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#585 - Live in the Spirit
"Be you also as living stones built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 2: 5
"Much tribulation lies ahead, but these trials have been
brought upon you by man. As it was in the days of Noe, so it is in your day that
man is prideful and arrogant, seeking to place scientific knowledge above the
Father. Rationalization for sin, so that sin now is a way of life! Souls in
darkness, homes in darkness, and churches in darkness--whatever will become of
you? You ask for the wrath of the Father upon you!
"All that is rotten will fall! You have been given the time
to mend your ways and turn back onto the narrow road. You are not without the
truth, but many have sold their souls to get to the head, preferring the things
of the world and not of the spirit. You cannot live in the world and live in the
spirit, for you cannot have both. The world now belongs to satan. The spirit of
light leads to the eternal Kingdom of God. You will live in the spirit of light.
False teachers among you take the light from you and bring you into deeper
darkness. You will read the Book of love and life, the Bible. However, you will
not place your souls in jeopardy by reading printings after the year of earth
1964." - St. Paul, March 24, 1974
"I cannot stress, My children, the necessity of your wearing
your sacramentals. Many graces have been given to these objects of God to
protect you from infiltration by satan and his agents.
"We are at war, a great war, a war of the spirit. Your armor
will be that you clothe yourselves with the word of God. The Father has set the
path for you. He commands that you do not cast aside His rules of discipline." -
Our Lady, March 24, 1974
"My Son has given Himself to you, for His Word became flesh.
I offered Myself as a Mother so that the Word would reach the world. Humbly I
stand before you, as the Mother of your God, and beg you, as a Mother of earth,
to listen and hasten to take action upon My word, for your time grows short.
"All who hear the call of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, must
not hesitate, for many will not have this opportunity again.
"The word will be preached by many throughout the world. The
Father has sent among you many voice-boxes to bring the words of truth and the
words of guidance.
"Yes, the road, the narrow road is one of suffering. You will
be mocked, you will be spit at, you will be laughed at, made an object of scorn,
but you will pick up your cross and follow the way of your Lord." - Our Lady,
March 24, 1974
"Please, my sisters, return your garments to the floor! Your
example is not one of piety and chastity. Your vows have been discarded. You
enter into a world that has been given to satan. Retreat from this world. Go
back to your life of prayer. Better a life of solitude than a life of eternal
"Prayer has given way to worldly pleasure. My sisters, you
are truly foolish maidens. You have given yourselves as brides of Christ. A
bride does not commit adultery in her heart. When you reject the Son of God, you
truly commit this in your heart. The spirit has no part of the flesh. You must
live in the spirit and fight the pleasures of the flesh. For these pleasures are
not being used in the manner given by the Father.
"Chastity and poverty, these are given for reason. Do not
discard this little way to sanctity." - St. Theresa, September 28, 1974
"Parents, please--I beg of you as your Mother, to bar your
doors to all but your immediate family and workers in the light. Satan has many
faces, My children. He will come to you even as an angel of light. If you pray,
if you stay in the spirit of light, My children, he will not delude you.
"I ask you again to pray for your Holy Father in Rome. He is
very ill. He needs many prayers, for he is being crucified by his own. He is
truly the little one in the message of Jacinta.
"My children, do not seek the material pleasures of the world
or the wealth of the world, for you cannot be of the world and of the spirit.
Our world, the Eternal Father in the Trinity with My Son, Our world is not of
the earth. It is a world far beyond the earth, but it is the world that is
eternal to all mankind." - Our Lady, June 1, 1978
"All high priests of My Son's House will live in the spirit
and not be concerned with the politics and worldly living. You will make your
choice: you will stand with My Son, or you will be of the world. And you who
have been given the graces to represent My Son in this world will be cast aside
and condemned with the least for the offenses you are committing against your
God!" - Jesus, June 18, 1972
"Believe, My children, and you shall be given the way. Ask
and you will receive the light. None shall enter into the abyss unless of his
own free will. You have the balance within your heart for your salvation.
"Every man, woman, and child upon earth must make his
decision when he is of knowledgeable age, for his salvation. You cannot be of
the world and of the spirit. You may live in the world, but you must remain in
the spirit.
