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#630 - Father of Lies, Part 2
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High." - Isaias 14: 12-14
"Souls are being exchanged for pieces of silver. Judases
gather about your Vicar--Judases within the House of God! They have attained
great power through the love of money. They have been seduced by the love of
money and power. The Father permits them to carry out their plan only until the
scale is unbalanced and iniquity has reached its highest point, and they shall
be destroyed.
"Each man on earth who has been baptized and set himself up
as a follower of My Son in infancy has received the mark of the cross upon him.
He can in his lifetime cast this away and be branded with the mark of the beast.
This will be of his choice. No man will be lost without his own choice.
"In the battle ahead, you will find that you will be rejected
by many of your own. Your road, the cross you carry, cannot be lightened at this
time. The sins of man have placed a great burden upon those who have offered
themselves as victim souls, souls who will do penance to obtain mercy for the
"You will make it known to the world that there are many
mysteries of Heaven. Not all can be revealed at this time, or they no longer
would be sacred. I ask that the children of the world do not fall into the web
of satan, for he is the father of all liars. And he lies when he denies the
existence of the angels, for they are the beloved of the Father, the companions
of the Father in Heaven, and the companions of the true souls who join Us in the
Kingdom. They are existing, they have existed, and they will always exist. So do
not listen to those who call them a myth; for how surely they will be surprised
when they enter with My Son upon your earth!" - Our Lady, December 31, 1972
"Many pastors, My child, because of the lack of prayer, have
fallen into the web of satan. Pray for them, and give an example to strengthen
them. I ask you all to remain steadfast with Our Vicar in Rome. Yes, there is an
impostor--much to comprehend by those who do not understand. Yes, there is much
to comprehend.
"You, My child, will receive your answer in secret. At this
time it would not be of gain to expose this malice, this corruption that has
entered upon the hearts of some in the highest places.
"The present evolvement of evil, corruption, and misleading
of the sheep did not come overnight, My child. It is a well-planned conspiracy.
"As in the time of My Son upon earth, there are those who do
not recognize the Eternal Father. Their father is the father of all liars,
satan." - Our Lady, February 10, 1976
"All human flesh must go into the dust sooner or later.
However, your soul, your spirit, is immortal. That means it cannot die; it will
not die. It continues to live, though known as dead souls upon earth. It is the
state of the spirit on earth. If you allow the light to leave your body, you
will succumb to Lucifer, satan; and when your pilgrimage is over upon earth, you
will be given to Lucifer, satan. Is this what you want? You were placed upon
earth to honor your God, to love Him and to serve Him. And now you serve
Lucifer, His adversary. For what?
"Lucifer is the prince of darkness and the father of all
heresy and liars. I say this with great anguish, for Lucifer has entered into My
Church, My household. The battle is great upon earth, and when the battle
reaches into My Church, it will be a testing ground for all of earth and the
world. For when My Church and the world become one, know that the end is at
"My children, My Mother will counsel you in your trials and
the time of tribulation. She will not abandon you in your struggles. You must
all pray more. Detach yourselves from your worldly living and pray. It is your
contact with Heaven. You must all lead and live and practice more spiritual
life. Worldliness and worldly pursuits are as nothing to you. There is not one
worldly, materialistic thing or person that will be able to save you or give you
necessary merit when you come over the veil for judgment." - Jesus, August 5,
"In your ignorance, O theologians, ever studying and seeking
knowledge, you do this in pride and arrogance, and you find nothing! For you
plunge your minds and your spirits farther into the darkness. And woe upon woe!
You spread your errors into those who are entrusted to your care in My
"Woe unto you, teachers who shall stand before Me and say
that your teaching has been pure in My sight! And I shall cast you out as vipers
into the flames where you belong. You sons of satan! You know not the Father in
Heaven, for your father is the father of all liars! You compound lies and errors
in My seminaries. I say unto you, pastors, bishops, you are given the time to
clean up My seminaries. You are deluded in your searching for humanism and
modernism, for you have found satanism. Satan has become your master. You are
blinded by your pursuit of worldly pleasures.
"I say unto you: take yourselves out of the world, pastors,
and pray more. Retire within yourself. Allow your heart and your spirit to
determine the true knowledge, which is of God and not of the world." - Jesus,
May 30, 1978
"The true Church of Jesus in Rome is being attacked by the
forces of 666. It is a world-wide involvement that cannot be fully described at
this time. It is a diabolical involvement that will be made fully known with the
Second Coming of Jesus.
