces, much is expected of you. You must not fall
asleep and just wait for the outcome of your mission. You must work and you must
pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Your labors must not cease while you are
upon the earth. Great shall be your reward in Heaven.
promise you, My children, your labors shall bear great fruit for the eternal
Kingdom of your God. You shall all gather one day with Me and We shall reminisce
of the days upon earth and the glory that your efforts and your struggles
through this mission have brought to the Eternal Father, and the many souls that
you have rescued from the abyss." - Jesus, March 18, 1976
"It grieves My
heart much to watch the manner in which man has rejected My Mother upon earth. I
have sent Her to you as your Mother, as My Mother, the Queen of Heaven and
earth, to direct you in your battle against the forces of evil. Without Her
guidance you will not stay on the road to Heaven.
words must reach those who are leaders in My houses upon earth--churches. We
watch and find many of Our leaders lacking in true spirit of faith. Many are
misleading Our sheep.
"The ways of modernism and humanism
are the ways of satan! You have been warned in the past, and you are being
warned now. You are leading your lives in error. A great delusion has been set
upon mankind to test Our sheep. All that is rotten will fall to satan!
"A House in darkness, a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it." -
Jesus, June 18, 1975
"My Mother has set Herself to hold off
a just chastisement upon mankind for many years, but your time has run out. Her
warnings have gone by unaccepted, unnoticed, and rejected, even by My clergy!
Her tears fall upon your generation. The saints in Heaven, sacrificed upon
earth, have cried out now for reprisal upon this degenerate generation. 'How
long, O Lord,' do they cry, 'shall You permit this perverse generation to
exist?' And I say unto you now: your time is running out!
"Do not speculate on the dates, but be prepared. My Mother has spent countless
years among you, preparing you. If you are not ready now, then you will never be
ready! And it will come upon you at a time that you least expect. You have been
given your armor, instructed well by My Mother. Therefore, you will follow the
way of the Lord! You will listen to the counsel of My Mother or you will fall!"
- Jesus, June 18, 1980
"My Mother has come
to you as a Mediatrix. Her voice has gone throughout your world. Many have
rejected Her words, and those who accept them will be saved. Many will die in
the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. You will keep a constant vigilance of
"We have asked Our clergy to return to their lives
of prayer. They will gain nothing by joining the world, nothing but the
destruction of souls and misleading Our sheep. Awaken from your slumber,
shepherds! Do not cast aside, in your pride, the warning from Heaven. You, too,
will stand in judgment!" - Jesus, March 29, 1975
"My child, the evil
is accelerating. We have watched the development throughout your world.
"You must pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your clergy. Do not be
concerned, My child, if the Message from Heaven is not accepted by all. You
must understand human nature. A message will be rejected, My child, when it
meets with disfavor or is not understood. Therefore, you will give the message
and pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten those who read this message.
"Our hearts are greatly saddened by the evils and abominations being committed
in the houses of God throughout the world. Man has given himself to all
pleasures of the flesh. Luxury in your country, My children, has been your
downfall, for you have forgotten your God and you have starved your soul." -
Our Lady, December 6, 1975
"My child, your
world is to enter a great test of suffering. The warnings given to mankind in
the past must not be rejected. They must be examined carefully, all messages of
the past, and acted upon.
"Do not slacken, My child, in
your mission. You must continue to work with great haste.
"There is a conspiracy of evil now throughout your world. Those who have the
greatest power to promote good have used this power to promote evil. This evil
is entering upon the lives of every man, woman, and child in your country and in
the countries throughout your world.
"As in the time of
Noe and the cities of sin, Sodom and Gomorrha, it fell upon the Eternal Father
to cleanse this evil from your earth.
"As the evil
accelerates, there will be given to the Eternal Father no other choice but to
loose upon mankind the Ball of Redemption. Many will die in the great flame of
the Ball of Redemption. Your earth shall go through a suffering far greater than
ever seen before by mankind. All who live through this will envy those who have
died." - Our Lady, December 27, 1975
little ones--and I say in fact, My little ones, who are of humble heart and
spirit, who seek not the pleasures and gain of worldliness--My little ones, I
comfort you with the knowledge that you will receive the keys to the Kingdom. Be
not discouraged in this world of darkness, My children; go forward with My
Mother. Her direction is true to you. You may not understand all that is being
given, but accept this with confidence, for when the time is right, all will be
made known to you.
"Many miracles and cures, cures of the
body and cures of the spirit shall be given. Much shall be rejected, for so deep
is the evil. This evil has penetrated far into the very heart of My House. You
must now turn back and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for
the salvation of your own soul.
"The Eternal City of Rome
shall pass through a great conflagration. Discipline must be restored.
Obedience, yes, but true obedience to their God and not to the mores of man." -
Jesus, August 21, 1976
"However, because many have failed to listen to the counsel of My Mother,
you are fast approaching a war far greater and more destructive than mankind has
ever experienced in the past. And without the counsel from Heaven being adhered
to, the directions strictly followed, many will die upon earth, and nations
shall disappear from the face of your earth. " - Jesus, December 24, 1979
"My children, remove the blindness from your heart and
understand the counsel from Heaven. It is through grace that you hear this
counsel, and it is through grace that We ask you to carry this counsel forward
to your brothers and sisters. You are not your brother's keeper, but you must
fight for their lives, their spiritual lives, because the shepherds have fallen
asleep, or fallen into spiritual darkness. You who have the light, you who have
been chosen from among the multitudes to be light bearers must now go forward
and search through the darkness and recover your brothers and sisters who
otherwise will be lost.” – Jesus, June 4, 1977
"Remember, My child,
they turned away and did not listen to the message of the prophets of old.
Nineveh fell, Sodom and Gomorrha, and so will your country and your city. I
place upon you the word 'if,' My child. This 'if' can only be used for a short
time, for the time allotted to mankind to make redemption to the Father is
short." - Our Lady, April 5, 1975
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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