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#662 - Veronica of the Cross, Part 1

"Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God." - St. Matthew 5: 8

"My child, do not be concerned of your disability. Remember Theresa did not give you the knowledge of Our name for you, as We rightly called you 'Veronica of the Cross.'" - Our Lady, June 18, 1980

"My child, I want to tell you at this time that we are not unaware of your physical suffering. It has been given to you, My child, because those who have received great graces, much is expected of them. And We accept you, My child, as a victim soul with other victim souls to save your Vicar and My Son's Church upon earth." - Our Lady, August 21, 1985

"I made this promise to you, and I do not speak in idleness. You, My child, were not chosen by accident. You were chosen for your strength in suffering.
    "I wish this, My child, to be given in print, though I know that you would prefer it not be given to the world. But, My child, you are no longer an identity, but an instrument of God, a transmitter of the message to mankind. Therefore, all words I choose for you to speak out will be given to mankind.
    "Once, My child, you have learned that it will be necessary to completely retire from your human attachments, you will find that all suffering will be useful for the salvation of other souls.
    "We are not displeased, My child, at your reaction to Our tests. But We are pleased very much, My child, by the fact that you have come through triumphant, as We knew you would. Do you, My child, not know that you must be purified, too?" - Our Lady, March 18, 1973

Veronica - I don't know exactly what it means, but Our Lady said that you will be numbered among the poorest of the poor but the richest of the rich. - March 18, 1973

"You, Veronica, will care less of the opinion of your fellow man. When you know the value of self sacrifice, and accepting the jest of others without it affecting your emotions and ultimately your work for Us, I'm sure, My child, you will spare yourself much unnecessary suffering.
    "As you advance in virtue, you will cast aside all barbs and accept them, if you do, with great joy. Now all suffering will become a joy when you know the value of this suffering for the repatriation of your soul.
    "You do not have to find occasions to turn to man for solace; just open your heart to Us in prayer. But you must find more solitude in your prayer.
    "You may gain many graces by offering up your discomfort and every unpleasant work for the recovery of souls and the release of these souls in purgatory. There isn't a waking moment of your lifetime on earth that cannot be used fruitfully.
    ". . . My child, many crosses. All who have followed into the Kingdom carried heavy crosses. All who enter into the Kingdom will carry a heavy cross." - Our Lady, November 20, 1972

"My child, Veronica, you will disattach yourself more from all worldly interests. You are no longer a worldly identity, but an instrument of God. Therefore, your life will no longer continue on a normal or free scale and judgment. All directives will come to you from My Son. You will limit your associations with others. These associations will be limited to your immediate workers. You have no time for entertaining now, for the time grows short to gather the souls. We ask full dedication to your mission." - Our Lady, March 24, 1973

Our Lady - "My child, in your haste you have forgotten your cross. I guarded you with My beads of prayer."
    Veronica - Oh, what Our Lady means is that I am never to appear in public places without the cross, and I was in very much of a hurry and I didn't carry the cross along with me in my hands. - November 20, 1972

"I have need to instruct you, My child, that you will be subject to great trial. The test will bring you almost to the breaking point. Satan has set many agents to destroy My work, but I shall crush his head.
    "You ask, My child, why I permit--why My Son and the Father permit you to stand under such great attack. It is because you are Our champion. All whom We have taken to set as disciples for the work of saving souls throughout the world will be subject to great physical, mental attacks, and even attacks by satan to enter into their spiritual life. You have no need to fear, for as you hold My hand and follow My direction, you will emerge gloriously with the Father." - Our Lady, December 30, 1972

"I caution you anew: you will allow no one within your home, only those who are a close association and arm of your mission. No stranger must enter your home, be it man, woman, or child.
    "You will accept no food or drink upon the vigil grounds." - Our Lady, August 21, 1976

"You will not fully understand the ways of the Father in accomplishing the salvation of many souls of His children. I have stressed many times in the past that all will be tried and tested. Prepare to do full battle with satan. The strength necessary for your mission will be given to you.
    "You have experienced a major attack from satan to stop the good work. But as We knew, this you would overcome.
    "You will omit all unnecessary associates from your immediate work. You do not have the time left for idle talk and entertaining. The message must go in great haste throughout the world.
    "We expected, My child, for you to fall into many pitfalls. Our warnings are given, but many go unheeded. However, all evil is never triumphant. The Father shall turn all evil to good." - Our Lady, March 18, 1973

"You will go forward, My child, with perseverance and trust in the providence of the Father. You will be directed if you do not fall from your prayers. You must make time in your busy schedule for quiet meditation. Make it a habit, My child, to repeat to your brothers and sisters that they must wear the sacramentals given as their armor through the years.
    "Penance, My children, the world must do heavy penance. You must keep in heart that you cannot have the world and the Kingdom of God. For you will love one and reject the other. The world and the Kingdom of the Father are not companionable. When you are not of the light you will love the world, but if you reject the world you will find the light.
    "You, My child, must learn a simple lesson. If you are given your reward upon earth, what have you to look forward to in the Kingdom? Do your work, My child, in secret so that the Father Who sees you in secret shall reward you. It is only the human frailty of pride that makes man seek recognition. Yes, My child, pride is a sin. Mortification--this, My child, will be sent to you for reason. Soon you will thirst for mortification, for only in this manner will you retrieve the souls.
    "I place, My child, your hand in Mine, knowing that I protect you in the days ahead. I place My blue mantle over all My children. What is there to fear but fear? Face fear, My child, and it will soon disappear." - Our Lady, November 23, 1974