"The battle rages now, and all who have given themselves to
the world will not understand, for they are of the world. And many now have
adopted and accepted a new father--not the Eternal Father in Heaven, but the
father of all liars, satan. All who do not recognize Jesus as the Christ is the
Antichrist. Learn by this!
"The clergy who have given themselves over to errors and are
misled, and some of great determination to destroy My Son's Church--why? Because
they have lost the Faith. Pray, pray much for your clergy, My children. Without
your prayers, many mitres shall fall into hell." - Our Lady, April 17, 1976
"Many have sold their souls to get to the head! Many have
nourished their bodies but have starved their souls! And how? Because you have
cast aside the truth! You go forward with itching ears, listening to heretics
and liars! Doctrines of demons abound upon earth, and these doctrines of demons
have entered into My Church. I say unto you as your God: I shall place a heavy
hand upon you.
"A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Your
world shall go through a crucible of suffering. It will be the time of trial for
all, the separation of the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff. All
that is rotten shall fall. For I repeat again: It is better that there be a few
with quality than a quantity with nothingness!
"The rules, My way was given to you in the Book of love and
life, your Bible, and I say unto you, you who go about adding to My words and
making changes, I shall visit upon you every plague that has been written in the
Book of life!" - Jesus, February 1, 1978
"There are many who walk upon earth, many who are false
prophets. You will recognize them by their fruits. Many propound false
doctrine--fallacy created by the father of all liars, Lucifer, the prince of
darkness. Lucifer and his agents have spread their errors throughout the world."
- Our Lady, July 15, 1973
"My children, satan has entered into the highest places of
government and the highest positions in My Church. They, too, will feel the
"It is a just God who will place judgment upon mankind. He is
truly a merciful God, but you must not provoke His anger. For reluctantly many
have to be rejected when they seek to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
"Parents, you must safeguard your children against heresy and
lies promoted by the father of all liars, satan, in your world. Keep the faith
in your children's hearts, or you shall cry in bitter torment." - Jesus,
September 28, 1977
"Because of the major role the city of New York plays in the
world governments and the governing of your nation, the United States, My child,
it is for this reason that satan chose that area for his start to bring into
your country a full overthrow of Christian belief. It is his endeavor now to
replace the Church of My Son with the church of satan.
"Already, because too few listened to and acted upon My
counsel in the past, already, My children, your nation is covered now by secret
societies and churches of satan, being founded by the master of deceit and the
father of all liars, the prince of darkness, satan." - Our Lady, October 1,
"My children, We watch the new way, the manner in which you
give a blessing to those who have fallen asleep upon earth. My children, do not
make it a carnival of pleasure, for many who have fallen asleep have not passed
over the veil into the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. It is a sad time for many,
not a time to rejoice, for they have not received salvation; they cannot receive
it until they are purged. Their souls must be cleansed. And many shall spend
long years in purgatory, and many have already fallen into hell. So it is from
the father of liars that you promote this fallacy and lie that all are saved
when they die.
"My children, satan has promoted this fallacy, for then you
do not pray for those who have died. You leave them to go into the abyss,
without prayers. You leave them to spend many long years in purgatory, for lack
of prayers. And why? Because you believe the errors. The Eternal Father permits
these errors to go throughout your world so that those who persist in believing
the error shall follow satan fast into the abyss. For the lack of grace, many
shall pass into hell. And do not be deluded, My children, by the fallacy created
by satan through mankind that all are saved. Many are called, but few are
chosen." - Our Lady, August 14, 1976
"Turn about and maintain a true renewal of your spirit, O
pastors. I have looked upon you and found you wanting. You will cleanse My House
of the heretics, the errors, the fallacies, and the liars that you have allowed
to enter upon it. You will cleanse it and set My House straight, or I shall come
among you and send you out of My House into the fires of eternal damnation.
"Your God is long-suffering and merciful, but you, as a
degenerate generation, you try My patience! But for the pleading of your Mother,
My Mother, the Mediatrix from God to man, you would have already received your
just chastisement. But for the few prayers that rise as a balance to Heaven, you
would already see death and destruction in your country and many of the
countries throughout your world.
"No man shall escape the Ball of Redemption. The effects
shall engulf every man, woman, and child still living in the body upon your
"All mockers and those who have scorned My Mother's message,
Her warning, shall soon shed bitter tears of remorse. Too late, I say unto you,
too late will you take the blindness from your hearts." - Jesus, December 24,
"The world shall be witness to suffering far greater than
mankind has ever experienced. There will be father against son, mother against
daughter, brother against sister, and brother against brother.
