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#664 - Veronica of the Cross, Part 3
"But he standing in the midst of them, said: Are ye so foolish, ye children of Israel, that without examination or knowledge of the truth, you have condemned a daughter of Israel? Return to judgment, for they have borne false witness against her." - Daniel 13: 48-49
"My child, do not be concerned of the opinion of mankind. You
will always be an enigma to many. You will continue as the Eternal Father
directs you. All will appear before your very eyes. In your human nature, My
child, We do not expect miracles of yourself. We accept your human nature with
all of its failings. So, My child, remember sainthood is developed upon earth
but it is gained in Heaven.
"You will continue, My child, to send My message out with
great haste. Many arms shall be sent to help you. You will not be given more of
a burden than you can carry. Do not be too anxious to know of the future, My
child. I must be discreet in guiding you. It is for your protection, My child.
"You will remain in solitude, My child. You do not, at this
time, have time to socialize. You must now give all of your efforts and strength
to sending out My message." - Our Lady, June 24, 1976
"Remain in communion with My Son, for He will protect you.
Visit My Son often. You have many friends in Heaven. Be not guided by fear, but
by prayer. Fear not the darkness, for I carry the light.
"Veronica, you must shout My message from the roof! Fear not
the suffering, for We will wipe away your tears. All will be joy in the
Kingdom." - Our Lady, September 14, 1970
"You are not alone, My child. As the battle accelerates, you
will find many companionable spirits. The joy of unity will be among you. Yes,
My child, there is a plan from Heaven to unite all of you together. Those who
will be saved will be counted in the few, My children, but better that there be
few with quality than quantity without the salt.
"My child, you will be subject to much temptation. You will
pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Accept all that is adverse to your human
nature; accept it as penance, My child. All suffering shall be given for a
reason. Accept it, My child, without complaint, and you will find the road much
easier for you.
"Understand, My child, that human nature being as it is, the
enemies are mistaken in their plan when they attack the human nature of Our
voice-box without searching for the supernatural. Remember, My child, all of the
forces of evil will seek to discredit you in the eyes of man, but great will be
your glory, as you are watched by the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, December
24, 1976
"My child, We have given to you one of the highest archangels
in Heaven in your mission, Tusazeri. And now We will send to you another
guardian: Michael shall be with you in the mission ahead, My child.
"Satan will do great battle with your cause. All who carry
the message as light bearers into the darkness shall be subject to all manner of
attacks from satan, both physical and spiritual. These attacks shall come upon
you through persons, places, and things, My children. Safeguard with your
sacramentals, your children. They must not go out of your homes without the
protection of a sacramental. Gather all of the graces from Heaven that are given
freely to you for your protection and guidance. Be with My Son at the
tabernacles of the world; comfort Him. His heart is broken because He is
"Apathy among the clergy have closed the doors to My Son's
houses! Please, My children, awaken from your slumber and see the road that you
have set yourselves upon by sin and avarice and pride! Turn back now! I plead to
you as your Mother: Turn back now, as the time is growing short!" - Our Lady,
June 4, 1977
"The foundation, My child, shall be built in time. Many arms
will be sent in its development.
"The foundation, My child, will be called 'Our Lady of the
"Do not be concerned at this time, My child, how this will be
accomplished, for I have told you in the past and I repeat again: it will all
appear before your very eyes.
"As the work progresses, My child, you must be most careful
for your physical safety. Satan will do his utmost now to stop you. However, do
not be concerned, for there will be others to carry on the mission." - Our
Lady, July 25, 1977
"My children, you are aware of one arm of the octopus that
you know as communism. I assure you, My children, that is but one small arm of
the octopus that is reaching out in all directions upon earth to engulf man and
enslave him. These arms reach out to promote a one-world government and a
one-world religion, a religion that shall not have My Son as its head.
"The greatest harm to mankind is being promoted through the
channel of My Son's Church. Many who wear the red hats have not turned to My
Son. They reject His divinity; they reject Him as part of the Godhead. They
reject Him as their God, and they have joined forces with the prince of darkness
and his consorts.
"My children, I repeat over and over through countless
earth-years My message of warning to mankind. I travel all throughout your
world, appointing through the Father in Heaven, many voice-boxes to shout My
message throughout your world. The time for easy speaking, My child, is over.