"A life of prayer and meditation shall give you the necessary
graces that will keep you from falling into error." - Our Lady, July 15, 1975
"I repeat: you must pray for your bishops, pray for your
cardinals--you who claim you are members of the Church of My Son, His House upon
earth. Many pastors have buried their heads in the sands. They are blind of
spirit, and why? Because they do not pray. They have given themselves over to
worldly pursuits. They do not pray. They do not stay in the spirit but have
become of the world, seeking gold and silver and honor and power among men,
until in their pursuits they are handing over My Son's Church to the enemies of
"Do you not recognize, My children, pastors in My Son's
House, that satan is among you? He has come as an angel of light, deluding you
with promises of humanism and modernism for mankind, promises of success and the
salvation of souls for whom? For Lucifer!
"When one becomes blind of spirit, you walk then in darkness.
A house and a church in darkness, My children, wears a band of death about it! A
church that falls into heresy and continued error will close its doors." -
Our Lady, July 15, 1978
"Do not be concerned of your body, but have at least a small
measure of fear that you do not lose your soul, for your life eternal is in the
spirit. There is no death to mankind in the spirit. Your eternal life is over
the veil, and every man, woman, and child born upon earth must pass beyond the
veil sooner or later.
"Do not fall for the fallacy that My trial and My suffering
upon your earth has automatically given you free access to the Kingdom of the
Father. No! This must be by merit. You must want to enter the Kingdom; you must
prepare for the Kingdom; you must make ready for the Kingdom now, for many are
called, many shall be called, but only a few can enter. Man has a free will; he
is given the choice." - Jesus, June 12, 1976
"My Mother gave you full knowledge of what transpires now in
Rome. You will listen to Her counsel and follow it.
"My children, you must now make up your own minds. Shall you
be of the spirit or the body? Are you materialistic or are you living in the
spirit? Unless you live in the spirit now, you will not be of the spirit when
you come over the veil. And many who hear My voice now shall be coming over the
veil before you can count the numbers on one hand." - Jesus, June 18, 1977
"We had hoped, My children, My Mother had begged for a
reprieve for mankind, and the hand of the Eternal Father was held back through
generations; but now, My children, the test is here, the test to mankind. It
will be the final stage of the separation of the sheep from the goats.
"You must make your choice now, who and what you will follow
in the remaining time of earth-years. You must now decide upon a life in the
world but out of the world. You must now live in the spirit of life, and not
enter into a spirit of darkness.
"You must, as parents--I repeat My Mother's counsel to
you--you must as parents now, be guardians of the souls of your children, for
you cannot hand them over to anyone outside of your home, for the souls of whom
knock upon your door are evil. Many will be lost in the coming tribulation and
the days ahead." - Jesus, September 7, 1977
"Those who represent God should not take up the fashions of
satan. Those who represent God must set an example of purity of heart and
purpose. Those who represent God must live in the spirit." - St. Theresa,
July 25, 1972
"My sisters in Christ, cast aside the inducements to lose
your chastity. You must not place upon your bodies the stigma of sin in either
thought or action. You must live in the spirit and out of the world. The time on
your earth is not long. You will soon be put to test. Do not follow like the
sheep into the fires. Your sufferings for the truth will be worth all
discomforts of your worldly life, for you will gain an eternity of happiness and
joy here in the Kingdom of the Mother of God and all those who He has shared
eternity with now. I promised when I left you that I would spend my time here
coming to earth to help guide my sisters. I will keep this promise, for I will
be with you unto the end of your time. And then I shall rest." - St. Theresa,
September 28, 1972
"My children, recognize the signs of your times. You are all
being tested now. What was to happen in the future shall be now! My Mother has
gone throughout your world begging and pleading for your understanding of your
"Because many--I will say most of you, My children--have
given yourselves to your worldly pleasures and seeking and the material, you
have lost contact with Us. You do not live in the spirit, you live in the body.