"Mass insanity shall be predominant, so great is the power of
satan, as mankind has given himself to the world, the flesh, and the devil.
"You will not make judgment upon your present events, because
your news medias, My children, have also joined the father of all liars, satan.
"Your children shall seek and not find the light unless as a
parent you bring discipline and the knowledge of your God within your homes to
your children. Do not expect others to nurture, to feed the souls of your
"You will not judge the pastors in the churches of the world.
You will pray for them. However, evil is never condoned. Your allegiance is to
the Eternal Father in Heaven. Offend Him not! Not for a mere man shall you
offend the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, September 6, 1975
"How many earth-years have I come down from Heaven to reach
you with these words of warning and direction? I have pleaded with the pastors
within My Son's Church to return to their tradition. I have pleaded for
recognition of fact and truth and the destruction that is now being perpetrated
by a conspiracy of the Red Hats in My Son's Church. O My children, the Red Hat
has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled.
"Your country, under the label of liberalism, rationalism,
humanism, all manners of fallacy, has now committed the most abominable of acts!
Justice, law, discipline are being replaced by all manners of evil,
permissiveness, loss of knowledge of sin, debauchery . . . a true picture of
Sodom and Gomorrha!
"I repeat for your enlightenment again: no woman shall stand
in the Sacrifice as a priest. How dare you set yourselves for a change created
by satan! The plan of the Eternal Father has been made quite clear to you. Your
father now is not the Eternal Father of Heaven, but the father of all liars,
satan! My Son's Body, sacrificed for you, tortured for you, is now being
re-crucified in His own Church!" - Our Lady, March 18, 1976
"You will persevere to the end and you will be saved. You
must not compromise. I repeat: you must not compromise within My House.
"Michael, guardian of the Faith, guardian of My Church, must
be returned! You have cast aside your guardian and opened My doors to all manner
of heretics and liars! You cannot accept the word of an atheist! You must not
accept the word of a communist, for they are not of your God, but they are
followers of darkness!
"My children, do not be deceived by those who go throughout
your world and say, love and brotherhood; peace and prosperity, with love and
brotherhood. Peace, peace, you cry, when man does not make peace. He prepares
for war! Love and brotherhood--there is no love in the hearts of man, and
neither is there love in the hearts of man for his God! His spirit is darkened,
his eyes are blind, his heart is hardened, and that is why your world must be
cleansed." - Jesus, December 28, 1976
"In your world now of modernism and humanism, socialism,
communism, secularism--all of this, My children, is leading to the unification
of man into a one-world religion, a one-world church, and a one-world government
to the enslavement of mankind, creating a form of mass atheism in the world. Man
is setting up false idols to worship: money, power, materialism. My children,
none of this will have any value to you when you leave this world. You must now
gather and store your treasures in Heaven if you want and wish to go there.
These are called graces, graces given freely for the asking, graces for cures of
the spirit before they come over the veil.
"My children, recognize and understand My counsel: The human
body shall be left behind, but your soul, the spirit within you, is eternal and
lives forever. And where shall you live when you go over the veil? The choice is
yours. Will you come to Us in the Eternal Kingdom of joy and happiness and peace
and love, or will you spend many earth-years of torment and longing in purgatory
to be cleansed? Or sadly, shall you be claimed by satan, the father of all
liars, the prince of darkness and damnation? The choice is yours, My children.
No man shall enter into hell unless he enters there of free will.
"O My children, your world is so mixed up. Your world and My
Son's Church is in deep crisis. I beg you, as your Mother, to listen now while
there is time. Restore My Son's Church to its former glory. Bring back now all
who have left My Son's House because of disillusionment and misguidance. Unite
against the enemy of your God, satan." - Our Lady, July 25, 1977
"Pastors, those who have in their care Our sheep, you must stop now these
changes that you seek in novelty, for they are destroying the young souls and
scattering Our sheep.
"I repeat, My children, the great Council in Rome of Vatican II, the promises
were great, but satan sat among you and he played you like the chessboard.
"You were given a foundation of Faith based on Tradition and knowledge of the
prophets. You cannot start this new religion, for it will lead you to one
religion that is not of My Son, that will not have His true foundation, and you
will take My Son's Body and defame it, no longer giving the knowledge of His
divinity. What manner of foul escapades are you planning, O you of little faith?
Whatever shall become of you? The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are
being misled. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth!
"My child, do not slacken in your work because of the opinion of man. Know,
My child, that it is not you who are speaking but the voice from Heaven." -
Our Lady, August 5, 1976
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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