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#584 - The Rapture

"And as in the days of Noe, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, even till that day in which Noe entered into the ark, and they knew not till the flood came, and took them all away; so also shall the coming of the Son of man be. Then two shall be in the field: one shall be taken, and one shall be left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill: one shall be taken, and one shall be left. Watch ye therefore, because ye know not what hour your Lord will come." - St. Matthew 24: 37-42

"As in the time of Noe, as in the days of Sodom and Gomor­rha, the warnings, countless warnings given through those chosen by Heaven to act as mediators for God to bring a prophecy to mankind--scoffers laugh, deride the prophets, and man has learned nothing from his past history. I promise you, your world, the earth, shall not be destroyed in the universe, but mankind shall be removed from your planet. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
    "Man shall be working out in the field. One shall be taken. Man shall say, 'Where has he gone? He has disappeared without warning.' A woman shall work at the spindle--two at the spindle. One shall be taken, and where has she gone? The mystery unfolds. It is in the plan of the Eternal Father that many shall be taken from among you. The mystery shall befound man.
    "I promise in those days that those who remain shall meet with Me to establish My Kingdom of peace and joy upon your earth." - Jesus, January 31, 1976

"I give you great grace of heart, My children, to know that many shall be taken from your earth before the great Chastisement. It will be of great mirth, My child, to reveal to you that there will be much consternation and conflicting thought when these beloved children disappear from the earth. Many of your news medias shall state that they have been carried off by flying saucers. Oh no, My children! They were carried off into a supernatural realm of the Eternal Father to await the return of My Son upon earth." - Our Lady, December 7, 1976

"My children, there are many good to be saved; there are many children of God still in these areas about your country. However, I cannot promise you a life without thorns upon your earth. Many good will suffer with the bad. There will be a gradual removal from within your world of the good. Many shall die in their earthly bodies, and many shall be taken up in the rapture.
    "My children, as you go forward now, you are entering the time of great sorrows. Without enough prayers and acts of atonement to the Eternal Father, the nations shall rise against nation and there will be much bloodshed and gnashing of teeth among mankind. The loss of charity of heart has taken full grip upon many." - Jesus, July 15, 1977

"We send among you now many present latter-day prophets to bring you the Message from Heaven. We say unto you now, prepare your household, for the sword is descending upon mankind! As you sow, so shall you reap.
    "You have sown in the hearts of your children corruption, greed, avarice, vanity, materialism, humanism, modernism, loss of morals; and now what will you get but murder within the home! Sin has become a way of life. Life will have no value. Charity has grown cold in the hearts of most. My children, I repeat again: Only a few will be saved in the final count. The rapture is approaching.
    "My children, do not be afeared of the judgment of the world upon you; for as they judged My Son, and He walked among thorns, so will you be judged. The cross will be heavy. You will be rejected by the world, for you in the light have nothing in common with the darkness. You will be rejected by the world; but gloriously, you will be accepted by Heaven." - Our Lady, October 1, 1977

"My children, the Eternal Father has been also long-suffering in your slights against Him. He has allowed you now to proceed upon your course, and this course is leading you to your own destruction. Shall you all be vanquished by the Ball of Redemption? Is this what you are asking, death by fire, a baptism of fire upon mankind?
    "Sin is insanity, and one sinful man shall set the world aflame. A world on fire and nations disappearing from the very face of the earth!
    "Many shall be removed in the rapture. My children, the Eternal Father has a plan for each and every life that He has placed upon earth.
    "The way, a simple way, was given to mankind. I gave the keys to the pastors of My Church, My House upon earth, and these keys have been tarnished through greed and avarice and the lust for power. My House now is producing bad fruit, and I shall soon shake the tree. All that is rotten shall fall! Remember, My children, the world and My Church shall not be as one. Conform and you will die on the vine!
    "I ask you this: do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood? The parish church must remain open. I shall be there with you, though man is desecrating in his rituals. I shall be there always with you." - Jesus, May 27, 1978