You are living bodies with dead souls within you!" - Jesus, December 31, 1976
"I repeat, My children. I dispense among you the greatest of
graces, for you are My disciples. And with these graces you will have the power
to return errant souls to the fold. Gather My sheep, each one seeking his
brother. Go out to the pastures that are rich but filled with poison. Save My
sheep from these pastures. Lead them away from the darkness, My children, I ask
you, for many tears will be shed upon your earth before long. Approach these
days with great hope and live your life in the spirit of light--a life of
penance, atonement, and great sacrifice, not only for yourselves, but for your
loved ones and others who do not have the grace to save their own souls.
"They need you, My children. And I need you, for I love you
as the Father. We expect the return of each of you to Us. Do not turn your back
on Our path, for it's very difficult, My children, when you go too far off the
path." - Jesus, December 31, 1972
"You will find in the future that the more contacts you have
with worldly associations, the less spiritual you will feel. Therefore, do not
subject yourself to this test. You will endeavor to live in the spirit." -
Our Lady, March 18, 1974
"Man in your world, to enter the Kingdom of the Father, you
must be reborn in the Spirit. You must turn and reject the world about you that
has now been given to satan. You cannot have both. We look upon a world that is
plunging fast into deep darkness of spirit.
"The Father has allowed Me, in His mercy, to come to you as a
Mediatrix of graces: graces for the asking, graces in abundance." - Our Lady,
May 30, 1974
"Return My Son's House to the state of holiness and purity.
Do not be silent any longer. Discipline--pastors, where is your discipline? You
will not count souls by filling your coffers. Daily collections--money changers
in the temple!
"The gifts from Heaven that are eternal have no price placed
upon them. They are free for the asking. Ask and you will receive, My children.
"My child, there will be many armies strong with the Faith,
though not with material gain or even the comforts of the human body. They will
live in the spirit, neither seeking the plaudits, the praise of the world nor
any worldly gain, accepting a pledge and vow of chastity and piety and poverty.
We ask this in reparation for the many foolish maidens who have cast aside at
this time their vows when they became the brides of Christ. They cast Him aside,
divorced Him from their hearts, and sought the pleasures of the world and
mankind." - Our Lady, September 13, 1974
"The idol being used in your world to bring about its
destruction has a foundation based on worldly gains, the idol being money. For
coins will many sell their souls!
"You will accept your trials, My child, without complaint.
You must understand, My child, that when you live in the spirit those who are of
the world will reject you. When you have chosen the road of the spirit you must
place an armor of strength against the mockery of the world. The opinion of
mankind must not slow your work, My child.
"Man, even man in My Son's House, Church, has found the way
to rationalize his sin. There is no rationalization, My children, for sin! For
sin will bring about the death of your soul. Your soul is immortal, but when I
speak of the death of your soul, I mean its fall to satan and its banishment
into the eternal fires of hell." - Our Lady, December 6, 1974
"Do not be concerned of the knowledge of the world. Do not
concern yourselves, My children, of the acceptance of mankind in your world. I
have given you the knowledge in the past that in order to follow the narrow road
to Heaven, you must be different. You cannot be of your world, earth, and in the
spirit. One or the other you must choose. The world of the spirit has nothing in
common with the world of man. For satan is directing the course and actions of
mankind, for he does not call to the Holy Spirit to guide him.
"Sad to say, My child, only a few will be counted in the
final count. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. This
agent celestial that will be used by the Father is already on its course to your
earth." - Our Lady, March 29, 1975
"You all--each individual soul still living upon earth will
be given the choice to join the Kingdom of the Father, or surrender himself to
satan and the kingdom of the prince of darkness and damnation and sorrow, and
forever lost.
"As We go throughout the world, My children, We see many who
are called 'dead.' Better that they die in the body and be cleansed of the soul
than to live in the body and die in the spirit. What does it befit a man, nor
benefit a man, if he gains the riches of the whole world and bargains and gives
away his soul to satan?" - Our Lady, May 17, 1975
"My children, you must retire now from a world that has been given to satan.
You must live now in the spirit. You must be in the world, but not of the world.
"The major downfall in the House of God lies with the fact, My child, that
the pastors prefer worldly living with world treasures, never counting the
merits needed to enter the eternal Kingdom of God the Father. These merits are
not gained by your gatherings of world treasures. They come from your heart.
These hearts of Our pastors have been hardened. Their ears are clogged, My
child; they do not listen. Their eyes are blinded, not seeing the miracles We
send to open them.
