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#577 - Believe and You Will Be Given the Way
"They said therefore unto him: What shall we do, that we may work the works of God? Jesus answered, and said to them: This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he hath sent." - St. John 6:28-29
"My children, believe, just believe and you will be given the
way. Even if your faith is only a flicker, don't let it go out! It must be
nourished, My children, or it will die, and you will die eternally.
"All of the sufferings you must endure are but short and
small crosses, My children, in comparison to everlasting life over the veil.
Accept these crosses, carry them for My Son, and He will acknowledge you before
the Eternal Father. He will await you with a crown for your perseverance and
faith." - Our Lady, April 9, 1977
"My children, there will come upon mankind soon a war of
great magnitude. Death will become commonplace to all. If this war continues
three-quarters of the world's population shall die.
"All the world's happenings are under the control of the
Eternal Father in Heaven. He knows both the past and the future and the present.
However, because of man's free will, a gift from the Eternal Father to all, man
must choose his road.
"It is only through great grace that a man shall be pushed
over the veil into Heaven, the Eternal Kingdom. Graces are given in abundance
for the asking. Believe, My children, just believe, and you will be given the
way. No man shall fall into hell, the abode of the damned, unless he goes there
of his own free will." - Jesus, April 1, 1978
"I bless all My children with graces, graces for cures and graces for
conversion. All who hear My words, they are words of encouragement and
perseverance; they are words of confidence, for Jesus, My Son, will be your
"Ask and you shall receive. Lift up your hearts with hope, and you shall be
given the way. Believe, just believe, and you will receive the light! No man
shall be lost in the days ahead, My children, unless he wills it; no man shall
fall into hell unless he wills it.
"Keep all of the books, My children, that you have guarded so well. The
enemies of your God know that the time is growing short. They will seek to
destroy the good manuals." - Our Lady, May 14, 1977
"We view now the vilest of desecrations being perpetrated in
My Son's House. You who have been given the grace to bring the light have chosen
to use your power to destroy. What are you telling the children? The young souls
are learning blasphemy, heresy, satanism! You will not escape the flames!
"Delusion, delusion! Do you not recognize the face of error
and evil? Do not rely on satan's henchmen. You will go back to the true truth
set forth by the men of My Son, the ones whom you call the prophets of old. Read
and learn the truth. Do not accept your words of error coming from the mouths of
heretics. Be not apathetic; for as you go along without caring, it is your
children who will place the knives in your heart.
"Your country has now taken the first step to its own
destruction. The ladder from your country is not going up; it is going down.
"As the cripple shall walk, as the blind shall see, so should
the unbeliever believe again. But all who do not follow as they should, tell
them that they will be saved if they will believe, for they will be given the
way." - Our Lady, December 7, 1971
"In order to reach the Kingdom of the Father, you must divest
yourself, remove all pride and worldly searching. You must become as confident,
as trusting as a child. Know that all is yours for the asking. Believe and you
will be given the way. My Son in the Eucharist is always with you to strengthen
"You will pray, My children, for your hierarchy. They, too,
will be tried. And sadly, many are found wanting at this time. Pray much for
them, My children." - Our Lady, March 29, 1975
"My Mother has come to you because of the necessity of your
times. She has been shut out and cast aside in many places, for mankind has
hardened his heart to the truth. He prefers to blind himself in worldly
pleasures and pleasures of the flesh, never keeping in mind that his life upon
earth is but of short duration.
"What does it gain a man if he wins the whole world and
suffers the loss of his soul? Life is eternal over the veil, and not one of you,
My children, shall escape the judgment. No man shall fall into the abyss unless
he goes there of his own free will. Believe and you shall be given the way.
"Your world now has plunged itself into deep darkness of
spirit. Come out of that darkness, My pastors! You have been given many
warnings, and they have fallen upon deafened ears. How many warnings do you
think you shall receive from Heaven? You are misleading Our sheep." - Jesus,
October 2, 1975
"The way to Heaven is a simple way. It cannot be compromised;
it cannot be modernized; it cannot be cast aside or a new religion started. For
your religion will be of man, of humanism, and modernism, and satanism, and all
the 'isms' that destroy mankind in the end.
"My child and My children, you will all keep a constant
vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Proceed with
great haste to send the Message throughout the world. Hasten, harken, and
listen, for I shall not warn you again. You are now in the edge, the edge of
doom for many. For the end shall come upon many suddenly, without warning. Are
you ready for this, My children?
"I do not come as a prophet of doom to you, and neither will
the voices crying out with the truth come as prophets of doom. But they will be
disciples of the end days, bearers of light and the truth. Listen and you will
be saved. Believe and you will be given the way. Close your ears, harden your
hearts and turn away, and you are lost.
"Protect your children and your homes, for many tears shall
be shed by parents. Wear your sacramentals. Do not be influenced by those who
have lost their way and seek to take others with them. You must be different in
this world of satan. Receive his mark and you are lost. Receive the mark of the
cross and you are saved." - Jesus, June 13, 1981
"My children, pray constantly a vigil of prayer. I ask you
not to do just lip service, My children, but pray from your hearts. The words do
not have to be studied, but pray from your hearts. Ask and you shall receive.