"As I look upon your world, I live anew My passion and My suffering. I look upon your world, and I am forced to say: Has My Sacrifice been in vain?
    "Always in the past the Father has sent upon your world a just punishment. The Father has created, and the Father will take away. From your world, many souls will be removed.
    "He will be plowing in the field together as brothers: one will remain and the other will be taken. Mother and daughter sitting at the spindle: one will be taken and one will remain.
    "Many shall be removed before the great flame of the Ball of Redemption cuts across your world. The sins of mankind have hastened this trial upon you. All who remain in the light will have nothing to fear. Believe and you will be given the way.
    "My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix. Her voice has gone throughout your world. Many have rejected Her words, and those who accept them will be saved. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer." - Jesus, March 29, 1975

"In the great trial ahead, My children, many young will be taken from the world. In the great Chastisement many of My children will be removed, some without going into the deep sleep. Yes, My child, nothing is impossible with the Father. Many will be taken without going into the veil."
    Veronica - Our Lady means dying. Many will be taken without knowing the death of the body. Oh! Oh! Oh!
    Our Lady - "Yes, My child, the words in your Book of life are true. There are two standing out in the field: one will be remain, and one will be taken. Yes, My child, there is nothing to fear. All that happens will be good for those of well spirit. Fear is truly a tool of satan. Confidence, My child, always confidence in the power of the Father." - November 23, 1974

"The destruction is fast approaching mankind. There is nothing that satan will not do to seduce the nations. Awaken now from your lethargy, your love of riches; open your eyes to the truth."
    Veronica - Oh, now I see--Our Lady is pointing over, and there is--oh, my goodness! It looks like people are fighting. Oh, it's a terrible war! Oh, it's a terrible war! And there's so much blood. Now I see a stream of blood, and it's going across the waters and it looks like Italy, and France. Oh, my!
    Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She's placing upon Her head a black shawl.
    Our Lady - "Yes, My child, much blood will be shed upon the earth. Many will be martyred for the cause of My Son before this battle is over.
    "I have great hope, My child, great confidence that the armies of the light raised throughout your world will be able to go forth and reach the world with the truth, so that your generation can avoid the greatest part of the punishment that has been allotted, that will be given to mankind if your world does not turn from the evil and the offenses being committed--offenses that will not be condoned by the Father, for you have given yourselves, as a perverse generation, to satan.
    "Guard the souls of your children well, parents, for there will be tears flowing and much gnashing of teeth in those days when many are claimed. For one will be in the field, and then one will be taken. The world shall be cleansed gradually, and with a baptism of fire." - June 15, 1974

"Your country, the United States, and Canada, and most of the nations of the world now, are being lined up by Russia for major strikes.
    "I tell you this because I cry tears of pity upon you all. How many years, My children--count back; how many years have I come to you as your Mother, and made known to you the plans of the enemy? And what have you done to help out your brothers and your sisters? Do you sit there smugly, confidential in your own arrogance, and say that this shall not happen to me, this is for someone else. I assure you, My children, this will happen to you, and it will not be the 'someone else,' for it will be you. For as two men are working at the till, one will be taken and one will remain; as two women are working at the fields, one will be taken, one will remain." - Our Lady, September 7, 1985

"My child, the balance is heavily to the left. Know you now that the warnings given in the past to prepare yourself are going to be proven to mankind as being a final warning through the Queen of Heaven and earth by the direction of the Eternal Father. The Queen of Heaven has come to you as a Mediatrix from the Eternal Father.
    "I, Michael, guardian of the Faith, guardian of the House of God, admonish all pastors to prepare and make ready for the test!
    "The world of man shall go through a crucible of suffering, a period of cleansing. All that is rotten shall fall. The straying sheep shall be gathered. One shall be taken, the other remain.
    "All pastors shall stand before the Eternal Father for judgment. Have you gathered your straying sheep?" - St. Michael, December 24, 1975