The time for walking softly is over. You must now run fast and shout it from the
"All of the messages given through My voice-boxes must come
forth and be renewed in the minds and hearts of mankind. Pray a constant
vigilance of prayer throughout your world. Pray for your bishops. Many mitres
are falling into hell." - Our Lady, December 28, 1976
"Understand, My child, that you cannot be free now with all
of the knowledge given to you, for it will defeat your purpose. Satan has his
army now and he is building again. Satan has many disciples upon earth, My
child. I have asked you, and My Mother has counseled you, to recognize the faces
of evil about you. I have given you the manner, which you must keep secret at
this time. I give you, My child, the power to dispel and discern the evil in
man. It is given to you for the duration of your mission, My child." - Jesus,
September 7, 1977
"I greet you, My child, with the warmest of affections. Your
mission from this time on will be fraught, My child, with much danger. You must
proceed with great caution, barring your doors to all but your immediate family
and close workers. I can direct you, as My Mother will direct you, My child, but
should you choose not to follow Our direction exactly, you must then suffer the
consequences in penance.
"The world is in great chaos, My child. My House is becoming
a den of iniquity for many. Sad that those whom I have given the grace to
represent Me are taking their leadership as tools, tools that are now being
designed for the conquest of souls by satan." - Jesus, November 22, 1976
"As in the past, My children, I have wandered your earth
choosing among you voice-boxes to use as instruments for Heaven.
"Now, My children, a great war rages against the forces of
evil. It is a war that is far greater than any human nature war experienced by
mankind, for you are now in the latter days. It is a war of the spirits, the
fight between the good and the evil, the time of Armageddon!
"Laugh, you who scorn My message--derision and mockery you
may give, but if you do not accept and act upon the warning from Heaven, you
shall not be counted in those saved.
"Remember, My child, it would be best for your mission if you
do not listen to the public opinions. I understand, My child, in your human
nature, your desire for recognition of the mission. But know now, My child, as I
have counseled you in the past, that you shall not accept the roses until the
end of your mission. Your road will be filled with thorns. Accept the cross, My
child, without complaint; carry it to the end.
"You are not alone, My child. As the battle accelerates, you
will find many companionable spirits. The joy of unity will be among you. Yes,
My child, there is a plan from Heaven to unite all of you together. Those who
will be saved will be counted in the few, My children, but better that there be
few with quality than quantity without the salt.
"My child, you will be subject to much temptation. You will
pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Accept all that is adverse to your human
nature; accept it as penance, My child. All suffering shall be given for a
reason. Accept it, My child, without complaint, and you will find the road much
easier for you.
"Understand, My child, that human nature being as it is, the
enemies are mistaken in their plan when they attack the human nature of Our
voice-box without searching for the supernatural. Remember, My child, all of the
forces of evil will seek to discredit you in the eyes of man, but great will be
your glory, as you are watched by the Eternal Father." - Our Lady, December
24, 1976
"My child and My children, a great mission has been given to
you with My Mother as your guide. It is the will of all Heaven that this mission
continue and the Message from Heaven reach all of mankind.
"You will persevere in the days ahead. Do not judge on the
counsel of men, but accept only what has been written in the true Book of life
and love, the Bible. Do not discourse with demons or those who come to you as
angels of light." - Jesus, June 9, 1979
"My child, I must caution you: you must not forget your
crucifix. Be well guarded when you leave your home.
"Yes, My child, you will give out the message, for there is
no room for pride or self-concern in your mission. The great sacrifice is asked
that you strip yourself of all worldly pride." - Jesus, August 5, 1978
"Each and every man, woman, and child upon earth has now the
hour, the day, and the month counted to leave the earth. Prepare your passage,
My children, for the time is growing short for many. You, My child, will have to
defend the Faith, neither caring for the opinion of mankind, nor the objections
or consolation of any man or friend upon earth. The Mission from Heaven will
always be first, and the Faith as given you through the countless years of
earth's time must be not watered down nor changed to meet the needs of your
so-called modern age of scientific advancement.
"The Eternal Father gave the plan in the redemption of
mankind, and this plan must be followed, or your world, the earth, will have set
upon it a great destruction." - Our Lady, September 7, 1979
"Remember in your moments of leisure to stay out of the
world, My child and My children, and read and reread My Mother's messages from
the mission. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
"My child, you will be subjected to much physical trial.
Penance is great, but at the end of penance there is always a great joy.