Believe and you will receive many graces.
"The greatest gift you can bring to your fellow man now is to
make him believe. Many are deeply entrenched in darkness of the spirit, and
without your help the many will be lost to satan--eternal damnation and
banishment." - Our Lady, April 1, 1978
"My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix, a Mediatrix
between God and man. Her words have gone throughout the world and will continue
to go throughout your world in the days of trial.
"Scoffers will not believe. Hardened hearts will walk in
"Know that if you ask for the light--believe and you will be
given the way! Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption!
"Perseverance! Persevere in Faith and you will be saved!"
- Jesus, August 14, 1975
"Gather you graces, My children; they are given to you in
abundance. The enemies of your God shall take these from you if they can. They
shall strip you of the manner of receiving these graces. Have you cast aside
indulgences? Do you call Our graces now a myth and superstition? How dare you
set yourselves to join satan! All manner of false ideology! All manner of false
deception! Doers of good who are rulers of evil!
"Do not be blinded, My children, by the angels of light.
Watch and pray much, and they shall be revealed to you in time. Evil cannot
persevere and exist long. The Eternal Father shall turn this evil to good, if
asked. Ask and you shall receive. Believe and you will be given the way.
"My children, My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix
between God and man. Earth-years have passed. Souls continue to descend into
the abyss. Your children go fast into spiritual darkness, and as parents, what
are you doing to save your children's souls? Are you also joining those who have
lost the way? Are you giving yourselves to all manners and pleasures of the
flesh while your souls are starving? The spirit of truth is growing dim upon
your earth." - Jesus, November 20, 1975
"My children, I come to you as your Mother, as a Mediatrix
from God to man, chosen by the Eternal Father, with this plan to save you. Will
you not listen to Me now? There is so little time left.
"There are many 'isms' in the world now, corrupting the
"My children, you must pray always now. The more you give to
yourself of the world, the more you seek the riches, the pleasures of the world,
the more you will dim the light in your soul. There is now a point in the nature
of man that he can choose between Heaven or the flesh. Many souls are falling
fast into hell because of sins of the flesh.
"My children, guard the youth. Protect your family now, and
you will not have your heart torn in the near future. There is much discord now,
My children. We observe in family life a disunity which is not good. There must
be discipline by the father and the mother. Faith shall be your beacon. Faith
shall make you victorious. Believe, and you will be given the way.
"All of your years now have been given to worldly pursuits,
but you must now cast that all aside and spend the remaining time doing penance,
making atonement for a God, to a God Who has already been too much offended." -
Our Lady, September 13, 1978
"I send you fair warning: You must hasten, harken, and listen, and make
amends. Do great atonement, for your time is growing short.
"Your earth, a world that has given itself to satan, shall be cleansed by a
baptism of fire. None shall escape. Every man, woman, and child shall feel the
effects of this cleansing.
"All who remain in the light shall pass through this dark time with
perseverance and hope. The Trinity shall stand above you. There shall be at the
end of the tribulations a new world.
"It is the plan of the Eternal Father to separate the sheep from the goats in
this manner. Recognize the signs of your time and prepare, for the time is
growing short.
"Many manifestations are given to you. It is in the merciful heart of the
Eternal Father that many miracles shall be wrought for you. But blessed is he
who does not see and still will believe. Believe and you shall be given the
way." - Jesus, October 6, 1975
"As in the past, rejection has been the start of a fallen
man. Sin has become a way of life with many. You live in a delusion if you
believe that you can offend the Eternal Father and then gain eternal life in the
Kingdom. No, I say to you: many are called, but few are chosen.
"Ask and you shall receive, believe and you will be given the
way. But you must merit the Kingdom. Your birthright was a start, but you must
make your way to the Kingdom. Others may gain these graces for you by prayer and
acts of sacrifice, but you will accept or reject the key.
"My children, a great crisis will soon be upon the Eternal
City in Rome. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your Vicar. All manner of
evil is being planned against him. My Mother can direct you in the days ahead.
You cannot depend on your human judgment, for it can be clouded by satan." -
Jesus, May 26, 1976
"The light of faith is flickering. Shall I find even a small
flicker of faith left in the hearts of man when I return? My children, in your
sin and insanity, it will be a day when man wishes and envies the dead. He will
wish that he could be dead, and yet he will go through a crucible of suffering
that he has brought upon himself. The living will truly envy the dead!
"My children, I could go through a long discourse with you,
repeating over and over the pleas of My Mother. She has been truly a guardian of
Her children upon earth. She has set Herself to plead your cause before Heaven.
For I assure you, My children, if it were not for My Mother, you would have
received a just chastisement years before this.
"You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going
throughout your world and your country. No man shall fall into hell unless he
goes there of his own free will. For I assure you, My children, there is a hell,
and there is a purging place, and there is the eternal glory of Heaven--yours
for the asking. Believe and you will be given the way." - Jesus, October 6,
"I give you now, as I gave you in the past to all mankind, two sacramentals
for your redemption: the beads of prayer, your Rosary, and the Scapular, the
brown cloth of life everlasting. Wear them, My children. Protect your families
and your children. The end for man shall come like a thief in the night, fast
upon you without warning. However, as I said unto you in the past, I will repeat
again: My children of light, those who accept and believe shall not be caught
unprepared and without warning." - Our Lady, October 6, 1978
"There is hope for mankind. My Mother brings you this hope.