"My child, man must now take himself from the world which is in full control of satan. His reign will be short, but he is working night and day. Know, My child, that he never sleeps.
    "You will find, My child, many who will turn from you as the thorns become more numerous. However, know that We have gathered Our own about you, those who are destined to come to the victorious climax and the establishment of the Kingdom of the Father upon your earth.
    "Persevere; wear your sacramentals; guard the souls of those you love. Keep the Faith in the hearts of those you love. You cannot have the world, your world on earth, and the Kingdom of Heaven.
    "Know, My child, that you will undergo great persecution, persecution from your own. You will understand, My child, in time, that the Father sets a great test upon those He has chosen for special mission." - Our Lady, May 22, 1974

"I counsel you to follow the direction from Heaven exactly as given. It is given for good reason. My child, in your mission you will understand that discipline and obedience is asked for great reason. You have a free will, and if you choose to use your own will, you will fall into error and must suffer a heavy penance. Therefore, My child, be most prudent and careful.
    "I know the great trial this places upon you, My child, as you are not in real spirit a leader but a follower. However, under My Mother's direction you must be a leader. You must also be stern at times with discipline." - Jesus, December 31, 1977

"My child, I must caution you now, for the peace of your spirit, to cast aside all that will be a hindrance to your mission.
    "Remember, My child and My children, no matter what course you proceed upon, if you do not have charity for your neighbor, you have stopped in your progress to sanctity.
    "Satan will attack and try to divide, and I ask you all to pray that satan has not singled you out to be the next victim. My children, much is allowed for your edification, and much shall be painful to you. But you will learn, My child and My children, in this manner. Experience is sometimes the greatest of teachers.
    "You must learn, My child, though you have not been called a leader in nature, that there are times when discipline must be enforced. That is strength, My child, in discipline with heart." - Our Lady, May 20, 1978

Our Lady - "You will remain at home to facilitate and propagate all the past discourses. Remember: you are our voice-box."
    Veronica - I went to the dictionary to look up the words chosen by Our Lady: 1) voice-box: larynx 2) facilitate: to make easier 3) propagate: to spread, reproduce.
    Our Lady means that there are many back messages of the past twenty-two years to reproduce. Therefore, she will not add to the work load at this time. It then will be easier to get them all out. - March 18, 1992 (locution)

"I caution you anew: you will allow no one within your home, only those who are a close association and arm of your mission. No stranger must enter your home, be it man, woman, or child.
    "You will accept no food or drink upon the vigil grounds." - Our Lady, August 21, 1976

"My child, you would not have suffered the inner turmoil would you have listened to My cautioning you to remain within yourself before each vigil. By not retiring in full prayer at least one hour prior to the vigil, your soul would meet with the disturbing forces that are working from satan to destroy your mission here on earth." - Our Lady, December 31, 1970

"Understand, My child, that you cannot be free now with all of the knowledge given to you, for it will defeat your purpose. Satan has his army now and he is building again. Satan has many disciples upon earth, My child. I have asked you, and My Mother has counseled you, to recognize the faces of evil about you. I have given you the manner, which you must keep secret at this time. I give you, My child, the power to dispel and discern the evil in man. It is given to you for the duration of your mission, My child." - Jesus, September 7, 1977

"You will continue to read carefully the messages in photographs. Do not accept any photographs, My child, other than through the worker assigned to you and the vigil photographs. Satan will seek to confuse and confound you, if you accept them out of any other channels." - Jesus, September 7, 1977

"My child, there are many armies given the light of knowledge to bring to mankind the truth in faith. Work and pray much. You will be sent many arms to aid you in this crusade of light against the darkness of satan.
    "I have told you in the past, and I must repeat, My child: a heavy cross will be carried by all who will stand fast in the Faith with My Son. You, My child, and others who will set the example for those who will be saved, must accept a life of martyrdom. You will be scorned, you will be ridiculed and you must, My children, be different. Were you of the world, you would be accepted; but now that the Father extends to you the grace to be of the light, you will be rejected by your world which is now in the hands of satan. His time grows short. He works fast for the souls! You must increase your lives of prayer and sacrifice." - Our Lady, September 13, 1974

"You must understand that My basilica will also cover the ground that you are now upon. Therefore, My child, you are not outside My Shrine.
    "I know, My child, that this has all given you a great puzzlement, but you will go as the Father directs. He has a plan for bringing about the building of this Shrine.
    "My basilica, My child, will be built on a firm foundation of faith. Tradition cannot be placed aside from faith. Together they are the foundation." - Our Lady, December 7, 1974

"There will be established in your country a refuge, a sanctuary. You will be guided, My child and My children, to this sanctuary. The basilica shall be built on the sacred grounds. Patience and fortitude will win you your crowns." - Our Lady, December 31, 1974

"For your mission, My child, I told you many times that you would not be freed from the cross. You will follow the path of My Son.
    "The remainder of your earthly days will be for the Father. We have already accepted your consecration." - Our Lady, February 1, 1974

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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