"Pastors, do you reject the Message from Heaven because you fear it? Or do
you prefer to ignore it because it will expose your error?
"Pride! False pride, My children, is the downfall of many. Cast aside this
worldly pride! You have only one to face when you come over the veil: it is the
judgment of the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975
"Do not surrender your soul for honor and glory of your
world, a temporary state of honor and glory that you must discard when you come
over the veil. You will stand before the Eternal Father in judgment with nothing
of worldly nature or value, but only what you have stored for your entrance into
the Kingdom.
"You must then, My children, live in the spirit. You must live in your world
but not be of the world, for the world now has been given to satan. The world
will discard you, reject you, scorn you because you are not of the world. They
will not understand your words, and laugh, be derisive, because you are speaking
a language foreign to them, for you are speaking a language of the spirit, My
child and My children. Therefore, you will not be affected by being called
different or even, scornfully, crazy, for, My children, whatever the world will
call you--accept the cross, for We are waiting with Our arms extended to receive
you when your mission is finished." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976
"My children of the world, listen and learn by the Message
from Heaven. The time is growing very short. You will keep a constant vigilance
of prayer going throughout your world. The power of prayer is great. Bring the
knowledge of the truth of faith and tradition to your brothers and sisters.
Plant the seed, nourish it with truth, and it will grow!
"My Mother will continue to counsel you in the days ahead.
You must persevere, and when you feel yourself weaken you must repeat over and
over again: My Jesus, my confidence! You must live now in the spirit. Take
yourself away from the wiles of the world of satan. Seek pursuits of the spirit.
"You will not be an outcast. My own will know Me, and they
will gather. You cannot serve God and the world, for you will soon grow and
learn to hate one and love the other. And woe to the man who loves his worldly
possessions so that he rejects his Faith and sells his soul to get to the head!"
- Jesus, May 3, 1978
"I cannot promise you a life of joy, peace, or prosperity in
materialism upon earth, My children. Were it different I should permit it. But
it has been a proven fact, My children, that riches have been the ruination of
many souls. Therefore, you will all be cared for in the spirit." - Jesus, May
13, 1978
"My children, I could go on and on, repeating and adding to
the offenses against your God that are being committed daily in your lifetimes.
Needless to say, sin is insanity; and the world's peoples will look askance--I
say, My children, many will look askance at the developments as time goes on.
All who are living will soon envy the dead, for sin is truly insanity.
"This sin has now encroached upon the clergy in My Son's
House, His Church. A great measure of responsibility has been given to them to
save and guide the sheep. The pastures are rich, but the sheep grow thin! They
are not being fed spiritual food.
"The world must not reject the knowledge of the supernatural
and the spirit. The world is of the flesh and the devil! My children, you must
make your choice now: Will you be of the world, the flesh, and the devil, or can
you live in the spirit for the short time given, left for mankind." - Our
Lady, August 5, 1978
"If you pray more, you will learn to love prayer. It will become a way of life
that you cannot turn from, for it will give you something that you have never
found in the world." - St. Theresa, May 17, 1975
"I have asked you in the past to refrain from rebuilding My
Church into a church for man. I am the foundation! I have set down the rules.
And of all the disobedient cries, of disobedience against My little ones, it is
you who are disobedient to your God! It is you who have been disobedient to the
Vicars I sent to you! And it is you who have murder in your heart!
"My children, My little ones, do not be afeared by My words.
I speak to My pastors. But pray for them.
"My children, Lucifer has set much woe upon the earth and in
Rome, but I want you, My children, to understand that all will be good for those
of well spirit. These days that are upon you were looked forward for in the
hearts of many past saints now in Heaven with Us. But from this era many latter
day saints shall come forth.
"My children, go forward in the days ahead with patience,
with hope, with charity in your heart. Pray constantly. The prayers do not have
to be typed nor read, but speak from your heart in the spirit.
"There is much confusion and chaos set upon the world by
Lucifer, but if you understand--if you understand, My clergy, that Lucifer is
now upon earth with his agents, you will understand why many have become
blinded. The power of satan is great." - Jesus, October 6, 1978
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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