"The world must know the value of suffering. All who came
into Heaven came here by the way of the cross. If one would understand the great
value of suffering she would ask this regardless of her human inclination to
avoid pain and suffering. The graces gained from physical suffering when offered
for a just cause, a meritable cause, for those in purgatory the graces are
threefold." - Jesus, February 1, 1978
"Veronica, My child, you will write to the Reverend Father and give him the
knowledge of the truth of the message from Jacinta." - Our Lady, May 3, 1978
"I ask you again to pray for your Holy Father [Pope Paul VI] in Rome. He is
very ill. He needs many prayers, for he is being crucified by his own. He is
truly the little one in the message of Jacinta.” - Our Lady, June 1, 1978
"Yes, I tried to warn everyone of what was going to happen to the world of
the future. Our Lady said that the little Father in Rome would suffer great
persecution, but much of this persecution would come from his very own, those
that he trusted. That is why the picture* was given to you to send the message
throughout the world." - Jacinta, June 8, 1974
[*see Jacinta 1972 picture, right]
"My child, as you are bedded, I ask that you pray constantly
for the clergy. I do not promise to improve your health, My child. There are
always thorns with the roses.
"I ask that all who assist you, My child, will continue to do
so. They have been well tested by your previous absence. The Message from Heaven
must go throughout the world, for the time is growing short. We expect now
apostles on foot, delivering the Message from Heaven door to door.
"My child, I will not restore your health, for you have
accepted in the past with the affirmative My question to you in relation to
victim souls.
"You will pray constantly for the clergy, My child and My
children." - Jesus, July 14, 1979
"I have been discoursing with My Mother, My child, that We
may not place upon you at this time additional strain. However, know that no
heavier a burden will be placed upon your shoulders than you can bear.
"For to whom much is given, much is expected; and discipline and obedience means
suffering and sacrifice. Unquestioning love, unquestioning obedience, that is
the only way to Heaven. Accepting all suffering, and offering this for good
cause. Too few know, My child. I know Theresa has given you the full discourse
on the value of suffering, that one day you will release to the world when you
complete your second book. That will be left for My Church...
"My child, in relation to your great test of the past several
months, know, My child, that every one was to be tested, and every one, My
child, was you. And the greatest test of all was obedience, My child. But your
mission in that respect is ended. You will not be given another trial again like
that, My child." - Jesus, May 30, 1981
"I give you a final warning from the Eternal Father. You will
turn back and restore the earth. You will turn back and restore My Church upon
earth. You shall not set up a new church of man, for I shall destroy it. You
shall see nations disappear from the earth in seconds.
"O My children, you're My children. You must stand alone,
just as you, My child, must continue to kneel alone, and stand alone in the
world, as the agents of hell come forward to destroy you." - Jesus, October
2, 1980
Jesus - "My children, I do not want a schism and division in
My House upon earth, My Church. Convert the unbeliever. Do not compromise your
Faith. Heresy, O mournful heresy--condoned and permitted in My House! Do you
seek, O clergy, to recrucify Me?"
[Veronica in ecstasy extends her arms in the form of the
cross as she views the agony of Jesus on the cross.]
Veronica - Oh, my! Oh, dear! Oh! I see now Jesus upon the
cross! I--just as I saw it in 1971. Oh-h-h! Oh-h-h! I see Him upon the cross.
His hands with the nails through His palms, and the skin-like ropes holding onto
His wrist, onto the wood. [Veronica sighs plaintively as though in pain.] The
blood is carrying through the na-a-ail! Ah-h-h! Ah-h-h! [Veronica undergoes
excruciating pain, both emotionally and physically, as she joins Jesus in His
His feet are crossed on the wood, the right foot over the
left. [Veronica sighs heavily again.] There's a big spike through His instep,
through His feet onto the wood. Ah-h-h! [Veronica cries out in pain.] I can see
His arms. Ah-h-h! His arms are straining. Oh-h-h!
Now He's putting His head upward, and He's saying, "Father,
forgive them anew, for they do not know what they are doing!" [The emotional
stress upon Veronica in seeing Our Beloved Savior upon the cross, crucified, is
almost unbearable as she sighs and groans. Finally, exhausted from the strain,
Veronica allows her arms to collapse and her head falls limp to one side. She
has fainted from the ordeal. She is revived ten to fifteen minutes later.] -
September 7, 1979
"You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country
and the world. Do not spend your time with trifles, My child. Many shall seek to
stop the mission, but go forward and put your viewpoint, My child, in a new
prospect--your viewpoint in relation to what is important and what is not
important in your mission. You must not place any human being above the
Creator's work.
"Full dedication is the road to purity, sanctification, and
sainthood, My child. There will be many latter-day saints created. But there is
a price for it, My child. Remember this when the thorns are heavy and piercing."
- Jesus, November 20, 1978
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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976
"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you: all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978
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