"You have, My child, received now the full story of the approach of Antichrist to the Eternal City of Rome. It is a sad fact that the apocalyptic days are here, and the visions of John will now unfold to completeness. There is much that was not revealed, but these are the days of the Revelations. You will read the visions of John, the Apocalypse, and you will find yourself filled with the spirit of knowledge and wisdom. The story of the end days will unfold as you read. You will not be found without knowledge if you will take the Book of love and life, your Bible, and read it." - Our Lady, October 2, 1975

"You will read the warnings and the message in the Book of life, known as the latter days of the Apocalypse. Read it, study it well, and learn by it. The course of mankind is traveling fast to the conclusion of the book of the Apocalypse."  - Our Lady, November 20, 1974

"I, John, have made it known to you what lies ahead in the last days of your era. You will all peruse the pages now and know what lies before you. There is no mystery to the words, for with the light of the Spirit you will be able to understand. All will be revealed to those who search." - St. John, September 7, 1972

"My child, we have asked you to send the word to mankind that they will read in the Book of life, the Bible, the words given to them that will fulfill the prophecy of the latter days, Apocalypse. You are living the days of the Revelations. Read them and be knowledgeable, and you will not be caught without the light." - St. Michael, June 8, 1974

"You have followed My directions well to read the writings of the good John, Saint John, as I wish him to be known upon earth. The Father used him as an instrument to give you the knowledge of the end days. I will explain the part, My child, that puzzled you most.
    "All are in symbolic form, but if you pray to the Spirit for the light, your mind will be opened to the truth. Know that there will be two phases with the closing of the Book of the Apocalypse placed on parchment by Saint John, the good John, on the island.
    "There will be great trial and punishment, tribulation in the House of God, the houses of God throughout the world, and in the lay life of the human being. The fight will be a war of the spirits. The pages of the apocalyptic times must turn. All who remain after this time of great trial will join with My Son in setting up the Kingdom that I promised you, the time of great peace. It will only be with you, this great peace promised, at the return, the Second Coming of My Son, Jesus.
    "After the great tribulation, the number saved will be counted in the few. They will join with My Son and continue on with a life of great joy and glory to the Father as planned in the beginning. Satan will tempt none ever more unto the time allotted given to him before the great and final judgment.
    "Satan will be chained, My child, for a number of earth-years. He will no longer roam to tempt mankind. My Son shall be the Ruler upon earth; and then after this time, satan will be loosed once again to tempt mankind, as man will then evolve back into his human nature and find himself offending the Father and sinning once more.
    "Then will come the general, final judgment upon mankind, the end of time. It will be at this time that there will come unto you a new Heaven and a new earth--the new Jerusalem promised from the beginning of time by the Father.
    "Your spirit will return to your bodies. United will be the body and the soul. And as such, you will be set in judgment.
    "That, My child, will give you a condensed knowledge of what lies in the pages I asked you to read.
    "You must, My child, awaken your brothers and sisters to the fact that the days ahead have all been in the plan of the Father, knowledgeable to Him, as He knows all past, future, and present.
    "Read the Book of love and life, your Bible. Do not discard these apocalyptic days, My children. Try to unravel these symbols and secrets. They are not difficult. Hidden within the pages you will find the full story of the days ahead. However, the pages will turn only as mankind deems, slowly or faster. At the present time, My child, it is like a great wind has taken the Book and blown it away, and the pages are turning faster and faster, bringing man faster to the end of his time.
    "Do not be afraid, My child, to repeat all that I have made known to you. They will call you a prophet of doomsday. Ah, but, My child, how sad it will be when they recognize all that was given to them, the knowledge that they chose to cast aside, caring more for the things of their world than for the joys and treasures of Heaven that cannot ever by despoiled or removed. A life eternal with happiness and glory discarded for the pleasures of the world of satan! O My children, is it not any wonder that My tears fall! They fall as teardrops from Heaven. I am truly a Mother of great sorrow!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1974

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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