The warning She gives, She gives to you in love and charity, as only a Mother
could express Her love in Her heart to you. Do not cast Her away. Do not turn
from Her, but seek and you will be given the way. Believe, and you will
understand what My Mother is saying.
"Do not be prideful, My hierarchy. Admit when you make a
mistake. Admit and start again. You owe nothing to the world and man, but you
will stand before the Eternal Father. He will chastise those He loves, but He
wants you to be humble of heart. Admit your mistakes and start over." -
Jesus, October 6, 1978
"My child, Veronica, the Mission for Heaven carries a heavy
cross. When We chose you for this mission, We did this knowing that We had your
love and confidence. You will not be free from trial and suffering. We did not
promise you gain in this world, for the graces stored in Heaven will be used for
the recovery of souls close to you and others who accept the word of God.
"Satan roams throughout your world. He uses every means
gained through knowledge of the Father. You will not be approached by him in his
true likeness, for he will use the means of persons, places, and things to lead
you astray. A soul that falls into the web of satan must not lose hope, for he
can be recovered. Believe and you will be given the way." - Our Lady, July
15, 1973
"I do not have to engage you all, My children, in a long
discourse on the present state of man in the world. I can say unto you all: look
about you and you will recognize the signs of the times. Act upon them and you
will be saved. Believe and you will be given the way." - Our Lady, June 9,
"My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix, a Mediatrix
between God and man. Her words have gone throughout the world and will continue
to go throughout your world in the days of trial.
"Scoffers will not believe; hardened hearts will walk in
darkness. Know that if you ask for the light . . . believe, and you will be
given the way.
"Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
Perseverance--persevere in Faith, My children, and you will be saved." -
Jesus, September 6, 1975
"You must, My children, tell your brothers and sisters that
they must not at this time separate themselves from your ruling bodies within
your Church. Satan has set upon the world much confusion and error. You must
pray a constant vigilance of prayer that you do not fall into error. Do not be
concerned of the confusion that satan has set upon all at this time. Believe
and you will be given the way. All that is rotten shall fall. The enemies of
your God shall be exposed, for by their fruits shall they be known." - Our
Lady, March 18, 1976
"Scientists and professional men of your earth are led astray
and have become unbelievers in the Eternal Father as God, because they are ever
learning but never coming to the truth. Because, My child, they do not know the
difference between the physical body and the eternal soul.
"It is sad, My child, that We see much confusion among
mankind, seeking in all directions for the truth and having few leaders to give
them the direction of light. Therefore, We ask that all who have been given the
light in knowledge of truth, that they will go forth as disciples for My Son and
the Eternal Father. Go forward in perseverance; go forward in confidence; and go
forward, knowing that you have been given the true Faith. And all who seek to
destroy this Faith, sadly, My child, destroy themselves. Weep for them, My child
and My children--those who do not believe. I cry to you: Come, come to Me, your
Mother. Believe and you will be given the way.
"Astrology is an abomination in the eyes of the Eternal
Father. My children, you must not get involved in this false science; it is for
unbelievers. No rock, no light, no stone can direct your life, for your life and
its direction is governed by your Creator, the Eternal Father in Heaven.
"I must ask you all to read but a few short chapters a day
now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the
disciples of My Son, for you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be
concerned what you will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given
to you by the Spirit." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976
"My children, I repeat, 666, known forever in the Book of
life, the Bible, as the man of perdition, is not one man, but the forces of evil
gathered like vultures to destroy the Christian and Christianity, to enslave the
good and make powerful the bad, to make sin a way of life until each and every
living creature of knowledgeable age must make the decision: Who is your master,
man or God?
"My children, believe, just believe and you will be given the
way. Even if your faith is only a flicker, don't let it go out! It must be
nourished, My children, or it will die, and you will die eternally.
"All of the sufferings you must endure are but short and
small crosses, My children, in comparison to everlasting life over the veil.
Accept these crosses, carry them for My Son, and He will acknowledge you before
the Eternal Father. He will await you with a crown for your perseverance and
faith." - Our Lady, April 9, 1977
"Pray constantly. Your hearts and minds must be with Heaven. Do not give
yourselves over to the world which is controlled now by Lucifer and his agents.
It is a narrow road to the Kingdom of Heaven, and too few remain upon it. Once
you leave, it is most difficult to return. Prayer has the greatest strength of
appeal in Heaven. Your prayers will not go unanswered. Ask, and you shall
receive; seek and you shall find the way. Believe and you will be given the
way." - Jesus, October 6, 1979
"Love, you cry, love and brotherhood--and who truly knows the
meaning of love? What is love? Love is giving. Love is caring. Love is
sacrifice. Love is believing. Believe and you will be given the way. Pray and
the doors of Heaven will be opened to you. Ask and you shall receive." -
Jesus, May 30, 1981
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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